From Roll20 Wiki
The following are not full scripts. They are meant to be stitched together along with business logic to assist in the creation of full scripts, not create scripts on their own.
Revealing Module Pattern
The Module Pattern emulates the concept of classes from other languages by encapsulating private and public members within an object. The Revealing Module Pattern improves upon the Module Pattern by making the syntax more consistent.
var myRevealingModule = myRevealingModule || (function() { var privateVar = 'This variable is private', publicVar = 'This variable is public'; function privateFunction() { log(privateVar); } function publicSet(text) { privateVar = text; } function publicGet() { privateFunction(); } return { setFunc: publicSet, myVar: publicVar, getFunc: publicGet }; })(); log(myRevealingModule.getFunc()); // "This variable is private" myRevealingModule.setFunc('But I can change its value'); log(myRevealingModule.getFunc()); // "But I can change its value" log(myRevealingModule.myVar); // "This variable is public" myRevealingModule.myVar = 'So I can change it all I want'; log(myRevealingModule.myVar); // "So I can change it all I want"