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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
00:24, 22 October 2020Sg-sheet v1.50.png (file)373 KBAndreas J. 1
19:16, 14 October 2020Stargate-settings-page-v145.png (file)292 KBAndreas J. 1
18:56, 14 October 2020Stargate-sheet-tooltip-v145.gif (file)27 KBAndreas J. 1
18:24, 14 October 2020SG-phoenix.png (file)115 KBAndreas J. 1
13:37, 14 October 2020Basic-roll-example.png (file)11 KBAndreas J. 1
23:28, 11 October 2020Stargate-ShortRest-API-Macro.gif (file)68 KBAndreas J. 1
22:59, 11 October 2020Stargate-roll-tempalte-ex-141.png (file)19 KBAndreas J. 1
22:51, 11 October 2020Stargate-background-141.png (file)303 KBAndreas J. 1
22:48, 11 October 2020Stargate-attacks-v141.png (file)53 KBAndreas J. 1
22:39, 11 October 2020Stargate-custom-roll-macro-bar.gif (file)263 KBAndreas J. 1
20:47, 11 October 2020Stargate-sheet-initmoxie-roll-example.gif (file)156 KBAndreas J. 1
18:30, 11 October 2020Stargate-sheet-pages-141.png (file)28 KBAndreas J. 1
00:10, 11 October 2020Stargate-v141-sheet.png (file)358 KBAndreas J. 1
00:01, 11 October 2020Stargate-kulera-roll-example-140.gif (file)185 KBAndreas J. 1
23:23, 10 October 2020Stargate-def-settings-140.png (file)46 KBAndreas J. 1
13:43, 26 September 2020Campaign-setting-allow-import.png (file)64 KBAndreas J. 1
13:30, 26 September 2020Character-vault-export-char.gif (file)97 KBAndreas J. 1
12:56, 26 September 2020HU2Main.jpg (file)342 KBAndreas J. 1
12:43, 26 September 2020PalladiumFantasy2Emain.png (file)141 KBAndreas J. 1
19:07, 19 September 2020Githubuser-pr-history.png (file)67 KBAndreas J. 1
14:18, 16 September 2020Genefunk2090preview.png (file)562 KBAndreas J. 1
17:07, 13 September 2020Roll20-help-center.png (file)403 KBAndreas J. 1
15:27, 13 September 20205e-rollsexamples.png (file)73 KBAndreas J. 1
13:55, 11 September 2020Allaccessvalutenabled.png (file)499 KBAndreas J. 1
12:58, 11 September 2020GameSettingsPAge2020Example.png (file)129 KBAndreas J. 1
12:53, 11 September 2020CompendiumSelectionv2.jpg (file)890 KBAndreas J. 1
09:27, 10 September 2020Roll20Con-2019.png (file)987 KBAndreas J. (info on Roll20Con 2019)1
09:15, 10 September 2020Roll20con2020.jpeg (file)1.14 MBAndreas J. 1
19:05, 8 September 2020Star-trek-adventures-toggle-sheet.gif (file)168 KBAndreas J. 1
15:06, 8 September 2020FateOmni.png (file)412 KBAndreas J. 1
13:01, 8 September 2020Custom-sheet-button-examples.png (file)8 KBAndreas J. (Shows basic example of how roll buttons, action buttons, and compendium buttons look like.)1
16:14, 26 August 2020BurnBryteBogo.jpeg (file)14 KBAndreas J. 1
14:39, 21 August 2020GitHub-Gist.png (file)71 KBAndreas J. 1
13:27, 18 August 2020Filled-buttons.gif (file)14 KBAndreas J. 1
13:55, 10 August 2020Menu-bar-My-games.png (file)58 KBAndreas J. 1
13:30, 10 August 2020Campaign-settings-udl-convert-lighting.png (file)27 KBAndreas J. 1
12:42, 10 August 2020Exporer-mode-enabled.png (file)43 KBAndreas J. 1
12:36, 10 August 2020Darkness-tool-menu.png (file)20 KBAndreas J. 1
12:32, 10 August 2020Darkness-tool.gif (file)398 KBAndreas J. 1
12:13, 10 August 2020Udl-polygon-icon.jpg (file)3 KBAndreas J. 1
12:12, 10 August 2020Udl-rectangle-icon.jpg (file)2 KBAndreas J. 1
12:07, 10 August 2020Udl-reveal-icon.jpg (file)2 KBAndreas J. 1
12:07, 10 August 2020Udl-perm darkness-icon.jpg (file)1 KBAndreas J. 1
12:06, 10 August 2020Udl-explorer-icon.jpg (file)2 KBAndreas J. 1
11:30, 10 August 2020Udl-hide-icon.jpg (file)3 KBAndreas J. 1
10:58, 10 August 2020A-new-light-udl.jpg (file)44 KBAndreas J. 1
08:39, 7 August 2020Def-rolltemplate-vs-jakob-template.png (file)25 KBAndreas J. 1
08:01, 7 August 2020Jakob-better-default-template-ex3.png (file)12 KBAndreas J. 1
07:35, 7 August 2020Jakob-better-default-template-ex2.png (file)11 KBAndreas J. 1
07:17, 7 August 2020Jakob-better-default-template-ex.png (file)8 KBAndreas J. 1

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