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In Roll20, HTML Wikipedia-Black-W.png can be edited and used in a few couple of ways:

HTML Entities

Main Page: HTML Entities

When creating some complicated macros, usually involving nesting, you will need to use HTML entities in parts of the code to trick the Roll20 system to make it behave like you want, or some advanced tricks won't work.

Here are some HTML Entities/Escape Characters that are commonly useful to escape when creating advanced Roll20 macros. See HTML Entities or special character for more:

Character Replacement
| (pipe) |, (|)
, ,, (,)
{ {, ({)
} }, (})
& &, (&)
space  , ( )
= =, (=)
_ _, (_)
( (, (()
) ), ())
[ [, ([)
] ], (])
< &#60;, (&lt;)
> &#62;, (&gt;)
`(backtick, grave accent) &#96;, (&grave;)
*(asterisk) &#42;, (&ast;)
! &#33;, (&excl;)
"(doublequote) &#34;, (&quot;)
# &#35;, (&num;)
-(hyphen) &#45;, (&dash;)
@ &#64;, (&commat;)
% &#37;, (&percnt;)