Script:Savage Worlds - Raise Count
From Roll20 Wiki
The following script creates the API command !rc
, which rolls dice and counts the number of raises for the Savage Worlds game system.
Contents |
!rc roll|target
Parameter | Values |
roll | A dice roll, using Roll20's normal syntax. Do not include the /r command or inline brackets ([[ and ]]).
target | The target number for the roll. The number of raises will be calculated against this target. |
var raise_count = raise_count || {}; // Raise increment; generalized in case there are cases where it isn't 4 raise_count.RAISE_SIZE = 4; // Output formatting. %1$s will be replaced with an inline roll. %2$s will be replaced by the user's target input. // %3$s will be replaced by the number of raises resulting the from roll. change this string if you want the results // to show up differently in chat. raise_count.OUTPUT_FORMAT = 'Roll: %1$s, Target: %2$s, Raises: %3$s'; on('chat:message', function(msg) { if(msg.type != 'api' || msg.content.indexOf('!rc ')) return; var roll = msg.content.substring(4, msg.content.indexOf('|')); var target = msg.content.substring(msg.content.indexOf('|')+1); var sendAs = 'system'; var character = findObjs({_type: 'character', name: msg.who})[0]; if(character) sendAs = 'character|'; else sendAs = 'player|'+msg.playerid; sendChat(sendAs, '[['+roll+']]', function(fmsg) { var expression = fmsg[0].inlinerolls['1'].expression; var total = fmsg[0].inlinerolls['1']; var raises = Math.floor((total - target) / raise_count.RAISE_SIZE); var rollOut = '<span title="Rolling '+expression+' = '; var fail = crit = false; for(var i in fmsg[0].inlinerolls['1'].results.rolls) { var r = fmsg[0].inlinerolls['1'].results.rolls[i]; if(r['type'] != 'R') continue; rollOut += '('; var max = r['sides']; for(var k = 0; k < r['results'].length; k++) { var value = r['results'][k]['v']; crit = crit || (value == max); fail = fail || (value == 1); rollOut += '<span class="basicdiceroll'+(value==max?' critsuccess':(value==1?' critfail':''))+'">'; rollOut += value+'</span>+'; } rollOut = rollOut.substring(0,rollOut.length - 1)+')+'; } rollOut = rollOut.substr(0, rollOut.length - 1); rollOut += '" class="a inlinerollresult showtip tipsy-n'; rollOut += (crit&&fail?' importantroll':(crit?' fullcrit':(fail?' fullfail':'')))+'">'+total+'</span>'; var message = '/direct '+raise_count.sprintf(raise_count.OUTPUT_FORMAT, rollOut, target, raises); sendChat(sendAs, message); }); }); /** * Really really really super naive implementation of the sprintf function, * which will only really work for this script. I should be ashamed for qriting it. */ raise_count.sprintf = function(format, arg1, arg2, arg3) { var out = format.replace('%1$s', arg1); out = out.replace('%2$s', arg2); out = out.replace('%3$s', arg3); return out; };
!rc 2d12+d6|?{Target|7}
This will result in an output such as "Roll: [20], Target: 7, Raises: 3".
On line 8, you will see the variable raise_count.OUTPUT_FORMAT
. You can change this string to alter how the script outputs the result.