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Welcome to the Starfinder Official Character Sheet Wiki!
The official Roll20 Starfinder sheet is a sheetworker driven character sheet for Paizo’s Starfinder roleplaying game. The sheet handles many of the minutiae of running a character and regardless of whether you’re running an NPC, a PC, or a Starship the sheet displays as a single page so that you can focus on the story your party and GM are weaving and staying in character. This wiki article explains how to use the more advanced features of the sheet.
==Join the Conversation==
Have a question? Noticed a bug? Got a feature request? Stop by the Starfinder sheet Roll20 forum thread.
==Navigating the Sheet==
The sheet’s settings page can be accessed at any time by clicking the gear icon to the right of the starfinder logo. The gear icon will change to a crossed hammer and wrench. Return to the character’s page by clicking the crossed hammer and wrench.
=The Settings Sheet=
This is the page that is open by default for all new sheets. Here you can modify the basic behavior of the sheet in several ways.
On the far left side are the message settings. Public simply sends all your rolls (except for menus) to general chat. Private, sends those rolls to the gm instead.
In the center are several options for your sheet’s display mode. By default the sheet is configured for a player character. Changing to an npc or a ship is as easy as clicking a button. This section is also where you can set the sheet up as an interface for your mechanic’s drone.
Setting the sheet as an NPC interface will automatically change the message settings to private.
To the right are various customization options for house rules. Here you can change how a character’s resolve is calculated, what buffs stack with themselves, and what weapons only get half the weapon specialization bonus.
=Using the PC and NPC Sheets=
==Menus, Buffs, & Conditions==
The menus tab contains chat menu macros for easy access to all your character’s abilities from chat. The menus are maintained by the sheetworkers and will update as you add, change, or remove items from the sheet.
The buffs pane contains a repeating section for entering buffs (repeating_buff) from sources other than items or abilities. If a buff is enabled, the mods listed in its mods fields will be taken into account whenever the sheet updates. See the “Using the Mods fields” section below.
This section contains several checkboxes as well as a repeating section. At the top of the section is the repeating_condition section for tracking your progress through any pathogens or poisons you are exposed to. Underneath this are checkboxes for all of the conditions outlined in the CRB as well as a number field for recording any negative levels you have accrued.
The repeating_condition section handles the progression tracks for physical and mental diseases, and for each of the six ability score poison tracks. When you make a new disease/poison, select which track it uses and then select what position on the track you are at.
==Using the Mods fields==
The sheet uses three mod fields (located in repeating_buff, repeating_item, and repeating_ability) to handle the variety of modifications that can be applied to just about any facet of the character. From standard armor to an operative’s edge, the mods field is how the sheet handles these adjustments. These mods fields are textareas and the basic syntax to apply a mod is that you simply take how the buff would be said, "I have a +2 racial bonus to acrobatics" and simplify it to "+2 racial to acrobatics". This section will explain all the uses of this syntax.
===Basic Syntax===
'''expression Bonus Type to Mod Target'''
* Expression: the mathematic expression or attribute to apply as a buff. This section of the line should be written as if writing an inline roll. The sheet itself can evaluate attribute calls within the sheet itself, use of most math functions (floor, ceil, abs), and arithmetic (+,-,*,/). The expression section ends when words begin
* Bonus Type: What bonus type to use for stacking rules, can be any word, and is optional. If omitted, the bonus type is set to untyped.
* Mod Target: What attribute(s) to apply the mod to. Attributes should be referenced as plain text without the @{} surrounding it.
'''+2 insight to acrobatics'''
This will cause the targeted attribute(s) to recalculate and they will format based on whether all their buffs/penalties add up to a buff or a penalty over their unmodified state. Attributes with underscores in them (e.g. life_science) can be referenced using the underscore version of the name, or by replacing the underscore with a space.
===Buff Stacking===
The sheet handles buff stacking automatically. By default only circumstance, luck, and untyped bonuses stack. You can change this in the settings page under the house rules section. Buff type stacking is case insensitive.
===Rolltime Mods===
Mods that do not resolve until a roll is made, or that cannot be resolved by the sheetworkers, can also be applied to most attributes using the mods fields:
'''+?{Expertise|No,0|Yes,1d6} insight to sense motive'''
These buffs will not change the displayed attribute total, but will be taken into account when the roll is made.
====Advanced syntax====
=====Modding a type of attribute=====
The mods syntax can also be used to apply a buff to a category of attributes. The attributes that can be modded using this feature are:
* Attacks: attack
* Damage rolls: damage
* AC: ac
* Saves: saves
* Skills: skills
To buff attack or damage rolls, the buff target uses the keywords “attack” or “damage”:
'''+1 insight to attack'''
This will add a +1 insight roll to all attacks (weapons, abilities, and spells).
=====AC (EAC, KAC, Armor Bonuses, max dex)=====
In order to add an armor bonus to your AC, you can either reference the kac_armor or eac_armor attribute directly, or you can type the bonus as an armor bonus for it to be added to the armor attribute for that ac.
'''+2 armor to eac'''
'''+2 armor to eac armor'''
You can also apply a buff to all your ac values (note not the eac_armor or kac_armor) by setting the buff target as armor:
'''+2 to armor'''
'''+2 to eac and kac'''
'''+2 to eac
+2 to kac'''
Maximum dexterity bonuses are also handled via the mods fields:
'''5 max dex to armor'''
will result in no greater than a 5 dex bonus being applied to your ac.
You can apply a buff to all skills by setting the buff target to skills:
'''+2 to skills'''
As with skills, you can buff all saves by setting the buff target to saves:
'''+2 to saves'''
=====Backpacks and Encumbrance buffing=====
Your carrying capacity can be buffed, but since it is represented by two values, you must buff each value independently.
'''+1 to encumber bulk'''
'''+2 to encumber bulk'''
'''+1 to overburden bulk'''
=====Applying Buffs To Subsets=====
The sheet supports applying buffs to specific subsets of repeating fields. This capability requires a slightly more advanced syntax than is used for basic buffs. The general buff syntax to apply only to a subset is:
+X [Bonus Type] to attribute to buff|attribute to filter by:what value the attribute must equal
'''+5 luck to dc|type:fire'''
This syntax also works with combining buff targets with and:
'''+5 luck to dc|type:fire and profession|name:bounty hunter'''
You can filter by multiple subsets by separating each subset by a comma:
'''+5 luck to attack|type:fire,engagement range:melee'''
You can also filter by section type by using the “section” keyword instead of an ability name:
'''+5 luck to attack|section:attack'''
This expandable section of attacks, abilities, and spells allows you to customize the sheet roll’s output. You can add additional template fields (or overwrite the default ones), or add additional messages to be sent outside of the roll template. If you would like your addition included in the roll template (such as to add an additional field, or overwrite a default one) enter it on the first line of the textarea. If you would like your additional text to be separate from the roll template (such as for API commands), put at least one new line before your addition.
=Using the Starship Sheet=
Starships are big, complicated pieces of machinery. Luckily, with the starship mode on the Starfinder sheet, your starship sheet doesn’t have to be. Many aspects of flying and fighting in a starship depend on both the crew's skills and the quality of the ship. Because of this the starship sheet has several features that allow linking between a starship and the character sheets of its crew for rolls. The effects of this linking will not be displayed on the sheet itself, but will come in to play when you actually roll a skill or attack.
==Starship Info==
This is the basic information about your starship. Except for the speed and size fields, these fields do not affect the sheet.
Your AC, target lock rating, hull points, damage and critical thresholds, and total shield points are displayed and editable here. The armor and countermeasure values are entered in the systems repeating section detailed below.
===Importing piloting ranks===
Above the defenses section is a button that allows pilot ranks to be pulled from another sheet. In order for this to work, you must have opened the pilot’s character sheet (and have edit access to it) at least once this session. If you have, the ranks that the pilot had the last time you edited/opened their sheet will be pulled and entered in the piloting ranks fields of the starship to calculate the ship’s armor class and target lock.
This is where details on the crew of the ship are entered. Crew can be entered two different ways. You can roll the check for a given crew position by clicking on the name of the crew position (or the specific weapon -located below- in the case of the gunner)
===Static number===
To enter a static number for a crew member’s skill (for NPC ships for instance) enter a crew member name or a skill name followed by +/-#. Separate multiple crew members/skills with a comma (e.g. NPC Gunner 1 +20 or bluff +6, Intimidate +8, Computers +3)
===Linked Sheet===
If the crew member is a fully statted out character PC. Enter their name as it appears in the journal, but do not include the +/-# (e.g. Your vesk soldier Obozaya is your ship’s gunner; put Obozaya in the gunner field). The sheet will create attribute calls in the outputted roll to reference that sheet by name. Note that if the character’s character_name attribute changes, you must change it on the starship sheet in order for the rolls to work. This will technically work with NPCs, however since the "ranks" that are recorded for an NPC are not true ranks, this will most likely result in unanticipated bonuses to starship rolls for statted NPCs.
You can mix these two methods of referencing crew members in a given crew slot (except for the captain and pilot  fields, which there should only ever be one each of).
==Power & Computers==
Power & Computers are edited by entering systems and/or expansion bays further down in the sheet. These fields are readonly for easy display of the total power output/consumption and the total Computer bonus.
==Ship Quadrant Details==
The large circular hex grid in the center of the top of the sheet gives a graphical representation of the four weapon and shield arcs. The four fields around the edge of the circle are for the shield points assigned to that quadrant. As you change these points, the current shield point value will recalculate.
==Weapons (Four arcs, and turret)==
The four possible weapon mount locations are displayed next. Each of these is a filtered view of the repeating section repeating_attack. The ship version of repeating_attack has some slightly different attributes and calculation methods.
The attributes contained in the attack are:
Name, type, class, range, damage_dice, arc, ammo_type, ammo, ammo|max, special, powered, pcu, bp, and description
The weapon will display in one of the five weapon panes depending on what value is entered for it’s arc. When you roll an attack, a roll query will prompt you for which gunner is making the attack and will use that gunner’s stats (static number or linked sheet attributes) for the attack roll. You will also be prompted for whether you are firing at will or not.
==Systems/Expansion Bays==
These two panes are a filtered view of the repeating section repeating_system. This is where shields, computers, power cores, armor, research labs, and other ship systems can be entered. Items in this repeating section have the following attributes:
Name, purpose, powered, pcu, bp, comp_bonus, shields, armor, countermeasure, and description
If the purpose is set to expansion bay, the item will be displayed in the expansion bays pane, other wise it shows up in systems.
If the item is set as a power core, it’s PCU value will be added to the max power attribute, otherwise, it is added to the current power attribute. The shields value is added to the shields|max attribute.
==System Status==
This bottom panel of the ship sheet summarizes your ship’s current state. Systems start at nominal (working as intended). From there, you can record the effects of critical effects by changing the status. The status of a system is automatically taken into account when you roll a check from a crew position influenced by that system (e.g. engines and pilots, weapon arcs and weapons fired from that arc, etc.).
Please note that the power system's effect on all roles is not taken into account for engineering rolls due to the conditional nature of applying that penalty when making engineering rolls.
=Appendix A: Sheet Sections and Attributes/Abilities=
This appendix will outline the attributes and ability rolls that you may need for your own custom macros. As usual, attributes are referenced via @{...} and abilities (aka sheet rolls) by %{...}.
==Menus, Buffs, & Conditions==
Attributes: attacks_menu, spells_menu, class_X_spellbook, skills_menu, abilities_menu
Abilities: initiative, attacks, saves, abilities, ability_checks, skills, attacks_menu, spells, class_X_spellbook
Repeating_buff attributes: name, mods, toggle
Repeating_condition attributes: name, track, description, track_status
Attributes: asleep, bleeding, blinded, burning, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, dead, deafened, dying, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, flat_footed, frightened, grappled, helpless, nauseated, negative_levels, off_kilter, off_target, panicked, paralyzed, pinned, prone, shaken, sickened, stable, staggered, stunned, unconscious
==PC Sheet==
===Character Info, Class Details, & Spellclasses===
Hidden attributes: character_level, bab
====Character Info====
Attributes: character_name, class&level, race, race_hp, theme, size, speed, gender, home_world, alignment, deity, player, and languages.
====Class Details====
Attributes: class_X_name, class_X_level, class_X_sp, class_X_hp, class_X_bab, class_X_fort, class_X_ref, class_X_will, class_X_skills, and class_X_spells.
Hidden attributes: caster_level
Attributes: class_X_casting_ability, class_X_spell_progression, class_X_cantrips_per_day,class_X_cantrips_per_day|max, class_X_level_N_spells_per_day, and class_X_level_N_spells_per_day|max
===Initiative & XP===
Attributes: initiative, initiative_ability
Abilities: initiative
===Ability Scores===
All of your ability scores are contained here. Only the strength attributes are listed here, but the others follow an identical naming scheme.
Attributes: strength_mod, strength_base, strength, strength_penalty, strength_drain
Ability check rolls are contained in sheet rolls named for each ability score (e.g. %{strength}).
Abilities: strength
Attributes: sp, hp, rp, and temp_hp
===Armor Class===
Attributes: eac, eac_armor, eac_ability, kac, kac_armor, kac_ability, cmd, dr, and ac_notes
===Saving Throws===
Attributes: fort, fort_base, fort_ability, ref, ref_base, ref_ability, will, will_base, will_ability, and save_notes
Abilities: fort, ref, will
Only the life science attributes and abilities are displayed, but all skills except for the profession section follow the same naming scheme as the life science fields.
Attributes: skill_points, life_science, life_science_ranks, life_science_class_skill, life_science_ability, life_science_acp and life_science_notes
Abilities: life_science
Repeating_profession attributes: profession, ranks, class_skill, ability, acp, notes, name
Attributes: carried_bulk, encumber_bulk, and overburden_bulk, credits, wealth, and upb
Repeating_item attributes: name, equipped, quantity, bulk, cost, level, purpose, type, proficiency, uses, mods, attacher, description, id
Repeating_item abilities: roll
Repeating_attack attributes: name, level, proficiency, category, ability, bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, type, crit, ammo_type, ammo, ammo|max, usage, special, total, damage_total, attacher, proficiency_value, damage_proficiency_value, full_attack_query, full_attack_number, full_attack_penalty
Repeating_attack abilities: roll
The abilities pane contains the repeating_ability section. Each item in the repeating section has the following attributes (prepend with repeating_ability_$X_) that are displayed by default:
Repeating_ability attributes: name, frequency, source, target, duration, attack_ability, attack_bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, attack_type, attack_crit, usage, uses, uses|max, uses, uses_max_base, save_ability, dc, save_type, effect, save_effect, type, spell_resistance, spell_penetration_misc
Repeating_ability abilities: roll
Repeating_spell attributes: name, source, target, duration, attack_ability, attack_bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, attack_type, attack_crit, usage, uses, uses|max, uses, uses_max_base, save_ability, dc, save_type, effect, save_effect, school, spell_resistance, spell_penetration_misc
Repeating_spell abilities: roll
==NPC Sheet==
The NPC sheet uses many of the same attributes as the PC sheet for the final totals used in rolls, however many attributes are entered in a “_base” attribute and then calculated to their final by the sheet. Always enter the value for an attribute as it is in the NPC’s statblock. Many of the attributes that had an ability score drop down retain this feature in the npc sheet. These dropdowns only control what ability score buffs to apply to the attribute, they do not add the unbuffed ability score to the value that you enter.
===Statblock Header===
Attributes: character_name, character_level, , xp, race, alignment, size, subtype, initiative_base, initiative, initiative_misc, senses, perception_base, perception, aura
Abilities: initiative
Attributes: hp, rp, eac_base, eac, kac_base, kac, cmd_base, cmd, ac_notes, fort_base, fort, ref_base, ref, will_base, will, save_notes, defensive_abilities, dr, immunities, sr, resistances, weaknesses,
Abilities: fort, ref, will
Attributes: speed, space, reach, caster_level
Repeating_attack attributes: name, level, ability, bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, type, crit, ammo_type, ammo, ammo|max, usage, special, total, damage_total, attacher, full_attack_query, full_attack_number, full_attack_penalty, base_attack_bonus_base, base_attack_bonus
Repeating_attack abilities: roll
Repeating_spell attributes: name, source, target, duration, attack_ability, attack_bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, attack_type, attack_crit, usage, uses_max_base, save_ability, dc_base, dc, save_type, effect, save_effect, school, spell_resistance, spell_penetration_misc, base_attack_bonus_base, base_attack_bonus
Repeating_spell abilities: roll
===Statistics & Ecology===
Attributes: strength_base, strength_mod, dexterity_base, dexterity_mod, constitution_base, constitution_mod, intelligence_base, intelligence_mod, wisdom_base, wisdom_mod, charisma_base, charisma_mod, acrobatics_base, acrobatics_mod, acrobatics_ability, athletics_base, athletics_mod, athletics_ability, bluff_base, bluff_mod, bluff_ability, computers_base, computers_mod, computers_ability, culture_base, culture_mod, culture_ability, diplomacy_base, diplomacy_mod, diplomacy_ability, disguise_base, disguise_mod, disguise_ability, engineering_base, engineering_mod, engineering_ability, intimidate_base, intimidate_mod, intimidate_ability, life_science_base, life_science_mod, life_science_ability, medicine_base, medicine_mod, medicine_ability, mysticism_base, mysticism_mod, mysticism_ability, profession_base, profession_mod, profession_ability, perception_base, perception_mod, perception_ability, physical_science_base, physical_science_mod, physical_science_ability, piloting_base, piloting_mod, piloting_ability, sense_motive_base, sense_motive_mod, sense_motive_ability, sleight_of_hand_base, sleight_of_hand_mod, sleight_of_hand_ability, stealth_base, stealth_mod, stealth_ability, survival_base, survival_mod, survival_ability, feats, languages, other_abilities, gear, environment, organization, tactics
Abilities: acrobatics, athletics, bluff, computers, culture, diplomacy, disguise, engineering, intimidate, life_science, medicine, mysticism, profession, perception, physical_science, piloting, sense_motive, sleight_of_hand, stealth, survival
Repeating_profession attributes: name, base, profession, ability
Repeating_profession abilities: roll
===Special Abilities===
Repeating_ability attributes: name, frequency, source, target, duration, attack_ability, attack_bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, attack_type, attack_crit, usage, uses, uses_max_base, save_ability, dc_base, dc, save_type, effect, save_effect, school, spell_resistance, spell_penetration_misc, base_attack_bonus_base, base_attack_bonus
Repeating_ability abilities: roll
==Starship Sheet==
Except for a few attributes, the starship sheet uses a completely different attribute scheme from the PC and NPC sheets. The starship sheet is also set up to reference other sheets for crew action dice rolls.
===Starship Info===
Attributes: character_name, ship_tier, make_model, size, frame, speed, maneuverability, drift_rating
Attributes: ac, tl, ship_piloting_ranks, ac_armor, tl_countermeasures, hp, damage_threshold, critical_threshold, shield_total
Attributes: captain, captain_bonus, engineer, engineer_bonus, pilot, pilot_bonus, science_officer, science_officer_bonus, gunner, gunner_roll, gunner_bonus
Abilities: captain, engineer, pilot, science_officer
===Power & Computers===
Attributes: ship_pcu, ship_computer, computer_query, ship_sensors, ship_bp
===Ship Quadrant Details===
Attributes: forward_shields, port_shields, starboard_shields, aft_shields
===Weapons (Four arcs, and turret)===
Repeating_attack attributes: name, type, class, range, damage_dice, arc, pcu, bp, ammo_type, ammo, special, powered, attacher, description, id
Repeating_attack abilities: ship_roll
===Systems/Expansion Bays===
Repeating_system attributes: name, purpose, powered, pcu, bp, comp_bonus, sensor_bonus, shields, armor, countermeasure, description
Repeating_system abilities: roll
===System Status===
Attributes: life_support_patch, life_support_status, sensors_patch, sensors_status, engines_patch, engines_status, power_core_patch, power_core_status, forward_weapons_status, starboard_weapons_status, aft_weapons_status, port_weapons_status
Abilities: starship_crit
=Appendix B: Buffable Attributes=
Repeating attributes should be referenced as if they were not for the purposes of targeting a buff. NPC buffs can use these same attributes, or the attribute names described specifically for NPCs. If you use the PC attribute name for an ability score (e.g. strength instead of strength_mod), then the buff will be halved and applied to that ability score's mod.
==PC Attributes==
strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, wisdom, charisma, sp_max, hp_max, rp_max, temp_hp_max, eac, eac_armor, kac, kac_armor, cmd, fort, ref, will, skill_points, acrobatics, athletics, bluff, computers, culture, diplomacy, disguise, engineering, intimidate, medicine, mysticism, perception, piloting, repeating_profession_$X_profession, stealth, survival, repeating_attack_$X_total, repeating_attack_$X_damage_total, encumber_bulk, overburden_bulk, repeating_ability_$X_attack_total, repeating_ability_$X_damage_total, repeating_ability_$X_dc, caster_level, repeating_spell_$X_attack_total, repeating_spell_$X_damage_total, repeating_spell_$X_dc, spell_penetration
==NPC Attributes==
In addition to the attributes listed for PC’s, NPC buffs may directly target these attributes:
strength_mod, Dexterity_mod, Constitution_mod, Intelligence_mod, wisdom_mod, charisma_mod
=Appendix B: Roll Templates=
Used for chat menus, saves, ability checks, and skill rolls.
<nowiki>&{template:sf_generic} {{name=}} {{characterid=}} {{title=}} {{r1name=}}  {{r1=}} {{r2name=}}  {{r2=}} {{r3name=}}  {{r3=}} {{r4name=}}  {{r4=}} {{r5name=}}  {{r5=}} {{notes=}} {{buttons0=}} {{buttons1=}} {{buttons2=}} {{buttons3=}} {{buttons4=}} {{buttons5=}} {{buttons6=}} {{buttons7=}} {{buttons8=}} {{buttons9=}} {{leftbanner=Left Banner}} {{rightbanner=Right Banner}}</nowiki>
Used for weapon attack rolls.
<nowiki>&{template:sf_attack} {{name=}} {{characterid=}} {{title=}} {{fullattack=[[must be inline roll]]}} {{r1name=}} {{r1=}} {{damage1type=}} {{damage1=}} {{crit1damage=}} {{crit1effect=}} {{r2name=}} {{r2=}} {{damage2type=}} {{damage2=}} {{crit2damage=}} {{crit2effect=}} {{r3name=}} {{r3=}} {{damage3type=}} {{damage3=}} {{crit3damage=}} {{crit3effect=}} {{r4name=}} {{r4=}} {{damage4type=}} {{damage4=}} {{crit4damage=}} {{crit4effect=}} {{r5name=}} {{r5=}} {{damage5type=}} {{damage5=}} {{crit5damage=}} {{crit5effect=}} {{range=}} {{ammo_type=}} {{curr_ammo=}} {{rightbanner=}} {{notes=}} {{buttons0=}} {{buttons1=}} {{buttons2=}} {{buttons3=}} {{buttons4=}} {{buttons5=}} {{buttons6=}} {{buttons7=}} {{buttons8=}} {{buttons9=}} {{leftbanner=}} {{rightbanner=}}</nowiki>
Used for abilities and spells.
<nowiki>&{template:sf_spell} {{name=}} {{characterid=}} {{title=}} {{activation=}} {{duration=}} {{targets=}} {{range=}} {{saveflag=}} {{savedc=}} {{savetype=}} {{effect=}} {{saveeffect=}} {{attackflag=}} {{fullattack=[[must be an inline roll]]}} {{r1=}} {{damageflag=}} {{damage1type=}} {{damage1=}} {{crit1damage=}} {{crit1effect=}}  {{r2=}} {{damage2type=}} {{damage2=}} {{crit2damage=}} {{crit2effect=}} {{r3=}} {{damage3type=}} {{damage3=}} {{crit3damage=}} {{crit3effect=}} {{r4=}} {{damage4type=}} {{damage4=}} {{crit4damage=}} {{crit4effect=}} {{r5=}} {{damage5type=}} {{damage5=}} {{crit5damage=}} {{crit5effect=}} {{notes=}} {{leftbanner=}} {{rightbanner=}}</nowiki>
==Special Field Behaviors==
===<nowiki>{{name}} & {{characterid}}</nowiki>===
Characterid is not displayed on it’s own. It is used to create a hyperlink to the character named in the name field.
===<nowiki>{{r#}}, {{crit#damage}} & {{crit#effect}}</nowiki>===
The crit fields will only appear if the first roll in the corresponding r# field is a critical success.
===<nowiki>{{fullattack}}</nowiki> & additional attack/damage fields===
The fullattack field only accepts a single inline roll.
For the sf_attack and sf_spell templates the additional attack rolls, damage rolls, and crit effects (e.g. r2+) will only display if the inline roll in fullattack is at least equal to the roll number. As an example the 2nd set of attack/damage rolls will not display unless the inline roll in fullattack resolves to 2 or more.
===<nowiki>{{buttons#}} {{notes}}</nowiki>===
The buttons and notes fields are designed for large pieces of text. They have a maximum height, and will switch to a scrollable format if they require more space.
===<nowiki>{{saveflag=}}, {{savedc=}}, {{savetype=}}, {{effect=}}, and {{saveeffect=}} and {{attackflag=}} and spell template attacks, and {{damageflag=}} and spell template damage</nowiki>===
This works similarly to the fullattack field controlling additional attacks. If the inline roll in the flag field is 1 or greater, the corresponding fields will be displayed.
===<nowiki>{{rcrit}} & {{rcrit2}}</nowiki>===
These two fields are only present in the sf_ship template. They are used for rolling ship critical effects and will display specific subsystems based on the value of the roll. rcrit expects a d100 and rcrit2 expects a d4.

Revision as of 23:20, 13 August 2018

The official Roll20 Starfinder sheet is a sheetworker driven character sheet for Paizo’s Starfinder roleplaying game. The sheet handles many of the minutiae of running a character and regardless of whether you’re running an NPC, a PC, or a Starship the sheet displays as a single page so that you can focus on the story your party and GM are weaving and staying in character. This wiki article explains how to use the more advanced features of the sheet.


Join the Conversation

Have a question? Noticed a bug? Got a feature request? Stop by the Starfinder sheet Roll20 forum thread.

Navigating the Sheet

The sheet’s settings page can be accessed at any time by clicking the gear icon to the right of the starfinder logo. The gear icon will change to a crossed hammer and wrench. Return to the character’s page by clicking the crossed hammer and wrench.

The Settings Sheet

This is the page that is open by default for all new sheets. Here you can modify the basic behavior of the sheet in several ways.

On the far left side are the message settings. Public simply sends all your rolls (except for menus) to general chat. Private, sends those rolls to the gm instead.

In the center are several options for your sheet’s display mode. By default the sheet is configured for a player character. Changing to an npc or a ship is as easy as clicking a button. This section is also where you can set the sheet up as an interface for your mechanic’s drone.

Setting the sheet as an NPC interface will automatically change the message settings to private.

To the right are various customization options for house rules. Here you can change how a character’s resolve is calculated, what buffs stack with themselves, and what weapons only get half the weapon specialization bonus.

Using the PC and NPC Sheets

Menus, Buffs, & Conditions


The menus tab contains chat menu macros for easy access to all your character’s abilities from chat. The menus are maintained by the sheetworkers and will update as you add, change, or remove items from the sheet.


The buffs pane contains a repeating section for entering buffs (repeating_buff) from sources other than items or abilities. If a buff is enabled, the mods listed in its mods fields will be taken into account whenever the sheet updates. See the “Using the Mods fields” section below.


This section contains several checkboxes as well as a repeating section. At the top of the section is the repeating_condition section for tracking your progress through any pathogens or poisons you are exposed to. Underneath this are checkboxes for all of the conditions outlined in the CRB as well as a number field for recording any negative levels you have accrued.

The repeating_condition section handles the progression tracks for physical and mental diseases, and for each of the six ability score poison tracks. When you make a new disease/poison, select which track it uses and then select what position on the track you are at.

Using the Mods fields

The sheet uses three mod fields (located in repeating_buff, repeating_item, and repeating_ability) to handle the variety of modifications that can be applied to just about any facet of the character. From standard armor to an operative’s edge, the mods field is how the sheet handles these adjustments. These mods fields are textareas and the basic syntax to apply a mod is that you simply take how the buff would be said, "I have a +2 racial bonus to acrobatics" and simplify it to "+2 racial to acrobatics". This section will explain all the uses of this syntax.

Basic Syntax

expression Bonus Type to Mod Target

  • Expression: the mathematic expression or attribute to apply as a buff. This section of the line should be written as if writing an inline roll. The sheet itself can evaluate attribute calls within the sheet itself, use of most math functions (floor, ceil, abs), and arithmetic (+,-,*,/). The expression section ends when words begin
  • Bonus Type: What bonus type to use for stacking rules, can be any word, and is optional. If omitted, the bonus type is set to untyped.
  • Mod Target: What attribute(s) to apply the mod to. Attributes should be referenced as plain text without the @{} surrounding it.

e.g: +2 insight to acrobatics

This will cause the targeted attribute(s) to recalculate and they will format based on whether all their buffs/penalties add up to a buff or a penalty over their unmodified state. Attributes with underscores in them (e.g. life_science) can be referenced using the underscore version of the name, or by replacing the underscore with a space.

Buff Stacking

The sheet handles buff stacking automatically. By default only circumstance, luck, and untyped bonuses stack. You can change this in the settings page under the house rules section. Buff type stacking is case insensitive.

Rolltime Mods

Mods that do not resolve until a roll is made, or that cannot be resolved by the sheetworkers, can also be applied to most attributes using the mods fields:

+?{Expertise|No,0|Yes,1d6} insight to sense motive

These buffs will not change the displayed attribute total, but will be taken into account when the roll is made.

Advanced syntax

Modding a type of attribute

The mods syntax can also be used to apply a buff to a category of attributes. The attributes that can be modded using this feature are:

  • Attacks: attack
  • Damage rolls: damage
  • AC: ac
  • Saves: saves
  • Skills: skills

To buff attack or damage rolls, the buff target uses the keywords “attack” or “damage”:

+1 insight to attack

This will add a +1 insight roll to all attacks (weapons, abilities, and spells).

AC (EAC, KAC, Armor Bonuses, max dex)

In order to add an armor bonus to your AC, you can either reference the kac_armor or eac_armor attribute directly, or you can type the bonus as an armor bonus for it to be added to the armor attribute for that ac.

+2 armor to eac OR +2 armor to eac armor

You can also apply a buff to all your ac values (note not the eac_armor or kac_armor) by setting the buff target as armor:

+2 to armor VS +2 to eac and kac VS +2 to eac +2 to kac

Maximum dexterity bonuses are also handled via the mods fields: 5 max dex to armor will result in no greater than a 5 dex bonus being applied to your ac.


You can apply a buff to all skills by setting the buff target to skills:

+2 to skills


As with skills, you can buff all saves by setting the buff target to saves:

+2 to saves

Backpacks and Encumbrance buffing

Your carrying capacity can be buffed, but since it is represented by two values, you must buff each value independently. Consumer +1 to encumber bulk Industrial +2 to encumber bulk +1 to overburden bulk

Applying Buffs To Subsets

The sheet supports applying buffs to specific subsets of repeating fields. This capability requires a slightly more advanced syntax than is used for basic buffs. The general buff syntax to apply only to a subset is:

+X [Bonus Type] to attribute to buff|attribute to filter by:what value the attribute must equal e.g. +5 luck to dc|type:fire

This syntax also works with combining buff targets with and: +5 luck to dc|type:fire and profession|name:bounty hunter

You can filter by multiple subsets by separating each subset by a comma: +5 luck to attack|type:fire,engagement range:melee

You can also filter by section type by using the “section” keyword instead of an ability name: +5 luck to attack|section:attack


This expandable section of attacks, abilities, and spells allows you to customize the sheet roll’s output. You can add additional template fields (or overwrite the default ones), or add additional messages to be sent outside of the roll template. If you would like your addition included in the roll template (such as to add an additional field, or overwrite a default one) enter it on the first line of the textarea. If you would like your additional text to be separate from the roll template (such as for API commands), put at least one new line before your addition.

Using the Starship Sheet

Starships are big, complicated pieces of machinery. Luckily, with the starship mode on the Starfinder sheet, your starship sheet doesn’t have to be. Many aspects of flying and fighting in a starship depend on both the crew's skills and the quality of the ship. Because of this the starship sheet has several features that allow linking between a starship and the character sheets of its crew for rolls. The effects of this linking will not be displayed on the sheet itself, but will come in to play when you actually roll a skill or attack.

Starship Info

This is the basic information about your starship. Except for the speed and size fields, these fields do not affect the sheet.


Your AC, target lock rating, hull points, damage and critical thresholds, and total shield points are displayed and editable here. The armor and countermeasure values are entered in the systems repeating section detailed below.

Importing piloting ranks

Above the defenses section is a button that allows pilot ranks to be pulled from another sheet. In order for this to work, you must have opened the pilot’s character sheet (and have edit access to it) at least once this session. If you have, the ranks that the pilot had the last time you edited/opened their sheet will be pulled and entered in the piloting ranks fields of the starship to calculate the ship’s armor class and target lock.


This is where details on the crew of the ship are entered. Crew can be entered two different ways. You can roll the check for a given crew position by clicking on the name of the crew position (or the specific weapon -located below- in the case of the gunner)

Static number

To enter a static number for a crew member’s skill (for NPC ships for instance) enter a crew member name or a skill name followed by +/-#. Separate multiple crew members/skills with a comma (e.g. NPC Gunner 1 +20 or bluff +6, Intimidate +8, Computers +3)

Linked Sheet

If the crew member is a fully statted out character PC. Enter their name as it appears in the journal, but do not include the +/-# (e.g. Your vesk soldier Obozaya is your ship’s gunner; put Obozaya in the gunner field). The sheet will create attribute calls in the outputted roll to reference that sheet by name. Note that if the character’s character_name attribute changes, you must change it on the starship sheet in order for the rolls to work. This will technically work with NPCs, however since the "ranks" that are recorded for an NPC are not true ranks, this will most likely result in unanticipated bonuses to starship rolls for statted NPCs.

You can mix these two methods of referencing crew members in a given crew slot (except for the captain and pilot fields, which there should only ever be one each of).

Power & Computers

Power & Computers are edited by entering systems and/or expansion bays further down in the sheet. These fields are readonly for easy display of the total power output/consumption and the total Computer bonus.

Ship Quadrant Details

The large circular hex grid in the center of the top of the sheet gives a graphical representation of the four weapon and shield arcs. The four fields around the edge of the circle are for the shield points assigned to that quadrant. As you change these points, the current shield point value will recalculate.

Weapons (Four arcs, and turret)

The four possible weapon mount locations are displayed next. Each of these is a filtered view of the repeating section repeating_attack. The ship version of repeating_attack has some slightly different attributes and calculation methods. The attributes contained in the attack are: Name, type, class, range, damage_dice, arc, ammo_type, ammo, ammo|max, special, powered, pcu, bp, and description

The weapon will display in one of the five weapon panes depending on what value is entered for it’s arc. When you roll an attack, a roll query will prompt you for which gunner is making the attack and will use that gunner’s stats (static number or linked sheet attributes) for the attack roll. You will also be prompted for whether you are firing at will or not.

Systems/Expansion Bays

These two panes are a filtered view of the repeating section repeating_system. This is where shields, computers, power cores, armor, research labs, and other ship systems can be entered. Items in this repeating section have the following attributes: Name, purpose, powered, pcu, bp, comp_bonus, shields, armor, countermeasure, and description

If the purpose is set to expansion bay, the item will be displayed in the expansion bays pane, other wise it shows up in systems.

If the item is set as a power core, it’s PCU value will be added to the max power attribute, otherwise, it is added to the current power attribute. The shields value is added to the shields|max attribute.

System Status

This bottom panel of the ship sheet summarizes your ship’s current state. Systems start at nominal (working as intended). From there, you can record the effects of critical effects by changing the status. The status of a system is automatically taken into account when you roll a check from a crew position influenced by that system (e.g. engines and pilots, weapon arcs and weapons fired from that arc, etc.).

Please note that the power system's effect on all roles is not taken into account for engineering rolls due to the conditional nature of applying that penalty when making engineering rolls.

Appendix A: Sheet Sections and Attributes/Abilities

This appendix will outline the attributes and ability rolls that you may need for your own custom macros. As usual, attributes are referenced via @{...} and abilities (aka sheet rolls) by %{...}.

Menus, Buffs, & Conditions


Attributes: attacks_menu, spells_menu, class_X_spellbook, skills_menu, abilities_menu

Abilities: initiative, attacks, saves, abilities, ability_checks, skills, attacks_menu, spells, class_X_spellbook


Repeating_buff attributes: name, mods, toggle


Repeating_condition attributes: name, track, description, track_status

Attributes: asleep, bleeding, blinded, burning, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, dead, deafened, dying, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, flat_footed, frightened, grappled, helpless, nauseated, negative_levels, off_kilter, off_target, panicked, paralyzed, pinned, prone, shaken, sickened, stable, staggered, stunned, unconscious

PC Sheet

Character Info, Class Details, & Spellclasses

Hidden attributes: character_level, bab

Character Info

Attributes: character_name, class&level, race, race_hp, theme, size, speed, gender, home_world, alignment, deity, player, and languages.

Class Details

Attributes: class_X_name, class_X_level, class_X_sp, class_X_hp, class_X_bab, class_X_fort, class_X_ref, class_X_will, class_X_skills, and class_X_spells.


Hidden attributes: caster_level

Attributes: class_X_casting_ability, class_X_spell_progression, class_X_cantrips_per_day,class_X_cantrips_per_day|max, class_X_level_N_spells_per_day, and class_X_level_N_spells_per_day|max

Initiative & XP

Attributes: initiative, initiative_ability

Abilities: initiative

Ability Scores

All of your ability scores are contained here. Only the strength attributes are listed here, but the others follow an identical naming scheme.

Attributes: strength_mod, strength_base, strength, strength_penalty, strength_drain Ability check rolls are contained in sheet rolls named for each ability score (e.g. %{strength}).

Abilities: strength


Attributes: sp, hp, rp, and temp_hp

Armor Class

Attributes: eac, eac_armor, eac_ability, kac, kac_armor, kac_ability, cmd, dr, and ac_notes

Saving Throws

Attributes: fort, fort_base, fort_ability, ref, ref_base, ref_ability, will, will_base, will_ability, and save_notes

Abilities: fort, ref, will


Only the life science attributes and abilities are displayed, but all skills except for the profession section follow the same naming scheme as the life science fields.

Attributes: skill_points, life_science, life_science_ranks, life_science_class_skill, life_science_ability, life_science_acp and life_science_notes

Abilities: life_science

Repeating_profession attributes: profession, ranks, class_skill, ability, acp, notes, name


Attributes: carried_bulk, encumber_bulk, and overburden_bulk, credits, wealth, and upb

Repeating_item attributes: name, equipped, quantity, bulk, cost, level, purpose, type, proficiency, uses, mods, attacher, description, id

Repeating_item abilities: roll


Repeating_attack attributes: name, level, proficiency, category, ability, bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, type, crit, ammo_type, ammo, ammo|max, usage, special, total, damage_total, attacher, proficiency_value, damage_proficiency_value, full_attack_query, full_attack_number, full_attack_penalty

Repeating_attack abilities: roll


The abilities pane contains the repeating_ability section. Each item in the repeating section has the following attributes (prepend with repeating_ability_$X_) that are displayed by default:

Repeating_ability attributes: name, frequency, source, target, duration, attack_ability, attack_bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, attack_type, attack_crit, usage, uses, uses|max, uses, uses_max_base, save_ability, dc, save_type, effect, save_effect, type, spell_resistance, spell_penetration_misc

Repeating_ability abilities: roll


Repeating_spell attributes: name, source, target, duration, attack_ability, attack_bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, attack_type, attack_crit, usage, uses, uses|max, uses, uses_max_base, save_ability, dc, save_type, effect, save_effect, school, spell_resistance, spell_penetration_misc

Repeating_spell abilities: roll

NPC Sheet

The NPC sheet uses many of the same attributes as the PC sheet for the final totals used in rolls, however many attributes are entered in a “_base” attribute and then calculated to their final by the sheet. Always enter the value for an attribute as it is in the NPC’s statblock. Many of the attributes that had an ability score drop down retain this feature in the npc sheet. These dropdowns only control what ability score buffs to apply to the attribute, they do not add the unbuffed ability score to the value that you enter.

Statblock Header

Attributes: character_name, character_level, , xp, race, alignment, size, subtype, initiative_base, initiative, initiative_misc, senses, perception_base, perception, aura

Abilities: initiative


Attributes: hp, rp, eac_base, eac, kac_base, kac, cmd_base, cmd, ac_notes, fort_base, fort, ref_base, ref, will_base, will, save_notes, defensive_abilities, dr, immunities, sr, resistances, weaknesses,

Abilities: fort, ref, will


Attributes: speed, space, reach, caster_level

Repeating_attack attributes: name, level, ability, bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, type, crit, ammo_type, ammo, ammo|max, usage, special, total, damage_total, attacher, full_attack_query, full_attack_number, full_attack_penalty, base_attack_bonus_base, base_attack_bonus

Repeating_attack abilities: roll

Repeating_spell attributes: name, source, target, duration, attack_ability, attack_bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, attack_type, attack_crit, usage, uses_max_base, save_ability, dc_base, dc, save_type, effect, save_effect, school, spell_resistance, spell_penetration_misc, base_attack_bonus_base, base_attack_bonus

Repeating_spell abilities: roll

Statistics & Ecology

Attributes: strength_base, strength_mod, dexterity_base, dexterity_mod, constitution_base, constitution_mod, intelligence_base, intelligence_mod, wisdom_base, wisdom_mod, charisma_base, charisma_mod, acrobatics_base, acrobatics_mod, acrobatics_ability, athletics_base, athletics_mod, athletics_ability, bluff_base, bluff_mod, bluff_ability, computers_base, computers_mod, computers_ability, culture_base, culture_mod, culture_ability, diplomacy_base, diplomacy_mod, diplomacy_ability, disguise_base, disguise_mod, disguise_ability, engineering_base, engineering_mod, engineering_ability, intimidate_base, intimidate_mod, intimidate_ability, life_science_base, life_science_mod, life_science_ability, medicine_base, medicine_mod, medicine_ability, mysticism_base, mysticism_mod, mysticism_ability, profession_base, profession_mod, profession_ability, perception_base, perception_mod, perception_ability, physical_science_base, physical_science_mod, physical_science_ability, piloting_base, piloting_mod, piloting_ability, sense_motive_base, sense_motive_mod, sense_motive_ability, sleight_of_hand_base, sleight_of_hand_mod, sleight_of_hand_ability, stealth_base, stealth_mod, stealth_ability, survival_base, survival_mod, survival_ability, feats, languages, other_abilities, gear, environment, organization, tactics

Abilities: acrobatics, athletics, bluff, computers, culture, diplomacy, disguise, engineering, intimidate, life_science, medicine, mysticism, profession, perception, physical_science, piloting, sense_motive, sleight_of_hand, stealth, survival

Repeating_profession attributes: name, base, profession, ability

Repeating_profession abilities: roll

Special Abilities

Repeating_ability attributes: name, frequency, source, target, duration, attack_ability, attack_bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, attack_type, attack_crit, usage, uses, uses_max_base, save_ability, dc_base, dc, save_type, effect, save_effect, school, spell_resistance, spell_penetration_misc, base_attack_bonus_base, base_attack_bonus

Repeating_ability abilities: roll

Starship Sheet

Except for a few attributes, the starship sheet uses a completely different attribute scheme from the PC and NPC sheets. The starship sheet is also set up to reference other sheets for crew action dice rolls.

Starship Info

Attributes: character_name, ship_tier, make_model, size, frame, speed, maneuverability, drift_rating


Attributes: ac, tl, ship_piloting_ranks, ac_armor, tl_countermeasures, hp, damage_threshold, critical_threshold, shield_total


Attributes: captain, captain_bonus, engineer, engineer_bonus, pilot, pilot_bonus, science_officer, science_officer_bonus, gunner, gunner_roll, gunner_bonus

Abilities: captain, engineer, pilot, science_officer

Power & Computers

Attributes: ship_pcu, ship_computer, computer_query, ship_sensors, ship_bp

Ship Quadrant Details

Attributes: forward_shields, port_shields, starboard_shields, aft_shields

Weapons (Four arcs, and turret)

Repeating_attack attributes: name, type, class, range, damage_dice, arc, pcu, bp, ammo_type, ammo, special, powered, attacher, description, id

Repeating_attack abilities: ship_roll

Systems/Expansion Bays

Repeating_system attributes: name, purpose, powered, pcu, bp, comp_bonus, sensor_bonus, shields, armor, countermeasure, description

Repeating_system abilities: roll

System Status

Attributes: life_support_patch, life_support_status, sensors_patch, sensors_status, engines_patch, engines_status, power_core_patch, power_core_status, forward_weapons_status, starboard_weapons_status, aft_weapons_status, port_weapons_status

Abilities: starship_crit

Appendix B: Buffable Attributes

Repeating attributes should be referenced as if they were not for the purposes of targeting a buff. NPC buffs can use these same attributes, or the attribute names described specifically for NPCs. If you use the PC attribute name for an ability score (e.g. strength instead of strength_mod), then the buff will be halved and applied to that ability score's mod.

PC Attributes

strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, wisdom, charisma, sp_max, hp_max, rp_max, temp_hp_max, eac, eac_armor, kac, kac_armor, cmd, fort, ref, will, skill_points, acrobatics, athletics, bluff, computers, culture, diplomacy, disguise, engineering, intimidate, medicine, mysticism, perception, piloting, repeating_profession_$X_profession, stealth, survival, repeating_attack_$X_total, repeating_attack_$X_damage_total, encumber_bulk, overburden_bulk, repeating_ability_$X_attack_total, repeating_ability_$X_damage_total, repeating_ability_$X_dc, caster_level, repeating_spell_$X_attack_total, repeating_spell_$X_damage_total, repeating_spell_$X_dc, spell_penetration

NPC Attributes

In addition to the attributes listed for PC’s, NPC buffs may directly target these attributes:

strength_mod, Dexterity_mod, Constitution_mod, Intelligence_mod, wisdom_mod, charisma_mod

Appendix B: Roll Templates


Used for chat menus, saves, ability checks, and skill rolls.

&{template:sf_generic} {{name=}} {{characterid=}} {{title=}} {{r1name=}} {{r1=}} {{r2name=}} {{r2=}} {{r3name=}} {{r3=}} {{r4name=}} {{r4=}} {{r5name=}} {{r5=}} {{notes=}} {{buttons0=}} {{buttons1=}} {{buttons2=}} {{buttons3=}} {{buttons4=}} {{buttons5=}} {{buttons6=}} {{buttons7=}} {{buttons8=}} {{buttons9=}} {{leftbanner=Left Banner}} {{rightbanner=Right Banner}}


Used for weapon attack rolls.

&{template:sf_attack} {{name=}} {{characterid=}} {{title=}} {{fullattack=[[must be inline roll]]}} {{r1name=}} {{r1=}} {{damage1type=}} {{damage1=}} {{crit1damage=}} {{crit1effect=}} {{r2name=}} {{r2=}} {{damage2type=}} {{damage2=}} {{crit2damage=}} {{crit2effect=}} {{r3name=}} {{r3=}} {{damage3type=}} {{damage3=}} {{crit3damage=}} {{crit3effect=}} {{r4name=}} {{r4=}} {{damage4type=}} {{damage4=}} {{crit4damage=}} {{crit4effect=}} {{r5name=}} {{r5=}} {{damage5type=}} {{damage5=}} {{crit5damage=}} {{crit5effect=}} {{range=}} {{ammo_type=}} {{curr_ammo=}} {{rightbanner=}} {{notes=}} {{buttons0=}} {{buttons1=}} {{buttons2=}} {{buttons3=}} {{buttons4=}} {{buttons5=}} {{buttons6=}} {{buttons7=}} {{buttons8=}} {{buttons9=}} {{leftbanner=}} {{rightbanner=}}


Used for abilities and spells.

&{template:sf_spell} {{name=}} {{characterid=}} {{title=}} {{activation=}} {{duration=}} {{targets=}} {{range=}} {{saveflag=}} {{savedc=}} {{savetype=}} {{effect=}} {{saveeffect=}} {{attackflag=}} {{fullattack=[[must be an inline roll]]}} {{r1=}} {{damageflag=}} {{damage1type=}} {{damage1=}} {{crit1damage=}} {{crit1effect=}} {{r2=}} {{damage2type=}} {{damage2=}} {{crit2damage=}} {{crit2effect=}} {{r3=}} {{damage3type=}} {{damage3=}} {{crit3damage=}} {{crit3effect=}} {{r4=}} {{damage4type=}} {{damage4=}} {{crit4damage=}} {{crit4effect=}} {{r5=}} {{damage5type=}} {{damage5=}} {{crit5damage=}} {{crit5effect=}} {{notes=}} {{leftbanner=}} {{rightbanner=}}

Special Field Behaviors

{{name}} & {{characterid}}

Characterid is not displayed on it’s own. It is used to create a hyperlink to the character named in the name field.

{{r#}}, {{crit#damage}} & {{crit#effect}}

The crit fields will only appear if the first roll in the corresponding r# field is a critical success.

{{fullattack}} & additional attack/damage fields

The fullattack field only accepts a single inline roll. For the sf_attack and sf_spell templates the additional attack rolls, damage rolls, and crit effects (e.g. r2+) will only display if the inline roll in fullattack is at least equal to the roll number. As an example the 2nd set of attack/damage rolls will not display unless the inline roll in fullattack resolves to 2 or more.

{{buttons#}} {{notes}}

The buttons and notes fields are designed for large pieces of text. They have a maximum height, and will switch to a scrollable format if they require more space.

{{saveflag=}}, {{savedc=}}, {{savetype=}}, {{effect=}}, and {{saveeffect=}} and {{attackflag=}} and spell template attacks, and {{damageflag=}} and spell template damage

This works similarly to the fullattack field controlling additional attacks. If the inline roll in the flag field is 1 or greater, the corresponding fields will be displayed.

{{rcrit}} & {{rcrit2}}

These two fields are only present in the sf_ship template. They are used for rolling ship critical effects and will display specific subsystems based on the value of the roll. rcrit expects a d100 and rcrit2 expects a d4.