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Vampire The Masquerade 5th edition

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Welcome to The World of Darkness

While much on this Wiki may be self evident I would highly recommending reading through as it will enable you to get the most from the Vampire the Masquerade 5th edition character sheet. When talking about mechanics, where possible we have tried to link to page numbers of the book to aid you.

The Classic World of Darkness (CWoD) Vampire the Masquerade 5th edition character sheet was created as part of The Grand Coterie, a group whose aim is to help provide content and tools for the World of Darkness (WoD) community. In particular the developers of this sheet were FistOFun, TGC and Obi. If you have any questions or find any bugs, please direct them to FistOFun and they will be dealt with as soon as possible.

The aim of the sheet is to provide more than an entry point for your characters stats but to streamline dice rolling, automatic calculations where possible and to roll templates.

Setting Up

The sheet has a number of custom fonts built in which are by default blocked by Chrome and Firefox. These are entirely optional and merely provide a better aesthetic. If you want access to them when in your game please perform the following:

  • For Chrome: Click the shield icon in the right of your address bar and select to allow the script.
  • For Firefox: Click the "i" icon in the left of your address bar. Click the arrow to "Show connection details" and then click the button to "Disable protection for now".

When creating your game. We recommend that you create your character sheets as normal, however you also create one character sheet to share amongst all the players to represent their Coterie. By pressing the tab in the top-right corner, the Character Sheet will change to a Coterie Sheet with all the relevant fields you would require.


Next to each attribute and trait is a button. This will roll the value of the select ability and will ask you about any addition trait or modifier you wish to add to your roll.

When required the Hunger stat will be automatically deducted from your dice pool and rolled separately. The number of Hunger dice rolled is limited to the smallest of either your Hunger level or your dice pool size (Page 205).

Inline vs API rolling

If your ST is a Roll20 Pro-account holder they should have access to the "Vampire The Masquerade 5th Edition Dice Mechanics" API script. In this case we highly recommend you pester them to ensure you can use it and check the check box at the top of each character sheet (just below the tabs). This will unlock a number of different features including banners, re-rolls and custom dice displayed that will make you gaming experience a lot more streamlined. It will also mean there are less manual steps for each roll. Unfortunately this functionality can not be ported to Inline rolling.

(Pro-account holders) To install the API script: Go to Settings -> API Settings. On the new page select the "Vampire, The Masquerade 5th Edition Dice Mechanics" API and press save. You are now good to go.

Noted below are some of the key differences to watch out for between the two roll types.

Inline rolls

  1. To find out exactly what dice have been rolled, hover the mouse over the number of successes. In rolls where the Hunger dice are used (Attribute, Ability, Discipline rolls) if you fail, check to see if you rolled a 1 on the Hunger dice. If this is the case then consult the rules to determine how to proceed (Page 207, 208). Further the number of Normal (Vampire) dice should automatically
  2. On a roll, if the number of successes is green, you may have rolled a critical or messy critical success. Hover the mouse over and count how many 10's a rolled to determine if you rolled a critical (Page 120) r a messy critical success (Page 206, 207). Please note, the extra 2 successes for a Crit are not automatically added.

API rolls

  1. The dice rolls are already displayed. For standard rolls banners will display if your roll is a Crit (Page 120), Messy Crit (Page 206, 207). Moreover the extra successes for scoring a critical or messy critical success are automatically added to the total.
  2. For standard rolls, in the event of a Total Failure (Page 122) a Miss/Fail banner will be displayed
  3. In the event you roll a 1 on a Hunger dice The Beast Banner will appear. This is a warning. If the ST says you did not make the required number of successes then the beast influences you and you should consult the rules to determine what happens next (Page 207, 208).
  4. In events your dice pool should be zero (due to a large negative modifier or you are unskilled) you will be given one dice to roll. A banner stating "Last Resort" will occur, while this has no official rules ST's may like to implement custom rules if players decide to try their luck and fails.
  5. Willpower rolls are determined by the number of full check boxes, damaged ones do not count. (Page 119)
  6. Remorse is calculated automatically based on rules stated on Page 239.
  7. Humanity will roll the number of completely filled check boxes on your humanity tracker.
  8. As part of the roll template, under each roll there is a Re-roll button. This will re-roll exactly the same roll as the button it is attached to, using exactly the same stats and modifiers.