From Roll20 Wiki
(Redirected from FATE)
Page Updated: 2021-09-24 |
- '"Fate is a generic role-playing game system based on the Fudge gaming system. It has no fixed setting, traits, or genre and is customizable. It is designed to offer minimal obstruction to role-playing by assuming players want to make fewer dice rolls." - Wikipedia
This is a disambiguation page for all Fate-related or derivative pages.
Dresden Files Accelerated and Fate of Cthulhu are two Fate-derivative games.
Character Sheet
Fate by Evil Hat is the official sheet made by Evil Hat in 2020, which can be used for many of the different Fate variation. All Marketplace content for the game uses this sheet.
Other Sheets Options:
- FATE by Roll20 the previous official sheet
- Fate Core Edition community-maintained sheet
General Guides
See Also
- Fate on the Roll20 Marketplace
- Fate on Roll20 - Nathan Hare - blog post from 2017, bit old, but can be useful.