From Roll20 Wiki
Version: 1.0
Last Modified: 2015-01-07
Code: InitiativeTracker
Dependencies: None
Conflicts: None
InitiativeTracker tracks initiative, rounds, and status conditions. The start of each round, as well as the start of each character's turn, can be announced in the chat. Status icons are automatically managed (counting down the last 9 rounds of the status duration), and status expiration can be announced in the chat as well.
The initiative tracker is triggered automatically when you sort the entries in the turn tracker. Under the default settings, this will generate a message announcing the start of round 1, followed by a message announcing the start of the turn for the character at the top of the initiative order. These announcements can be disabled using the !tracker
command described below.
Each time the turn tracker advances, any status effects operating on any initiative count between the previous count and the current count will have their durations decremented. Any status whose new duration is zero or less will be removed; any status whose new duration is 9 or less will have its icon counter updated to reflect the number of rounds remaining. If the initiative count has wrapped around, the round counter will be incremented, and the start of the new round will be announced (if enabled). Finally, the start of the next character's turn will be announced (if enabled).
It is recommended that this script be used in conjunction with the CommandShell module, which will improve output formatting and command discovery.
!tracker <tracker action> [tracker parameters]
!status <status action> [status parameters]Formally:
→ trackertracker command
→ statusstatus command
tracker command
→ help
tracker command
→ round integer
tracker command
→ forward
tracker command
→ fwd
tracker command
→ back
tracker command
→ start
tracker command
→ getoptional config
tracker command
→ setconfig
tracker command
→ enableconfig
tracker command
→ disableconfig
tracker command
→ toggleconfig
optional config
→ ε
optional config
→ highToLow
→ announceRounds
→ announceTurns
→ announceExpiration
status command
→ help
status command
→ add integer string string
status command
→ list
status command
→ show
status command
→ removeid
status command
→ remid
status command
→ deleteid
status command
→ delid
status command
→ icons
→ ε
→ string
Parameter | Values |
tracker action | The !tracker command can perform several actions:
tracker parameters | Some actions accept additional parameters:
status action | The !status command can perform several actions:
status parameters | Some actions accept additional parameters:
Status icon names can be somewhat cryptic. You can create your own aliases for frequently-used icons by adding entries in Tracker.STATUS_ALIASES
, defined near the top of the script. Each new alias should be a key, and the associated value should be an icon name from Tracker.ALL_STATUSES
(defined just above Tracker.STATUS_ALIASES
). This is optional, but it may assist in the usage of !status add
v1.0 (2015-01-07)
- Release