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Lord G.

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Welcome to Giger's D&D 5th Edition Help Section

This page was setup to try to help you, the new player, with getting started and join in on the adventure. There is a great deal to learn, if you're new to Roll20, especially if you're new to table top games, so take your time, be patient and most of all - be curious, you can't break anything!

Most of the information here is available elsewhere, I just brought it together in a single section - which i found most relevant.


There is so much content and information available it's just not possible to provide everything. You need the Player's Hand Book (PHB), you need to be comfortable using the Journal section and the compendium.

If you're not familiar enough with the Journal you may miss out on lots of homebrew rules, such as new combat actions, domains, archetypes, items and much more.

Simply put, if you don't know how to use this system, you will never have all the information available to you.

Get the PHB, get deeply familiar with the Journal and the Compendium.

Watch the videos, read the information provided - it's not there just to make things look busy.

As always, feedback is ALWAYS appreciated.

Tutorials and Helpful Information

If you are new to Roll20 (and haven't done so already) - WATCH ROLL20S ORIENTATION VIDEO, BELOW.

Player Overview

Navigation (Getting around in the Roll20 System)

Most of the 'how do I use this' questions can be answered in the video above - WATCH ROLL20S ORIENTATION VIDEO, ABOVE.

What really needs to be drilled in is the Journal, Handouts and the Compendium, which is found on the right of the screen

Journal & Compendium

The Journal is where you find character sheets and handouts that contain information on Game Rules
and is found on the right side of your screen

What isn't show is the button to the Compendium - which contains all the D&D information, such as spells, weapons, class information - which you can see an example of here


Using The Character Sheet

We are using the 5e OGL character sheet by Roll20. It's quite simple to use, and a lot of the 'math' parts have been taken care of for you.

For more detailed information about the character sheets watch the videos below, or visit this page



Using The Character Sheet

Drag & Drop + Character Rolling

Here's another (but crummy) video that shows you how to use the Character Sheet (including how to roll your character)

This video shows the use of Drag & Dropping, for those who want to learn how to add items and spells to your character sheet

Using The Character Sheet

There's also this forum post, but not a video.

For even more information on how to use the sheet, and what each section of the sheet is (including what it's used for) go to Section 2 - Using The Character Sheet (cont.)



There are specific rules or process that governs how a character is to be created. For the most part, the rules are identical to the core book (Players Handbook), so please get a copy of the Player's Handbook (can be googled).

The Player's Handbook also contains A LOT of information that you would be missing out on if you just used the compendium.

Character Creation

Character creation, your first time around, can be pretty intimidating - but at the end of the day, it's very straight forward, if you know where to look.

If you're not already familiar with the journal then you should go read up on it here.

You'll need a blank character sheet!


STEP 1. Find the "characters" folder in the journal

STEP 2. Expand (click the plus sign) the "Templates" sub folder then

STEP 3. Choose either a Pre-made character, or start a new one by editing one of the "copy of player" sheets THEN FOLLOW THE STEPS BELOW!

Step Description Notes
Name your Character On the character sheet, in the space provided, name your character immediately, so someone doesn't start editing while you are!!
Choose a Race Common player character (PC) races are dwarves, elves, halflings, and humans. Some races also have subraces, such as mountain dwarf or wood elf. Less common races are dragonborn, gnomes, half-elves, half-orcs, and tieflings. Check out the Racial Ability Bonuses found in the journal
Select a Class The available PRIMARY classes are on your character sheet, list in the drop down menu, under the "class" section
Determine your Ability Scores 27 Point Buy-in Follow this link to plan how you want to distribute the points Don't forget the race on this webpage!! Or you may lose out on bonuses
Choose Starting Gear Use the Starting Equipment for your class, as defined in the compendium or roll your starting gold (based on class) and buy your equipment
Customize your character

1. Choose your background

2. Choose your Traits (personality and possibly, racial traits

3. If you are a caster, Select and/or add your spells to your character sheet

Choose Portrait Add your portrait ( a picture of what your character may look like) to your bio & notify the DM This is to create you a custom looking token
You're Ready You should be ready to go play - Notify the DM that you're finished or risk someone editing your character sheet!

House Rules

1. Not all monsters come from core books

1a. Many monsters MAY resemble core book monsters but act/behave differently

2. Homebrew content is in effect!

2a. You may add Homebrew content at the approval of the DM - BUT You agree not to be upset/argue if it's not allowed
2b. Converting 3.5 content is actively ENCOURAGED - however, 5e content/rules will take priority
2c. If you bring it forward, you do the leg work to add the content to the Journal

3. You must have a MICROPHONE to play (RP is important)- if you use speakers you will try to avoid creating feedback for players

3a. You will, within reason, try not to dominate the voice chat with your background noise (it's very distracting)

4. You may have civil conversations/discussions around rules or interpretations of rules...and are encouraged to do so (within reason).

5. You may not actively argue about the outcome of a DM discussion ("Well, i don't think i would have fallen when I fumbled")

6. There is zero tolerance for bashing/hating/trolling or disrespectful behavior. period.

7. Signing-Up

7a.  Sign ups are posted before every session - PLEASE SIGN UP FOR SESSIONS -  It's down out of courtesy so that if there are not even players people get enough notice that they can still make plans for that day, and it doesn't end up being a surprise at the start of a session.

Remember, It's a game so HAVE FUN!!