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Pathfinder by Roll20/Roll Templates

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General Notes

The Pathfinder Official character sheet has two different templates, one for PC “&{template:pc}” and one for NPC “&{template:npc}”, that individually handles every types of roll.

They share mostly the same fields but are styled differently, and the NPC template handles attacks slightly differently. Otherwise, they generally can be used indifferently for macro purpose.

Common fields

Most used

The main fields are generally:

  • showchar + charname: the “show character name” flag + character name
  • name: name/title of the roll
  • type: icon on the left side of the template
  • roll: the value of the roll
  • descflag + desc: the “show description” flag + description text
  • shownotes + notes: the “show notes” flag + notes text

Example with PC template: &{template:pc} {{showchar=[[1]]}} {{charname=charname}} {{name=name}} {{type=ability}} {{roll=roll}} {{descflag=1}} {{desc=desc}} {{shownotes=[[1]]}} {{notes=notes}}

PF wiki Template.jpeg

Example with NPC template: &{template:npc} {{showchar=[[1]]}} {{charname=charname}} {{name=name}} {{type=ability}} {{roll=roll}} {{descflag=1}} {{desc=desc}} {{shownotes=[[1]]}} {{notes=notes}}

PF wiki Template NPC.jpeg

Toggle and [[1]]

Toggle means that if you put anything after the "=", including a space, that feature is turned on, if there is nothing after the "=", then it is off.

[[1]] means that if you put the field equals [[1]] it is “on”, anything else is off.

Type values/icons


icon can be one of the following:

Ability ability Hit Points/Hit Dice hp Initiative initiative Ability save Skill skill Information (Feats, Traits …) feat Attack attack Damage damage Attackdamage attackdamage Spell/Spell-like ability spell

Common fields list

Field Value Expected Value
name Text Main name/title of the roll
attack Toggle Whether or not the attack section of the template is shown.
charname Text The name of the character that generated this template.
showchar [[1]] Whether the charname is shown or not
type Text Icon
feattype Text name must be present. Type of Feat PF wiki Template Dodge.jpeg
abilitytype Text name must be present. Type of Ability/Trait PF wiki Template Class Features.jpeg
atkvs Text name must be present. Type of attack PF wiki Template atkvs.jpeg
casterclass level Text name must be present. Caster class and level of the spell (if multi classed spellcaster) PF wiki Template casterclass level.jpeg
roll Roll Main roll. PF wiki Template Strength.jpeg
critconfirm Roll Critical confirmation roll. Shown only if attack and roll are present, and roll crits.PF wiki Template critconfirm.jpeg
rolldmg1 Roll First damage of the first or only attack. Shown only if attack and roll are present.
rolldmg1type Text Type of first damage of the first or only attack. Shown only if rolldmg1 is present.
rolldmg1crit Roll Critical first damage of the first or only attack. Shown only if attack and roll are present, and if roll crits.
rolldmg2 Roll Second damage of the first or only attack. Shown only if attack and roll are present.
rolldmg2type Text Type of second damage of the first or only attack. Shown only if rolldmg2 is present.
rolldmg2crit Roll Critical second damage of the first or only attack. Shown only if attack and roll are present, and if roll crits.
roll1 Roll 2nd attack roll. Shown only if attack is present.
roll1dmg1 Roll First damage of the 2nd attack. Shown only if attack and roll1 are present.
roll1dmg1type Text Type of first damage of the 2nd attack. Shown only if roll1dmg1 is present.
roll1dmg1crit Roll Critical first damage of the 2nd attack. Shown only if attack and roll1 are present, and if roll1 crits.
roll1dmg2 Roll Second damage of the 2nd attack. Shown only if attack and roll1 are present.
rolldmg2type Text Type of second damage of the2nd attack. Shown only if roll1dmg2 is present.
roll1dmg2crit Roll Critical second damage of the 2nd attack. Shown only if attack and roll1 are present, and if roll1 crits.
Attack 3 & 4 use the same fields as 2nd attack (roll1, roll1dmg1, roll1dmg1type, roll1dmg1crit, roll1dmg2, rolldmg2type, roll1dmg2crit) but replace roll1 by roll2 or roll3 in every field name.
damage Toggle Use this for damage only rolls (no “roll”/”roll1” etc.)
dmg1flag Toggle First damage shown (only if damage is present)
dmg1 Roll First damage (shown only if dmg1flag is present)
dmg1crit Roll Critical first damage (shown only if dmg1flag is present)
dmg1type Text Type of the first damage (shown only if dmg1flag is present)
dmg2flag Toggle 2nd damage shown (only if damage is present)
dmg1 Roll 2nd damage (shown only if dmg2flag is present)
dmg1crit Roll Critical 2nd damage (shown only if dmg2flag is present)
dmg1type Text Type of the 2nd damage (shown only if dmg2flag is present)
shortdesc Text Short description PF wiki Template desc.jpeg
spellfailureroll Roll Spell failure roll
spellfailure Number Spell failure roll target
sr Text Spell Resistance
save Toggle Show saving throw section
saveeffect Text Effect of the Saving Throw. Shown only if save is present.
savedc Number DC of the Saving Throw. Shown only if save is present.
school Text Spell School
castingtime Text Spell Casting time
component Text Spell components.
range Text Range
area Text Area
targets Text Targets
effect Text Effect
duration Text Duration
prerequisites Text Prerequisites
benefits Text Benefits
normal Text Normal
special Text Special
concentration Text Concentration roll link
descflag Toggle Description toggle
desc Text Description, only shown if descflag toggled on.
shownotes [[1]] Notes toggle
notes Text Notes

PC template specific fields and behavior

One vs several attack roll(s)

“roll” field is shown in the header only if roll1 is not present (case of multiple attacks). One roll attack, with “roll” field in the header:

PF wiki Template attack rolls.jpeg

Two (or more) rolls attack, “roll” field (“Attack #1”) is shown the same way as “roll1” (“Attack #2”), “roll2” (“Attack #3”) etc. :

PF wiki Template two attack.jpeg

“smallname” header

If the “smallname” field is used instead of the “name” field, the template will look like this:

&{template:pc} {{showchar=[[1]]}} {{charname=charname}} {{smallname=name}} {{type=ability}} {{descflag=1}} {{desc=desc}} {{shownotes=[[1]]}} {{notes=notes}}

PF wiki Template charname.jpeg

It is used in the PC sheet only for attacks beyond #1, and damage only rolls :

PF wiki Template damage only.jpeg

NPC template specific fields and behavior

Multiple attacks fields

For attack 3 to 9, use the same fields as 2nd attack (roll1, roll1dmg1, roll1dmg1type, roll1dmg1crit, roll1dmg2, rolldmg2type, roll1dmg2crit) but replace roll1 by rollX in every field name (X between 2 and 8).

Attack rolls vs other rolls

The “roll” field is shown differently if the roll is an attack, or not, and if it’s a one or several rolls attack.

If the “attack” field toggle is present, without the “roll1” field, the “roll” field is shown as “Attack” under the header:

PF wiki Template Short Sword.jpeg

If the “attack” field toggle is present, with the “roll1” field, the “roll” field is shown as “Attack #1” under the header:

PF wiki Template Short Swordx2.jpeg

If other type of roll (no “attack” field), the “roll” field is always shown in the header, after the “name” field:

PF wiki Template Strength name.jpeg