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Chronos is a role-playing game based on D&D 1st edition, with many borrowings from D&D 5th edition, especially the spell system. It is simplified for the occasional player to learn the game quickly and does not require learning hundreds of pages of rules.

To start playing Chronos, you need to request a new character for the game.

New Player Instructions

To get started in the game, email the following information to Falsoon, the Game Master:

1. Your character traits: 
    a. What race do you want? Choose one of:  Human, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Hobbit.
    b. What class do you want? Choose one of: Fighter, Cleric, Rogue, Wizard. (Multi-classing and specialty classes don't start until Level 4.) 
    c. What is the name of your character? You can change it later if you think of a better one. 
    d. If you have an avatar image for your character, send that in a png file to the GM. 

The GM must upload the image for your token. If you don't have an image for your token, the DM has plenty of default images. You might check that your image has a transparent background (or ask the DM to remove the background if you can't). The token avatar looks better on the Roll20 map without the default square white background.

2. Your email address. 
   Roll20 needs this to send you a game invitation link, and Falsoon needs this to send your new character to you.
   After you respond to the invitation link, you can “Join Game" from the game's home page. 

Falsoon will generate two characters that match your preferences and send them to you via email. Tell Falsoon which one you want to play, and he will generate a Chronos character sheet spreadsheet that will handle much of your character's maintenance (like keeping track of the weight of inventory or treasure). He will also put your character into the game, with your avatar if you provided it.

3. Your Skype login. 

Although Roll20 does have an audio option, Chronos games have been using Skype instead. Skype is available online for free.
