D&D 5E by Roll20/Charactermancer
From Roll20 Wiki
Page Updated: 2021-10-22 |
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Main Page: D&D 5E by Roll20
Contents |
How to Access It
You can access the Charactermancer in two ways: on a new character or on an existing character.
The Charactermancer will be available when a character sheet with Charactermancer support is selected in Game Settings.
![]() | Warning: In all cases, when you apply the changes at the end of running the Charactermancer, your character's data will be overwritten. The only exception is the Bio page, where your age and physical description will be overwritten if you add or edit it in the Charactermancer. |
On a New Character
When you create or open a new character for the first time, click the Character Sheet tab.
You will automatically be directed to the Charactermancer. If you don't want to use the Charactermancer at that time, you can click the X icon in the upper right corner of the window, or the Cancel button.
On an Existing Character
From the Character Sheet tab, click the y ear icon to go to the character sheet settings. Scroll down to the big Launch Charactermancer button and click it. The Charactermancer will launch.
If you had already run the Charactermancer before and saved the character, your previous Charactermancer information will still be in the Charactermancer. If you had not run it before, you'll start at the Welcome slide.
Characters that were not created with the charactermancer can't use the levelup charactermancer. It's possible this can be circumvented by editing some charmancer-related stat on the A&A tab.
How to Disable It
You can disable the Charactermancer (D&D 5E by Roll20) by default in your game. Go to the Game Settings page and click the drop-down for Default Sheet Settings.
Find the setting marked "USE LEVEL 1 CHARACTERMANCER FOR NEW CHARACTERS:" and select "No."
Scroll to the bottom of the Game Settings page and click Save Changes.
You can exit out of the Charactermancer by clicking the Cancel button. Click Discard and Exit to dismiss Charactermancer forever.
How to Use It
Charactermancer (D&D 5E by Roll20) is organized in slides which walk you through the step-by-step character creation process. However, you can skip around the process using the buttons at the top of the window:
Clicking any navigation button will save your progress.
The Back button takes you back to the last slide, according to the top bar. Note that this might not be the last slide you visited.
The Next button takes you to the next slide in the top bar.
The Back to Top button scrolls to the top of the Charactermancer window. This is helpful if you are at the bottom of the window and want to quickly go to the top to navigate to another slide.
The Cancel button opens a dialog box to close the Charactermancer:
- Discard and Exit: Discards all your Charactermancer choices and closes the Charactermancer window. When you relaunch Charactermancer, it will be as if you had never opened it.
- Save and Exit: Saves your Charactermancer choices and closes the Charactermancer window. When you relaunch Charactermancer, it will be on the current slide.
- Continue Charactermancer: Closes the cancel dialog box and returns you to Charactermancer.
If you close the Charactermancer window using the X in the top right corner of the window, the choices you had saved will still be there. However, if you close the Charactermancer window, any changes you made to the current slide will be lost.
The Apply Changes button only displays on the Review slide, and only if you have completed all required fields in all of the other Charactermancer slides. When you click it, all of your existing character sheet data will be deleted and the data from Charactermancer will overwrite it.
Special Buttons
Start Slide: There is a button to never use Charactermancer for that character. If you click this option and you later want to use Charactermancer, you can launch it from the character sheet settings (the "gear" icon).
Review Slide: The Apply Changes button only displays on the Review slide, and only if you have completed all required fields in all of the other Charactermancer slides. When you click it, all of your existing character sheet data will be deleted and the data from Charactermancer will overwrite it.
The Slides
Slide | Content | Required Fields |
Welcome | Welcome to the Charactermancer. Some information on how to use it. | |
Race | Race and racial options for your character. Sub-race for your character. | Race, Sub-race: If the race you select has a sub-race, such as High Elf for Elf, or Variant Human for Human, you must make a selection. Not all races have a sub-race option. |
Class | Class and class options for your character. Sub-race for your character. | Class, Sub-class: If the class you select has a class option, such as Sorcerous Origin for Sorcerer, you must make a selection. Not all classes have a sub-class option at level 1. |
Abilities | Generate ability scores for your character. | Ability Score Method: Select a method for generating your ability scores:
Background | Background and background options for your character. | Background |
Equipment | Equipment selections based on class and background, or rolled starting gold. | Equipment method: Class equipment or starting gold. If you choose to roll for starting gold, your roll will be sent to the chat window. |
Spells | Starting spells for your spellcasting character, based on spells known, or spell slots per day. | If your Class has spellcasting, spells are required
If you change character class from one spellcaster to another, you will be prompted at the end to select spells again. |
Feats | Feat selection for your character. | If your character has feats available, Feats are required. |
Bio | Physical description | If already present, this information is loaded from the character sheet, and will overwrite the Bio tab on the character sheet. It is not required. |
Review | Displays the selections you've made for your character, and includes warning for any missing required information. | All required sections must be filled out elsewhere in the Charactermancer before the Apply Changes button at the bottom of the Charactermancer window will be available. |
When you are done, navigate to the Review slide, read over your choices, and click Apply Changes.
The Charactermancer (D&D 5E by Roll20) has some known limitations and issues. For both, please see the Charactermancer (D&D 5E by Roll20) Bug Report Thread in the forums, which has a Known Issues list and where you are encouraged to report any bugs you find when using the Charactermancer.