The One Ring
From Roll20 Wiki
The One Ring (TOR) is less tactically oriented than some games played on the Roll20 platform, but we can still configure it to help with:
- shared dice rolls, showing the 'proper' TOR dice.
- help with tracking players' "state" in the subsystems for travel and combat
- using features in the toolset to provide assistance in generating attack buttons for tokens.
This guide currently details use of Rollable Tables, Attributes and Macros to achieve the first. It also points out links to items on the Roll20 site to assist with the third.
Contents |
Rollable Tables
First, to get hold of the graphics for the TOR dice, you have two options:
- (officially) download the dice font that Cubicle Seven have made available for personal use only in the TOR resources thread, take screenshots and create your own graphics;
- (unofficially) download directly a zip file where someone has already done this work for you.
Then you need to create four Rollable Tables for the One Ring dice - named 'feat', 'normal', 'weary' and 'hazard'(these names are important only because they are referenced in the macros below). For each Rollable Table, check the box that says "Players can roll from table?" except for the 'hazard' table, then add the following items per table (n.b. the Icon refers to the graphics you downloaded or created).
Name | Weight | Icon (Optional) |
1 | 1 | 1.png |
2 | 1 | 2.png |
3 | 1 | 3.png |
4 | 1 | 4.png |
5 | 1 | 5.png |
6 | 1 | 6.png |
7 | 1 | 7.png |
8 | 1 | 8.png |
9 | 1 | 9.png |
10 | 1 | 10.png |
0 | 1 | eye.png |
10 | 1 | gandalf.png |
Note the '0' between 10 and 12: this is the value for the Eye of Sauron.
Name | Weight | Icon (Optional) |
1 | 1 | 1.png |
2 | 1 | 2.png |
3 | 1 | 3.png |
4 | 1 | 4.png |
5 | 1 | 5.png |
6 | 1 | 6-tengwar.png |
Name | Weight | Icon (Optional) |
0 | 1 | 1-weary.png |
0 | 1 | 2-weary.png |
0 | 1 | 3-weary.png |
4 | 1 | 4.png |
5 | 1 | 5.png |
6 | 1 | 6-tengwar.png |
Note the three '0's at the beginning: these are for the 1-3 scores that are discounted on rolls when weary. We use separate items so we can display the separate graphic icons.
Name | Weight | Icon (Optional) |
Guide | 3 | |
Scout | 2 | |
Huntsman | 2 | |
Lookout_man | 2 | |
All_Companions | 1 | |
LM_Choice | 1 | eye.png |
Players_Choice | 1 | gandalf.png |
In the Journal create each of the characters, and for each character add an Attribute named 'Weary' with an initial value of 'normal'. When a character becomes weary - e.g. because of travel or battle fatigue - change this value to 'weary'. This attribute is used to switch the dice that are then rolled.
We now need to create Macros to automate rolling the Feat Die and additional D6. These prompt for a description of what the roll is for (useful for reference in the chat window!) and how many dice to D6 to add:
/me rolls for ?{Skill name|attack} /r 1t[feat] + ?{Number of D6 to roll|0}t[@{selected|Weary}]
The LM version of this works slightly differently as monster tokens don't have an Attribute list to pull their Endurance status from.
/me rolls for ?{Skill name|attack} /r 1t[feat] + ?{Number of D6 to roll|0}t[normal]
A corresponding lmfeat macro is used for creatures that are weary.
/me rolls for ?{Skill name|attack} /r 1t[feat] + ?{Number of D6 to roll|0}t[weary]
We can also create a macro that handles two Feat Dice and keeping the best roll:
/me rolls best of 2 feat dice for ?{Skill name|attack} /r {2t[feat]}k1 + ?{Number of D6 to roll|0}t[@{selected|Weary}]
And also, a macro that handles two Feat Dice and keeping the worst roll:
/me rolls worst of 2 feat dice for ?{Skill name|attack} /r {2t[feat]}kl1 + ?{Number of D6 to roll|0}t[@{selected|Weary}]
N.B. these use the currently selected token, and can be set as 'Visible to Players' to share with your players to use with any token they are allowed to control. Alternatively you can have the players create their own macros. If they make their own, have them replace 'selected' with the name of their character so they don't need to have their token selected.
If you check the option to display the macro 'In Bar', you will get a convenient button to trigger a roll. Alternatively you can type e.g. '#feat' into the chat window to trigger rolling the Feat die with prompts.
N.B. you can also add a modifier to your die roll by adding a suffix when you call the macro, e.g. typing "#feat +2" will roll the Feat die, two D6 and add 2 to the result.
Buttons and Tokens
The Tips and Tricks link on the left side of the page provides help with adding Macros to tokens and the associated buttons to activate them.
This shows you how to add a Macro such as:
/em @{selected|character_name} strikes at @{target|character_name} with his @{selected|primary weapon} /r 1t[feat] + @{selected|primary weapon|max}t[@{selected|Weary}]
and make it a Token Action which shows up when you select a Token. It requires the addition of the Rollable Tables shown above and referenced in the Macro.