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Dev Server

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Revision as of 19:28, 17 November 2015 by Stephanie P. (Talk | contribs)

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The Dev Server is a separate server for Roll20 which features the latest developments to the Roll20 application. As new features are created and developed, the Roll20 Dev Team will push them to the Dev Server so that Pro subscribers can use them and give feedback. This allows Pro users inside access to the development of Roll20, and allows them to heavily influence the future of the application.


Accessing the Dev Server

To access the Dev Server, visit You login with the same username and password as the main Roll20 site. Note that account information is transferred hourly between the Main site and the Dev sever, so it may take up to an hour for new accounts to be available.

Creating Games on the Dev Server

You can create new games on the Dev Server just as you can on the Main Site. There is also a "Copy Form Prod" button which will allow you to copy your existing games from the Main server to the Dev server (note you can also Copy from Dev by clicking the button on your My Games page).

After you've created a game, you can invite players to it just like normal using either the Invite Players button on the Game Details screen, or by sending your players the Share Link shown in the Chat area after the game starts up.

Image Uploads on the Dev Server

When you search for art assets on the Dev Server using the Art Library tab, it will search through the images you have uploaded and tagged while on the Main server. You can use those images in your Dev games as well. In addition, if you click on the "Star" icon in the Art Library tab, you will be able to manage your Main server Art Library. Uploads that you perform on the Upload tab will upload into your Art Library and count toward your quota like normal. They will also be available to use in Main server games.

Drag-and-drop image uploads (when you just drag an image onto the tabletop to upload it), will be stored on the Dev Server. They will not show up in Art Library tab searches, you won't see them if you click the star icon, and they won't show up for use in Games on the Main Server. However, these images also don't count toward your quota. They will still work if you move a Game from Dev to Main (aka Production).

So it's best to use drag-and-drop uploads on Dev for quick one-off images (e.g. for testing or a map you'll only use once on Dev).

Things to Keep in Mind

There are a few caveats to keep in mind while running games on the Dev Server:

  • The Dev Server is bleeding-edge: this means that sometimes it may be down, or it may be broken without warning. For the most part it's stable, but it's something to keep in mind.
  • It may take up to an hour for accounts to transfer to the Dev Server, so make sure your players have created their accounts on the Main Site at least an hour before any games you are planning to run.
  • Features shown on the Dev Server that aren't on the Main Site typically become available on the Main Site within a few weeks, but it may take longer.
  • Please keep all discussion about the Dev Server including feedback and bug reports on new features in the Pro forum.