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Adam/Tuxtradamus is a streamer that likes to focus on cool stories and good times, playing tabletop and video games.



Adam is 24 years of age, and lives in the state shaped like a mitten. By day he plays around with computers and networks for a small company. He's played games basically his entire life, video games on from an early age, and tabletop games came around a few years ago. Adam loves to joke around and keep things funny and entertaining, but knows when a good story needs to be serious, and can switch gears if necessary. Good or bad, he also has quite the repertoire of voices at his disposal.

When he's not gaming, Adam likes to drum, read some books or some comics, and catch up on Netflix. When a good concert's in town, he'll be there too, rocking out and having an awesome time with friends.

Featured Games & Editions


Live Schedule

*Fridays, 6:30pm ET on

Show Information

Tales With Tux & Friends: Kismet

Kismet is a Dungeon World campaign featuring members of the Mathsquad, the community built around the streamer Adam Koebel. Featuring some DW veterans and newbies, the games looks into the events surrounding a land strife with a magical civil war.

Tales With Tux & Friends: Kismet Cast

Josh Gates
