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Palladium Fantasy 1E

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Revision as of 09:31, 11 July 2019 by Andreas J. (Talk | contribs)

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This sheet was inspired by the Palladium Megaverse sheet, but has several changes for any familiar with that sheet. This is still a fairly simple and utilitarian sheet, but hopefully will meet the needs of anyone who is running this system.

Roll Template

  • The roll template is based on one written by Jakob here on the forums. I have 2 versions of the template which are called by &{template:custom} and &{template:menu}.
  • You can specify a color for the header and border of the template by using {{color=desired color}}. The colors available are black, brown, blue, red, grey, yellow, green, teal, orange, pine, ice, violet, sun, and wine. The reason for that many color options is to be able to use different colors for different types of magic or abilities.
  • The sheet uses black through green on that list for various types of rolls.
  • The template has a title and subtitle section options, followed by the normal table entries you can put attacks and damage similar to the default Roll20 template, and finally a description section.
  • The roll template is built to change the pink "chat menu" buttons into blue text with no box. I use the description section for chat menus, and when using the menu version of the template, all description text is displayed as bold italics.
  • Because I like to apply circumstantial bonuses and penalties to skills when I run a game, I do not have skill or stat rolls set up to show success or failure. Instead it will show the roll and the target number.

Example Macro Structure

&{template:custom} {{color=black}} {{title=Desired Title}} {{subtitle=Desired Subtitle}} {{Attack=[[1d20]]}} {{Damage=[[2d6]]}} {{desc=Any notes that might be useful.}}

Auto Calculated Stat Bonuses

  • I.Q. bonuses are auto calculated and displayed at the top of the Skills tab. Any bonus is subtracted from the percentile roll in the OCC, Elective, and Secondary skill sections.
  • M.A. bonus to trust and intimidate is autocalculated and displayed in the gold section below the stats.
  • P.S. bonus to damage is autocalulated and displayed on the Combat Tab under Hand to Hand Combat skill. This will be included in any damage roll from the melee attack section of the Basic tab.
  • P.P. bonuses to parry and dodge are autocalculated and displayed on the Combat Tab under Hand to Hand Combat skill. This will be included in rolling Dodge in the light blue section of the Basic tab, or rolling parry in the Melee Attacks section of the basic tab.
  • P.B. bonuses to charm and impress are autocalculated and displayed in the gold section under the stats.
  • Spd. is autocalculated to rough miles per hour and displayed in the gold section below the stats. It also calculates movement per action in case people are using that 2E mechanic.
  • Saving throw bonuses from M.E. and P.E. are autocalculated and displayed below the rolls in the Saving Throw section of the combat tab. They are included in the calculation of the rolls.

Stat Rolls/Checks

  • The stat roll buttons will roll both a d20 and a d100, since I have heard of people using both for a straight attribute check or as a substitute skill roll.
  • Perception did not exist in 1E, and I totally admit the perception button is totally my creation. That button rolls a d20, and displays the average rounded down of the character's I.Q. and M.E. stats. Use it or ignore it as you see fit.

Colored Sections of the Basic Tab

Some may object to the colored sections I put on here. With the top section of this tab having 3 columns of 17 rows, people new to the game were having trouble finding things. I decided that the various colored sections would allow for easier description to direct people on where to look for something.

  • The light green section is all your basic info: names, class, race, family background, etc. This is the entire left column. If enough people feel this should be split at some point, I could certainly do so. At this point, using that color and the point that blue and gold split in the next column seems to work well enough to help describe where something is.
  • The dark blue are stats, and not too bad to find as the top half of the center column.
  • The gold section is all auto calculated from stats. These fields are all "read only", so can't be altered without altering the associated stat.
  • The tomato paste red section is all expendable resources from hit points, to psionic or healing inner strength points to casts per day. It also has spaces for spell, ward, and circle strength.
  • The light blue section hold initiative, perception, and dodge. Dodge is here because I wasn't sure where else to put it.
  • The Dodge roll will ask if you are mounted, and, if you answer yes, will include any mounted dodge bonus from the hand to hand combat skill section.
  • I should mention that the built in initiative roll adds 80 to the d20 roll. This is due to the way combat works in Palladium with first actions being all resolved before second actions, then third, etc. If the api is available in your game, I recommend a script for adding the extra entries to the turn tracker near the end of this post.

Extra Movement

  • This section is intended for common alternate forms of travel (mounts, popular spells, magic items, etc.).
  • I did not include auto calculation in the repeating section, but you can temporarily change the Spd stat and copy the auto calculated values from the gold section if needed.

Melee Attacks

  • I stole the idea for this section from the Pathfinder simple sheet. Rolling from this section will display the character's name as the title and the weapon/attack name as part of the subtitle.
  • The strike roll will automatically include hand to hand bonuses and any bonuses from P.P. You will need to enter any Weapon Proficiency bonuses or weapon specific bonuses manually. I included a temporary bonus box in case of short term spell (or whatever) bonuses. The strike roll will also roll and display damage. The crit range (when the attack roll is outlined in green) will change based on your critical strike number under the hand to hand combat skill. This template does not roll extra dice, so you either double the damage on a crit or roll damage by itself to add to the original damage roll.
  • The parry roll will automatically include the bonuses from the hand to hand combat skill section. As with strike, you need to manually add W.P. or weapon specific bonuses.
  • The damage roll will pull in the P.S. and hand to hand damage bonuses. You just need to enter your dice and any weapon specific modifiers.
  • The notes section will not display in chat if left empty. It uses the description section of the template. One use of it is as a reminder for men of arms that can stun with their attacks. "Stun for 1d6 melees on an 18 or above." would display that message below the attack and damage and resolve the d6 roll.

Ranged and Spell Attacks

  • While this is laid out similar to the melee attack section, it pulls no bonuses from anywhere. The attack rolls do check the ranged crit threshold under the hand to hand combat skill to allow for the longbowman crit upgrade. Otherwise all bonuses need to be added manually.
  • I have found this a useful section to have for spells and wards that have recurring damage. It is also nice for abilities with an attack roll and single target like Mental Bolt of Force or Ball Lightning.

Equipment Tab

  • This tab of the sheet has 5 repeating sections: Weapons, Armor, Gear, Consumables, and Wealth.
  • I don't have plans at this point to do anything with auto calculating weight, though it can be tracked manually by putting all carried items in each category in a single entry to be tallied together.

Skill Rolls

  • As mentioned earlier, if there is an I.Q. skill bonus, it will be deducted from the percentile roll. The template will display the character name as the title, the skill name as the subtitle, the skill roll, and then the skill target number.
  • Notes will display if filled in, and I find this a good place to put descriptions of the skill for those that are new, or to remind me of certain things like how often to have people roll when climbing, or how much damage is incurred in a fall.
  • I left the I.Q. bonus out of the Mystic skill section. I intended this section for class abilities like Sense Evil, Druid Empathy, Deduce Circle Function, and such like. For myself, I can see I.Q. affecting some of the skills, but not all. Therefore I leave it up to you to include in those abilities or not.


If you have access to the API, I highly recommend the use of the following 2 scripts:

  • Universal Chat Menus which can will allow you to create a set of menus for just about everything on the sheet. I have used it so that all my players have 4 menus: saving throw, combat, skills, stats. An example of me using the skill, save, and combat menus can be found later in that same thread.
  • Initiative Duplicator which allows you to add multiple turns for the same token (subtracting 20 from the initial initiative roll for each successive entry) and resorts the tracker each time.

Skill Menu API Call

Since I can't seem to get this api call to play nice with formatting here, it can be viewed in the Readme on github found here.

Initiative Duplicator Macro

!dup-turn ?{How many attacks?|}

A Few Final Thoughts

  • There is a Stupid Tricks thread on the forums here that is somewhat hard to find, but has a lot of good stuff in it (that I don't use nearly enough of). the reason I am pointing it out is for the Chat Menu entry. You don't need the api to use these, and with the lack of free documentation for this system, I recommend you make use of this.
  • The reason for pushing the chat menu is for stuff like spell books. I have a sheet with every wizard spell and a complete chat menu of those spells. When someone plays a wizard, I can just copy that sheet and edit the chat menu macro to reflect the spells they know. I have this for every type of magic. The macros are set up to check and calculate from caster/psion level, show saving throws after including spell strength, roll secondary effects, or even display tables and roll percentile in the description if needed. Obviously that takes a fair amount of set up, but it is very worth the time spent.
  • As a result of the chat menus and the api, my players can roll any button on their character sheet, any spell, any psionic ability, etc. without having to open their character sheet. They are all accessible as token actions.
  • While I am content with where I have the sheet, I realize it is a fairly crude sheet. When I started the rewrite of the Megaverse sheet, I knew nothing about HTML, CSS, or scripts. I still don't know much, but this sheet is the result of what little I have managed to scrape together over the last year and a half (roughly). May it help any that are interested in this game system run their games a little more easily.
  • Since this game system is from a time where homebrew was not a 4 letter word, and people running games were expected to add their own flair to the game, I hope I have included enough fields an options in the sheet to enable people to run their style of game. Good luck, have fun, and let me know if any problems pop up with the sheet.