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(Added character sheet documentation for the Pokemon Tabletop Adventures 3 character sheet)
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This is a guide to the '''Pokémon Tabletop Adventures v3''' character sheet.
{{revdate}}This is a guide to the '''Pokémon Tabletop Adventures v3''' character sheet.
= The Basics =
= The Basics =
Line 743: Line 743:
| <code>feature-text</code> || Whatever output is desired. This can be a mixture of text and roll values, although it's a good idea to keep roll values separated from larger bodies of text due to the small line spacing used for the template.
| <code>feature-text</code> || Whatever output is desired. This can be a mixture of text and roll values, although it's a good idea to keep roll values separated from larger bodies of text due to the small line spacing used for the template.
[[Category:Character Sheet Documentation]]

Latest revision as of 20:48, 25 October 2021

This is a guide to the Pokémon Tabletop Adventures v3 character sheet.

[edit] The Basics

Note: An active attempt is made to ensure this page is 100% up-to-date with the sheet's latest features, but if it's not the changes should be mentioned in the character sheet changelog.

  • Feel free to report any bugs you find to the #pta-tool-dev channel in the community discord server
  • Where possible, the PTA 3 Character Sheet uses American English spellings - this is intended to maintain a consistent approach with the game rulebooks and the source material.

[insert the pta3 sheet preview here]


[edit] Adding the Character Sheet to a Game

[insert image of selecting the pta3 sheet here]

On the Game Creation screen, underneath the large blue “I’m Ready, Create Game!” button, is the “Optional: Choose a Character Sheet” section. Located here is a drop-down menu that lists all the character sheets built either by Roll20 officially or created by the community. These sheets are sorted under their respective RPG Systems in alphanumerical order. Once selected, a preview of the character sheet will load upon the creation page for you to review as well as showcase relevant information about the sheet, such as the sheet’s creator and its key features.

The Pokemon Tabletop Adventures v3 sheet can be found under: Pokemon Tabletop Adventures → Pokemon Tabletop Adventures 3.

[edit] Sheet Features

[edit] General

[edit] Pages

[insert image of page buttons here]

The PTA3 sheet has two pages - one for the character information and general use, and one for showing configuration options.

The two grey buttons at the top of the sheet control which page is viewable, and utilise an attribute-backed CSS visibility system to change what is presented.

[edit] Tooltips

[insert images of both types of tooltip here]

Various fields in the character sheet have tooltips that contain the name of the underlying attribute. Other fields where they have been added are marked with an info icon: ℹ

[edit] Color Schemes

[insert some images of the color schemes here]

One of the flashier features of the PTA3 sheet, all 18 of the types present in the Pokémon franchise, including a bonus 19th option for Typeless, have their own color scheme based on their traditional color in the video games.
Each color scheme is determined by a relevant type selection and controls the segments background color, the color of foreground elements such as field labels and info icons, and the color used as backgrounds for text areas.

The overall sheet color scheme is determined by the first type of the Pokémon character (blue for Water-types, green for Grass-types, etc.), and can be changed in the 'Configuration' page for Trainer characters.

As Pokémon moves have a type of their own separate from that of whatever is using them, the move fields are also displayed in the color scheme matching the type selected for the move.

Character stats and skills are similarly color-coordinated, providing at-a-glance recognition of which stat supports each skill. This can be seen in the color of the stat ball, the color of the skill total, and the color the skill is highlighted when the mouse hovers over it.

Color schemes are reflected in any roll template output to the chat log as well - if you roll a Speed skill or generic check, the roll template header color has the same hue as the stat and skill fields.

[edit] Collapsible Sections

There can be a lot of information in a well-fleshed-out character sheet - a higher level Trainer has an extensive list of Trainer Features, and can even know quite a few Pokémon Moves, which leads to a lot of scrolling in the character sheet.
While we didn't make the character sheet able to hide complete sections, we did choose to implement a show/hide feature similar to the 5e by Roll20 sheet.

[insert an image of the hide and expand buttons here]

Collapsible sections can be hidden by clicking on the '-' button that will display at all times when those sections are open. They can then be shown again by clicking on the '+' button that appears when the cursor hovers above that section of the character sheet; collapsible sections have borders around them to help identify their boundaries for this purpose.

Currently, the sections that can be hidden and collapsed are:

  • Base stat entry grid
  • Trainer & Pokémon PC Origin Features
  • Trainer & Pokémon PC Class Features
  • Moves

The intention for this is that having the section shown in full is considered to be the configuration state, and the section will show all of its options in full, and when it is hidden it is the display state, with the bare minimum options shown. Collapsible sections default to their configuration state, so when you add a new Class Feature or Move, you can get right down to providing the relevant information.

[edit] Configuration

[insert image of the configuration tab and page here]

The sheet has a few configuration options, which can be found under the Configuration page.
Each configuration option is well-described in the character sheet, but for the sake of posterity, and providing some tips on how best to leverage the options therein.

Tooltips provide the default values for each option - (except for the "Skill Modifier Selection" option; see below for more info) - in case of unintended changes.

[edit] Character Type

[insert image of the character type option here]

This setting will change which options are available to use on the 'Character' page.
The Pokémon Character Class option is best used to represent the Pokémon class from the PHB2, but can also be used for other things, and is especially suited to custom classes.

The selection here is managed via a dropdown field - the options are Trainer, Pokémon, Pokémon (Character Class), and each have their major features detailed below.

[edit] Type & Background Color

[insert image of the type selection here]

This setting will update the first type for Pokémon-type characters and change the character sheet color theme for all types of characters.

This option is selected via a 19-option-long drop-down field; remember that you type with your keyboard to focus an option and press return to select it!

  • Note: Both variants of Pokémon characters have two types that can be selected - only the first type influences the color theme, but both are used for determining STAB damage (see the feature below) - this allows you to customise your dual-typed Pokémon sheets, and have a different background color if you so desire!

[edit] Initiative Macro

[insert an image of the initiative options here]

If a Token is associated with a character, they will automatically gain an 'initiative' token action. By clicking the token action on the top left of the screen, the token will automatically roll the macro above and add the token to the turn order. By default, it will use the character's speed stat, plus 1/100th of the initiative tie-breaker, which defaults to 1d20.

This was added to allow us, the developers, to make the life of the players (and especially the GMs!) easier; you'll be able to add your various tokens to the turn tracker without needing to know how macros work.

[edit] Initiative Tie-Breaker

This is included so that you can, if you wish, add it to the character's speed when determining their initiative order. (Note this isn't an official rule, but it's helpful when characters have the same speed!)
For best results, leave this as something you can add to a die-roll.

This is a bit of a fun field - the default value adds a d20 to the initiative check, but it can be used to add near-enough any value, including attributes from other character sheets. Just plug in any value that Roll20 can use in a die-roll, and you're good to go!

  • Note: The default initiative macro adds 1/100th of the value this field evaluates to, so remember to alter that if you want to add whole numbers to your initiative.
  • Sheet Trivia: Originally added to the character sheet so that one of the authors could use it with the group initiative API script, this has since been incorporated into the baked-in initiative macro by the other author.

[edit] Skill Modifier Selection

[insert an image of the skill modifier options here]

This setting allows you to change the stat each skill is associated with. Select the skill you want to modify with the left field, and then assign the stat you want to use with the right field. Use this for features like the Ninja's "Ninjutsu".

This option is a bit complicated, but it essentially allows you to control which stat is added to your skills. Have a feature that allows you to make Acrobatics checks with your Attack stat? This is where you would change that. Currently, it doesn't let you automatically add a second or more stat to a skill, and we still don't have something for auto-rolling twice and taking the best result, but we can do this, and it even changes the associated skill color on the 'Character' page.

[edit] Custom Ball Default

[insert an image of the custom ball option here]

This setting allows you to specify a default modifier to be used for the Custom Ball when capturing pokémon. You can use an attribute for this value.

The '"Capture Pokémon"' skill (detailed later) has a Custom Ball option - this option allows you to choose what the modifier query has as its default value. Like with the initiative tie-breaker, this does not necessarily have to be a number or attribute confined to this character sheet - go crazy!

[edit] Character Data Import & Export

These are probably the two features we're most proud of with the character sheet - they're also quite important, so they have a much larger section dedicated to their explanation.

[edit] Auto-Calculations

The character sheet has been developed such that it should minimise the amount of book-keeping that players and GMs have to do to interact with it. This means that a lot of fields have their values calculated, and even though some of these may be editable by the user directly, and certainly nearly all of them are via the Attributes & Abilities tab of a character sheet, they're also re-calculated when the character sheet opens. This also helps to maintain a consistent behavior for the sheet.

[edit] Stats

There are multiple ways to modify a character's stats, and because of this we decided to provide a way to differentiate visually between "current stats", "base stats", and "temporary stat changes".

  • Current stats, shown above the stat entry grid, and alongside HP, are used to determine the stat modifiers for that character and should be used for references to stats, such as Defense when determining if an Attack-based move hits a character.
  • Base stats are the regular "nothing has happened" stats that a character has. For Pokémon, these are usually the same for every individual of that species.
  • Conditions such as Burned, Paralyzed, and Poisoned apply a -2 penalty to one of the stats; checking these afflictions on serves not only as a reminder to the player, but also updates the "current" stats.
  • Nature, which is available only to Pokémon and Pokémon PC characters, is a series of read-only values which indicate the effects of the chosen nature on the character's stats. This can be changed used the drop-down in the top info section.
  • Temporary Stat Changes are the primary field for making in-combat changes to a character; moves such as Crunch that lower Defense should have their effects applied to this row, and it is for that reason that this row is shown even when the stat entry grid is collapsed.

[edit] Skill Totals

[insert an image of a couple of skills from the same column, with one of them highlighted]

For all characters, the total modifier to skill values is calculated by the character sheet. This value is based on three things:

  1. The modifier for the associated stat - (such as Speed for Acrobatics, and Attack for Athletics)
  2. The number of skill talents assigned to this skill - (remember that you get a +2 for the first talent, and then an extra +3 for the second talent, but the order they're clicked doesn't make a difference)
  3. The user-defined skill bonus field, which takes a numeric value and can be both positive or negative - (this can, and presently should, be used to modify skill values when using homebrew rules that change how skills are calculated)

The skill total field is displayed on the left, with a colored background matching its stat to help players identify how their stats are affecting their skills. The skill name serves as a rollable button, and will also color its background to match the associated skill whenever the mouse hovers over it.

[edit] Attacks and Moves

[insert an image of a list of different moves here]

In Pokémon parlance, "Move" means attack. In PTA3, it also means to move on the grid, but hopefully context clues can help with identifying which meaning is intended. (For what it's worth, there is an effort to refer to "attacks" rather than "moves", but it's not a design goal so it is not enforced.)

As such a large and customisable part of the game, Moves take up a significant portion of the character sheets capabilities and development efforts; as such the repeating section is one of the most complicated in the sheet.

[edit] Customisation Options

[insert an image of an expanded move here]

Each move has a lot of customisation, and the move fields can be a little complicated, so here's a breakdown of the function of each part of the section.

The first row:

  1. Name: The name of the move, which appears as a title in the roll template and in the rollable button when the move is collapsed
  2. Quick Roll: a button to easily and quickly roll the accuracy and damage for that move without any modifiers, and with neutral effectiveness
  3. Move Usage: a counter for how many times this move has been used. It is user-editable, although there are also buttons that manipulate it to either increment or reset to 0.

The second row:

  1. Range: Currently for reference purposes only, although there are plans to add this to roll templates. A text field for denoting what the range of the move is.
  2. Type: Defaulting to "Normal", this is a drop-down selector for picking the type of the move. This is used to indicate the damage type when a move is rolled, and also to style the roll template and character sheet accordingly. If this matches either of the character's two Types (for Pokémon characters only), the sheet also applies the STAB of +4 to damage rolls, unless the move is an Effect category move.
  3. Category: Another drop-down selector, this should be changed to either "Attack", "Special Attack", or "Effect" depending on the move. This is used to determine which stat is added to accuracy and damage, and if damage is even shown. This is also used to determine which stat is indicated in the accuracy check section of the roll template.
  4. Frequency: Used for reference purposes only, this is a drop-down where the player can set the frequency a move can be used. Note that the Move Usage field can incrememnt above this limit.
  5. Damage: Two paired fields, a number entry and a drop-down. Select the number of dice of damage, and then select the dice size. If this is left at 0, the damage dice are omitted from the damage roll display, although that doesn't necessarily mean the move will deal 0 damage - static modifiers can still apply, and effectiveness will continue to add dice if necessary.

The third row:

  1. Accuracy Modifier: a number added to the accuracy check everytime this move is rolled. Use this for moves like "Supersonic", where the description denotes an accuracy penalty.
  2. Extra Damage: a number added to the damage roll everytime this move is rolled, unless the category is Effect. Use this to assign bonus damage from passives such as "Iron Fist" and for static-damage moves like "Seismic Toss" - although take care to ensure that the total damage is correct, not this field.
  3. Scatter: select the number of additional attacks this move makes - the default is "None", which is correct for the majority of moves. This changes which roll template is used to display this move.

The fourth row:

  1. Effect Threshold 1: a value used to indicate when the effect takes place. This is the number the accuracy check total score needs to exceed to apply the effect, such as 18 for the Stunned effet with "Bite".
  2. Effect 1: a drop-down for selecting the particular effect applicable. Note that effects are not automatically applied to other character sheets, and that this option only changes the roll template.
    Only the first effect field can be a critical hit, and this option should be used only for moves that have a customised critical hit target in the move description, such as "Slash" and "Karate Chop".
  3. Effect Threshold 2: the same as above, but for a secondary effect.
  4. Effect 2: the same as above, but this field does not have '"Critical Hit"' as an option.

The final elements:

  1. Accuracy Roll: a preview of the moves total roll for accuracy, before any additional modifiers are applied. This is what the Quick Roll button will use for the accuracy check.
  2. Damage Roll: a preview of the moves total roll for damage, before any additional modifiers and before effectiveness is applied. This is what the Quick Roll button will use for damage.
  3. Notes: a text field that will output into the roll template if not left blank, which can display any additional notes that the other fields do not already render moot. This can and will roll dice and perform calculations within inline rolls.
  4. Roller: A button shaped like an encircled d20, which will roll the move and ask for modifiers and effectiveness.

  • Sheet trivia: The quick roll button was developed because one of the developer's partners hated having to confirm there were 0 temporary modifiers everytime they rolled a move.

[edit] Options When Collapsed

[insert an image of a collapsed move here]

When collapsed, Moves are super-condensed:

  1. Name: a rollable button that has the same full roll as the d20 button in the expanded view.
  2. Quick Roll: a rollable button that has the same streamlined behavior as in the expanded view
  3. Move Usage: the same controls as the expanded view.

[edit] Attributes

The character sheet is powered by a lot of attributes; see below a complete list of them, including those, for whatever reason, that aren't shown in the "Attributes & Abilities" section of the character sheet.

Attribute Name Description
acrobatics A user-editable modifier for Acrobatics skill checks. Defaults to 0.
acrobatics_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Acrobatics skill checks. Defaults to SPD.
acrobaticstalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to Acrobatics. Default to off.
acrobatics_total The total bonus to Acrobatics skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
afflictions_text A string showing all the currently-checked afflictions, so they're still viewable if the stat-entry grid is collapsed.
Asleep A checkbox used to indicate if the character is suffering from the Asleep affliction. Defaults to off.
athletics A user-editable modifier for Athletics skill checks. Defaults to 0.
athletics_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Athletics skill checks. Defaults to ATK.
athleticstalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to Athletics. Default to off.
athletics_total The total bonus to Athletics skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
ATK The character's Attack score.
atkbase The base Attack score for this character. Use this field to set the base score before any modifiers are applied.
atkbonus Any temporary changes to the character's Attack score should be entered here. Changing this causes the sheet to re-calculate the ATKMOD value.
ATKMOD The character's Attack modifier; this is calculated by the sheet when it opens and when stats are updated, so any direct changes to this value will be over-written.
Use atkbonus to provide temporary changes.
atknature The adjustment to Attack based on the character's nature.
Note: This should not apply to Trainer characters, and this is something that will be addressed soon.
ball_capture_modifier The modifier applies to Capture rolls based on the selected pokéball. Defaults to +5, which correlates to "Basic Ball".
beauty The character's Beauty contest stat; only applicable for Pokémon-type characters.
bluff A user-editable modifier for Bluff/Deception skill checks. Defaults to 0.
bluff_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Bluff/Deception skill checks. Defaults to SPDEF.
blufftalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to Bluff/Deception. Default to off.
bluff_total The total bonus to Bluff/Deception skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
Burned A checkbox used to indicate if the character is suffering from the Burned affliction. Defaults to off.
capture_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Capture Pokémon skill checks. Defaults to SPD.
capture_default_custom_modifier The value used to populate the query modifier for custom ball capture attempts. Defaults to 0.
capture_display Used as a visual reference for the total modifier applied to Capture rolls.
capture_roll_bonus A user-editable value for applying a static modifier to Capture rolls. Defaults to 0.
capture_roll_total The total bonus to Capture rolls; if Custom Ball is selected, this is indicated with an asterisk.
capture_total The total bonus to Capture Pokémon skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
character-name The character's name, as it appears in the Journal.
character-type Represents which type of character the sheet displays. Defaults to trainer.
hybrid, pokemon, trainer.
class1..4 The name of each class from 1 through 4. Not used for Pokémon-type characters.
clever The character's Clever contest stat; only applicable for Pokémon-type characters.
concentration A user-editable modifier for Concentration skill checks. Defaults to 0.
concentration_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Concentration skill checks. Defaults to DEF.
concentrationtalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to Concentration. Default to off.
concentration_total The total bonus to Concentration skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
Confused A checkbox used to indicate if the character is suffering from the Confused affliction. Defaults to off.
constitution A user-editable modifier for Constitution skill checks. Defaults to 0.
constitution_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Constitution skill checks. Defaults to DEF.
constitutiontalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to Constitution. Default to off.
constitution_total The total bonus to Constitution skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
cool The character's Cool contest stat; only applicable for Pokémon-type characters.
credits The character's credit balance. This is used in a numeric field, and will display as 0 if a non-numeric value is used.
Cursed A checkbox used to indicate if the character is suffering from the Cursed affliction. Defaults to off.
cute The character's Cute contest stat; only applicable for Pokémon-type characters.
DEF The character's Defense score.
defbase The base Defense score for this character. Use this field to set the base score before any modifiers are applied.
defbonus Any temporary changes to the character's Defense score should be entered here. Changing this causes the sheet to re-calculate the DEFMOD value.
DEFMOD The character's Defense modifier; this is calculated by the sheet when it opens and when stats are updated, so any direct changes to this value will be over-written.
Use defbonus to provide temporary changes.
defnature The adjustment to Defense based on the character's nature.
Note: This should not apply to Trainer characters, and this is something that will be addressed soon.
diet The preferred diet for the Pokémon-type character.
diplomacy A user-editable modifier for Diplomacy/Persuasion skill checks. Defaults to 0.
diplomacy_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Diplomacy/Persuasion skill checks. Defaults to SPDEF.
diplomacytalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to Diplomacy/Persuasion. Default to off.
diplomacy_total The total bonus to Diplomacy/Persuasion skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
egg_group The egg group for the Pokémon-type character.
engineering A user-editable modifier for Engineering/Operation skill checks. Defaults to 0.
engineering_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Engineering/Operation skill checks. Defaults to SPATK.
engineeringtalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to Engineering/Operation. Default to off.
engineering_total The total bonus to Engineering/Operation skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
Frozen A checkbox used to indicate if the character is suffering from the Frozen affliction. Defaults to off.
handling A user-editable modifier for Pokémon Handling skill checks. Defaults to 0.
handling_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Pokémon Handling skill checks. Defaults to SPDEF.
handlingtalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to Pokémon Handling. Default to off.
handling_total The total bonus to Pokémon Handling skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
history A user-editable modifier for History skill checks. Defaults to 0.
history_ability_mod The ability modifier used for History skill checks. Defaults to SPATK.
historytalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to History. Default to off.
history_total The total bonus to History skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
honors A text field for describing the honors the character has accomplished. Used for Pokémon PC- and Trainer-type characters.
honor_count The character's current number of honours. This is used as a reminder, and isn't used for auto-calculating the level.
HP The character's current HP score; there is an attribute for max HP as well.
Initiative The value rolled by the "Initiative" token-action for tokens linked to this character.
initiative-macro The value used by the initiative token-action. Defaults to @{SPD}+(@{initiative-tie-breaker}/100).
initiative-tie-breaker Used in the initiative macro to help differentiate between characters with equal Speed values.
Infatuated A checkbox used to indicate if the character is suffering from the Infatuated affliction. Defaults to off.
insight A user-editable modifier for Insight skill checks. Defaults to 0.
insight_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Insight skill checks. Defaults to SPDEF.
insighttalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to Engineering/Operation. Default to off.
insight_total The total bonus to Insight skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
inventory A text field that contains all of the character's inventory. Used for Pokémon PC- and Trainer-type characters.
investigate A user-editable modifier for Investigate skill checks. Defaults to 0.
investigate_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Investigate skill checks. Defaults to SPATK.
investigatetalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to Investigate. Default to off.
investigate_total The total bonus to Investigate skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
item The character's held item. Not present for Trainer-type characters.
json-export A text field that will be populated with json used for exporting this character.
json_import A text field that should be reserved for importing a character via json.
level1..4 The level of each class from 1 through 4. Not used for Pokémon-type characters.
medicine A user-editable modifier for Medicine skill checks. Defaults to 0.
medicine_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Medicine skill checks. Defaults to SPATK.
medicinetalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to Medicine. Default to off.
medicine_total The total bonus to Medicine skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
movement The movement of the character. This is auto-calculated based on Speed/character-type when the sheet opens, so manual changes will be over-written.
Use movebonus to change this further.
movebonus A modifier to movement, added when the sheet is opened and when this value changes.
move_bonusaccuracy A numeric modifier to accuracy rolls that is applied universally across all moves.
move_bonusattack A numeric modifier to damage rolls for moves that have the Attack category. Defaults to 0.
move_bonusspecialattack A numeric modifier to damage rolls for moves that have the Special Attack category. Defaults to 0.
move_critthreshold Represents the critical success margin for accuracy rolls. Defaults to 20.
nature A user-editable modifier for Nature skill checks. Defaults to 0.
nature_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Nature skill checks. Defaults to SPATK.
naturetalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to Nature. Default to off.
nature_total The total bonus to Nature skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
nature-type The nature of the Pokémon-type character. Should be a text option, as this affects the stats auto-calculation. Defaults to empty.
lonely, brave, adamant, naughty, bold, relaxed, impish, lax, timid, hasty, jolly, naïve, modest, mild, quiet, rash, calm, gentle, sassy, careful, hardy, docile, serious, bashful, quirky, other.
notes Text field for generic character notes.
options_stat_flag Flag for expanding/collapsing the stat entry grid. Any value except for on will cause the area to be collapsed. Defaults to on.
origin The character's Origin selection. Not visible for Pokémon-type characters.
originfeaturedesc The description of the character's Origin Feature.
originfeaturename The name of the character's Origin Feature.
origin_flag The character to show for the Origin Feature collapse/expand button. Defaults to -.
origin_options_flag Flag for expanding/collapsing the origin feature. Any value except for on will cause the area to be collapsed. Defaults to on.
origin_usage Shows the number of times the Origin Feature has been used. Defaults to 0.
otherpassives Reminder text for the ability passives (such as "Dry Skin", "Wonder Guard", etc.) assigned to the Pokémon-type character.
ownedpokemon Text field for describing the Pokémon this Trainer-type character owns.
Paralyzed A checkbox used to indicate if the character is suffering from the Paralyzed affliction. Defaults to off.
perception A user-editable modifier for Perception skill checks. Defaults to 0.
perception_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Perception skill checks. Defaults to SPDEF.
perceptiontalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to Perception. Default to off.
perception_total The total bonus to Perception skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
perform A user-editable modifier for Perform skill checks. Defaults to 0.
perform_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Perform skill checks. Defaults to SPDEF.
performtalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to Perform. Default to off.
perform_total The total bonus to Perform skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
Poisoned A checkbox used to indicate if the character is suffering from the Poisoned affliction. Defaults to off.
pokemonskills Reminder text for the current Pokémon skills (such as "Firestarter", "Zapper", etc.) available to the Pokémon-type character.
pokemon_sex The Pokémon-type character's sex.
programming A user-editable modifier for Programming skill checks. Defaults to 0.
programming_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Programming skill checks. Defaults to SPATK.
programmingtalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to Programming. Default to off.
programming_total The total bonus to Programming skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
selected-page Represents which page of the character sheet is open, and is used to determine show/hide CSS rules. Defaults to character-page.
character-page, configuration-page
size The size category the Pokémon-type character falls into.
skill_modifier_ability Represents the chosen attribute to use for the currently selected skill, in the skill modifier section of the configuration page. Defaults to SPD.
skill_modifier_selection Represents the skill currently selected in the skill modifier section of the configuration page. Defaults to acrobatics.
sleightofhand A user-editable modifier for Sleight of Hand skill checks. Defaults to 0.
sleightofhand_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Sleight of Hand skill checks. Defaults to SPD.
sleightofhandtalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to Sleight of Hand. Default to off.
sleightofhand_total The total bonus to Sleight of Hand skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
SPATK The character's Special Attack score.
spatkbase The base Special Attack score for this character. Use this field to set the base score before any modifiers are applied.
spatkbonus Any temporary changes to the character's Special Attack score should be entered here. Changing this causes the sheet to re-calculate the SPATKMOD value.
SPATKMOD The character's Special Attack modifier; this is calculated by the sheet when it opens and when stats are updated, so any direct changes to this value will be over-written.
Use spatkbonus to provide temporary changes.
spatknature The adjustment to Special Attack based on the character's nature.
Note: This should not apply to Trainer characters, and this is something that will be addressed soon.
SPDEF The character's Special Defense score.
spdefbase The base Special Defense score for this character. Use this field to set the base score before any modifiers are applied.
spdefbonus Any temporary changes to the character's Special Defense score should be entered here. Changing this causes the sheet to re-calculate the SPDEFMOD value.
SPDEFMOD The character's Special Defense modifier; this is calculated by the sheet when it opens and when stats are updated, so any direct changes to this value will be over-written.
Use spdefbonus to provide temporary changes.
spdefnature The adjustment to Special Defense based on the character's nature.
Note: This should not apply to Trainer characters, and this is something that will be addressed soon.
SPD The character's Speed score.
spdbase The base Speed score for this character. Use this field to set the base score before any modifiers are applied.
spdbonus Any temporary changes to the character's Speed score should be entered here. Changing this causes the sheet to re-calculate the SPDMOD value.
SPDMOD The character's Speed modifier; this is calculated by the sheet when it opens and when stats are updated, so any direct changes to this value will be over-written.
Use spdbonus to provide temporary changes.
spdnature The adjustment to Speed based on the character's nature.
Note: This should not apply to Trainer characters, and this is something that will be addressed soon.
species The name of the species of Pokémon the character is a member of.
statpassives Reminder text for the stat passives (such as "Growl", "Swords Dance", etc.) assigned to the Pokémon-type character.
stat_flag The character to show for the stat entry grid collapse/expand button. Defaults to -.
stealth A user-editable modifier for Stealth skill checks. Defaults to 0.
stealth_ability_mod The ability modifier used for Stealth skill checks. Defaults to SPD.
stealthtalent1/2 Checkboxes for designating if the character has a skill talent or two assigned to Stealth. Default to off.
stealth_total The total bonus to Stealth skill checks.
This is calculated by the sheet whenever a relevant component is changed and when the sheet is opened, so changes to this value will be over-written.
Stunned A checkbox used to indicate if the character is suffering from the Stunned affliction. Defaults to off.
tough The character's Tough contest stat; only applicable for Pokémon-type characters.
Toxified A checkbox used to indicate if the character is suffering from the Toxified affliction. Defaults to off.
type1 Represents the first type of the character, and is used to determine the color scheme. Defaults to typeless
bug, dark, dragon, electric, fairy, fighting, fire, flying, ghost, grass, ground, ice, normal, poison, psychic, rock, steel, typeless, water.
type2 Represents the second type of the character.
weight The weight category the Pokémon-type character falls into.

[edit] Repeating Field Attributes

There are two repeating fields in the character sheet, that have attributes themselves. Listed here are the attributes for an individual field in each of those repeating sections.

[edit] Repeating Features

The name of this repeating section is repeating_features.

Attribute Name Description
classfeaturedesc The description for this class feature.
classfeaturename The name of the class feature.
feature_usage The current usage of the feature.
flag The character to show for the feature collapse/expand button. Defaults to -.
options_flag Checkbox for expanding/collapsing the feature section. Any value except for on will cause the area to be collapsed. Defaults to on.

[edit] Repeating Moves

The name of this repeating section is repeating_moves.

flag The character to show for the feature collapse/expand button. Defaults to -.
move_acmod A numeric value that modifies the accuracy check for this move. Defaults to 0.
move_category A numeric value that represents the category selected for this move. Selecting "Category" or "Effect" causes the move to not add any modifier or STAB to the move's damage. Defaults to 0.
"Category": 0, "Attack": 1, "Special Attack": 2, "Effect": 3.
move_category_defense A field that contains the related defense stat for the selected move category. Set via sheet-worker when the move category is changed.
move_damagebonus A numeric value that modifies the damage check for this move. Defaults to 0.
move_damage_dice The size of the dice to use for damage.
move_dicenumber The number of dice to roll for damage.
move_effect A text field for any notes relating to the move.
move_effect1 Numerical value representing this moves primary additional effect. Defaults to 98.
"None": 98, "Critical Hit": 99, "Asleep": 01, "Burned": 02, "Confused": 03, "Cursed": 04, "Frozen": 05, "Infatuated": 06, "Paralyzed": 07, "Poisoned": 08, "Toxified": 09, "Stunned": 10, "Other": 11.
move_effect1_name The name of the selected effect in move_effect1.
move_effect1_threshold Threshold required to trigger the selected move_effect1. Defaults to 0.
move_effect2 Numerical value representing this moves secondary additional effect. As move_effect1, but does not have the "Critical Hit" option. Defaults to 98.
move_effect2_name The name of the selected effect in move_effect2.
move_effect2_threshold Threshold required to trigger the selected move_effect2. Defaults to 0.
move_frequency The selected frequency of the move. Defaults to empty.
move_name The name of this move.
move_range Plain text; range of the move.
move_template Determines which roll template is used when making attack rolls for this move. Defaults to move-roll.
"None": move-roll, "Dual Hit": dual-hit-move-roll, "Multi Hit": multi-hit-move-roll, "Triple Hit": triple-hit-move-roll.
move_totalaccuracy The total accuracy bonus for this move after factoring in all the relevant components. This is calculated whenever those components change, so external changes are likely to be over-written.
move_totalaccuracy_display A text value showing the overall dice roll for the accuracy check.
move_totaldamage The total damage bonus for this move after factoring in all the relevant components. This is calculated whenever those components change, so external changes are likely to be over-written.
move_totaldamage_display A text value showing the overall dice roll for the damage.
move_type The type for this move. If this matches one of the two types for the Pokémon-type character, STAB damage is applied to the overall damage roll.
move_usage The use-counter for this move.
options_flag Checkbox for expanding/collapsing the feature section. Any value except for on will cause the area to be collapsed. Defaults to on.

[edit] Roll Templates

The character sheet has a few different roll templates included in it for serving different needs, and they'll be discussed in detail below, along with tips for customising them for bespoke abilities and macros.

  • Note: all roll template fields that display text can also receive at least basic HTML; use this to get creative with customising your output, although keep in mind this isn't a tested feature.

[edit] Move Rolls

There are a total of four different roll templates dedicated to handling chat-log output for moves; the most important facet to them is the number of accuracy and damage rolls that each one supports.

The character sheet will determine which template to use based on the "Scatter" value selected for the move, as detailed in the Moves section.

[edit] Single-Hit Moves

[insert an image of the relevant roll template here]

The vast majority of moves will use this template, and it outputs a single pair of accuracy check and damage/effects/notes.

The parameters for the template are detailed below:
Fields marked † are optional and can be omitted.

Template Attribute Name Attribute Description
move-type Used to indicate the type of damage dealt, if any, and also to determine which CSS rules to use. This should be one of the 18 elemental types in lowercase, or typeless.
move-name The name of the move; displayed as the main title of the roll template.
character-name The name of the character making the move; displayed as the subtitle of the roll template.
character-id This should be the ID of the character; it is used for making the roll template subtitle into a link that will open the character sheet.
Omitting this value technically doesn't break anything, but it will cause the character name to be a link to nothing, rather than the character making the roll.
accuracy This attribute should contain the entire dice roll that will make up the accuracy check for this move.
Omitting this value causes the entire accuracy row to be hidden in the roll template.
target Used as plain text in the template next to the accuracy check value to highlight which defensive stat is targeted.
Omitting this value causes the vs {target} text to not displayed.
effectiveness This should be a number between -2 and 2, representing Shielded, Resisted, Neutral, Super Effective, and Extremely Effective respectively. This value is used to determine the CSS rules for the damage roll value, colouring it accordingly using a traffic-light-esque system.
effectiveness-roll Used to allow the conditional HTML to show/hide the relevant effectiveness text of the damage. The default value here is [[2 + {effectiveness}]].
Omitting this value technically doesn't break the roll template, although it will cause a thin dividing row to show between the accuracy and damage rows.
critical-damage This should be an inline roll, which calculates the amount of damage a hit causes on a critical hit.
If the damage total is 0, the critical damage row is not shown.
damage This should be an inline roll, which calculates the amount of damage dealt on a non-critical hit. This row is not shown if the move was a critical hit.
If the damage total is 0, the damage row is not shown.
effect1 A dual-purpose field, this checks for a Critical Hit based on the total accuracy check rather than the pure die roll, or it indicates an additional effect has taken place.
If the value is 99, the accuracy roll is compared against the {effect1_threshold} value, and critical damage is shown if that is also above 0.
If the value is between 1 and 10, a corresponding affliction text is shown, using the value in {effect1_name}, if the accuracy roll is at least the effect threshold.
effect1_roll Used to allow the conditional HTML to determine the value chosen. This should be an inline roll that comes to the same value as the {effect1} value.
effect1_name A display name for the effect; Stunned, Poisoned, Confused, etc.
effect1_threshold A numerical value that serves as the number the accuracy check needs to meet or exceed for the effect to be applied.
effect2 Similar to {effect1} this is used to determine if secondary effects have applied to this move. This field is only checked for additional effects such as Stunned, Poisoned, or Confused.
effect2_roll See {effect1_roll}}.
Omitting this value causes the roll template to ignore the secondary effect - doing so also means the other {effect2} fields can safely be omitted as well, although they aren't optional in and of themselves.
effect2_name See {effect1_name}
effect2_threshold See {effect1_threshold}
notes Used to display any further notes about the move.
Omitting this causes the final notes row to not be shown.

[edit] Multi-Hit Moves

[insert images of the relevant roll templates here]

Used for the various scatter-type moves, these roll templates roll accuracy and damage pairs in bulk, which means there is less clutter in the chat log.

A lot of the fields are similar to the single-hit roll template, but those that differ are explained below:
Fields marked † are optional and can be omitted.

Template Attribute Name Attribute Description
accuracy Similar performance to the single-hit roll template, except that it isn't an optional field anymore.
accuracy-2...5 Similar performance to the {accuracy} field, correlating to attack number 2, 3, 4, or 5. Each hit is checked for critical hit as per the regular accuracy check.
Omitting any of these fields causes the relevant accuracy check value to appear blank, but still shows the "Accuracy Check:" label.
critical-damage-extra Similar to the {critical-damage} field, this should contain an inline roll that totals the critical damage dealt by the scatter moves secondary hits - it's worth keeping in mind that all static damage is dealt only on the first hit of a scatter move.
damage-2...5 Similar to the numbered accuracy sections, these are damage fields that correlate to attack number 2, 3, 4, or 5. Each will be hidden if that attack was a critical hit but will display even if the damage is 0
  • The dual-hit-move-roll template uses only accuracy & damage 2
  • The triple-hit-move-roll template uses only accuracy & damage 2 and 3
  • The multi-hit-move-roll template uses all 5 of the accuracy and damage pairs

[edit] Skill Rolls

[insert an image of a skill roll template and the capture pokemon template here]

There is one template for rolling skill checks, the skill-roll template. Most commonly used to simply throw down a label and roll value, with the name of the skill as the header of the template.

The parameters for the template are:
Fields marked † are optional and can be omitted.

Template Attribute Name Attribute Description
base-attribute Used to determine which CSS rules to use. This should be one of the 5 stats in shorthand form; atk, def, spatk, spdef, or spd.
character-id This should be the ID of the character; it is used for making the roll template subtitle into a link that will open the character sheet.
Omitting this value technically doesn't break anything, but it will cause the character name to be a link to nothing, rather than the character making the roll.
character-name The name of the character making the move; displayed as the subtitle of the roll template.
skill-name The name of the skill used; displayed as the title of the roll template.
skill-roll The skill roll value - this should be an inline roll, but the roll template will display text if provided instead.
This is what is used to display the "Capture Roll:" and additional dice roll; this value is not limited to one line of text or a single inline roll, and can in fact display whatever is desired - try to keep things to a single line, though, as it doesn't look nice with multiple.

[edit] Feature Output

[insert an image of a skill roll template and the capture pokemon template here]

Sometimes you need to simply output some text, and this is covered with the feature-output roll template.

The parameters for the template are:
Fields marked † are optional and can be omitted.

Template Attribute Name Attribute Description
type-color Used to determine which CSS rules to use. This should be one of the 18 elemental types in lowercase, or typeless.
character-name The name of the character making the move; displayed as the subtitle of the roll template.
character-id This should be the ID of the character; it is used for making the roll template subtitle into a link that will open the character sheet.
Omitting this value technically doesn't break anything, but it will cause the character name to be a link to nothing, rather than the character making the roll.
feature-name The name of the feature being logged; displayed as the title of the roll template.
feature-text Whatever output is desired. This can be a mixture of text and roll values, although it's a good idea to keep roll values separated from larger bodies of text due to the small line spacing used for the template.