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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
00:51, 13 May 2013Dungeon With Fill and Floor.png (file)482 KBG V. (Dungeon with walls, fill and floor)1
00:52, 13 May 2013Dungeon Map Complete.png (file)487 KBG V. (Dungeon complete with floor, fill, walls and doors)1
14:39, 15 January 2015SavageWorlds-Tabbed.png (file)214 KBG V. (Snapshot of the Savage Worlds (Tabbed) Character Sheet)1
14:51, 15 January 2015SW-Tabbed-Header.png (file)11 KBG V. (Snapshot of the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet "header". This shows the two buttons for Configuration and Switch to Ally/Mook buttons.)1
15:00, 15 January 2015SWT-Mook.png (file)121 KBG V. (A snapshot of the Ally/Mook portion of the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet.)1
15:17, 15 January 2015SWT-Configuration-collapsed.png (file)19 KBG V. (A Snapshot of the initial state of the Configuration Window for the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet.)1
15:46, 15 January 2015LastParsec-Background.jpg (file)102 KBG V. (The Last Parsec Background used on the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet)1
15:59, 15 January 2015NewNoir2.jpg (file)301 KBG V. (Noir Background for the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet)1
16:01, 15 January 2015OldMap seamless 2.png (file)454 KBG V. (An old map of the Carribean used as a background for the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet)1
16:04, 15 January 2015Night-cityscape 3.jpg (file)97 KBG V. (A background for a Supers-style campaign used for the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet)1
16:06, 15 January 2015Z-background.jpg (file)475 KBG V. (Zombie-esque background used for the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet)1
20:16, 15 January 2015SWT-Att-DiceDDM.png (file)34 KBG V. (Snapshot of the Attribute section of the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet using the Dice Drop Down Menu.)1
20:26, 15 January 2015SWT-NoArcanum.png (file)19 KBG V. (Snapshot of the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet tab row of the Wild Card sheet without the Arcanum Tab.)1
20:33, 15 January 2015SWT-QLog-FontList.png (file)12 KBG V. (Snapshot of the Quest Log font list for the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet.)1
20:35, 15 January 2015SWT-QuestLogWithFont.png (file)21 KBG V. (Snapshot of the Quest Log on the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet. The sheet is using one of the handwriting fonts.)1
21:17, 15 January 2015SWT-ConfigSkills.png (file)49 KBG V. (Snapshot of the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet Skills Configuration window)1
21:52, 15 January 2015SWT-Basic-Demographics.png (file)63 KBG V. (Snapshot of the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet Basic Info Tab—the character demographic information)1
10:56, 16 January 2015SWT-EdgeHindrance.png (file)115 KBG V. (Snapshot of the Edges & Hindrances Tab from the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet)1
11:21, 16 January 2015SWT-Skills.png (file)83 KBG V. (Snapshot of the Skills Tab from the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet)1
15:44, 16 January 2015SWT-Gear1.png (file)111 KBG V. (Snapshot of the Equipment tab from the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet. This snapshot shows the Armor, Melee Weapons, and Ranged Weapons sections of the tab.)1
15:45, 16 January 2015SWT-Gear2.png (file)48 KBG V. (Snapshot of the Equipment tab from the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet. This snapshot shows the Augmentations, and the Gear sections of the tab.)1
10:04, 22 January 2015SWT-MeleeDefault.png (file)15 KBG V. (Default view the Melee Repeating Section for the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet.)1
11:01, 22 January 2015SWT-RangedDefault.png (file)17 KBG V. (Snapshot of the Ranged Weapons section of the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet)1
23:07, 22 January 2015SWT-Arcanum.png (file)73 KBG V. (Snapshot of the Arcanum tab from the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet)1
23:20, 22 January 2015SWT-AugmentationsRows-small.gif (file)112 KBG V. ("Adding" and "removing" rows from the Augmentation tab of the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet)1
03:20, 23 January 2015SWT-Journal.png (file)61 KBG V. (Journal tab from the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character Sheet)1
18:45, 31 January 2015Hellfrost 4.jpg (file)82 KBG V. (Hellfrost Background image.)1
22:45, 31 January 2015Hellfrost LoF.jpg (file)82 KBG V. (Background image for the Savage Worlds Tabbed Character sheet to support the Hellfrost: Land of Fire setting.)1
11:34, 21 February 2015SWT-Basic-OtherStuff.png (file)164 KBG V. (Shows a new drop down for Nerves of Steel under Health.)2
09:08, 11 March 2015SolidTrait.png (file)21 KBG V. (Solid Colors with no image background.)1
09:10, 11 March 2015SpadesTrait.png (file)47 KBG V. (Trait Roll Template using an Ace of Spades background image)1
09:08, 12 March 2015ClubsDamage.png (file)69 KBG V. (Damage Roll Template background image (Ace of Clubs))1
09:09, 12 March 2015SolidDamage.png (file)20 KBG V. (Damage Roll Template for Savage Worlds Tabbed sheet - no background image.)1
09:28, 8 April 2015SWT-UI-Tweaks.png (file)143 KBG V. (New fields were added to this configuration section: Roll Template selection, and Advancement Tracker)2
00:05, 14 July 2015Lankhmar-bg-1.jpg (file)863 KBG V. (Old Parchment style background; useful for most fantasy settings)1
00:07, 14 July 2015Cyberpunk-1.5.jpg (file)279 KBG V. (Reverted to version as of 15:45, 15 January 2015)3
00:09, 14 July 2015Cyberpunk-2.5.jpg (file)167 KBG V. (Lighter version of the Cyberpunk background image)1
10:24, 1 August 2015SW-CombinedRT.png (file)144 KBG V. (Combined (Trait+Damage) Roll Template for the Savage Worlds (Tabbed) Character Sheet)1
10:29, 1 August 2015SW-CombinedRT-Spades.png (file)103 KBG V. (Combined (Trait+Damage) Rolle Template for Savage Worlds (Tabbed) Character Sheet with the Ace of Spades Background)1
10:30, 1 August 2015SW-CombinedRT-Solid.png (file)49 KBG V. (Combined (Trait+Damage) Roll Template for the Savage Worlds (Tabbed) character sheet with a solid background.)1
15:07, 1 August 2015SWT-Game-Settings.png (file)72 KBG V. (rearranged the layout)4
14:23, 20 October 20161 Character Journal Tabs.png (file)10 KBG V. (Image showing the different tabs of the Character Journal)1
14:25, 20 October 20165 Non-template Ability.png (file)14 KBG V. (Image showing how to set up a Character Ability/Macro that does not use a Roll Template for the Savage Worlds Tabbed sheet.)1
14:25, 20 October 20165 Template Ability.png (file)13 KBG V. (Image showing how to set up a Character Ability/Macro using a Roll Template for the Savage Worlds Tabbed Sheet.)1
14:26, 20 October 20167 Token Action.png (file)7 KBG V. (Image showing how to mark a Character Ability as a Token Action)1
14:27, 20 October 20168 Edit Token.png (file)11 KBG V. (Image showing how to set a token to represent a specific character on the Edit Token screen.)1
14:28, 20 October 20168 Token Clicked.png (file)45 KBG V. (Image showing the Token Action menu when a token is clicked)1
14:29, 20 October 20169 Basic Roll Template Roll.png (file)18 KBG V. (Image showing the Basic Roll Template output for the Savage Worlds Tabbed Sheet.)1
14:30, 20 October 20169 Card Roll Template Roll.png (file)49 KBG V. (Image showing the basic output of the Ace of Spades background roll template for the Savage Worlds Tabbed sheet.)1
14:31, 20 October 201610 Emote Non-Roll Template Roll.png (file)10 KBG V. (Image showing a non-roll template roll using an emote type output for the Savage Worlds Tabbed Sheet.)1

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