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The Aaron

From Roll20 Wiki

Revision as of 21:04, 16 June 2014 by The Aaron (Talk | contribs)

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Central Time.png This user's time zone is Central Time.
Pro Subscription.png This user has a Pro-level subscription.

I really should put something here...

API Scripts

  • Calendar (Mystara) -- Currently just supports the Mystara Calendar (12 months, 12 days, etc), but I play to expand it to be a more universal campaign calendar, including annotation of dates, personal notes, tracking the passage of time, etc.
  • isGM -- Provides a function isGM() for determining if a player id refers to a gm. Unlike other solutions, this one builds it GM list automatically by detection via chat messages. The first time a player speaks as themselves, they are detected as being either a GM or a Player, and that determination is stored in the state object.
  • TurnMarker -- A feature rich turn marker with round announce, turn change announce, auto sizing graphics, etc.