Starfinder by Roll20/Appendices
From Roll20 Wiki
This appendix will outline the attributes and ability rolls that you may need for your own custom macros. As usual, attributes are referenced via @{...} and abilities (aka sheet rolls) by %{...}.
Contents |
Menus, Buffs, & Conditions
Attributes: attacks_menu, spells_menu, class_X_spellbook, skills_menu, abilities_menu
Abilities: initiative, attacks, saves, abilities, ability_checks, skills, attacks_menu, spells, class_X_spellbook
Repeating_buff attributes: name, mods, toggle
Repeating_condition attributes: name, track, description, track_status
Attributes: asleep, bleeding, blinded, burning, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, dead, deafened, dying, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, flat_footed, frightened, grappled, helpless, nauseated, negative_levels, off_kilter, off_target, panicked, paralyzed, pinned, prone, shaken, sickened, stable, staggered, stunned, unconscious
PC Sheet
Character Info, Class Details, & Spellclasses
Hidden attributes: character_level, bab
Character Info
Attributes: character_name, class&level, race, race_hp, theme, size, speed, gender, home_world, alignment, deity, player, and languages.
Class Details
Attributes: class_X_name, class_X_level, class_X_sp, class_X_hp, class_X_bab, class_X_fort, class_X_ref, class_X_will, class_X_skills, and class_X_spells.
Hidden attributes: caster_level
Attributes: class_X_casting_ability, class_X_spell_progression, class_X_cantrips_per_day,class_X_cantrips_per_day|max, class_X_level_N_spells_per_day, and class_X_level_N_spells_per_day|max
Initiative & XP
Attributes: initiative, initiative_ability
Abilities: initiative
Ability Scores
All of your ability scores are contained here. Only the strength attributes are listed here, but the others follow an identical naming scheme.
Attributes: strength_mod, strength_base, strength, strength_penalty, strength_drain Ability check rolls are contained in sheet rolls named for each ability score (e.g. %{strength}).
Abilities: strength
Attributes: sp, hp, rp, and temp_hp
Armor Class
Attributes: eac, eac_armor, eac_ability, kac, kac_armor, kac_ability, cmd, dr, and ac_notes
Saving Throws
Attributes: fort, fort_base, fort_ability, ref, ref_base, ref_ability, will, will_base, will_ability, and save_notes
Abilities: fort, ref, will
Only the life science attributes and abilities are displayed, but all skills except for the profession section follow the same naming scheme as the life science fields.
Attributes: skill_points, life_science, life_science_ranks, life_science_class_skill, life_science_ability, life_science_acp and life_science_notes
Abilities: life_science
Repeating_profession attributes: profession, ranks, class_skill, ability, acp, notes, name
Attributes: carried_bulk, encumber_bulk, and overburden_bulk, credits, wealth, and upb
Repeating_item attributes: name, equipped, quantity, bulk, cost, level, purpose, type, proficiency, uses, mods, attacher, description, id
Repeating_item abilities: roll
Repeating_attack attributes: name, level, proficiency, category, ability, bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, type, crit, ammo_type, ammo, ammo|max, usage, special, total, damage_total, attacher, proficiency_value, damage_proficiency_value, full_attack_query, full_attack_number, full_attack_penalty
Repeating_attack abilities: roll
The abilities pane contains the repeating_ability section. Each item in the repeating section has the following attributes (prepend with repeating_ability_$X_) that are displayed by default:
Repeating_ability attributes: name, frequency, source, target, duration, attack_ability, attack_bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, attack_type, attack_crit, usage, uses, uses|max, uses, uses_max_base, save_ability, dc, save_type, effect, save_effect, type, spell_resistance, spell_penetration_misc
Repeating_ability abilities: roll
Repeating_spell attributes: name, source, target, duration, attack_ability, attack_bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, attack_type, attack_crit, usage, uses, uses|max, uses, uses_max_base, save_ability, dc, save_type, effect, save_effect, school, spell_resistance, spell_penetration_misc
Repeating_spell abilities: roll
NPC Sheet
The NPC sheet uses many of the same attributes as the PC sheet for the final totals used in rolls, however many attributes are entered in a “_base” attribute and then calculated to their final by the sheet. Always enter the value for an attribute as it is in the NPC’s statblock. Many of the attributes that had an ability score drop down retain this feature in the npc sheet. These dropdowns only control what ability score buffs to apply to the attribute, they do not add the unbuffed ability score to the value that you enter.
Statblock Header
Attributes: character_name, character_level, , xp, race, alignment, size, subtype, initiative_base, initiative, initiative_misc, senses, perception_base, perception, aura
Abilities: initiative
Attributes: hp, rp, eac_base, eac, kac_base, kac, cmd_base, cmd, ac_notes, fort_base, fort, ref_base, ref, will_base, will, save_notes, defensive_abilities, dr, immunities, sr, resistances, weaknesses,
Abilities: fort, ref, will
Attributes: speed, space, reach, caster_level
Repeating_attack attributes: name, level, ability, bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, type, crit, ammo_type, ammo, ammo|max, usage, special, total, damage_total, attacher, full_attack_query, full_attack_number, full_attack_penalty, base_attack_bonus_base, base_attack_bonus
Repeating_attack abilities: roll
Repeating_spell attributes: name, source, target, duration, attack_ability, attack_bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, attack_type, attack_crit, usage, uses_max_base, save_ability, dc_base, dc, save_type, effect, save_effect, school, spell_resistance, spell_penetration_misc, base_attack_bonus_base, base_attack_bonus
Repeating_spell abilities: roll
Statistics & Ecology
Attributes: strength_base, strength_mod, dexterity_base, dexterity_mod, constitution_base, constitution_mod, intelligence_base, intelligence_mod, wisdom_base, wisdom_mod, charisma_base, charisma_mod, acrobatics_base, acrobatics_mod, acrobatics_ability, athletics_base, athletics_mod, athletics_ability, bluff_base, bluff_mod, bluff_ability, computers_base, computers_mod, computers_ability, culture_base, culture_mod, culture_ability, diplomacy_base, diplomacy_mod, diplomacy_ability, disguise_base, disguise_mod, disguise_ability, engineering_base, engineering_mod, engineering_ability, intimidate_base, intimidate_mod, intimidate_ability, life_science_base, life_science_mod, life_science_ability, medicine_base, medicine_mod, medicine_ability, mysticism_base, mysticism_mod, mysticism_ability, profession_base, profession_mod, profession_ability, perception_base, perception_mod, perception_ability, physical_science_base, physical_science_mod, physical_science_ability, piloting_base, piloting_mod, piloting_ability, sense_motive_base, sense_motive_mod, sense_motive_ability, sleight_of_hand_base, sleight_of_hand_mod, sleight_of_hand_ability, stealth_base, stealth_mod, stealth_ability, survival_base, survival_mod, survival_ability, feats, languages, other_abilities, gear, environment, organization, tactics
Abilities: acrobatics, athletics, bluff, computers, culture, diplomacy, disguise, engineering, intimidate, life_science, medicine, mysticism, profession, perception, physical_science, piloting, sense_motive, sleight_of_hand, stealth, survival
Repeating_profession attributes: name, base, profession, ability
Repeating_profession abilities: roll
Special Abilities
Repeating_ability attributes: name, frequency, source, target, duration, attack_ability, attack_bonus, range, engagement_range, damage_dice, damage_ability, attack_type, attack_crit, usage, uses, uses_max_base, save_ability, dc_base, dc, save_type, effect, save_effect, school, spell_resistance, spell_penetration_misc, base_attack_bonus_base, base_attack_bonus
Repeating_ability abilities: roll
Starship Sheet
Except for a few attributes, the starship sheet uses a completely different attribute scheme from the PC and NPC sheets. The starship sheet is also set up to reference other sheets for crew action dice rolls.
Starship Info
Attributes: character_name, ship_tier, make_model, size, frame, speed, maneuverability, drift_rating
Attributes: ac, tl, ship_piloting_ranks, ac_armor, tl_countermeasures, hp, damage_threshold, critical_threshold, shield_total
Attributes: captain, captain_bonus, engineer, engineer_bonus, pilot, pilot_bonus, science_officer, science_officer_bonus, gunner, gunner_roll, gunner_bonus
Abilities: captain, engineer, pilot, science_officer
Power & Computers
Attributes: ship_pcu, ship_computer, computer_query, ship_sensors, ship_bp
Ship Quadrant Details
Attributes: forward_shields, port_shields, starboard_shields, aft_shields
Weapons (Four arcs, and turret)
Repeating_attack attributes: name, type, class, range, damage_dice, arc, pcu, bp, ammo_type, ammo, special, powered, attacher, description, id
Repeating_attack abilities: ship_roll
Systems/Expansion Bays
Repeating_system attributes: name, purpose, powered, pcu, bp, comp_bonus, sensor_bonus, shields, armor, countermeasure, description
Repeating_system abilities: roll
System Status
Attributes: life_support_patch, life_support_status, sensors_patch, sensors_status, engines_patch, engines_status, power_core_patch, power_core_status, forward_weapons_status, starboard_weapons_status, aft_weapons_status, port_weapons_status
Abilities: starship_crit