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Turn Tracker/API

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Revision as of 17:36, 30 November 2021 by Andreas J. (Talk | contribs)

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Main Page: Turn Tracker

There are a number of API Scripts that improves the handling of the t Turn Tracker and Initiative in general.

  • GroupInitiative -- Adds the selected tokens to the turn order after rolling their initiative + configurable data. Also has commands for open/close/reset Turn Tracker.
  • CombatMaster(Forum) -- API for improving various aspects of combat. Automating condition duration in combat, Initiative improvement, and more. Version of CombatMaster in API Drowdown might not be latest version, check thread/repo for latest version. CombatMaster repo
  • InitiativeTrackerPlus -- Initiative and effect tracker with other features.
  • RoundMaster - should be released soon (Nov. 30th, 2021)

See Also