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Script:Token Mod

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Revision as of 14:39, 22 December 2020 by The Aaron (Talk | contribs)

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API ScriptAuthor: Aaron C. M.
Version: 0.8.57
Last Modified: 2020-06-10
Code: TokenMod
Dependencies: None
Conflicts: None

The Aaron's TokenMod API Script. TokenMod provides an interface to setting almost all changeable properties of a token.

Commands: !token-mod <--help|--ignore-selected|--config|--on|--off|--flip|--set> <parameter> [<parameter> ...] ... [ --ids <token id> [<token id> ...]]

Full user documentation can be found in the Help: TokenMod-Handout in-game, or by running the command !token-mod --help.


Some examples of !token-mod commands, with possible explanations. Texamples taken from the forum thread or in-game documentation.

!token-mod --on showname            // show nameplate
!token-mod --set layer|gmlayer      // move to gmlayer
!token-mod --set bar1_value|-3      // decrease value of bar 3 by 3
!token-mod --set name|"Sir Thomas" bar1_value|23      //Setting a token's name to "Sir Thomas" and bar1 value to 23
!token-mod --set statusmarkers|blue|broken-shield       //adds the 2 status markers to the token
!token-mod --move 3g                // move token 3 grids in the current facing(up being default)
!token-mod --move =90|2u           // moves 2 grids to the right(ignoring current facing)

//Various examples
!token-mod --on showplayers_aura1 --set aura1_radius|35 aura1_color|0000ff //Turning on aura1 for players, setting it's radius to 35, setting it's color to blue
!token-mod --set bar[[1d3]]_value|X statusmarkers|blue:[[1d9]]|green:[[1d9]] name:"[[1t[randomName]]]"     // use inline rolls to set values
!token-mod --set width|25s height|35s     // 's' represent the unit of measurement for the page
!token-mod --set scale|*2
!token-mod --set imgsrc|        // change token image 

//Sidenumber Multi-sided tokens
!token-mod --set currentside|2
!token-mod --set currentside|+      //shift side by 1
!token-mod --set currentside|*      //set random side

//Controlled by
!token-mod --set controlledby|bob
!token-mod --set controlledby|+susan|+tommy        //add susan & tommy to list
!token-mod --set controlledby|=@{target|token_id}   //copy controlled by from other token
!token-mod --set controlledby|                      //nobody
!token-mod --set controlledby|all                   //all players

//Legacy DL examples
!token-mod --set light_radius|40 light_dimradius|20 adv_fow_view_distance|30

//Chaining multiple TokenMod commands
!token-mod {{