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Allow the GM to teleport one or more characters to a location based on a token placed on the GM layer of the map. Manual teleportation is achieved with the API command <code>!Teleport</code>. Automatic teleportation is toggled with <code>!AUTOTELEPORTER</code>. Both commands are GM-only.
Allow the GM to teleport one or more characters to a location based on a token placed on the GM layer of the map. Manual teleportation is achieved with the API command <code>!Teleport</code>. Automatic teleportation is toggled with <code>!AUTOTELEPORTER</code>. Both commands are GM-only.
<br clear="both">
=== Syntax ===
=== Syntax ===

Revision as of 19:01, 31 December 2014

API ScriptAuthor: 84478
Version: 1.3
Last Modified: 2013-06-10
Code: {{{2}}}
Dependencies: None
Conflicts: None

Allow the GM to teleport one or more characters to a location based on a token placed on the GM layer of the map. Manual teleportation is achieved with the API command !Teleport. Automatic teleportation is toggled with !AUTOTELEPORTER. Both commands are GM-only.



!Teleport <target>, <characters>


→ !Teleport target

, characterList









→ ε


→ , characterList

Parameter Values
target The name of an object on the GM layer used as the teleport target location.
characters A comma-separated list of character names to teleport.


There are two configuration variables near the top of the script. You may alter them to customize the script functionality:

  • Teleporter.AUTOTELEPORTER – The default state of the auto teleportation behavior. Use true or false. The autoteleporter state will not persist between sessions, so you should set this value to the state you intend to use most often.
  • Teleporter.GMName – Set to the display name of the user with permission to use the teleportation commands.

Manual Teleport Setup

In order to teleport a token somewhere, you must have a named object on the GM layer. The object's name will be used as the first parameter to the !Teleport API command.

Automatic Teleport Setup

In order to automatically teleport tokens, you must have objects on the GM layer with a specific naming scheme. Each object's name should end with a number in the range [2, 9] followed by a capital letter in the range [A, I]. Linked teleporters need to have identical names, with the exception of the capital letter at the end, which should be unique among the set of otherwise-identical objects.

The number in the object's name indicates how many teleporters exist in the sequence. The letter in the object's name indicates what position in the sequence the object is located at. For example, a three-teleporter sequence might be named "stair3A", "stair3B", and "stair3C". Automatically teleporting tokens will loops through the sequence as they step on the squares that the objects are located on.

You can also create one-directional teleporters by having an incomplete sequence. If you have "stair3A" and "stair3B" but there is no object on the GM layer named "stair3C", tokens will teleport from A to B, but will not teleport from B to anywhere else.


// Gist:

/* ************ TELEPORTING SCRIPT  **************************
*   The intention of this script is to allow the DM to teleport
*   one or all characters to a location based on a token placed 
*   on the DM layer of the map. 
*     To activate the script, type "!Teleport " and add the name
*   of the teleport location (must not contrain spaces) and then 
*   the name of the party member to teleport there. They must be 
*   seperated by commas. If you want all to teleport, type all. 
*   ie. !Teleport teleport01, all - teleports all players to teleport01
*   AUTOTELEPORTING: This feature allows you to place a token on 
*   One square (for example stairs) and it will auto move a token 
*   to the linked location and back again should you choose.
*   Linked locations need to be tokens placed on the GMLayer.
*   Naming conventions:
*   Two way doors:   XXXXXXXX2A, XXXXXXXXX2B
*       (in the case of one way doors, dont create a 3C)
*   This system can handle up to 9 way doors (9I max).
var Teleporter = Teleporter || {};

Teleporter.AUTOTELEPORTER = true; //Set to true if you want teleports to be linked

Teleporter.GMName = "DM (GM)"; //The display name of the GM
Teleporter.Teleport = function (CharName, TargetName) {
    var LocX = 0;
    var LocY = 0;
    var OldLocX = obj.get("left");
    var OldLocY = obj.get("top");

    //find the target location
    var location = findObjs({
        _pageid: Campaign().get("playerpageid"),                              
        _type: "graphic",
        layer: "gmlayer", //target location MUST be on GM layer
        name: TargetName,
    if (location.length == 0) return; //exit if invalid target location

    LocX = location[0].get("left");
    LocY = location[0].get("top");
    //if all are indicated, it lists all
    //finds all tokens with the name
    var targets = findObjs({
        _pageid: Campaign().get("playerpageid"),                              
        _type: "graphic",
    //Move characters to target location
    _.each(targets, function(obj) {
        //Only player tokens
        if (CharName == "all") {
            if (obj.get("represents") != "") {
                log("Setting all");
                obj.set("left", LocX + 1);
                obj.set("top", LocY);
        else {
            if (obj.get("name").indexOf(CharName) !== -1) {
                if (obj.get("represents") != "") {
                    obj.set("left", LocX + 1);
                    obj.set("top", LocY);
    /*   *************************  HANDLES MOVETRACKER  **********************/
    //Handler for when Movement Tracker is present and running
    if (InitiativeCheck() == false) return; //Exit if initiative os empty;
    if (MovementTracker.length == 0 ) return;
    if (MovementTracker.ENABLE_MOVEMENT == false) return; //Do nothing if disabled
    //Old amount of move distance
    var OldMoved = CalcUnitsMoved();
    //Set a new pin to calc the new distance traveled
    SetPin(MovementTracker.MoveNumber, LocX, LocY, obj.get("width"), obj.get("height"), 0);
    MovementTracker.MoveNumber = MovementTracker.MoveNumber + 1;
    //Calculate new distance
    var NewMoved = CalcUnitsMoved();
    //Gets scale of board
    var currentPage = getObj("page", Campaign().get("playerpageid"));
    var scale = currentPage.get("scale_number");
    //Difference is counted as DMs Movement
    MovementTracker.GM_MOVES_COUNT = (NewMoved - OldMoved) / scale + MovementTracker.GM_MOVES_COUNT ;
    // Gets the characters speed
    var Speed =  GetCharMaxSpeed(obj.get("represents"));
    //Subtract movement from speed
    SetCharSpeed(obj.get("represents"), Speed - OldMoved);
    //Reset Aura
    SetPin(MovementTracker.MoveNumber - 1, NewX, NewY, obj.get("width"), obj.get("height"), (Speed - OldMoved), (Speed * 2) - OldMoved);

on("chat:message", function(msg) {   
    var cmdName = "!Teleport ";

    if (msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf(cmdName) !== -1 && Teleporter.GMName == msg.who) {
        var cleanedMsg = msg.content.replace(cmdName, "");
        var commands = cleanedMsg.split(", ");
        var targetName = commands[0];

        i = 1
        while ( i < commands.length ) {
            Teleporter.Teleport(commands[i], targetName)
            i = i + 1;

on("change:graphic", function(obj) {
    if (obj.get("name").indexOf("Teleport") !== -1) return; //Do not teleport teleport pads!!
    if (Teleporter.AUTOTELEPORTER == false) return; //Exit if auto Teleport is disabled
    /*  To use this system, you need to name two Teleportation locations the same
    *   with only an A and B distinction. For instance Teleport01A and Teleport01B 
    *   will be linked together. When a token gets on one location, it will be
    *   Teleported to the other automatically */
    //Remove or comment out if not using Movement Tracker
    if (MyTurn(obj) == false ) return;  //If not my turn exit without moving
    //Finds the current teleportation location
    var CurrName = "";
    var location = findObjs({
        _pageid: Campaign().get("playerpageid"),                              
        _type: "graphic",
        layer: "gmlayer", //location MUST be on GM layer
        left: obj.get("left"),
        top: obj.get("top"),
    if (location.length == 0) return;
    CurrName = location[0].get("name");
    var Letters = new Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L");
    //Number of doors in the cycle (second to last character)
    var doorCount = CurrName.substr(CurrName.length - 2, 1);
    //Current Letter of the Door
    var currDoor = CurrName.substr(CurrName.length - 1, 1);
    //Finds the pair location and moves target to that location
    var i = Letters.indexOf(currDoor);
    if (i == doorCount - 1) {
        i = 0;
    else {
        i = i + 1;
    NewName = CurrName.substr(0,CurrName.length - 2) + doorCount + Letters[i];
    var NewX = 0;
    var NewY = 0;
    var newLocation = findObjs({
        _pageid: Campaign().get("playerpageid"),                              
        _type: "graphic",
        layer: "gmlayer", //target location MUST be on GM layer
        name: NewName,
    _.each(newLocation, function(Loc){
            //Get the new Location
        NewX = Loc.get("left");
        NewY = Loc.get("top");
    if (NewX == 0 ) return;
    obj.set("left", NewX);
    obj.set("top", NewY);
    /*   *************************  HANDLES MOVETRACKER  **********************/
    //Handler for when Movement Tracker is present and running
    if (MovementTracker.length == 0 ) return;
    if (MovementTracker.ENABLE_MOVEMENT == false) return; //Do nothing if disabled
    if (InitiativeCheck() == false) return; //Exit if initiative os empty;
    //Old amount of move distance
    var OldMoved = CalcUnitsMoved();
    //Set a new pin to calc the new distance traveled
    SetPin(MovementTracker.MoveNumber, NewX, NewY, obj.get("width"), obj.get("height"), 0);
    MovementTracker.MoveNumber = MovementTracker.MoveNumber + 1;
    //Calculate new distance
    var NewMoved = CalcUnitsMoved();
    //Gets scale of board
    var currentPage = getObj("page", Campaign().get("playerpageid"));
    var scale = currentPage.get("scale_number");
    //Difference is counted as DMs Movement
    MovementTracker.GM_MOVES_COUNT = (NewMoved - OldMoved) / scale + MovementTracker.GM_MOVES_COUNT ;
    // Gets the characters speed
    var Speed =  GetCharMaxSpeed(obj.get("represents"));
    //Subtract movement from speed
    SetCharSpeed(obj.get("represents"), Speed - OldMoved);
    //Reset Aura
    SetPin(MovementTracker.MoveNumber - 1, NewX, NewY, obj.get("width"), obj.get("height"), (Speed - OldMoved), (Speed * 2) - OldMoved);

on("chat:message", function(msg) {   
    if (msg.content.indexOf("!AUTOTELEPORTER") !== -1 && Teleporter.GMName == msg.who) {

        if ( Teleporter.AUTOTELEPORTER == true) {
            sendChat("System", "Autoteleporting Disabled.");
            Teleporter.AUTOTELEPORTER = false;
        else {
            sendChat("System", "Autoteleporting Enabled.");
            Teleporter.AUTOTELEPORTER = true;