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Script:Dynamic Lighting Animation

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Revision as of 11:05, 21 February 2015 by Brian (Talk | contribs)

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API ScriptAuthor: Brian
Version: 2.2
Last Modified: 2015-01-24
Code: Dynamic Lighting Animation
Dependencies: splitArgs, IsGM
Conflicts: Store Commands

Dynamic Lighting Animation creates the API commands !snapshot, !reset, !run, and!stop. These are used to setup and then animate a sequence of "frames" changing the walls on the dynamic lighting layer. This effect could be useful for such things as a shifting magical labyrinth in real-time.



!snapshot <frames>


→ !snapshot frames


→ !reset


→ !run


→ !stop


Parameter Values
frames The number of frames to hold the snapshot when running the animation. One frame is equal to 1/20th of a second, so a value of 20 will hold the snapshot for 1 second.

Using the commands

Only the GMs can use these API commands.

In order to "record" the animation, move the player bookmark to the page with the DL layer you want to animate. Set up the paths on the DL layer as you want, and then use the !snapshot command.

The animation record will persist between game sessions, although the script is not set up to record different animations for different pages.

Once you're ready to show off your fantastical magical labyrinth to your players, use the !run command. Stop the animation with !stop.

You cannot record additional snapshots while the animation is running. If you need to change the animation or you're ready to record a different one, you need to use !reset to clear the old animation.


This script does not create or delete paths. If you want a frame with one or more paths missing, you can simply move them off the map.


v2.2 (2015-01-24)

  • [bugfix] No-arg crash

v2.1 (2015-01-22)

  • Fixed transcription error

v2.0 (2015-01-08)

  • Release