DnD4e Character Sheet
From Roll20 Wiki
Contents |
- The Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition character sheet was created by Alex L. and Ville S. later updated and added to by Wes. It is a very comprehensive sheet and has a lot of fields for recording a characters various abilities, features, powers, etc. Most of the sections are collapsible for users to configure what is showing at any given time.
- The intent of this wiki page is to aid GM/DM’s and players to get the most out of the sheet and it’s features. There are some complex roll mechanics happening behind the scenes, this page should help you to understand what is happening and improve your experience while using the sheet.
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Character Sheet General / Header Section
- This is the first section or header section of the character sheet. It is always displayed regardless of which tab of the character sheet is being displayed below it. You can record the following general information for a character here. Where noted some of the fields are a Select Menu7 field, which will give you a drop down menu to select your choice from.
- Character Name ♦ Level ♦ Class ♦ Paragon Path ♦ Epic Destiny ♦ Total XP
- Race ♦ Size7 ♦ Age ♦ Gender ♦ Height ♦ Weight ♦ Alignment ♦ Deity
Character Sheet Tabs
- Each of the four tabs here, [Stats] [Inventory] [Powers] [Settings] will open up a different section of the character sheet. Hovering over a Tab will show an interactive mouse pointer to select that tab. This wiki will outline them in order from left to right; Stats, Inventory, Powers, Settings.
Stats (Tab)
- In the first Tab of the character sheet, Stats, you will find the statistics of a character. Including a characters Hit Points, Defenses, Initiative, Ability Scores, Skills, Senses, Movement, Action Points, Languages Known, Feats, Racial Features, and Class/Path/Destiny Features. Each will be in a subsection that will toggle open and closed.
Hit Points
- This section tracks everything pertinent to a character’s Health. You can Input the current and maximum hit points and the sheet will calculate the character’s bloodied health and surge value. There are also Death Saving Throws checkboxes for tracking failures and an input field for Saving Throw modifiers. The full name of an field is written in the wiki, the character sheet may show an abbreviation, usually for space considerations. Where noted some fields are Auto Calculated1 by the sheet and/or Disabled2 so that you will not be able to input anything in that field, or a different type of input like a Text Area Field3, or Checkbox4.
- Maximum Hit Points ♦ Bloodied1,2 ♦ Surge Value Bonus ♦ Surge Value1,2 ♦ Surges / Day
- Current Hit Points ♦ Temporary Hit Points ♦ Current Surges
- Death Saving Throw Failures4
- Saving Throw Modifiers3
- Resistances3
- In this section you can input modifiers to a character’s Defenses. The full name of an field is written in the wiki, the character sheet may show an abbreviation, usually for space considerations. Where noted some fields are Auto Calculated1 by the sheet and/or Disabled2 so that you will not be able to input anything in that field, some fields are Selected5 from the Settings Tab of the sheet. (Notably: AC may have an associated Attribute. Fortitude, Reflex, and Will will use the higher of 2 attributes, the user will have to choose which one to use.)
- Score1,2 ♦ Armor Class ♦ 10 + ½ Level1,2 ♦ Ability2,5 ♦ Armor ♦ Class ♦ Feat ♦ Enhancment ♦ Miscellaneous ♦ Miscellaneous 2
- Score1,2 ♦ Fortitude ♦ 10 + ½ Level1,2 ♦ Ability2,5 ♦ Armor ♦ Class ♦ Feat ♦ Enhancment ♦ Miscellaneous ♦ Miscellaneous 2
- Score1,2 ♦ Reflexes ♦ 10 + ½ Level1,2 ♦ Ability2,5 ♦ Armor ♦ Class ♦ Feat ♦ Enhancment ♦ Miscellaneous ♦ Miscellaneous
- Score1,2 ♦ Will ♦ 10 + ½ Level1,2 ♦ Ability2,5 ♦ Armor ♦ Class ♦ Feat ♦ Enhancment ♦ Miscellaneous ♦ Miscellaneous 2
- Here you can track a character’s Initiative bonus and add modifiers from feats, items, and miscellaneous. The full name of an field is written in the wiki, the character sheet may show an abbreviation, usually for space considerations. Where noted some fields are Auto Calculated1 by the sheet and/or Disabled2 so that you will not be able to input anything in that field, or a different type of input like a Text Area Field3 or are a Roll Button6
- Score6 ♦ Initiative ♦ Ability + ½ Level2,5 ♦ Feat ♦ Item ♦ Miscellaneous
- Conditional Modifiers3
Ability Scores
- This section allows for the input of Ability Scores in the Score field and calculates the Modifiers from the user’s input. The full name of an field is written in the wiki, the character sheet may show an abbreviation, usually for space considerations. Where noted some fields are Auto Calculated1 by the sheet and/or Disabled2 so that you will not be able to input anything in that field or are a Roll Button6.
- Score ♦ Strength ♦ Modifier1,2 ♦ Modifier + ½ Level1,6
- Score ♦ Constitution ♦ Modifier1,2 ♦ Modifier + ½ Level1,6
- Score ♦ Dexterity ♦ Modifier1,2 ♦ Modifier + ½ Level1,6
- Score ♦ Intelligence ♦ Modifier1,2 ♦ Modifier + ½ Level1,6
- Score ♦ Wisdom ♦ Modifier1,2 ♦ Modifier + ½ Level1,6
- Score ♦ Charisma ♦ Modifier1,2 ♦ Modifier + ½ Level1,6
- This is a larger section that lists all of the Skills. You can choose which skills a character has Trained with the checkbox and list Armor Penalties and Miscellaneous Modifiers. The full name of an field is written in the wiki, the character sheet may show an abbreviation, usually for space considerations. Where noted some fields are Auto Calculated1 by the sheet, are a Checkbox4, or are a Roll Button6.
- Bonus1,6 ♦ Acrobatics ♦ Associated Ability ♦ Trained4 ♦ Armor Penalty ♦ Miscellaneous
- Bonus1,6 ♦ Arcana ♦ Associated Ability ♦ Trained4 ♦ Armor Penalty ♦ Miscellaneous
- Bonus1,6 ♦ Athletics ♦ Associated Ability ♦ Trained4 ♦ Armor Penalty ♦ Miscellaneous
- Bonus1,6 ♦ Bluff ♦ Associated Ability ♦ Trained4 ♦ Armor Penalty ♦ Miscellaneous
- Bonus1,6 ♦ Diplomacy ♦ Associated Ability ♦ Trained4 ♦ Armor Penalty ♦ Miscellaneous
- Bonus1,6 ♦ Dungeoneering ♦ Associated Ability ♦ Trained4 ♦ Armor Penalty ♦ Miscellaneous
- Bonus1,6 ♦ Endurance ♦ Associated Ability ♦ Trained4 ♦ Armor Penalty ♦ Miscellaneous
- Bonus1,6 ♦ Heal ♦ Associated Ability ♦ Trained4 ♦ Armor Penalty ♦ Miscellaneous
- Bonus1,6 ♦ History ♦ Associated Ability ♦ Trained4 ♦ Armor Penalty ♦ Miscellaneous
- Bonus1,6 ♦ Insight ♦ Associated Ability ♦ Trained4 ♦ Armor Penalty ♦ Miscellaneous
- Bonus1,6 ♦ Intimidate ♦ Associated Ability ♦ Trained4 ♦ Armor Penalty ♦ Miscellaneous
- Bonus1,6 ♦ Nature ♦ Associated Ability ♦ Trained4 ♦ Armor Penalty ♦ Miscellaneous
- Bonus1,6 ♦ Perception ♦ Associated Ability ♦ Trained4 ♦ Armor Penalty ♦ Miscellaneous
- Bonus1,6 ♦ Stealth ♦ Associated Ability ♦ Trained4 ♦ Armor Penalty ♦ Miscellaneous
- Bonus1,6 ♦ Streetwise ♦ Associated Ability ♦ Trained4 ♦ Armor Penalty ♦ Miscellaneous
- Bonus1,6 ♦ Thievery ♦ Associated Ability ♦ Trained4 ♦ Armor Penalty ♦ Miscellaneous
- This section displays the characters Passive Insight and Perception skills. It also has an input field for notating the characters special senses. Where noted some fields are Auto Calculated1 by the sheet and/or Disabled2 so that you will not be able to input anything in that field, or a different type of input like a Text Area Field3
- Score1,2 ♦ Insight ♦ Passive Sense ♦ Skill Bonus1,2
- Score1,2 ♦ Perception ♦ Passive Sense ♦ Skill Bonus1,2
- Special Senses3
- This section allows you to calculate the character's movement, and has an input field for notating special movement that the character may have. The full name of an field is written in the wiki, the character sheet may show an abbreviation, usually for space considerations. Where noted some fields are Auto Calculated1 by the sheet and/or Disabled2 so that you will not be able to input anything in that field, or a different type of input like a Text Area Field3
- Score1,2 ♦ Speed ♦ Base ♦ Armor ♦ Item ♦ Miscellaneous
- Special Movement3
Action Point
- In this section you can track a character’s Action Points, and keep notes on additional features that spending action points will give to the character.
- Action Points
- Additional Effects for Spending Action Points3
Languages Known
- This section contains an input field for listing all of a character’s Known Languages.
- Languagues Known Only a Text Area Field in this Section.
- In this section you can input all of a character’s Feats. For each feat you can add an additional field to keep them separated from each other. The fields in this section are Repeating Fields.
- Feats Only a Text Area Field in this Section.
Race Features
- In this section you can input all of a character’s Racial Features. For each feature you can add an additional field to keep them separated from each other. The fields in this section are Repeating Fields.
- Race Features Only a Text Area Field in this Section.
Class / Path / Destiny Features
- In this section you can input all of a character’s Class Features, Paragon Path Features, and Epic Destiny Features. For each feature you can add an additional field to keep them separated from each other. The fields in this section are Repeating Fields.
- Class Path Destiny Features Only a Text Area Field in this Section.
Inventory (Tab)
- The inventory tab is broken into three subsections for tracking weapons, currency, and items that the character has.
- In this section you can input all of the information for each specific weapon the character has, upto 6 different weapons. It is fairly detailed and includes the standard: Weapon name, Hands to Wield, and whether the weapon is wielded or not. Then quite a few fields for numbers, including: the Number of Damage Dice, Size of the Damage Dice, Proficiency with the weapon, weapons Enhancement (if it is magic), the weapons Weight, Class attack bonus, Feat attack bonus, Miscellaneous attack bonus, Class damage bonus, Feat damage bonus, Miscellaneous damage bonus, and magic weapon Damage per Plus Dice Size. The full name of an field is written in the wiki, the character sheet may show an abbreviation, usually for space considerations. Where noted some fields are a Select Menu7 or a Checkbox4.
- Weapon Name ♦ Type ♦ Hands to Wield7 ♦ Wielded4 ♦ Number of Damage Dice ♦ Size of Damage Dice ♦ Proficiency ♦ Enhancement ♦ Weight
- Class Attack Bonus ♦ Feat Attack Bonus ♦ Miscellaneous Attack Bonus ♦ Class Damage Bonus ♦ Feat Damage Bonus ♦ Miscellaneous Damage Bonus ♦ Magic Weapon Damage per Plus Dice Size
- The currency section will allow you to input the characters funds and will auto calculate the total in gold. Where noted some fields are Auto Calculated1 by the sheet and/or Disabled2 so that you will not be able to input anything in that field.
- Astral Diamonds ♦ Platinum ♦ Gold ♦ Silver ♦ Copper ♦ Value in Gold1,2
- This section will allow you to input the characters accumulated items. It has calculations for total value and total weight if your are tracking Ammunition, etc. Aswell as an input for what slot the item is equipped in. For each Item you can add an additional field to keep them separated from each other. The fields in this section are in a Repeating Fieldset. Where noted some fields are Auto Calculated1 by the sheet and/or Disabled2 so that you will not be able to input anything in that field, or a different type of input like a Text Area Field3, or a Select Menu7
- Name of Item ♦ Value ♦ Weight ♦ Quantity ♦ Total Value1,2 ♦ Total Weight1,2 ♦ Equipped7
- ♦ Item Notes/Description3
Powers (Tab)
- The powers tab contains space for inputting up to 100 different powers. These are toggled off and on in the Settings Tab. It is in this tab where you will begin to see the power of a character sheet as you are able to select and recall information from the previous tabs of the character sheet as macros are built to put character abilities into action during game play.
- Each power has a header section that lists the general information of a power. There is a Roll Button for executing the macro of the power, the Power Name, Powers Action type, Power Range, Power Level and a Checkbox for Use tracking of encounter and daily powers.
- Following the header section is a Settings button that will toggle open a space that contains all of the detailed information of the power.
- In the first row of the settings are four buttons that will set the background color of the power for ease of use in finding the power. These are At-Will (Green), Encounter (Red), Daily (Gray), and Item (Gold).
- The next five rows of the settings area are all of the selects and input space for building the power macro. More information for these will follow in the Advanced Usage Section.
- The full name of an field is written in the wiki, the character sheet may show an abbreviation, usually for space considerations. Where noted some fields are Auto Calculated1 by the sheet and/or Disabled2 so that you will not be able to input anything in that field, a Checkbox4 or a different type of input like a Text Area Field3, or a Select Menu7, are a Roll Button6
- Roll6 ♦ Power Name ♦ Power Action ♦ Power Range ♦ Power Level ♦ Used4
- At-Will4 ♦ Encounter4 ♦ Daily4 ♦ Item
- Ability7 ♦ Defense7
- Attack Weapon7 ♦ Damage Weapon7
- Weapon Damage Number of Dice7 ♦ Weapon Damage Dice Size7
- Power Attack Bonus ♦ Attack1,2 ♦ Power Damage Bonus ♦ Damage1,2
- Power Macro3
- Power Reference Number
- Below the Powers are two hidden sections that when opened contain examples for macros and information on the roll template for the character sheet.
Settings (Tab)
Advanced Usage
Roll Template
==Change Log==