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{{script overview
{{script overview
|name=Auto Initiative
|name=Auto Initiative
|author={{user profile|84478|Josh}}

Revision as of 22:19, 7 January 2015

API ScriptAuthor: Josh
Version: 2.2
Last Modified: 2013-12-30
Code: Auto Initiative
Dependencies: None
Conflicts: None

Creates the API commands !CombatBegins and !CombatEnds. The former will roll initiative for all selected tokens and show the turn tracker window, while the latter will clear the turn tracker and hide it. Only the GM may execute these commands.




There are four configuration variables near the top of the script. You may alter them to customize the script functionality:

  • Combat_Begins.statName – Stats to be added to roll, commas between values
  • Combat_Begins.rollValue – Size of die to roll for initiative (for example, 1d20)
  • Combat_Begins.sendChat – Set to true if you want the chat log to show the initiative results, or false otherwise
  • Combat_Begins.includeChars – Set to false if you want to roll for players. It determines players based on if the token is linked to a character in the journal pane.


// Gist:

var Combat_Begins = Combat_Begins || {};
Combat_Begins.statName = new Array ("Dex"); //Stats to be added to roll, commas between values
Combat_Begins.rollValue = 20; //rolling 1d20, change if you roll 1dXX
Combat_Begins.sendChat = true; //True if you want the chat log to show their results
Combat_Begins.includeChars = true; //set false if you want to roll for players
//If you want players to roll, make this a global macro (add other stats as needed):
//    @{selected|token_name} rolls a [[ 1d20 + @{selected|Dex} &{tracker} ]] for initiative!
on("chat:message", function(msg) {   
    if (msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf("!CombatBegins") !== -1 && msg.who.indexOf("(GM)") !== -1) {
        Campaign().set("initiativepage", false );
        if (Combat_Begins.sendChat == true) {
            sendChat("", "/desc Combat Begins!");
            _.each(msg.selected, function(selected) {
                var obj = getObj("graphic", selected._id);
                //Test for players, exit if players roll themself
                var currChar = getObj("character", obj.get("represents")) || "";
                var initString = "";
                var TokenName = "";
                var CharName = "";
                if (currChar.length != 0) {
                    CharName = currChar.get("name");
                    if (currChar.get("controlledby") != "" && Combat_Begins.includeChars == false ) return;
                    if (CharName != "") {
                        _.each(Combat_Begins.statName, function(stat) {
                            //cycle through each stat and add it to mod
                            var mod = findObjs({
                                name: stat,
                                _characterid: obj.get("represents"),
                            }, {caseInsensitive: true});
                           if ( mod.length != 0 ) { initString = initString + " + " + mod[0].get("current"); }
                    var pre = "";
                    if (Combat_Begins.sendChat == false || currChar.get("controlledby") == "") {
                        pre = "/w GM ";
                    var string = "I rolled a [[1d" + Combat_Begins.rollValue + initString + "]] for initiative!";
                    var result = 0;
                    sendChat("character|" + obj.get("represents"), string, function(ops) {
                        var rollresult = ops[0];
                        result = rollresult.inlinerolls[1];
                        var turnorder;
                        if(Campaign().get("turnorder") == "") {
                            turnorder = [];
                        } else turnorder = JSON.parse(Campaign().get("turnorder"));
                            id: selected._id,
                            pr: result,
                        turnorder.sort(function(a,b) {
                            first =;
                            second =;
                            return second - first;
                        Campaign().set("turnorder", JSON.stringify(turnorder));
                        sendChat("character|" + obj.get("represents"), pre + "I rolled a " + result + " for initiative!");
                } else {
                    //handles non-linked tokens. Rolls the die value and uses it.
                    sendChat(obj.get("name"), "I rolled a [[1d" + Combat_Begins.rollValue + "]] for initiative!", function(ops) {
                        var rollresult = ops[0];
                        result = rollresult.inlinerolls[1];
                        var turnorder;
                        if(Campaign().get("turnorder") == "") {
                            turnorder = [];
                        } else turnorder = JSON.parse(Campaign().get("turnorder"));
                            id: selected._id,
                            pr: result,
                        turnorder.sort(function(a,b) {
                            first =;
                            second =;
                            return second - first;
                        Campaign().set("turnorder", JSON.stringify(turnorder));
                        sendChat(obj.get("name"), "/w GM I rolled a " + result + " for initiative!");
        } catch(err){return;}
        Campaign().set("initiativepage", true );
    if (msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf("!CombatEnds") !== -1) {
            Campaign().set("turnorder", "");
            Campaign().set("initiativepage", false );
            if (MovementTracker.MovementTracker == true) { ResetAllPins() };