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<page pageid="5823" ns="0" title="Regex Snippets">
<rev xml:space="preserve">{{revdate}}{{stub}}
Roll20-related {{wiki|Regular_expression|Regex}} snippets, that could be useful in [[Macro Guide|macro generation]], [[Character Sheet Development]]- and [[API Development]], along with creating external tools.
Depending on where you use the snippets, you might need to escape
* <code>/(\/roll|\/r|\/em|\/w|\/whisper|\/gmroll|\/gr|\/ooc|\/fx|\/desc|\/as|\/emas|\/talktomyself|(\!|\#)[a-z\\-]*)/g</code> - target any of the {{Text Chat}} commands, or any API command keywords (e.g.{{c|!token-mod}}) - [ source]
* <code>/&(?:[a-z\d]+|#\d+|#x[a-f\d]+);/g</code> target any [[HTML Entities|HTML entity]] - [ source]
* snippets to detect character_id, token_id, [[RowID]], attibutes
* improve above examples
==Use Examples==
* [ Supers RED char sheet] -- uses regex in [[Custom Roll Parsing]]-sheetworkers to parse [[Repeating Section]] attributes and sanitize attributes containing text intended to display with the final result
* [ 1.10/ChatSetAttr.js] -- [[ChatSetAttr]] API uses regex to parse and replace user commands with regex.
* [ Roll20 Macros] -- [[VS Code]] extension to show syntax highlight for roll20 macros. Uses regex to identify snippets to highlight.
=Related Pages=
* [[VS Code]]
* [[Custom Roll Parsing]] - using regex is common for parsing roll results
* - has a search for community snippets
* - visualize regex snippets
[[Category:Character Sheet Creation]]
[[Category:Character Sheet Development]]
[[Category:API Development]]
[[Category:External Tools]]</rev>
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<rev xml:space="preserve">La section en français du wiki est initialement crée puis tenue bénévolement tenue par JBdAmiens et bénéficie de la contribution bénévole des utilisateurs.