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Fate Core

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Revision as of 03:25, 19 April 2015 by Pierre S. (Talk | contribs)

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Skill Rolls

by Pierre S. (talk) 23:17, 18 April 2015 (EDT)

Fate Core is not meant to be a rules-heavy game, but courtesy of Nick T. our campaign has worked out a Token-based set of dice-rolls for all 18 Fate Core Skills, and a variant initiative roll. Write a Macro in the following form for each Skill:

@{selected|token_name} uses Athletics skill:
/roll 4df+ @{selected|Athletics} + ?{Modifier?|0}

Then when you click any Token, player or NPC, a set of buttons will appear at the top for each Skill, provided you have created a set of Attributes for each of the Skills on the character's sheet. Note that, if you use the offered Fate Core fillable Character Sheet, it will tend to introduce a lot of junk-boxes in the Attributes column filled with words. We just made a Blank Character in the Journal where those are moved to the bottom. We move our 18 Skills, Fate Points and Refresh to the top of the Attributes column.

The roll will pause to ask for an optional Modifier (if you have a particular Aspect, Stunt or Boost good for +2 to a skill, for example.) Just click to skip that (default +0).

For these Macros check the box "Show as Token Action" and make them visible to "All Players".

For the system to work, this presumes you are using Tokens. We found we had to drag-and-drop the names of Characters with assigned Tokens onto any map we were using, even large-scale geographical maps, just in case someone has to figure out something with a roll. We lined up character and NPC Tokens on the edge of the map if we had to!

Alternative Initiative System

by Pierre S. (talk) 23:18, 18 April 2015 (EDT)

Fate Core compares Notice Skills for determining Turn Order (when a Physical Conflict starts), or compares Empathy Skills (when a mental conflict starts). That's it. However, our particular campaign uses a variant to add a Fate dice roll (4df) to Notice, and put the result in the Turn Tracker. We have included a Macro as follows; roll while clicking the character concerned. Again, courtesy of Nick T.

@{selected|token_name} rolls for randomized Physical Turn Order (break ties by comparing Athletics; if still tied compare Physique)
/roll 4df+ @{selected|Notice} + ?{Initiative Modifier?|0} &{tracker}

For Mental Conflicts:

@{selected|token_name} rolls for randomized Mental Turn Order (break ties by comparing Rapport; if still tied compare Will)
/roll 4df+ @{selected|Empathy} + ?{Initiative Modifier?|0} &{tracker}

For both of these, check "Show as Token Action" and make the macro visible to "All Players".