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Line 258: Line 258:
         var parts = descriptor.substring(1).split(',');
         var parts = descriptor.substring(1).split(',');
         var filters = [];
         var filters = [];
        var error = false;
         if(parts[0] == 'all') filters.push(function(tgt) { return true; });
         if(parts[0] == 'all') filters.push(function(tgt) { return true; });
Line 270: Line 271:
                         sendChat('ERROR', '/w ' + who + ' There is no token selected. Ignoring distance filter.');
                         sendChat('ERROR', '/w ' + who + ' There is no token selected.');
                        error = true;
Line 374: Line 376:
        if(error) return [];
         targets = filterObjs(function(obj) {
         targets = filterObjs(function(obj) {

Revision as of 05:31, 10 September 2013

The following script creates the API command !mark



!mark tokenset [status [type]]
Parameter Values
tokenset Defines the set of tokens on the map to mark. One of:
  • The name of a token
  •  !all
  •  !key=value[,key=value[,key=value...etc]]
status (Optional) A D&D 4e status (except for dying, helpless, unconscious, insubstantial, or surprised) or the name of a statusmarker icon. The script has several aliases for the statuses. For example, immobilized, immobile, and immob all correspond to the same marker.

If status is not specified, the purple statusmarker will be used (which corresponds to the Marked status).

type (Optional) A D&D 4e damage type. Only used if status is ongoing, damage, or dam. One of:
  • acid
  • cold
  • fire
  • force
  • lightning
  • necrotic
  • poison
  • psychic
  • radiant
  • thunder

If type is not specified, a statusmarker to represent untyped damage will be used.

The tokenset Parameter

The tokenset parameter requires some additional notice. If a token's name is used, obviously that token will be the only token in the set. Alternatively, if !all is used, all tokens on the map will be in the set. The value that requires explanation is the !key=value list.

key may be one of:

  • distance
  • controlledby
  • bar1
  • bar2
  • bar3

Values for the distance key may be:

  • nearest
  • furthest
  • N
  • >N
  • <N

If you use any distance key, you must have a token selected, and that token will not be part of the tokenset. N looks for tokens exactly N squares from the selected token. >N and <N look for tokens N or more, or else N or less squares away from the selected token, as appropriate. nearest and furthest calculate the rest of the tokenset, and then select the nearest or furthest tokens within that set. (There might be multiple results, if there are multiple equidistant tokens.)

Values for the controlledby key may be:

  • none
  • name

If you use none, the tokenset will include tokens with no controlling player, or which represent characters with no controlling player (generally, NPC tokens). Otherwise, the mark will look for a token controlled by a player named name, or a token representing a character named name.

Values for the barN keys may be:

  • N
  • >N
  • <N

If N is used as the value, the tokenset will look for tokens with a current value of exactly N; the token does not need a maximum value set. Otherwise, N should be a value in the [0..1] range, the token needs both current and maximum values, and the tokenset will search for tokens with the relevant bar at or above (or at or below) the given percentage.


 * Provides commands for marking enemies.
var conditions = conditions || {};
conditions.markingCharacters = [];
on("chat:message", function(msg) {
    if(msg.type != 'api' || msg.content.toLowerCase().indexOf('!mark') != 0) return;
    var args = msg.content.toLowerCase().split(' ');
    var mark = 'purple'; // default to defender's "mark" condition
    if(args[1]) switch(args[1])
        case 'blinded':
        case 'blind':
            mark = 'bleeding-eye';
        case 'dazed':
        case 'daze':
            mark = 'pummeled';
        case 'deafened':
        case 'deaf':
            mark = 'screaming';
        case 'dominated':
        case 'dominate':
            mark = 'chained-heart';
        case 'immobilized':
        case 'immobile':
        case 'immob':
            mark = 'fishing-net';
        case 'marked':
        case 'mark':
            mark = 'purple';
        case 'petrified':
        case 'petrify':
        case 'stone':
            mark = 'white-tower';
        case 'prone':
            mark = 'back-pain';
        case 'restrained':
            mark = 'aura';
        case 'slowed':
        case 'slow':
            mark = 'snail';
        case 'stunned':
        case 'stun':
            mark = 'lightning-helix';
        case 'weakened':
        case 'weak':
            mark = 'broken-heart';
        case 'ongoing':
        case 'damage':
        case 'dam':
            if(args[2]) switch(args[2])
                case 'acid':
                    mark = 'chemical-bolt';
                case 'cold':
                    mark = 'frozen-orb';
                case 'fire':
                    mark = 'half-haze';
                case 'force':
                    mark = 'blue';
                case 'lightning':
                    mark = 'edge-crack';
                case 'necrotic':
                    mark = 'death-zone';
                case 'poison':
                    mark = 'skull';
                case 'psychic':
                    mark = 'pink';
                case 'radiant':
                    mark = 'angel-outfit';
                case 'thunder':
                    mark = 'yellow';
                    sendChat('ERROR', '/w ' + msg.who + ' No damage type called ' + args[2]
                            + '. If the damage has no type, do not include a type!');
            else mark = 'all-for-one'; // untyped ongoing damage
        case 'dying':
        case 'helpless':
        case 'unconscious':
        case 'insubstantial':
        case 'surprised':
            sendChat('ERROR', '/w ' + msg.who + ' The ' + args[1]
                            + ' status is not implemented for the !mark command.');
            mark = args[1]; // allows for direct status setting
    var so = msg.selected || {};
    var tgtList = conditions.targetList(args[0], so, msg.who);
    if(mark == 'none') conditions.unmarkTokens(tgtList, msg.who);
    else conditions.markTokens(tgtList, msg.who, mark);

 * Parses the input to search for tokens which need to be marked (or unmarked).
 * The tokens are returned as an array. The descriptor begins with an
 * exclamation point to differentiate it from polling a single token, and is a
 * comma-separated set of key=value pairs. All pairs will be true for each
 * token selected. For example, !distance=<1,controlledby=none,bar1=<.5 would
 * find only those tokens which are within 1 square of the currently selected
 * token, are controlled by nobody (ie, NPCs), and have 50% or less remaining
 * on bar1.
 * all                  All tokens on the current page
 * distance=N           A token exactly N squares from the currently selected token
 * distance=<N          A token N squares or less from the currently selected token
 * distance=>N          A token N squares or more from the currently selected token
 * distance=nearest     The nearest token to the currently selected token
 * distance=furthest    The furthest token from the currently selected token
 * controlledby=none    A token not controlled by any player -- generally, the option to use for finding NPCs
 * controlledby=player  A token controlled by the player named `player'
 * bar1=N               A token whose current bar1 value is N
 * bar1=<N              A token whose current bar1 value is N% or less
 * bar1=>N              A token whose current bar1 value is N% or more
 * bar2=N               A token whose current bar2 value is N
 * bar2=<N              A token whose current bar2 value is N% or less
 * bar2=>N              A token whose current bar2 value is N% or more
 * bar3=N               A token whose current bar3 value is N
 * bar3=<N              A token whose current bar3 value is N% or less
 * bar3=>N              A token whose current bar3 value is N% or more
 * The `distance' options will never return the currently selected token, only
 * other tokens based on their distance from the currently selected token.
 * The `all' option does not take any value, is ignored if it isn't the first
 * option, and ignores all other options if it's first. It's a loner, used
 * mostly for cleaning things up (eg, !mark !all none to clear all marks on the
 * page).
 * @param descriptor    arg0 of the user input. This should be either a
 *                      formatted search for tokens, or the name of a single
 *                      token.
 * @param selectedObjs  an array of selected objects
 * @param who           the player to send whispers about errors
 * @return  an array of token objects which will have their statusmarkers modified
conditions.targetList = function(descriptor, selectedObjs, who)
    var selected;
    var targets = [];
    for(var i = 0; i < selectedObjs.length; i++)
        if(selectedObjs[i]._type == 'graphic')
            var tmp = getObj(selectedObjs[i]._type, selectedObjs[i]._id);
            if(tmp && tmp.get('_subtype') == 'token')
                selected = tmp; // use the first token we find as reference for 'nearest'/'furthest'
    if(descriptor.indexOf('!') == 0) // descriptor describes a group of tokens
        var parts = descriptor.substring(1).split(',');
        var filters = [];
        var error = false;
        if(parts[0] == 'all') filters.push(function(tgt) { return true; });
        else parts.forEach(function(kvp) {
            var key = kvp.substring(0, kvp.indexOf('='));
            var value = kvp.substring(kvp.indexOf('=')+1);
            var func;
                case 'distance':
                        sendChat('ERROR', '/w ' + who + ' There is no token selected.');
                        error = true;
                    var sL = selected.get('left');
                    var sT = selected.get('top');
                    if(value == 'nearest' || value == 'furthest') func = function(tgt) {
                        // near/far can't be decided until after all other filters have run;
                        // using dumy function until then
                        return tgt != selected;
                    else if(value.indexOf('<') == 0) func = function(tgt) {
                        // find tokens <= value spaces away
                        var squares = (+value.substring(1)) * 70;
                        var distL = Math.abs(sL - tgt.get('left'));
                        var distT = Math.abs(sT - tgt.get('top'));
                        return tgt != selected && distL <= squares && distT <= squares;
                    else if(value.indexOf('>') == 0) func = function(tgt) {
                        // find tokens >= value spaces away
                        var squares = (+value.substring(1)) * 70;
                        var distL = Math.abs(sL - tgt.get('left'));
                        var distT = Math.abs(sT - tgt.get('top'));
                        return tgt != selected && (distL >= squares || distT >= squares);
                    else func = function(tgt) {
                        // find tokens exactly value spaces away
                        var squares = (+value) * 70;
                        var distL = Math.abs(sL - tgt.get('left'));
                        var distT = Math.abs(sT - tgt.get('top'));
                        return tgt != selected && ((distL == squares && distT == squares)
                                                || (distL == squares && distT < squares)
                                                || (distL < squares && distT == squares));
                case 'controlledby':
                    if(value == 'none') func = function(tgt) {
                        // find NPC tokens
                        if(tgt.get('_represents') == '')
                            return tgt.get('controlledby') == '';
                            var character = getObj('character', tgt.get('_represents'));
                            return character.get('controlledby') == '';
                    else func = function(tgt) {
                        // find tokens controlled by value
                        var players = findObjs({_type: 'player', _displayname: value},
                                                {caseInsensitive: true});
                        if(players[0]) return tgt.get('controlledby').indexOf(players[0].id) != -1;
                        players = findObjs({_type: 'player', _displayname: value.replace('-', ' ')},
                                            {caseInsensitive: true});
                        if(players[0]) return tgt.get('controlledby').indexOf(players[0].id) != -1;
                        var characters = findObjs({_type: 'character', name: value},
                                                    {caseInsensitive: true});
                        if(characters[0]) return tgt.get('_represents') == characters[0].id;
                        characters = findObjs({_type: 'character', name: value.replace('-', ' ')},
                                                {caseInsensitive: true});
                        if(characters[0]) return tgt.get('_represents') == characters[0].id;
                        return false;
                case 'bar1':
                case 'bar2':
                case 'bar3':
                    if(value.indexOf('<') == 0) func = function(tgt) {
                        // find tokens with bar# at or below value%
                        var barCur = tgt.get(key+'_value');
                        var barMax = tgt.get(key+'_max');
                        var percent = barCur / barMax;
                        if(barMax == NaN || barCur == NaN) return false;
                        return percent <= (+value.substring(1));
                    else if(value.indexOf('>') == 0) func = function(tgt) {
                        // find tokens with bar# at or above value%
                        var barCur = tgt.get(key+'_value');
                        var barMax = tgt.get(key+'_max');
                        var percent = barCur / barMax;
                        if(barMax == NaN || barCur == NaN) return false;
                        return percent >= (+value.substring(1));
                    else func = function(tgt) {
                        // find tokens with bar# at value
                        var barCur = tgt.get(key+'_value');
                        if(barCur == NaN) return false;
                        return barCur == (+value);
                    sendChat('ERROR', '/w ' + who + ' ' + key + ' is not a valid token filter key.');
        if(error) return [];
        targets = filterObjs(function(obj) {
            if(obj.get('_pageid') != Campaign().get('playerpageid')) return false;
            if(obj.get('_type') != 'graphic') return false;
            if(obj.get('_subtype') != 'token') return false;
            var matchAll = filters.length > 0;
            filters.forEach(function(f) {
                if(!matchAll) return;
                if(!f(obj)) matchAll = false;
            return matchAll;
        // if we have distance=nearest or distance=furthest, trim `targets' as appropriate
        // do nothing if $selected is null
        parts.forEach(function(kvp) {
            var key = kvp.substring(0, kvp.indexOf('='));
            var value = kvp.substring(kvp.indexOf('=')+1);
            if(key == 'distance')
                var sL = selected.get('left');
                var sT = selected.get('top');
                if(value == 'nearest')
                    var minDist = -1;
                    var toKeep = [];
                    targets.forEach(function(tgt) {
                        var distL = Math.abs(tgt.get('left') - sL);
                        var distT = Math.abs(tgt.get('top') - sT);
                        var distance = Math.max(distL, distT);
                        if(minDist == -1 || minDist > distance)
                            toKeep = [tgt];
                            minDist = distance;
                        else if(minDist == distance)
                    targets = toKeep;
                else if(value == 'furthest')
                    var maxDist = -1;
                    var toKeep = [];
                    targets.forEach(function(tgt) {
                        var distL = Math.abs(sL - tgt.get('left'));
                        var distT = Math.abs(sT - tgt.get('top'));
                        var distance = Math.max(distL, distT);
                        if(maxDist == -1 || maxDist < distance)
                            toKeep = [tgt];
                            maxDist = distance;
                        else if(maxDist == distance)
                    targets = toKeep;
    else // descriptor is a token name
        var target = findObjs({
            _type: 'graphic',
            name: descriptor,
            _pageid: Campaign().get('playerpageid')
        }, {caseInsensitive: true})[0];
            sendChat('ERROR', '/w ' + who + ' Cannot find a token named ' + args[0] + '.');
    return targets;

 * Marks all given targets and keeps track of who marked it.
 * @param targets   an array of target token objects to mark
 * @param character the character performing the mark
 * @param mark      optional. The type of statusmarker to use for the mark.
conditions.markTokens = function(targets, character, mark)
    targets.forEach(function(tgt) { // tgt is a token object
        tgt.set('status_'+mark, true);

 * Removes all marks on the target tokens that were placed there by the calling
 * player.
 * @param targets   an array of target token objects to clean up
 * @param character the player who's removing marks -- only marks placed by the player will be removed
conditions.unmarkTokens = function(targets, character)
    targets.forEach(function(tgt) {
        tgt.set('statusmarkers', '');


!mark !distance=nearest,bar1<.5 brown

This will set the brown marker on the nearest token with 50% or less of its bar1.

!mark !distance=<1,controlledby=none immob

This will set the 'immobilize' icon to all NPC tokens 1 square away (or closer!)

!mark Wulfgar none

This will remove all statusmarkers from the token named Wulfgar