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(NPC Action)
(NPC Action)
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<span style="font-weight:bold">Character Sheet Examples</span>
<span style="font-weight:bold">Character Sheet Examples</span>
* NPC Actions (General Options setting 'Auto Roll Damage' must be set to 'Auto Roll Damage & Crit'<div style="clear: both"></div>
* NPC Actions (Sheet setting 'Auto Damage Roll' must be set to 'Auto Roll Damage & Crit')<div style="clear: both"></div>
=== NPC Attack ===
=== NPC Attack ===

Revision as of 20:30, 13 April 2017

There are 9 roll templates provided by the D&D 5e OGL character sheet by Roll20:

Template Sheet Roll Example Formatting Notes
&{template:desc} None
&{template:simple} PC Ability/Skill Checks
&{template:atk} PC attack when autoroll damage is off Formats command buttons as hyperlink text

"rname"/"rnamec" fields do not show up if there is no inline roll in r1 or r2 Inline rolls in the description field are formatted to take up an entire line with a yellow bar.

&{template:dmg} PC damage roll Description, rname, and charname fields are shown based on toggles
&{template:atkdmg} PC attack when autoroll damage is on
&{template:spell} PC spell not marked as an attack Component label is displayed regardless of output options
&{template:npcaction} Generic NPC action
&{template:npcatk} NPC attack Formats command buttons as hyperlink text
&{template:npcdmg} NPC dmg roll


General Notes

  • Anything that says it toggles something off/on means that if you put anything after the "=", including a space, that feature is turned on, if there is nothing after the "=", then it is off.
  • The macros using atk, simple, npcatk, and atkdmg generated by the sheet utilize @{rtype} in place of {{always/normal/advantage/disadvantage=1}} {{r2=[[1d20. This attribute would allow you to link whether a second d20 is rolled or not to what the settings of your sheet are.
  • The roll templates have a hard-coded size and will not scale if the chat pane is resized or (with the exception of the description fields and fields in the NPC templates) if a field's contents are larger than the field's space in the template output.

Style Differences

The D&D 5e OGL sheet has different styling depending on if you are using it in a custom D&D 5e game or in a game started from a module (such as Lost Mines of Phandelver or Storm King's Thunder). These styling differences extend to the output of the roll templates, but do not change the syntax described below for using the roll template.

Common Fields

Many of the fields used by the roll templates are common to all or most of the roll templates. See the example templates below to see which of the following fields a given template uses.

Field Value Type Expected Value

always disadvantage normal

Toggle One of these four toggles can be set to determine whether one attack or check die is rolled (normal), both (always), both with the higher number grayed out (disadvantage), or both with the lower number grayed out (advantage).
ammo Text The name of the ammunition that the attack should spend. (See ammunition tracking.)
attack Toggle Whether or not the attack section of the template is shown.
charname Text The name of the character that generated this template.
crit Toggle Whether or not the critical damage result is shown.


Roll The damage die and modifiers to use on a critical success.
damage Toggle Whether or not the damage section of the template is shown.


Text A description of the attack, spell or NPC ability.


Roll The damage die and modifiers to use.


Toggle Whether or not the damage result is shown.


Text The type of damage caused, such as "Bludgeoning" or "Poison".
hldmg Roll The additional damage die and modifiers to use when casting a spell at a higher level.
mod Number The total of all modifiers to be added to an attack or check roll.
name Text The name of a spell or, in an NPC template, the name of the NPC that generated this template.


Roll The die to roll in order to determine if an attack or check succeeds.
range Text The range of the attack, spell or NPC ability.
rname Text The name of the attack or NPC ability.
rnamec Text The name of the attack or NPC ability if it critically succeeds.
save Toggle Whether or not the save section of the template is shown.
saveattr Text The attribute that the target must roll a saving throw for.
savedc Text The DC that the target must beat with their saving throw.
savedesc Text The effect that occurs if the target succeeds their saving throw, such as "Half Damage".
spelllevel Number What level spell slot to expend when casting this spell.

Roll Templates


D&D 5E OGL Description Template.jpg


&{template:desc} {{desc=desc}}


D&D 5E OGL Simple Template.jpg


&{template:simple} {{rname=rname}} {{mod=mod}} {{r1=r1}} {{always=1}} {{r2=r2}} {{charname=charname}}

Character Sheet Examples

  • Attribute Checks
  • Saving Throws
  • Skill Checks


  • In order for the r1 or r2 sections to be output, the normal | always | advantage | disadvantage field must be included.


D&D 5E OGL Atk Template.jpg


&{template:atk} {{mod=mod}} {{rname=rname}} {{rnamec=rnamec}} {{r1=r1}} {{always=1}} {{r2=r2}} {{range=range}} {{desc=desc}} {{spelllevel=spelllevel}} ammo=ammo {{charname=charname}}

Character Sheet Examples

  • Spells and Attacks that require to hit rolls (Sheet setting 'Auto Damage Roll' must be set to 'Don't Auto Roll Damage')


  • In order for the r1 or r2 sections to be output, the normal | always | advantage | disadvantage field must be included.
  • In order for the rname, rnamec and mod fields to be output, r1 and, if included, r2 must be a calculable roll value.
  • In order for ammo to be correctly expended, rname must exactly match the name of a weapon that uses the correct ammunition field, r1 must be a calculable roll value and charname must resolve to the exact name of a character sheet.


D&D 5E OGL Dmg Template.jpg


&{template:dmg} {{rname=rname}} {{range=range}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=dmg1}} {{dmg1type=dmg1type}} {{dmg2flag=1}} {{dmg2=dmg2}} {{dmg2type=dmg2type}} {{crit=1}} {{crit1=crit1}} {{crit2=crit2}} {{save=1}} {{saveattr=saveattr}} {{savedesc=savedesc}} {{savedc=savedc}} {{desc=desc}} {{hldmg=hldmg}} {{spelllevel=spelllevel}} ammo=ammo {{charname=charname}}

Character Sheet Examples

  • Spells and Attacks that cause damage, but do not require a to hit roll.


  • In order for the hldmg section to be output, the hldmg field must be a calculable roll value.
  • In order for the spelllevel field to properly expend the correct spell slot, the dmg1 field must be a calculable roll value and charname must resolve to match the exact name of a character sheet.
  • In order for ammo to be correctly expended, rname must exactly match the name of a weapon that uses the correct ammunition field, r1 must be a calculable roll value and charname must resolve to the exact name of a character sheet.

Attack & Damage

D&D 5E OGL AtkDmg Template.jpg


&{template:atkdmg} {{mod=mod}} {{rname=rname}} {{r1=r1}} {{always=1}} {{r2=r2}} {{attack=1}} {{range=range}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=dmg1}} {{dmg1type=dmg1type}} {{dmg2flag=1}} {{dmg2=dmg2}} {{dmg2type=dmg2type}} {{crit1=crit1}} {{crit2=crit2}} {{save=1}} {{saveattr=saveattr}} {{savedesc=savedesc}} {{savedc=savedc}} {{desc=desc}} {{hldmg=hldmg}} {{spelllevel=spelllevel}} ammo=ammo {{charname=charname}}

Character Sheet Examples

  • Spells and Attacks that require a to hit roll and cause damage. (Sheet setting 'Auto Damage Roll' must be set to 'Auto Roll Damage & Crit')


  • In order for the r1 or r2 sections to be output, the normal | always | advantage | disadvantage field must be included.
  • In order for the hldmg section to be output, the hldmg field must be a calculable roll value.
  • In order for the spelllevel field to properly expend the correct spell slot, the dmg1 field must be a calculable roll value and charname must resolve to match the exact name of a character sheet.
  • In order for ammo to be correctly expended, rname must exactly match the name of a weapon that uses the correct ammunition field, r1 must be a calculable roll value and charname must resolve to the exact name of a character sheet.


D&D 5E OGL Spell Template.jpg


&{template:spell} {{level=school level}} {{name=name}} {{castingtime=castingtime}} {{range=range}} {{target=target}} {{v=1}} {{s=1}} {{m=1}} {{material=material}} {{duration=duration}} {{description=description}} {{athigherlevels=athigherlevels}} {{ritual=1}} {{concentration=1}} {{charname=charname}}

Character Sheet Examples

  • Spells with 'Output' set to 'Spellcard'.


  • In order for the level field to properly expend the correct spell slot, the charname must resolve to match the exact name of a character sheet.

Unique Fields

Field Value Type Expected Value
athigherlevels Text A description of the spell's effects when cast using higher level spell slots.
castingtime Text How many and what type of action casting this spell takes, such as '1 Action' or '1 Reaction'.
concentration Toggle Whether or not concentration is shown in the duration section.
duration Text How long the spell's effects lasts.
level Text The name of the spell's school followed by its spell level, such as "Divination 3".
m Toggle Whether or not the "M" for materials is shown in components section.
material Text The materials required to cast the spell.
ritual Toggle Whether or not the ritual cast option is shown.
s Toggle Whether or not the "S" for somatic is shown in components section.
target Text What the spells targets, such as "1 Friendly Creature".
v Toggle Whether or not the "V" for verbal is shown in components section.

NPC Action

D&D 5E OGL NpcAction Template.jpg


&{template:npcaction} {{attack=1}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg2flag=1}} {{name=name}} {{rname=rname}} {{r1=r1}} {{always=1}} {{r2=r2}} {{dmg1=dmg1}} {{dmg1type=dmg1type}} {{crit1=crit1}} {{dmg2=dmg2}} {{dmg2type=dmg2type}} {{crit2=crit2}} {{description=description}}

Character Sheet Examples

  • NPC Actions (Sheet setting 'Auto Damage Roll' must be set to 'Auto Roll Damage & Crit')

NPC Attack

D&D 5E OGL NpcAtk Template.jpg
&{template:npcatk} {{attack=1}} {{name=name}} {{rname=rname}} {{rnamec=rnamec}} {{r1=r1}} {{always=1}} {{r2=r2}} {{description=description}}

NPC Damage

D&D 5E OGL NpcDmg Template.jpg
&{template:npcdmg} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg2flag=1}} {{dmg1=dmg1}} {{dmg1type=dmg1type}} {{dmg2=dmg2}} {{dmg2type=dmg2type}} {{crit=1}} {{crit1=crit1}} {{crit2=crit2}}