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(Battle Unit)
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=== Ship ===
=== Ship ===
This sheet will define a ship as presented in "Ships and Shield Walls".
=== Star System ===
=== Star System ===
=== Vehicle ===
=== Vehicle ===

Revision as of 02:42, 21 May 2023


General Information

This page documents the Mythras sheet. The Mythras system is used for a number of official settings from The Design Mechanism and as a base for games from some other publishers. For this reason, the Mythras sheet is designed with a number of modular options which allows you to enable/disable various sheets components that have been introduced through the various published games. This same modular system also allows you to configure games which utilize a mix of options and maybe even some unofficial ones that are popular in the Mythras community.

Supported Settings

  • Default: The basic system as described in the Mythras rulebook
  • After the Vampire Wars
  • Classic Fantasy
  • Destined
  • Fioracitta
  • Luther Arkwright
  • Lyonesse
  • M-Space
  • Monster Island
  • Mythic Babylon
  • Mythic Britain
  • Mythic Constantinople
  • Mythic Rome
  • Mythras Imperative: For the limited system presented in Mythras Imperative
  • Odd Soot
  • Perceforest
  • Thennla
  • Worlds united

Links & Resources

  • Mythras: The Roll20 community wiki page covering the Mythras system in general. Contains some tips and tricks for playing a Mythras game on Roll20 as well as links to resources not specific to the sheet.
  • Current Code: The current code making up the Mythras sheet.
  • Development Code: Mythras sheet code which is currently being developed and tested.
  • Mythras Development Campaign A Roll20 game running the development version of the Mythras Sheet. Primarily used as a way for the community to easily get a sneak peak at upcoming features, provide feedback and assist with testing. Open to all who want to join.

Initial Setup

If you are a game master(GM) setting up a new Mythras game there is a good chance you will want to set some Default Sheet Settings. To do this:

  1. Create a new game in Roll20 and select Mythras as the character sheet.
  2. From the game's page go to Settings -> Game Settings.
  3. Scroll down to "Default Sheet Settings" to find the various sheet options.

All of the options provided here are also available in the sheet itself, in the configuration section, which is detailed below. That said most are intended to be set here in the "Default Sheet Settings." If you are playing any game which is not the default as presented in the Mythras core rule book, you will want to set "Setting" to that of the game you are running. This will enable certain changes unique to that setting and set the default value for many of the sheet options to the appropriate value. If you are running a customized or home brew game, then select the "Setting" closest to the game you want to run and then further modify the remaining options by changing them from "Setting Default" to the value of your choosing. Consult the documentation of the Configuration section below for a detailed break down of the various options.

Sheet Details

Here we detail the various sheet component as found top to bottom. Note that various sections of the sheet may or may not be visible depending on the current configurations.

The Options Bar

At the top of the sheet you will find the options bar. This bar is sticky (will always be visible at the top of the sheet) which allows for easy access regardless of the part of the sheet you are currently using. Mythras Sheet Options Bar2.png

  1. Whisper/Broadcast Rolls Toggle: Toggles whether to whisper rolls to the GM or broadcast them for all players to see. When enabled rolls will be made visible to everyone. When disabled rolls will be whispered. Note that some rolls are only ever whispered to the GM regardless of this option.
  2. Difficulty: Sets the difficulty of any skill roll. "Verbose" will display all difficulties in a single roll. This is useful if you often forget to apply a difficulty before rolling. Otherwise the roll will be made at the difficult specified here.
  3. Augmentation: Used to add a skill augmentation to any skill rolls made. Can be "Set" which allows you to specific the augmentation value to be applied or "Prompt" which will ask any time you roll a skill. Augmentation values are applied before difficulty adjustments are made. The reset button will return the augmentation value to 0. Some people have a house rule which applies a penalty to skills instead of a bonus. You can use a negative number here in such cases.
  4. 101+ Penalty: Used to set the adjustment made for skill which are 101 and above in opposed & differential rolls. For example, if facing off with an opponent with a combat style of 116% you would set this penalty to -16. Like the augmentation this can be set or prompted for on each roll. The reset button returns this value to 0.
  5. Compact Mode Toggle: This will enable/disable "Compact Mode" This changes the way skills and other elements are displayed to save on screen space but may hide certain functions (normally those related to editing). This will be most noticeable on the "Major Character", "Creature", and "Spirit" sheets but will have minor effects on all sheets. Highly recommended for NPCs once done setting them up.
  6. Help: Will open a popup with some helpful information including a link to this page. Links will be sent to the chat log where they may be clicked. Look for symbols similar to this throughout the sheet for links to specific documentation related to the appropriate section.
  7. Import: Opens a popup which allows you to import a character from the Mythras Encounter Generator and other resources which use the same JSON export format. See the Import section below for more details.
  8. Configuration: Opens a popup which allows for configuration of this particular sheet. See the Configuration section below for more details.
  9. Anchor Links: When the sheet is setup as a "Major Character", "Creature" or "Spirit" a number of anchor links will be listed. Clicking one will move the sheet to that specific section. Since the options bar is sticky this will provide a quick and convenient way to jump to specific parts of the sheet without scrolling.


Mythras Sheet Import Popup.png

The Import popup allows you to load a character generated by the Mythras Encounter Generator and other resources which use the same JSON format. The sheet will be configured as a "Creature" or a "Spirit" on import as these will be the most common import types. The exact type is determined by the characteristics present in the data. {{notebox | If you wish to import the character as a "Major Character" you can simply change the sheet type to "Major Character" after the import is complete.

Follow these steps to perform an import.

  1. Go to the Mythras Encounter Generator.
  2. Search for and select an enemy you would like to generate and import.
  3. Look at the URL bar in your browser. The URL for this enemy will have a number at the end of it. Make note of this number. For example, if the URL is then the number is "606." This is the enemies ID_NUMBER.
  4. In you browsers URL bar manually enter and navigate to the URL: Make sure you replace "ID_NUMBER" with the number we noted before. You may also change the number for "amount" if you want to generate more than one of this enemy.
  5. When you navigate to the manually entered URL you will be presented with JSON data. Select all the JSON data then copy and paste the contents into the textarea of the Import popup. Some browsers like Firefox will display JSON data in a human friendly format. That will not work for this. We need the raw JSON data. There should be a tab or other way to switch to the raw format. Use that before copying and pasting the data.
  6. If you generated more than one instance of this enemy you may enter the one you want at "Import Data: #" For example, if you want to import the 2nd enemy, enter "2."
  7. Click "Import." This will import the enemy into the sheet. The contents of the textarea will disappear after a successful import. This is okay it is just cleaning up data we no longer need. If an error was encountered while importing the data the error message should be displays at the bottom of the window in red text.
  8. If you generated multiple enemies you can repeat these steps for new characters but this time change the "Import Data: #" to the one you want.


Mythrs Sheet Configuration.png

The configuration popup allows you to configure this particular sheet. Some fields are hidden or displayed based on the sheet type selected.

  • Sheet Type: This option allows you to select what type of thing this sheet will represent. Options are:
    • Battle Unit: This switches the sheet to represent a Battle Unit. Rules for Battle Units can be found in "Ships & Shield Wall", and "Mythic Britain".
    • Creature: This switches the sheet to represent any non-player character (NPC) that has a physical form whether sentient or non-sentient. Certain fields like Luck Points will be hidden and individual standard skills can be selected as possessed.
    • Major Character: This switches the sheet to represent a player character (PC) or a NPCs you wish to be fleshed out like a PC. Certain fields useful for PCs like Luck Points, Experience Rolls, etc are enabled.
    • Ship: This switches the sheet to represent a ship as presented in "Ships & Shield Walls."
    • Star System: This is a sheet to represent the a star system as presented in "M-Space." This type is useful if you are putting together a map of explorable space.
    • Spirit: Represents an NPC that doesn't have a physical form.
    • Vehicle: What this sheet represents will depend on the "Vehicles" option. It will either be a vehicle as presented in The Design Mechanism publications like "Mythras Companion", "Luther Arkwright", "After the Vampire Worlds, and "Worlds United" or it will represent a modular vehicle as presented in Frostbyte publications like "M-Space" and "Odd Soot" In either case star ships are a type of vehicle and will use this sheet.
  • Intellect: Displayed for Creatures and Spirits, this allows you to switch the INT characteristic to INS for creatures who act on instinct instead of intelligence. Mechanically there are no changes.
  • Movement: Allows you to easily set the species movement rate or switch the movement attribute to a custom descriptive text form.

  • Setting: The Mythras game or setting which should be used. This value will set the default value for all other Campaign Settings and can make various changes in the sheet to reveal elements specific to that setting. If the setting has a different standard skills list than default Mythras this will change it. Alternative names may be swapped out like showing "Prana Points" instead of "Magic Points" in Luther Arkwright. It will also reveal fields like Rank from Classic Fantasy or The Soot from Odd Soot. In many cases this will be the only Campaign Setting which needs to be set because it will switch the defaults for other settings to match the setting as published.
  • Affiliations: Enabled a section of the sheet for Affiliations as presented in Mythic Constantinople.
  • Extended Conflict Resolution: Enabled fields to support the Extended Conflict Resolution system as presented in "M-Space" and "Odd Soot."
  • Simplified Combat: Optional rule which changes the hit location chart and hit point calculations to support Simplified Combat as presented in "M-Space" and "odd Soot."
  • Social Conflict: Optional rule which will add a new Attribute mode of "Social" which shows fields supporting the Social Conflict rules presented in the "Mythras Companion."
  • Spirits: Enables/disabled support for Spirit type sheets and other fields which are exclusively for spirits.
  • Vehicles: Select which version of vehicle rules to user. Use "Mythras" for the rules as presented in The Design Mechanism publications like "Mythras Companion", "Luther Arkwright", "After the Vampire Worlds, and "Worlds United" or use "Frostbyte" for the rules as presented in Frostbyte publications like "M-Space" and "Odd Soot."
  • Action Points: Specifies whether the number of action points show be calculated from characteristics or set to a static value of 2 or 3.
  • Add Rank to Luck: Chooses whether to add Rank to the number of maximun Luck Points. Rank is only displayed in certain settings like "Classic Fantasy." Setting it for other settings will have no effect.
  • Tenacity: Adds Tenacity to the list of character Attributes.
  • Dependencies: Enable/disable the dependencies section of the sheet. Dependencies are presented in the "Mythras Companion" and "Luther Arkwight." If both Tenacity and Dependencies are enabled then a Tenacity penalty will be calculated and applied as described in "Luther Arkwight." You can configure Tenacity to not apply the Tenacity penalty on a sheet by sheet basis if this is not desired.
  • Herculean Modifier: Sets the Herculean difficult adjustment to 1/10 or 1/5. Most Mythras games use 1/10 as the default but Mythras Imperative and games based on Mythras Imperative like M-Space and Odd Soot use 1/5.
  • Ability System: The magic and special abilities rules are the most variable between different settings. The Mythras sheet attempts to present an abilities section generic enough to cover all settings. This will alter the list of ability types available to those supports by the setting and/or hide/show additional sections under the Abilies section of the sheet. If you are building a customized or home brew game and none of the existing settings have the combination you want you may select "All" which will enable all the ability types. The list may be a little more than you need but is sure to cover the options required.
  • Reach: Whether to include a reach field for weapons. Disabled in Mythras Imperative and Mythras Imperative based games.

Characters (Major Character/Creature/Spirit)

The Major Character, Creature and Spirit sheets are all essentially the same sheet but with some elements displayed or hidden depending on the type selected. I may be useful to know that all the fields shown are the same and share the same variable names as the other character types.


Mythras Sheet Characteristics 2.png

The characteristics section should be relatively straight forward. For each characteristic you may specify the "Base" value, which would would represent the characteristic under any normal condition and a "Current" score which will show the the value when modified. For example, in the screenshot examples to the right, the STR value has been increased to a value of 15 instead of it's normal value of 12. This can be used when when magic and other modifiers have temporarily changed the value.

The 2nd example image shows The same section of the sheet but with the "Extended Conflict Resolution" option enabled. This adds a button at the top to roll for extended conflict damage, a conflict pool at the bottom to record a composite pool made from 2 or more characteristics, and modifies the current characteristic value to be a X out of Y value. The left would be the current conflict pool value for that characteristic and the right value is the current maximum value.

Attributes & Hit Locations

Here you may set any of the attribute values you have for your character including hit points. Attributes do not have a base value and a current value like Characteristics. Instead the current value is calculated from your current Characteristics and a few other inputs. The Temporary value can be used to apply modifications from magic and other influences.

Clicking the gear icon in the top right will expose special configuration fields which allow for further, more permanent, adjustments. A handful of special optional are provided to alter the way the attribute is calculated. These are helpful for applying the effects of certain gifts, superpowers, traits, etc. The Other field can also be used to apply a direct modifier like the Temporary field. This can be used for things like the +1 Luck haflings get in Classic Fantasy. When done with the special configuration click the gear icon again to hide those fields and return to the normal view.

Some attributes have an underlined label. Clicking those will perform a roll of some kind. Clicking "Initiative" will roll initiative and add the result to the initiative table for example.

There is also an attribute mode drop down provided. This will allow you to switch between physical, spiritual, and social attributes. The "Social" option is made visible when the Social Conflict option is enabled, and "Spiritual" is enabled when the "Spirits" option is enabled. Change this according to the type of scenario your character is currently in. For example, if engaged in spirit combat, switch this to "Spiritual." This may also effect the next section. "Social" mode will swap the hit locations for your resolution pools and your current social skills. When using the social conflict system rolling skill from here will include social damage in the roll template.

Hit locations provided a list of pre-made body types you may use to automatically calculate hit points according to the body type. If you can not find a body type that works for this character you can always use the various custom options and build your it on your own. The gear icon, like in the attributes section, will expose configuration options. The Modifier field is used to adjust hit points for that hit location. For example, the chest in the biped body type has +2 hp, the abdomen has +1, arms have -1 and the rest are 0. The "Other" field can be used for other permanent changes, like having a location maimed, or a worn magic item enhancing maximum hit points. To emulate temporary hit points you can simply increase the left value. For example, if your location normally has 5 hit points it will be recorded as 5/5 to show you currently have 5 out of your typical 5. You could change this to 8/5 to show 3 temporary hit points were added.


This section is provided to record the various statuses, effects and conditions your character is experiencing.

  • Pack: Check when your character is wearing their pack. Un-check to remove your pack which will remove all ENC assigned to the pack location from your character.
  • Fatigue: The current level of fatigue your character is experiencing. Clicking the text "Fatigue" will show a pop up with the various modifiers your current fatigue level applies. Special Note: this displays as descriptive text but it is actually a number value 0-9 with 0 being "Dead" and 9 being "Fresh". This allows you to track fatigue as a bar on an associated token.
  • Load: This will show the character's current encumbrance load.
  • Armor Penalty: Shows the current armor penalty calculated from worn armor ENC.
  • Tenacity Penalty: When tenacity is enabled as an attribute and the Dependencies option are enabled this will be visible. It shows the current penalty applied to Tenacity as calculated from the total value of all combined dependencies.
  • Textarea: The textarea here under Conditions can be used to record Conditions your character has gained, wounds they have received, active magical effects applied, etc.

Skills & Passions

This section records any skills or skill like values. The list of standard skills is determined by the Setting option. The eye icon in the upper-right will show both the Other field and any notes you add to an individual skill.

Values are entered directly into the % field. When this is updated it will reverse calculate the Other field's value. For example, if the Base value of Brawn (STR+SIZ) is 24 and you enter a value of 50, then Other will be set to 50-25=26. This can be use during character generation to see how many points have been added on top of the base value.

When using the Creature or Spirit type sheet, standards skills will have a star icon next to them. If unchecked the skill will appear semi-transparent showing this creature/spirit does not have that particular skill. This will make key skills for NPCs easier to find. The unchecked skills are still usable however. You never know when your PCs will challenge a group of monsters to a dance off, in which case the roll-able Dance skill with it's base value will be useful.

The + button will automatically calculate the augmentation value for the skill and apply to the augmentation field in the options bar. The Button with the d100 die on it will roll that skill for the character. The ! symbol is used to check when you have fumbled a skill as this influences things during character improvement. The checkmark icon can be used to record that a skill has already been trained this improvement cycle.

Some skills can be added and removed dynamically. In these cases you may need to set the two characteristic values used to calculate the base value and the name of the skill.

The gear icon will expose some special options for the skill. In addition to a textarea for skill notes, there will be a number of button available:

  • Improve: Will roll d100+INT for skill improvement and give the number of points gained as a result.
  • Wax or Wane: Present for passions, this will roll the number of passion points gained/lost during the course of play due to in game events.
  • Set Social Offense: Will set the skill as the current social offense skill. Only visible when the Social Conflict option is enabled.
  • Set Social Defense: Will set the skill as the current social defesne skill. Only visible when the Social Conflict option is enabled.
  • Set Spirit Combat: Will set the skill as the current spirit combat skill. This will normally be Willpower by default but you could use this to set Binding to be used instead. Or some other skill if you use the spirit combat system for house rules. Use the skill button next to "Spirit Combat Skill" when using the skill in spirit combat. This will include a button for rolling spirit damage in the roll results.


The Abilities section of the sheet is probably the most complex and least familiar compared to the PDF Mythra's sheet you may find. There are many different magic systems which have been introduced with various published Mythras settings and attempting to maintain and support every settings list of unique or slightly altered magic systems was becoming difficult for this sheet's author and contributed to option bloat and performance issues in previous versions. With the v3.0 release the sheet moved to this more generic approach which attempts to provide a common approach to abilities and magic powers. Note that this documentation will use the term "magic" to cover anything extra ordinary and includes psionics, psychic powers, mysticism, gifts, etc.

In the top right of this section you will find the magic attributes such as magic points and tenacity and a gear icon. The gear will expose a section allowing for specific configuration the magic systems.

Shaping Traits

Sorcery is one of the more configurable magic systems within the Mythras rule set and the macros which enable the dynamic prompt to select casting components can be fairly complex. To allow for this configuration there is a "Shaping Traits" text area provided in the abilities configuration. The Shaping Traits field will be copied into the "Advanced Traits" section of an ability when Sorcery is set as the type (unless the setting is Mythic Babylon). The setting option will normally be set this to something fitting the setting rules and not require any changes but if you are running a home brew setting with customized Sorcery rules you may wish to modify this field.

To make this easy we have established a number of predefined macros which can be inserted into the Shaping Traits field. Simply add one of the following predefined macros, each on it's own line, for each shaping component you want to enable:


  • ^{ablation}: @{shaped_ablation} - Will enable the optional ablation component described in the Mythras rulebook.


  • ^{area}: @{sandestin_area} - Will enable the area component described in the Lyonesse rulebook.


  • ^{combine}: @{shaped_combine} - Will enable the combine component described in the Mythras rulebook.
  • ^{combine}: @{sandestin_combine} - Will enable the combine component with the alternative table described in the Lyonesse rulebook.


  • ^{conditions}: @{shaped_conditions} - Enables the conditions component which is normally part of Assabian Alchemy as described in unofficially published "Assabian Rites: Alchemy" article.


  • ^{doses}: @{shaped_doses} - Enables the doses component which is normally part of Assabian Alchemy as described in unofficially published "Assabian Rites: Alchemy" article.


  • ^{duration}: @{shaped_duration} - Enables the duration component with the default table in the Mythras rulebook.
  • ^{duration}: @{extended_duration} - Enables the duration component with the alternative extended duration table in the Mythras rulebook.


  • ^{focus}: @{shaped_focus} - Enables the focus component as presented as an optional component in the Mythras rulebook.


  • ^{fortune}: @{shaped_fortune} - Enables the optional fortune component from the Mythras rulebook.
  • ^{fortune}: @{sandestin_fortune} - Enables the fortune component with the table from the Lyonesse rulebook.


  • ^{magnitude}: @{shaped_magnitude} - Enables the magnitude component in the Mythras rulebook.


  • ^{precision}: @{shaped_precision} - Enables the optional precision component in the Mythras rulebook.


  • ^{range}: @{shaped_range} - Enables the range component as presented in the Mthras rulebook.
  • ^{range}: @{sympathetic_range} - Enables the range component with the alternative sympathetic table presented in After the Vampire Wars.


  • ^{services}: @{sandestin_services} - Enables the services component as presented in Lyonesse.

Shelf Life

  • ^{shelf_life}: @{shaped_shelf_life} - Enables the shelf life component which is normally part of Assabian Alchemy as described in unofficially published "Assabian Rites: Alchemy" article.


  • ^{swiftness}: @{shaped_swiftness} - Enables the optional swiftness component presented in the Mythras rulebook.
  • ^{swiftness}: @{sandestin_swiftness} - Enables the swiftness component with the alternative table from Lyonesse.


  • ^{targets}: @{shaped_targets} - Enables the targets component from the Mythra rulebook.


  • ^{terms}: @{sandestin_terms} - Enables the terms component from Lyonesse.


  • ^{wonders}: @{shaped_wonders} - Enables the wonders component presented in Perceforest.

The Tradition list may be used to record a particular school, cult, or generic system of magic. Not all of the published Mythras magic systems tie their abilities back to a specific tradition in which case you may simply add an entry for that system. For example, you could add a Tradition of "Folk Magic". The primary purpose of this list is to provide a quick way to see and access skills associated with your abilities which will be listed below. You can simply skip defining Traditions and just roll skills from the "Skills & Passions" section and that would be my recommendation for NPCs or other characters you wish to setup quickly with minimal work. If you do define a Tradition it can be linked to an ability. If you do this, the abilities's roll template will include a button for the Tradition skills in it.

When you add a new Tradition there will be two fields for skill IDs. This is how you will associate a skill from the "Skill & Passions" section of the sheet to the Tradition. First get the ID of a skill. See the "Skills & Passions" section of this documentation to see how to get the ID. Then copy & paste the skill ID from the chat into one of the Skill ID fields of the Tradition. If done correctly you should see the linked skill name and value fill itself out for the Tradition. The button will also roll the linked skill. Not all magic systems have two skills. Some like Psychic Powers or Folk Magic only use a single skill. In such a case simply link skill 1 and leave the other unset/blank.

Ability Filter

Above the Ability List will be a filter you may use to hide/show abilities matching certain criteria. Select the star to only show starred abilities, and select a Type to only show a particular type. The "All" type will show an ability of any type. Some settings may expose a rank filter allowing you to filter for a particular rank value.

Ability List

This is where we will list the creature abilities, spells, miracles, powers, gifts, traits, etc.

  • Star: The Star is provided as a way to flag an ability as memorized or practiced. Not all systems have a limit to usable powers in which case I recommend leaving it selected.
  • Name: Name of the ability
  • Type: The Ability type. The list of types is determined by the "Ability System" sheet option. Setting a type does two things. 1) It will allow for filtering by that type. 2) Certain types will automatically fill in the "Advanced Traits" fields.
  • Summary: Provides a place where you can record notes for the ability. If the ability has a Traits fields then the Summary will automatically be updated to be a single, comma separated list of traits. For this reason it is advised to fill in Traits first then modify/add to the generated summary.
  • Traits: Not all ability types have traits but most do. This is where you would record the Duration, Range, Casting Time, Cost, special flags, and other unique characteristics of an ability. Some types which do not traditionally have traits still provide this field as a way to record key points, For example, You could use Traits to record the activation cost of a Super power.
  • Advanced Traits: Not all traits are static in nature and including macro's in Traits my make for an ugly and hard to read list of traits. For that reason this field is provided. Here you may include more advanced syntax which will generate dynamic values for your traits. Certain ability types will automatically add content here but you may always modify and extended them.
  • Description: Generic place to record the how the ability itself works. You can copy and paste the description from a source book, summarize or just include a page reference. The description will be showing in Ability rolls but will be limited to 4 lines of text before providing a scrollbar. This prevents rolls from taking up too much space in the chat window.
  • Tradition ID: This provides a way to link a Tradition to an ability. Not all abilities will have an associated Tradition but if you do link a Tradition then the Tradition's skills will be included in the Ability's roll template. You can get a Tradition ID in a similar way to getting a Skill ID, and you would copy and paste the value here like the skill IDs as well.
Spirit List

Allied Spirits and Fetishes from the Animism system were simply too different from other powers to use the ability list. For that reason a specific list is provided for spirits.

Many of the fields here are have labels which are underlined. Clicking the underlined label will roll that skill, damage roll, or whatever for the Spirit. Note that initiative can be rolled but it will NOT be added to the initiative table by default, This is left to the GM/player to do.

A list of common magic skills is provided for rolling but other skills will be recorded as "Other Skills" and will need to be rolled manually. Magic and Spirit Abilities text areas are provided to record a list of the powers and abilities the spirit processes.


The Star con to the left of each weapon "favors" the weapon. This means that when you roll for a combat style it will include a button to roll the weapon in the combat style roll. The recommendation is to check the star when a weapon is readied or to check your most commonly used weapons for quick access.

The location field defined where the weapon is stored. Enc will only be calculated for those set to "worn" or "pack".


A line will be made available for each hit location to define armor and it's values. To define natural armor simply set the armor points without setting any ENC. Armor Points are presented in an X / Y form allowing you to track the normal amount of armor vs a potentially lessened value degraded by the sunder special effect.

You can configure how much worn armor counts for ENC by changing the "Worn Armor ENC" value. The norm is 1/2 but some settings have a special provision which may make it 1/4.


This section is provided to track miscellaneous equipment. The eye icon will expose option Traits and Description fields which may be used to define magical or otherwise secial effects the equipment may have.


This section provides a place to record a characters current wealth and assets. In currency the ENC is per and it can be a fractional number. To calculate coin ENC of 1 ENC per 50 coins (from Classic Fantasy for example) you would provide an ENC of .02. Value is the amount of the standard currency that particular currency is worth. If silver is your standard currency Silver will have a value of 1, but if copper is worth 1/10th a silver cooper would have a value of .1.


This section will show the total ENC, it's effects and a few ENC related options.

Average Species SIZ is used to scale ENC for character of a non-human size. This will automatically adjust total ENC so there is no need to adjust the ENC of individual items. The suitcase icon equips or un-equips the pack same as from the Conditions section.

You can set a temporary ENC with the Temp field. This can be useful if the character needs to pick up something heavy which may affect their load like a wounded ally.


A basic section to record various backgrounds and connections facts.


To record any miscellaneous notes for your character.

Battle Unit

This sheet will define a battle unit as presented in "Ships and Shield Walls". The only auto calculated fields are Depth and Damage. Underlined labels may be rolled.


This sheet will define a ship as presented in "Ships and Shield Walls".

Star System
