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AGE System

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This sheet currently supports following games using the AGE System:

  • Dragon Age
  • Fantasy AGE
  • Titansgrave
  • Blue Rose
  • The Expanse
  • Modern AGE
  • Threefold
  • World of Lazarus

The unified AGE System sheet was created by Olivier in 2017, and in Dec 2019-Jan 2020, The Expanse was added with a few fixes. Cadera Spindrift updated the sheet in September 2020, adding Modern AGE, Threefold, and World of Lazarus along with other fixes.



  • Supports varying focus bonuses (0, 2, 3, etc.). Add the focuses on the Focuses tab and they will appear on the Character tab automatically. There must be a number entered for each focus, even 0 or the button for the focus will not work.
  • Click on an ability name to roll for a test without any focus.
  • Shows a shorter list of Powers and Spells on the main tab (Character) for easy viewing and rolling for spells. It is possible to hide those two boxes.
  • Supports all AGE System games. To change, go to the cog tab and select the game in the drop-down menu. This needs to be changed for every sheet. The default is Dragon Age.
  • Most data is shared between game systems so it should be easy to switch if needed.
  • Supports changing colors, per character sheet. The default color is black. In the cog tab, you can change the colors of the dice buttons, section headers, and your character's roll template output.
  • Sums up roll results and displays the total in a visual roll template, as of August 2020. API script access is not required.
  • Supports tracking of initiative, multiple currencies, conditions from The Expanse, armor penalties included in Dexterity rolls (configurable), fatigue penalties automatically included, split armor ratings between impact and ballistic, and a roll-builder die button to use for arbitrary dice rolls, all as of September 2020.
  • Supports translations. Please tell me if words or phrases don't fit properly.


Prior to the september 2020 update, a separate API script was needed to provide totals for rolls. TotalRolled for AGE is a fork of TotalRolled adapted for the previous version of the sheet. The current version no longer requires, nor works with, the API script.


  • The September 2020 version of the sheet only has one migration issue -- there is a new currency system that replaces the GP/SP/CP of Fantasy AGE. With a click of a button you can import your gold pieces into the new system.
  • In 2017, it was announced that the Old tab -- containing an older version of the sheet -- would be going away at the end of that year. It was removed in the September 2020 update.

Issues and suggestions

Please report issues and post suggestions in this Forum Thread.

Example Macros

With the creation of the roll-builder die button, these templates may be unnecessary, but they are still presented here for reference.

Prompts for Ability score, Focus bonus and TN

&{template:default} {{name=Test}}{{Roll=[[1d6cs>7cf<0]] [[1d6cs>7cf<0]] [[1d6cs>1cf<6]]}}
{{Ability=+ [[?{Ability score|0}]]}}{{Focus=+ [[?{Focus bonus|0}]]}}{{TN=?{TN|10}}}

Use selected character's Communication score and prompts for Focus bonus

&{template:default} {{name=@{selected|character_name} : Test}}{{Roll=[[1d6cs>7cf<0]] [[1d6cs>7cf<0]] [[1d6cs>1cf<6]]}}
{{Communication=+ [[@{selected|communication}]]}}{{Focus=+ [[?{Focus bonus|0}]]}}


  • Feb 2021 - Fixing translation strings PR
  • Oct 2020 - minor fixes & add support for Fear and HorrorPR by Cadera Spindrift
  • Sep 2020 - v. 1.6.0, by Cadera Spindrift
  • Aug 2020 - PR #7271
  • Jan 2020 - hotfixes for The Expanse, by Kazzirah
  • v.1.20.1 - minor bugfixes, cleanup, by Andreas J.
  • Dec 2019 - The Expanse added, by zachhall
  • 1.17 - Update, by Olivier(original author) - Oct 9, 2017
  • 1.15 - Update, by Olivier(original author) - Aug 28, 2017
  • 1.13 - Update, by Olivier(original author) - Aug 21, 2017
  • 1.1 - Update, by Olivier(original author) - Aug 14, 2017
  • 1.00 - Unified sheet created for all AGE System sheets, by Olivier(original author) - Aug 7, 2017

Feature requests

As of the September 2020 update, all of the feature requests found in this forum comment have been added to the sheet.

See Also