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I honestly didn't realize there was a wiki for roll20 users before randomly clicking buttons. But, while I'm here, I might as well enter some information, because why not?
I'm in my mid 20s, male, and live in the US. I don't really know what else to put about demographics... so blah.

I'm a gamer, through and through. I've been playing Video Games since I was... what was it, 2? No, maybe 1... Back in the NES era of gaming. I became a Pianist because of my interest in a video game set up to help learn piano. Video games kept me sane through my high school life, and they're still a part of my life now. Of course, now it's not just video games I play.

Thanks to a bunch of friends, I started tabletop gaming near the beginning of 2013. My first game, where I didn't know s**t about mechanics or background stories or whatever, they wanted me to be the GM. ME! At first, I was entirely reluctant... but since they let me play too, I decided it couldn't hurt. I'm rather un-biased, so... yeah, out of all the deaths that almost happened that game, my character was among the top of the list for most occurrences. But that was alright. We were still learning.

Since then, I've become a decent GM, and enjoy playing in a wide variety of tabletop games, from Pathfinder to D&D, GGG to PTA.  Well... okay, so I don't know the mechanics for GGG, but I'd still love to be able to play in a game.

...okay, what else? Um... I think I already shared enough.