Tim G.
From Roll20 Wiki
== Using Macros and “Selected icon” for Character Skills and Abilities ==
All D&D 4 characters have the same list of skills.
Instead of entering Abilites for each character for all skills, you canleverage shared macros and the “selected icon” functionality.
This keeps the character sheet from being cluttered, and itless prone to error. The downside is that players will need to click on theircharacter tokens before making skill rolls. My players don’t mind this, becausethey are used to selecting their tokens in order to get their token actions toappear.
(You will also need to make sure your character can an iconthat Represents the character. To do this: Click the token. Click the wheelicon that appears, and select the character in the “Represents Character”dropdown menu. Save changes.)
Create the following attributes for each character (orbetter yet, one character sheet you later copy) and populate them with values. Attributes for all characters
STR, CON, DEX, INT, WIS, CHA (These will have the actual ability score, not the modifier.)
And attributes for all skills: Athletics-trained
(Repeat for other skills)
Internal macros: Thefollowing macros have no commands (e.g., /roll) so they don’t do anythinginteresting if called directly. They are meant to be called by other macros orabilities. To keep them from cluttering up auto-complete lists, you can beginthem with an underscore.
Name: _Half_Level
Actions: floor( @{selected|Level} /2 )
Show as Token Action: Leave unchecked
Visible to Players: All Players
Ability Mod macros (Repeat for other abilities)
Name: _STR_MOD
Actions: floor((@{selected|STR}-10)/2)
Show as Token Action: Leave unchecked
Visible to Players: All Players
Skill macros:
Name: Athletics
/em @{selected|token_name} does Athletics
/roll d20 + @{selected|Athletics-trained} +@{selected|Athletics-misc} + #_STR_MOD + #_Half_Level -@{selected|Armor-Penalty}
Shows as Token Action? : Your choice
Visible to Players: All Players
Ability Check Macros:
Name: STR_check
Actions: /roll #_STR_MOD + #_HALF_LEVEL
Shows as Token Action? : Your choice
Visible to Players: All Players
Name: Grab
/em @{selected|token_name} grabs somebody
- STR_check
vs REF
Shows as Token Action: Your choice
Visible to Players: All Players