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ScriptCards Scripts/Script Variant Template

From Roll20 Wiki

Revision as of 17:47, 17 June 2023 by James S. (Talk | contribs)

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Info about Variant/ Customized versions of Scripts

This sub-page is a template for how variations of, or customizations to, popular/ successful scripts can be saved for other users to take advantage of while preserving the original author's original work in the primary area where traffic will flow. When populating the info section of the template below, please do not leave anything blank, and please do not refer users back to the original script to determine the information. Definitely be sure to generally refer people back to the original script though.

Template: Example Variant Script Name

Author of this variation:
This variation is based on the (Script Name) by (Original Author) (e.g. This variation is based on the Example Script Template by karma827)
Link to original script: Original Script Link
Game/System specific? Which one:
Purpose of the changes to the original script:
Description of results related to the changes made:
Caveats/ Notes:
Script code:

 Enter script code here

WikiText markup cheat sheet: </div>