Misscliks is an online community dedicated to uplifting geeks and gamers via online content, including several role-playing shows on Twitch and Youtube.
Misscliks |
Misscliks is a community of leaders committed to using our voices to create a better future: one where people of all genders can participate in geek and gamer culture without fear of prejudice or mistreatment, enjoying acceptance and opportunity. As of now, that means recognizing the under-representation of women as role models in geek and gaming culture, giving support and exposure to those female role models, and helping to create a culture of authenticity, advocacy, unity, and bravery.
Featured Games & Editions
Live Schedule
Monday |
Tuesday |
Title |
Misscliks D&D Seaborn |
Game System |
D&D (2e) |
D&D (5e)
Time |
6pm PT |
12pm PT
Channel |
http://twitch.tv/misscliks |
Show Descriptions & VODs