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FAQ for Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Role Playing Game API-Compatible Character sheet.

 Overview: This character sheet was adapted to include the information you will likely use when playing the FFG Star Wars RPG.

NOTE: This page deals with the Official Roll20 Star Wars: Edge of the Empire (API-Compatible) Character Sheet. This also deals with test features for the released version of the Character Sheet, those test features are a work in progress and in using them, there might be changes that can cause some of your game data to be hidden during testing of new features, it can also potentially cause the sheet/script to not work at all. The author recommends you backup your game and test this on a separate game until you test this sheet and are comfortable with its function, and the differences it adds.


Current Version(s)

 Note: This version has been merged to Roll20's GitHub to be part of their available Character Sheets.

Tested / Stable Version

 NOTE: This is the version in the drop down listed as Star Wars: Edge of the Empire (API-Compatible). It is listed that way to transition people from the older version of the sheet.
 Version =
 Version Code =

Test Version

 This version is testing new features to add to the Current Version.
  • NOTE: If you have any issues with this version, please go back to version (listed above).
 Version =
 Version Code =
  • Only this Test Version and the Current Stable version are supported, if you are not on either of these versions, the only suggestion to fix any issues is to move to one of these two versions.

Recent Changes:

 Changes from (Current Version) to (Test Version).

Recent Changes

    • New Roll Template Displays.
    • Critical Injuries and Critical Hits moved to separate tabs.
    • New colors for the Sheets.
    • Removed display changes.
    • Added Skill Dropdown to Force Powers for Character and Companion
    • Added the ranged (light) and ranged (heavy) skills to the available skills for the force powers
    • Added resilience to the weapons dropdown skills to account for the ithorian race being able to bellow
    • Changed the first career and specialization to be dropdowns.
    • Characters, Companions, Beasts, Starships, and Planetary Vehicles all have working separate critical tables now
    • Closed some html tags that weren't properly closed.
    • Added Medicine to weapons
    • Added three more attachment slots to weapons as a stop gap before I can get them turned into an actual repeating table.
    • Added optgroups to companion career and specialization
    • Fixed initiative not handling custom items well
    • Fixed Lightsabers not rolling when used as combat skills (thanks Tim P.)
    • Fixed critical rolls going below 1 and failing to output. Critical rolls will now always result in a minimun of 1.
    • Added page footer

Switching to this Character Sheet

 NOTE: You must have a Pro Account to use this sheet.
 NOTE 2: This wiki goes over 2 versions of this Character Sheet:
  • The "Current Version"
    • This refers to the version that is listed in the Roll20 Character Sheet drop-down list.
  • The "Test Version"
    • This refers to the version that tests new features to add to the Current Version.
      NOTE: Do not use this version unless you are comfortable with the method of the Current Version, and you have a separate stable game. This version is for testing and can cause issues.
 So the following will list a few methods to switch to this Sheet:
  • You have a current game (that is stable) and want to go to the new "Current Version".
    • Method 1
  • You have a current game (that is stable) and want to go to the new "Test Version".
    • Method 2
  • You are starting a new game, and want to use the "Current Version".
    • Method 3
  • You are starting a new game, and want to use the "Test Version".
    • Method 4

Method 1: Current Game; Current Version

  1. Go to the menu at the top of the Roll20 page labeled "Games" and select "My Games".
  2. Click the Blue name of the game you are wanting to switch the character sheet.
  3. Click the Settings button and pull it down to Game Settings.
  4. Scroll down to the Character Sheet Template, and from the drop-down list select "Star Wars: Edge of the Empire (API-Compatible).
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click the "Save Settings" button.
  6. Wait for the "Settings saved successfully" message to populate at the top of the screen before continuing.
  7. Click the Blue name of the campaign.
  8. Click the Settings button and pull it down to API Scripts.
  9. Go to your current Fantasy Flight Games Dice Roller script, and select the "Disable Script" button at the bottom.
    You should see the API Console say the following;
Previous shutdown complete, starting up...
  1. Next, from the Roll20 API Script Library, select "Star Wars: Fantasy Flight Games - Dice Roller"
  2. Scroll to the bottom and click the "Add Script" button.
    NOTE: You should see the API Output console scroll down and then reload the screen, when it comes back, it will say the following (again);
Previous shutdown complete, starting up...
  1. Right click the Blue name of the game at the top of the API Scripts page.
  2. Join the game, and the API Output Console should display the following;
"UPDATE/ADD ATTRIBUTES FOR:----------------------->-DicePool"
"Update Attr: pcgm"
"Update Attr: gmdicepool"
 At this point the Star Wars: Fantasy Flight Games system is setup and you can have fun in your adventures.

Method 2: Current Game; Test Version

The "Current Version" section of this guide has a link to the current JsFiddle for the Test Version of the Character Sheet. When it refers to "the Fiddle Website" or "Fiddle" it is referring to this link.

  1. Open up Fiddle with the files needed.
  2. In the Campaign's main screen go to "Settings"
  3. In the Game Settings , go down to the character sheet section and ensure Custom is selected
  4. Copy the "HTML" section from the Fiddle website, to the HTML Layout section of the Character Sheet Template
  5. Copy the "CSS" section from the Fiddle website, to the CSS Styling section of the Character Sheet Template
  6. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the screen.
  7. Go back to the Campaign Settings page, and go back to the Settings Dropdown, but this time select API-Scripts
  8. If you already have scripts, click the New Script tab
  9. In the name section, type FFG-SWRPG-Dice-Roller.js or some other name that identifies it for you.
  10. Copy the "Javascript" section from the Fiddle website to the black section.
  11. Click Save Script at the bottom.

Method 3: New Game; Current Version

  1. In the Start New Game screen give the game a name.
    • (Get to this by going to the Menu on the top of Roll20 labeled Games and pulling down to Start New Game, or in the My Games section, clicking the Start New Game button)
  2. In the Optional: Choose a Character Sheet section go to the drop-down list and select "Star Wars: Edge of the Empire (API-Compatible).
  3. Click the "I'm Ready, Create Game!" button.
  4. Click the button in the upper right of the screen that looks like a cog/wheel/whatever you think it looks like, and scroll to the bottom of that side section, and click Exit Game.
  5. Click the Blue name for your new game.
  6. Click the Settings button and pull it down to API Scripts.
  7. From the Roll20 API Script Library, select "Star Wars: Fantasy Flight Games - Dice Roller"
  8. Scroll to the bottom and click the "Add Script" button.
    NOTE: You should see the API Output console scroll down and then reload the screen, when it comes back, it will say the following;
Spinning up new sandbox...
"ERROR: You cannot set the imgsrc or avatar of an object unless you use an image that is in your Roll20 Library. See the API documentation for more info."
"UPDATE/ADD ATTRIBUTES FOR:----------------------->-DicePool"
 At this point the Star Wars: Fantasy Flight Games system is setup and you can have fun in your adventures.

Method 4: New Game; Test Version

 The steps for a new campaign are the same as importing to an old campaign, except, when creating the campaign you can select a custom sheet right off the bat.

The "Current Version" section of this guide has a link to the current JsFiddle for this Character Sheet. When it refers to "the Fiddle Website" it is referring to this link.

  1. Open up Fiddle with the files needed.
  2. In the Start New Game screen, give your campaign a name, and in the "Optional: Choose a Character Sheet" section select custom.
  3. Copy the "HTML" section from the Fiddle website, to the HTML Layout section of the Character Sheet Template
  4. Copy the "CSS" section from the Fiddle website, to the CSS Styling section of the Character Sheet Template
  5. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Go back to the Campaign Settings page, and go back to the Settings Dropdown, but this time select API-Scripts
  7. In the New Script Tab, in the name section, type FFG-SWRPG-Dice-Roller.js or some other name that identifies it for you.
  8. Copy the "Javascript" section from the Fiddle website to the black section.
  9. Click Save Script at the bottom.

Troubleshooting Installation

 What to do with errors that may occur during installation.

Dice Rolls do nothing

 If pressing the roll buttons does nothing, you likely have an issue with the script.
  1. While joined into the game, open another tab (with the game area still open)
  2. Go to the Campaign landing page.
  3. From the campaign landing page, go to game settings and pull down to "API Scripts*
  4. Scroll to the bottom and click "Save Script".
    1. In the API OUTPUT CONSOLE you should see the following in Yellow;
"UPDATE/ADD ATTRIBUTES FOR:----------------------->-DicePool"
"Update Attr: pcgm"
"Update Attr: gmdicepool"
 If that does not occur the script may be an issue.

Script Errors after 'Save Settings'

 If the API OUTPUT CONSOLE states anything other than the yellow text listed above, you may have to go back to the fiddle and copy it again.
  • If copying from the fiddle does not result in the Yellow output text, post in the support thread about the issue.
  • Note in the Support thread "When trying to load the dice roller script the API OUTPUT Console displays an error".
  • Post the error (either by typing the text or by pasting a screenshot of the error).


 Any other error, please refer your issue to the support thread.
  • Post the error (either by typing the text or by pasting a screenshot of the error).

The Game Master Sheet

 NOTE: Due to the way that Roll20 only allows for 1 kind of "sheet" the Game Master Sheet shows up as a regular Character Sheet, with the name "-DicePool".
 When you run the API script for the first time it will auto create this sheet. If it did not auto create it, follow these steps to force it;
  1. Join the Game
  2. In another tab, Go to the API Script section of the Game Settings.
  3. Save any of the scripts, this will cause the Scripts to re-run and will auto create the GM Character Sheet.
  4. Refer to to see the correct output of the API OUTPUT Console
 While the HTML lists 1 "Character Sheet" this sheet is actually broken up into two parts; The Player Sheet and the GM Sheet. The GM sheet is a fully different layout than the Player Sheet and is designed with information to make it easier for the GM to run the game with useful spots to collect information in one place. The Player Sheet is designed to Help a Player collect the relevant information they need. The Player Sheet is also the default sheet and thus any new Characters will use this one. NPCs will also be using the Player Sheet.
 The first thing to notice about the sheet is, like all Roll20 Character sheets the top has 3 sections; Bio & Info, Character Sheet, and Attributes & Abilities.

Bio & Info

 This is where you can list a picture (though it won't be seen by anyone but the GM) and a Character Story, as well as GM viewable notes.
 You may think, how is this useful AT ALL on a GM sheet? You can make this sheet viewable to the Players and all they can see is this section.
 With that, you can give the Campaign a sort of splash screen, with the story of the campaign, and maybe a line or two about the characters.

Attributes & Abilities

 Attributes are filled in as the character sheet is filled out. You can use them in macros or ignore them.
 Abilities, on the other hand you can make macros and tie them right to that character sheet.
 They can additionally be made into actions that apply to an associated token.
 The token actions don't really help for a GM sheet, but you can still use macros as they are always nice.

Character Sheet

 This is the main guts of the GM Sheet.
 It has several parts; GM Dice Pool, Destiny Pool, Group Details, and Campaign Details.

GM Dice Pool

 Arranged in sections; Left, Middle, and Right.
 NOTE: The GM Dice pool is an often hiccuped part of the sheet. As a GM you need to be very careful what you put in this spot. Any dice listed in the GM Dice Pool will be rolled by the Players when they fill in the corresponding Dice Pool on their Character Sheets. If the intent is to hide the difficulty until the roll, that is fine, this is not an issue, but if you intend for them to see the whole dice pool, this can cause problems and roll additional dice that were not intended.

The Left Side

 Filled with the Positive Dice
  • The Blue, Boost dice,
    • Dice added due to situation or environmental conditions, talents, or GM whim.
  • The Green, Ability
    • Dice, representing the innate ability to do something. Derived from the Characteristics.
  • The Yellow, Proficiency
    • Dice, show you not only have innate ability, but some training (ranks) in a skill.
  • Upgrade: section,
    • This is a box that will account for a die(dice) upgrade(s). Rather than having to figure out if a Green die turns into a Yellow die, or a Yellow adds a green, fill in this section to have the sheet handle that for you.
  • Downgrade: section,
    • Just like the Upgrade section, this handles downgrades.

The Middle

 This section is the oddball. First it only has 1 die, the White, Force Die. This represents the Living Force affecting a situation.
  • This also has a D20 button.
    • This rolls all the dice in the GM Dice Pool section.
  • Lastly, it has an arrow button.
    • This button zeros out all the dice listed so you can create a new dice pool fresh.

The Right Side

 Filled with the Negative Dice
  • The Black, Setback dice,
    • Representing an opposite to the Boost Dice.
    • Dice added due to situation or environmental conditions, talents, or GM whim.
  • The Purple, Difficulty dice,
    • Represent the inherent effort required to succeed with a task or situation.
    • They represent the opposite of the Green dice.
    • Per the Rules as Written for this system, unless there is player buy in to bypass the limit, typically you cannot have more than 5 difficulty dice.
      This changed with the Mass Combat rules in the Lead By Example Career book. The new maximum is 6 difficulty dice.
    • Difficulty descriptions;
      • (-) Simple or Zero Purple Dice,
      • (1) Easy or 1 Purple Die,
      • (2) Average or 2 Purple Dice,
      • (3) Hard or 3 Purple Dice,
      • (4) Daunting or 4 Purple Dice,
      • (5) Formidable or 5 Purple Dice,
      • (6) Overwhelming or 6 Purple Dice,
        This was added to represent a mass combat force that is overwhelming.
      • (6+) Impossible or 5 Purple Dice + the attempt requires a Destiny Point flip in order to even attempt the roll.
  • The Red, Challenge dice,
    • Represent a huge issue to try to overcome.
    • As an opposite of the Yellow dice they show upgraded difficulty.

Destiny Pool

 This section has 2 parts, the 3 buttons, and the 2 text boxes.


 If the Destiny Pool does not respond properly, do the following;
  1. Ensure there is at least 1 GM or Player inside the campaign.
  2. From another tab or window, go to the Game Settings drop down and select API Scripts
  3. In the API Script window, save the scripts (Press the Save script button).
  4. Put 1 in light and 1 in dark side on the GM's pool.
  5. On the GM Dice pool, click "Clear pool"


  • Button 1, Force Player Update,
    This button syncs the Destiny Pool numbers from the GM's Destiny Pool to all Character Sheets assigned to Players.
  • Button 2, Clear Pool,
    This will zero out both Light and Dark Side Destiny Points.
  • Button 3, Use Dark Side,
    This is how you represent using a Dark Side Destiny Point against the Players. It will automatically remove 1 from the Dark side, and add it to the Light side. Additionally, it will post to the chat box that you used a Dark Side Destiny Point.

Group Details

 This section was designed so the GM can keep a log of the Player mechanics so the GM doesn't have to peer into the Player Character sheets all the time to know what they represent.
  • Character Motivations,
    Allow you to track, motivations per character. This can be helpful to view when people are role playing so you know if you should give them bonus XP after the session.
  • Character/Group Obligations,
    Allow you to track Obligations (used with the Edge of the Empire line) against the Players or against the whole group.
    You can use this area to keep track of their Obligation and write in notes about how you want to handle when it is triggered, and how many times it has been triggered.
  • Character Duties,
    Allow you to track the Player Duties (used with the Age of Rebellion line) the Players are aiming to use to help the Rebellion.
    You can use this area to track their Contribution Rank, as well as details about each individual's Duty.
  • Character Moralities,
    Here you can track the Morality (used with Force and Destiny) each Player is emotionally bound to.
    This area can be used to track their progression through the morality scale and track them in session conflict points.

Campaign Details

 This section is the most complicated. It is broken down in 6 Parts, the Top Section, General Info, Location, Reward(s), Specific Details, and NPC Names.

The Top Section

 This area is to identify missions and tasks to separate them. This way you can see the progression of the story.

General Info

 Here you can start to build out the task/mission. With some general ideas. Brain storming with fragments of ideas or firm notions of what you want this task/mission to accomplish.
  • Location
    This section requires the least explanation. It is where the task/mission is happening with as many spots for details as possible.
  • Reward(s)
    This allows you to think of rewards before the missions or task starts. Whether you want to give money, items, XP, or reward bonus XP as well.
  • Specific Details
    This section tries to dive more into the plot of the mission/task. With areas for Objectives, Key items, and NPCs the Players will run into.
  • Finally, there is NPC Name
    This section allows you to link to a NPC Character Sheet and list a few key details. It also allows you to roll initiative on up to six groups of NPCs.
Troubleshooting the NPC Initiative Rolling
 ​When you are expecting to call a separate sheet, you need to fill out at minimum 3 areas;
  1. The Name of the Character Sheet
    • This is the name that appears on the top of the Character Sheet. It is also what is displayed in the Journal.
  2. The Name of the Character
    • This is the "Name" in the Character Info Tab of the Character Sheet Tab of the Character Sheet itself.
    1. Open the Character Sheet
    2. Look at the tabs at the top, click the far left one, titled "Character Sheet"
    3. Below the Top Stats, Dice Pool, and Destiny Pool, there is another set of tabs. Look for the one labeled "Character Info"
    4. On this tab there is a "Name" field this must match the field in step 1 exactly. No extra spaces, or extra characters.
  3. The field you are expecting to call
    • Whatever field you are expecting to call, should have some sort of value in it.

Future Changes

    • Better GM Related Roll Templates
  • 3.0.4.X
    • GM "Player Viewer"
      • This is a feature I am developing to give the GM a way to view Player attributes.
      • This will be built with common attributes, and it will allow for a search for others.

The Player Sheet

 Adapted from the official character sheets, it should help store all information needed for a Player to game in the system.

Bio & Info

 This is where you can list a picture, this picture can be used to make a Character Token for use on the game play area as well. While it is not required that the Character Picture be used as the base for the character token, it is often used that way.
  • Character Story. This is where you bring your character to life! The more information you put here, the more your GM can draw that story into the campaign.
    Think of names, planets, locations on planets, and organizations your character has run into.
    NOTE: Do not make the story too long. The GM is not generally expecting you to write a novel, just a bit of a short story.
  • There is also a section where the GM can write notes about your character that only they can see

Attributes & Abilities

  • Attributes are filled in as the character sheet is filled out. You can use them in macros or ignore them.
  • Abilities, on the other hand you can make macros and tie them right to that character sheet. They can additionally be made into actions that apply to an associated token.

Character Sheet

 Broken down into 4 types of sub sheets, Character Sheet, Vehicle Sheet, Group Sheet, and Companion Sheet.

Character Sheet

 This Sheet is broken down further, into Four sections; Top Stats, Destiny Pool, Dice Pool, and Sub Tabs.

Top Stats

 This is the main volatile stats of the character.
 In this system rather than having a health pool that you slowly empty as you take damage, you have a Wound Threshold that counts up from zero up to the amount of wounds you can handle before collapsing.
  • When you exceed your Wound Threshold, you fall unconscious and take a Critical Injury.
  • Every hit after you fall unconscious you take another Critical Injury.
  • You stop tracking wounds when it reaches two times your Wound Threshold.
  • Like Wounds, you count up from zero up to your threshold.
  • Also like wounds when you exceed your threshold you fall unconscious.
  • Unlike wounds, you do NOT take a Critical Injury for exceeding your Strain Threshold.
 This represents the amount of wounds or strain damage you can mitigate.
  • Pierce, Breach, and Stun Damage can bypass some, or all of your soak.
  • Soak is applied to every hit (except as explained above), and does not “go away”
 This represents the defense you have against incoming attacks.
  • Listed as Melee and Ranged, through Melee works against Brawl attacks as well.
  • Each point, requires incoming Combat Weapon attacks to add a number of setbacks equal to the appropriate rating.
 This is your Encumbrance, or how much stuff you can hold.
  • You are able to exceed your Threshold, but for each point over, you add a setback to all rolls you do.
Force Rating
 Represents the number of White Force dice you can roll to activate Force Talents or Force Powers.

Destiny Pool

 Broken into Buttons and Text boxes.
  • Button 1, Sync Pool with GM,
    Ensures your listed Light and Dark side points match the GM’s.
  • Button 2, Roll Destiny,
    This is how you roll the Destiny Points and auto add them to the appropriate side of the Pool.
  • Button 3, Use Light Side,
    This is how you indicate to everyone you are using a Light Side Destiny Point.
    It also posts to the chat window that you have done this.

Dice Pool

 Arranged in sections; Left, Middle, and Right.

The Left Side

 Filled with the Positive Dice
  • The Blue, Boost dice,
    Dice added due to situation or environmental conditions, talents, or GM whim.
  • The Green, Ability
    Dice, representing the innate ability to do something. Derived from the Characteristics.
  • The Yellow, Proficiency
    Dice, show you not only have innate ability, but some training (ranks) in a skill.
  • Upgrade: section,
    This is a box that will account for a die(dice) upgrade(s). Rather than having to figure out if a Green die turns into a Yellow die, or a Yellow adds a green, fill in this section to have the sheet handle that for you.
  • Downgrade: section,
    Just like the Upgrade section, this handles downgrades.

The Middle

 This section is the oddball. First it only has 1 die, the White, Force Die. This represents the Living Force affecting a situation.
  • This also has a D20 button.
    This rolls all the dice in the GM Dice Pool section.
  • Lastly, it has an arrow button.
    This button zeros out all the dice listed so you can create a new dice pool fresh.

The Right Side

 Filled with the Negative Dice
  • The Black, Setback dice,
    • Representing an opposite to the Boost Dice.
    • Dice added due to situation or environmental conditions, talents, or GM whim.
  • The Purple, Difficulty dice,
    • Represent the inherent effort required to succeed with a task or situation.
    • Per the Rules as Written for this system, unless there is player buy in to bypass the limit, typically you cannot have more than 5 difficulty dice.
      This changed with the Mass Combat rules in the Lead By Example Career book. The new maximum is 6 difficulty dice.
    • Difficulty descriptions;
      • (-) Simple or Zero Purple Dice,
      • (1) Easy or 1 Purple Die,
      • (2) Average or 2 Purple Dice,
      • (3) Hard or 3 Purple Dice,
      • (4) Daunting or 4 Purple Dice,
      • (5) Formidable or 5 Purple Dice,
      • (6) Overwhelming or 6 Purple Dice,
        This was added to represent a mass combat force that is overwhelming.
      • (6+) Impossible or 5 Purple Dice + the attempt requires a Destiny Point flip in order to even attempt the roll.
  • The Red, Challenge dice,
    • Represent a huge issue to try to overcome.
    • As an opposite of the Yellow dice they show upgraded difficulty.

Sub Tabs

 Character Info, Skills, Combat, Inventory, and Notes.
Character Info
 Like everything else it is broken up into sections. Character, Critical Injuries, Motivations, and Game Mechanics.
  • Character
    This describes your character, be creative and don’t always go with generic ideas.
  • Critical Injuries
    This section keeps track of Critical Injuries. There are 5 parts, Critical Roll Offset, Roll Critical button, Critical Number, and Add Critical button.
    • Critical Roll Offset
      This represents how much the rolled number will be changed.
      A Weapon or attack with Lethal Blows or Vicious can add 10 (per rank) to this number. Additionally, activating the Critical multiple times in one attack adds 10 to this as well.
    • Roll Critical button
      This will perform a /roll d100 action the compare it to a chart and list the Critical Injury in a list to the left of the roller.
      This will automatically take into account any number in the offset text box.
      This will automatically add 10 for each Critical Injury that occurred prior to rolling.
    • Critical Number
      Sometimes the GM may want call to apply a certain Critical Injury, in this case you would list the roll number for that Injury in this text box.
    • Add Critical button
      After you add a Critical Number, the Add Critical button will apply that specific Critical Injury.
  • Motivations
    Per Rules as Written you can have up to two Motivations for your character. Normally the only reason you would have 2 is if you random rolled for the Motivations and you rolled a 97-00 on the dice.
  • Game Mechanics
    • Obligation
      • Type - This is the name of the specific Obligation
      • Magnitude - This is the weight of the Obligation. This can go up, by ignoring it. This can do down, by handling it, or if it is triggered. Once you obtain Obligation against you, it can never go below 5 total Obligation.
      • Details - This section you can write details about how the Obligation affects you. The more details you put here, the easier it is on the GM to handle if your Obligation activates.
    • Duty
      • Contribution Rank - After your group’s Duty hits exceeds 100 you raise your Contribution Rank and the group gets a reward (that has to be approved by the GM) from the Rebellion. After the Contribution Rank goes up, all Duty Magnitudes for the whole group are reduced to zero.
      • Type - The name of the Duty.
      • Magnitude - The weight of the Duty.
      • Description - Details about what the Duty means to you and ideas you are going to use to raise it.
    • Morality
      • Representing the pull, the Force has on you.
      • Morality - The number representing how good/bad/neutral you are with the Force.
      • As you travel up and down various things happen.
        • Scale goes from 0 to 100
        • (Light Side)
          At 71 Morality, you become a Light Side Paragon. After Destiny Points are rolled, you add an additional Light Side point to the pool.
          At 81 Morality, the Character’s Strain Threshold goes up by 1.
          At 91 Morality, the Character’s Strain Threshold goes up by 1 (again).
        • (Dark Side)
          At 29 Morality, the Character falls to the Dark Side. They begin to use Dark Side results on Force Dice rather than Light Side (this does not affect which Destiny Pool Points they can use). After falling below 30, in order to stop being a Dark Side Character you have to raise your Morality to 71 (called Redemption). When Rolling Destiny Points, a Dark Sider turns one Light Side point to a Dark Side Point.
          At 19 Morality, the Character’s Strain Threshold is lowered by 1, and the Character’s Wound Threshold goes up by 1.
          At 9 Morality, the Character’s Strain Threshold is lowered by 1 (again), and the Character’s Wound Threshold goes up by 1 (again).
      • Conflict - This represents Dark Side actions or inaction to prevent a Dark Side action.
      • Emotional Strength(s) - This represents how the Character Emotionally reacts positively to situations.
        • Description - This is where you can explain about your Strength
      • Emotional Weakness(es) - This represents how the Character Emotionally reacts negatively to situations.
        • Description - This is where you can explain about your Weakness
  • Characteristics
    • These are what give you Green, Ability Dice.
    • The maximum you can achieve in any Characteristic is;
      • 5
        • At Character creation
      • 6
        • With spending XP on the Dedication Talent
        • With having a piece of gear/armor/weapon that upgrades a Characteristic
      • 7
        • With Cybernetics
  • Skills
    • General Skills
      • Representing skills of all kinds not related to Knowledge or Combat.
      • Note: All skills have a roll button at the end of the row, this can be used to roll that specific skill.
      • Additionally, the Modifiers section is used to add dice, or automatic symbols to the skill check.
    • Combat Skills
      • Representing the different kinds of skills used for combat.
      • Lightsaber allows you to change the base Characteristic it pulls from if you have the right talent to do that.
      • Note: All skills have a roll button at the end of the row, this can be used to roll that specific skill.
      • Additionally, the Modifiers section is used to add dice, or automatic symbols to the skill check.
    • Knowledge Skills
      • Represent the various ways to gather information.
      • If you are trying to find out about a World that is not in the Core or Outer Rim, Education is the Rules as Written skill to utilize.
      • Note: All skills have a roll button at the end of the row, this can be used to roll that specific skill.
      • Additionally, the Modifiers section is used to add dice, or automatic symbols to the skill check.
    • Custom Skills
      • Can represent any skill not listed above.
      • There is no requirement to use Custom Skills.
    • Note
      • All skills have a roll button at the end of the row, this can be used to roll that specific skill.
      • Additionally, the Modifiers section is used to add dice, or automatic symbols to the skill check.
      • The maximum ranks in any skill are
        • 2
          At Character Creation (with 1 current exception).
        • 3
          At Character Creation if you are a Corellian Human
          This only applies to the 2 skills listed in the Species breakdown.
        • 5
          Maximum Natural Ranks in any skill.
        • 6
          Maximum Ranks with a cybernetic that enhances a skill
 Designed to consolidate all things needed to perform in a combat situation.
 Broken down into sections; Initiative, Weapons, Combat Skills, Talents and Special Abilities, Force Powers, and Signature Abilities.
  • Initiative
    Due to only being used in the beginning of combat, it is able to be hidden (and shown) with a checkbox.
    This makes it so it is not in the way after initiative has been rolled in a round.
    • Initiative will show up in the Turn Order as NPC or PC.
    • Any NPC can utilize ANY NPC slot
      • Each NPC can only use 1 NPC slot per round,
      • A Nemesis can use 2 slots, but the second slot has to be at the end of the round.
    • Any PC can utilize ANY PC slot, regardless of what their roll was
      • Each PC can only use only 1 PC slot per round.
    • The order you went last round does not mean you have to go the same order the next round.
  • Weapons
    The top section details with the important parts of the Weapon. The button in the middle will Roll the skill you list and display the Damage/Critical/Special/Range to the chat window.
    • If the weapon adds automatic symbols or dice, list them in the Modifiers and they will automatically be added to the rolls.
      • Auto Generated Symbols
        • There is not a way to list an automatic Triumph or Despair (I don’t think any skill or weapon can do that anyway).
        • s = Success
        • f = Failure
        • a = Advantage
        • t = Threat
      • Added Dice
        • b = Boost Dice
        • g = Ability Dice
        • y = Proficiency Dice
        • w = Force Dice
        • blk = Setback Dice
        • p = Difficulty Dice
        • r = Challenge Dice
    • Attachments are listed at the bottom and show by clicking the checkbox.
  • Combat Skills
    • This pulls from the Skills sub tab to make it easier.
    • Put skills you will use in combat situations here to ensure easier access.
    • NOTE: It does not pull the skill modifiers, so they have to be retyped, in the appropriate box.
  • Talents and Special Abilities
    • Any Talent or Special Ability (like Species Abilities) can be listed here.
  • Force Powers
    • List the Base Power
    • To list upgrades to the Base Power, click the checkbox labeled Upgrades.
  • Signature Abilities
    • List the Base Ability,
    • To list upgrades to the Base Ability, click the checkbox labeled Upgrades.
  • Armor
    Attachments are listed at the bottom and show by clicking the checkbox.
    Note: When armor is worn its encumbrance counts as 3 less (to a minimum of 0)
  • Cybernetics
    Cybernetics was given its own section because they act different than other gear.
  • Tools
    The Tools section is meant to be an area to fill in tools that you want to know more than just their name.
  • Other Gear
  • Personal Gear
    This section is for gear or items that do not need further explanation, just the name is enough.
  • Assets & Resources
    This section can be for anything that does not have another box to fill in available.
 A section to write any kind of note you can think of or that might be useful for your Character.

Vehicle Sheet

 Broken down into 3 Sections; Starship, Planetary, and Beast
 A starship uses Piloting (Space) to fly in combat.
 A starship generally uses Astrogation to go from Planet to Planet.
 Starships ALWAYS use Piloting (Space) to fly, even within an atmosphere.
  • Stats
    Basic stats of the Starship.
    • Silhouette - The size of a ship.
    • Speed
      The Maximum and Current Sub-light speed of your Vehicle.
    • Handling
      When there is a positive number here, It adds boost dice to the Piloting (Space) checks of the vehicle.
      When there is a negative number here, It adds setback dice to the Piloting (Space) checks of the vehicle.
    • Armor
      This is the vehicle version of Soak.
    • Hull Trauma
      This is the Vehicle version of Wounds.
    • System Strain
      This is the Vehicle Version of Strain.
    • Defense
      Add setbacks per zone to attacks against this vehicle.
      Vehicles below Silhouette 5 do not have Port or Starboard shields.
      There is a maximum of 4 in any one zone.
      The zones for Defense are called; Fore, Aft, Port, and Starboard
  • Space Vehicle Details
    Basic Details about the Starship.
  • Crew Roles
    A listing that can pull from a separate Character Sheet so any Starship related actions can be rolled from 1 place.
    The Dice section allows for Modifiers to the skill check.
    ​When you are expecting to call a separate sheet, you need to fill out at minimum 3 areas;
    1. The Name of the Character Sheet
      • This is the name that appears on the top of the Character Sheet. It is also what is displayed in the Journal.
    2. The Name of the Character
      • This is the "Name" in the Character Info Tab of the Character Sheet Tab of the Character Sheet itself.
      1. Open the Character Sheet
      2. Look at the tabs at the top, click the far left one, titled "Character Sheet"
      3. Below the Top Stats, Dice Pool, and Destiny Pool, there is another set of tabs. Look for the one labeled "Character Info"
      4. On this tab there is a "Name" field this must match the field in step 1 exactly. No extra spaces, or extra characters.
    3. The field you are expecting to call
      • Whatever field you are expecting to call, should have some sort of value in it.
  • Weapons
    Like the Crew Rolls, it can automatically pull the Character skill from a separate Character Sheet here.
    The Dice section (also like the Crew Roles section) can be used to allow for Modifiers to the combat check.
  • Attachments
    This section is for Attachments that add onto the Starship.
  • Starship Critical
    Works just like the Critical Injuries but pulls from a list of Critical Hits.
  • Cargo Hold
    This is for listing what is in the cargo hold of your starship.
  • Passengers
    This is for listing the Passengers you are carrying on your starship.
 Everything works the same way as Starships, but with the information geared towards Planetary Vehicles.
 Planetary Vehicles do not use Astrogation.
 This section is for a Riding Beast, as a mode of transportation.

Group Sheet

 Broken down into Base of Operations and Shared Resources
Base of Operations
 This area is broken down into Rebel Base, Business, and Homestead.
 This allows you to list the upgrades and NPCs working for your Base of Operations.
Shared Resources
 This is an area to list Group Information.
  • Group Details
    Basic Details about the group.
  • Group Contacts
    Interesting people that you meet that you might want to note.
  • Group Tasks
    Missions/Tasks you are currently on.
  • Group Obligations
    Obligations on the Group itself.
  • Group Resources
    Information you can sell or anything else you can pull from multiple times.
  • Group Possessions
    Anything that doesn’t fit anywhere else but belongs to the Group.

Companion Sheet

 A truncated Character Sheet for NPCs controlled by a Player.

Future Changes

Neat features I want to add

  • To get a handle on Sheet Workers to attempt to streamline the code.
  • To put in a method to sync the Group Sheet data between the Players and GM like the Destiny Pool does now.
    • Looking into how this can be done
  • Integrating better than the default Roll Templates
  • Look into a GM Roll
    • Looking into how this can be done