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Gorebad has been playing Dungeons and Dragons since 1979. He is the Dungeon Master for the partnered channel, HowReroll


Gorebad began gaming in 1979 and has been involved in the gaming world and industry ever since. He owned a gaming store in East Sussex, England and was involved with TSR UK. He ran tournament games and events for Gen Con in 1996 and 1997 at Loughborough university and emigrated to the United states in 1999. He began live streaming video game content in 2014 but eventually moved to live streaming pen and paper gaming on the channel His vibrant and rich story telling approach to DMing is part of the reason for the channels success. He uses exclusively as his virtual tabletop, and with it creates visually stimulating maps for every scene.



Featured Games & Editions

D&D 3.5E
D&D 5E
Call of Cthulhu
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay


Live Schedule

Show Descriptions & VODs

Children of Drakhar

Children of Drakhar is a Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 campaign. A strange race of beings have been sited in the kingdom of Arkonas. They seem hell bent on total domination and destruction. The king of Arkonas prepares for war with the aid of four unlikely heroes.

Dialogues & Dice

Dialogues & Dice is a Pen and Paper gaming talk show. each week we discuss aspects of pen and paper gaming, as well as talk to various special guests about the gaming industry, hobby and other aspects of the genre.

Show Title Cast



Marketplace Content

Greytale's Dungeon Blanks 1
Greytale's Dungeon Blanks 2
Greytale's Dungeon Blanks 3

Greytale's Dungeon Blanks 4

Additional YouTube Content

The Children of Drakhar

Children of Drakhar is a Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 campaign. A strange race of beings have been sited in the kingdom of Arkonas. They seem hell bent on total domination and destruction. The king of Arkonas prepares for war with the aid of four unlikely heroes.

Marks of Intrigue

The Marks of Intrigue is a Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 campaign. Three strangers awake in an unknown location. A bizarre and magical mark has been etched into their forearm. What does it mean?

Dark Inquest

Dark Inquest is a Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Campaign. A strange form of magic has descended upon the kingdom of Arkonas, and with it a rise in Witchcraft and Necromancy. A witch Hunter and two sisters try to discover the cause, and put an end to the corruption.