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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
21:09, 18 November 2017Characterscheme.jpg (file)124 KBHorizon Brave 1
20:45, 18 November 2017Apprenticerunesmith.jpg (file)159 KBHorizon Brave (Apprentice Runesmith career)1
23:43, 15 November 2017Runeskillstalents.jpg (file)270 KBHorizon Brave (Dwarf skills and talents)1
20:52, 12 November 2017DivineWrath.png (file)712 KBHorizon Brave 1
20:40, 12 November 2017Chaoscat.png (file)1.01 MBHorizon Brave (Catastrophic Curse!)1
20:38, 12 November 2017ChaosMajor.png (file)853 KBHorizon Brave (Major Chaos Manifestations)1
20:32, 12 November 2017Chaos.png (file)741 KBHorizon Brave (Minor Chaos Manifestations)1
23:13, 29 October 2017Casting.png (file)36 KBHorizon Brave (Steps to Cast)1
17:26, 27 September 2017Elvensteeds.png (file)215 KBHorizon Brave 1
17:08, 27 September 2017Mountedhitlocation.png (file)244 KBHorizon Brave 1
22:36, 26 September 2017Destrier2.png (file)115 KBHorizon Brave 1
21:23, 26 September 2017Ridinghorse.png (file)211 KBHorizon Brave 1
21:21, 26 September 2017Destriers.png (file)136 KBHorizon Brave 1
22:02, 18 September 2017Criticalhit.jpeg (file)102 KBHorizon Brave 1
03:21, 14 September 2017Combatactions.png (file)21 KBHorizon Brave 1
04:32, 10 September 2017Meleeweapondamage.jpeg (file)105 KBHorizon Brave 1
02:24, 9 September 2017Hitlocation.jpeg (file)34 KBHorizon Brave 1
02:30, 29 August 2017Talents.png (file)543 KBHorizon Brave 1
02:26, 29 August 2017Skills.png (file)1.09 MBHorizon Brave 1
05:00, 24 August 2017Baliff.png (file)231 KBHorizon Brave 1
05:03, 23 August 2017Exp-costs.png (file)418 KBHorizon Brave 1
21:11, 19 August 2017Chargen.png (file)959 KBHorizon Brave (Rolls and Mods needed for character generation)1
21:09, 19 August 2017Startwoundsstartfate.png (file)437 KBHorizon Brave (Tables for Starting Wounds and Fate Points)1
03:28, 17 August 2017Core2nd.jpeg (file)52 KBHorizon Brave 1
03:25, 17 August 2017Warhammer+fantasy+old+world+bestiary+front.jpg (file)85 KBHorizon Brave 1
23:49, 16 August 2017ProfileStats.png (file)128 KBHorizon Brave 1