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Roll20 makes a number of functions available that are not part of core JavaScript or some other library.


Global variables

Variable Description
_ This is the namespace object for the Underscore.js library.
state Properties of the state object will persist between game sessions.

_ (Underscore)

This is the namespace object for the Underscore.js library. Underscore has many functions for collection manipulation.


Properties of the state object will persist between game sessions. The same state object is also shared between all API scripts in a campaign, so it is strongly recommended that when writing values to state, you minimize your footprint as much as possible in order to avoid name collisions. Note: state gets serialized with JSON, so you cannot store functions or objects with cyclical references.

Global functions

Return type Function Description
Roll20 object Campaign Gets the singleton Campaign Roll20 object.
Roll20 object createObj Creates a new Roll20 object.
Array of Roll20 objects filterObjs Gets all Roll20 objects which pass a predicate test.
Array of Roll20 objects findObjs Gets all Roll20 objects with properties that match a given set of attributes.
Array of Roll20 objects getAllObjs Gets all Roll20 objects in the campaign.
varies getAttrByName Gets the current or max value of an attribute Roll20 object.
Roll20 object getObj Gets a specific Roll20 object.
log Logs a message to the API console.
on Registers an event handler.
Boolean playerIsGM Checks whether a player currently has GM privileges.
playJukeboxPlaylist Start playing a jukebox playlist.
Number randomInteger Generates a random integer value.
sendChat Sends a chat message.
sendPing Sends a ping similar to holding the left mouse button.
spawnFx Spawns a particle emitter.
spawnFxBetweenPoints Spawns a particle emitter that moves from one point to another.
spawnWithDefinition Spawns a particle emitter that is not represented by an FX Roll20 object.
stopJukeboxPlaylist Stops all currently playing jukebox playlits.
toBack Moves a graphic Roll20 object below all of the other graphics on the same tabletop layer.
toFront Moves a graphic Roll20 object above all of the other graphics on the same tabletop layer.




(String) The type of Roll20 object to create. Only 'graphic', 'text', 'path', 'character', 'ability', 'attribute', 'handout', 'rollabletable', 'tableitem', and 'macro' may be created.
(Object) The initial values to use for the Roll20 object's properties.


The Roll20 object that was created.


When creating a Roll20 object that has a parent object (such as creating an attribute Roll20 object, which is a child of a character Roll20 object), you must supply the id of the parent in attributes.

on('add:character', function(obj) {
    createObj('attribute', {
        name: 'Strength',
        current: 0,
        max: 30,

When creating a path Roll20 object, you must supply a value for the read-only property _path. This is an exception to the rule that prevents you from setting the value of read-only properties when creating Roll20 objects.

createObj('path', {
    left: 7000,
    top: 140,
    width: 140,
    height: 140,
    layer: 'objects',
    path: JSON.stringify([['M', 0, 0], ['L', 70, 0], ['L', 0, 70], ['L', 0, 0]])

When creating a handout Roll20 object, you cannot set the text or gmnotes at the time of creation.

var handout = createObj('handout', {
    name: 'A Letter Addressed to You',
    inplayerjournals: 'all',
    archived: false
    notes: 'Notes can only be set after the handout is created',
    gmnotes: 'GM Notes can only be set after the handout is created'

=== <code>filterObjs</code> ===
=== <code>findObjs</code> ===
=== <code>getAllObjs</code> ===
=== <code>getAttrByName</code> ===
=== <code>getObj</code> ===
=== <code>log</code> ===
=== <code>on</code> ===
=== <code>playerIsGM</code> ===
=== <code>playJukeboxPlaylist</code> ===
=== <code>randomInteger</code> ===
=== <code>sendChat</code> ===
=== <code>sendPing</code> ===
=== <code>spawnFx</code> ===
=== <code>spawnFxBetweenPoints</code> ===
=== <code>spawnFxWithDefinition</code> ===
=== <code>stopJukeboxPlaylist</code> ===
=== <code>toBack</code> ===
=== <code>toFront</code> ===