Mage: the Ascension
From Roll20 Wiki
Revision as of 11:00, 14 November 2020 by Emanuele A. (Talk | contribs)
<button type="action" name="act_principale" >Principale</button> <button type="action" name="act_abilita" >Abilità</button> <button type="action" name="act_equipaggiamento" >Equipaggiamento</button>
<input type='hidden' class='sheet-tabstoggle' name='attr_sheetTab' value='character' />
character Stuff Goes here
Elenco Abilità
<input type="hidden" name="attr_strength" class="dot" value="1" /> <button type="action" name="act_strength_1" class="dot"> </button> <button type="action" name="act_strength_2" class="dot gt-1"> </button> <button type="action" name="act_strength_3" class="dot gt-1 gt-2"> </button> <button type="action" name="act_strength_4" class="dot gt-1 gt-2 gt-3"> </button> <button type="action" name="act_strength_5" class="dot gt-1 gt-2 gt-3 gt-4"> </button>
Sheet Config/Settings goes here
<script type="text/worker">
const buttonlist = ["principale","abilita","equipaggiamento"]; buttonlist.forEach(button => { on(`clicked:${button}`, function() { setAttrs({ sheetTab: button }); }); });
</script> <script type="text/worker">
const strengthValues = ["1","2","3","4","5"]; strengthValues.forEach(function(value) { on(`clicked:strength_${value}`, function() { setAttrs({ "strength": value }); }); });