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NightLife Character Sheet

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The sheet was made by Thomas S. (Foemass on Roll20) and last updated on 11/05/2020.

Created for NightLife: The Role-Playing Game of Urban Horror the sheet provides comprehensive support for 3rd Edition core rules alongside partial support for the Magic and Street Velocity supplements. It also supports a couple of optional house rules.

If you have feature requests, issues or questions please contact the sheet's creator here.


Quick Start Guide


  • Put character abilities in the right-side columns, the left-side (changed) columns are for when your abilities have been temporarily changed via basic ability damage etc.
  • A ~ mark within a left-side (changed) column indicates that an ability hasn’t been changed and matches its permanent value. New characters should start with ~ in every left (changed) column except for:
    • Humanity (where left represents humanity and right represents max humanity.)
    • Survival Points (where it represents current SP.)
  • If you’re getting unwanted ability loss modifiers in your rolls check you haven’t inserted values into a left-side (changed) column.

Entries (Edges/Spells/Flaws/Skills/Weapons/Wearables/Others)

  • Add a new entry by pressing the relevant +Add button.
  • Click a new entry to expand it, then fill out any relevant fields.
  • Some entries will have & boxes within them, you can click these to expand entries further.
  • You can remove/rearrange entries using the relevant Modify button.

Roll Buttons

  • The clock buttons roll individual initiative, which is highly dependent on what action a character intends to take. There are multiple initiative buttons, because initiative requires you to preemptively choose what you’re using. Consequently, clicking an initiative button effectively declares the character is going to use the button’s adjacent score for their action this BT.
  • The dice buttons roll their adjacent score. This is pretty self-explanatory except for Weapons (Attacks) where it can get complicated. The key thing to note with weapon rolls is that if you have Add Damage Modifier ticked, then the exact roll result will be hidden. (Though you’ll still be told if it succeeded or failed.) At the time of writing a technical limitation in roll20 makes this a necessary evil in order to automatically calculate the NightLife damage total. To find the hidden dice roll result, hover your mouse cursor over the damage total (outlined in a square towards the bottom) and look for the number in a slightly larger font.


  • If you use certain Keywords for Edge or Skill names, the sheet will factor their respective scores into its calculations automatically.
  • These keywords are: claws, intimidation, diplomacy, leadership, persuasion, streetwise, speed, business and business, criminal.
  • If a sheet has successfully recognized a keyword its name field will be outlined in green.

Movement, Healing, Carrying, Throwing and Miscellaneous

  • Most of these will be calculated automatically as you add ability scores to the sheet, the rest are for you to fill out.


  • Before these fields can work you need to expand the skill entry for whatever skill is utilized for the character’s job and click the “Make Job Skill” button.
  • Ticking owns the business will modify income as if the character started the business, see page 134 of the 3rd edition core rules.


This section expands upon the quick start guide above, which should be read first.


  • Ability loss modifiers are automatically calculated and included in weapon(attack), skill and edge rolls.
  • The lower of Humanity and Max Humanity will always be used for calculations/rolls.
  • Base HTH is automatically calculated.
  • Survival points are automatically calculated.
  • Street Face’s permanent score is automatically calculated from the relevant abilities/skills. However, the skills will only be utilized if you use keywords (See quick start guide).
  • If abilities have been changed by active Shapeshift edges or Wearables their permanent score will appear to change, but the original scores are still accessible. Editing the number will reveal this original permanent value.


  • Changing the base will automatically set the score to its base value. This is intended to speed up character creation.
  • Humanity use cost is displayed on the collapsed bar for convenience.
  • If an edge’s range is a distance then the sheet can be configured to calculate the distance and keep it up to date automatically. Tick distance under range to reveal the fields for this.
  • If the edge generates a movement speed the sheet can be configured to calculate speed values and keep them up to date automatically. Use the fields under speed to set this up.
  • Setting up a movement speed will enable that edge’s active checkbox. Ticking this checkbox indicates the edge is active and adds the new movement speed to the character's movement speeds, (Near the bottom of the sheet.)
  • If the edge shapeshifts the character then the fields under shapeshift can be configured to manage this. Altering these fields in any impactful way will enable the active checkbox. Ticking the checkbox will change permanent ability scores as if the character has shapeshifted. Additionally, the shapeshift skill modifier will be included in any skill rolls and weapon (attack) rolls based on skills.
  • When enabled the active checkbox currently replaces humanity cost on the collapsed bar. This was a compromise to account for the limited space there, since there’s already not enough space for some edge names.
  • Edge names are subject to keywords, see the quick start guide.


  • Name and description fields have been included as part of “barebones” magic support. I recommend just putting all the spell details in the description field for now.
  • Ideally how the sheet handles spells & magic will eventually be revisited and expanded upon.


  • Flaws can be given a roll by configuring the fields under roll. This will reveal a roll button on their collapsed bar.
  • Damage from substance vulnerability or environmental harm flaws can be calculated and kept up to date automatically by configuring the fields under damage. Put x2 in the value field to represent double damage. When configured damage will be displayed on the flaw’s collapsed bar.


  • All characters have the Luck as a Skill, Hand-To-Hand and Language (Native) skills. Their values are automatically set and only Language (Native) may be modified.
  • The “Make Job Skill” button can be used to set up income calculation, see the quick start guide.
  • Skill names are subject to keywords, see the quick start guide.

Weapons (Attacks)

These entries are predominantly for configuring weapon attacks, as well as edge attacks like Fiery Breath and special attacks like how a Sludge attacks.

  • The CSR field can be filled with a specific number or the name of an ability, edge or skill. If it’s a name the value will be set to the associated score and automatically updated if/when the associated score is changed.
  • Damage can be set to a specific number, HTH, HTH x2 or configured to be a fraction of the CSR value.
  • Total damage is calculated in the roll itself; this can include added HTH and the Damage Modifier if they’ve been ticked.
  • If the weapons substance is entered into the relevant field it’ll be included in the roll, alongside how much of the total damage counts for the purposes of substance vulnerability.
  • Setting target to Multiple (semiautomatic) or Multiple (automatic) and filling out “No. rounds being fired” will cause the sheet to calculate how many targets are hit as per the optional combat rules on page 77 of the 3rd edition core rules.
  • Using the Ammo fields will cause them to appear in the weapon’s collapsed bar for convenience.
  • The hide field and its roll button can be used for weapon concealment as per page 243 of the 3rd edition core rules.
  • If the enchanted checkbox is checked, the weapons enchanted status will be included in the roll.
  • If the enchanted checkbox is checked extra fields are provided. The Attacker CSR modifier field adds to the total Attacker CSR modifier listed at the bottom of the inventory. (But only if the active/held checkbox is ticked.)
  • Unchecking the carried checkbox will fade the collapsed bar so people can quickly assess what a character has on them.


These entries are for things a character wears, such as “normal armor” and root magic items.

  • The Attacker CSR modifier field adds to the total Attacker CSR modifier listed at the bottom of the inventory but only if the worn checkbox is ticked.
  • The add fields can be configured to add (or subtract) from the characters permanent ability scores. As noted in features abilities this isn’t really changing the permanent score and the originals can still be accessed. These changes will only take effect while the worn checkbox is ticked.
  • Checking the root magic checkbox will update the tally at the bottom of the inventory. Adding to it so long as the item is worn.
  • Unchecking carried will automatically untick worn as well as fading the collapsed bar.


These entries are for anything else a character might possess, chiefly ammo.

  • Typing anything into the quantity field will cause it to appear on the collapsed bar for convenience. This is so you can quickly move ammo from reserves into weapons without having to expand bars.
  • Unchecking the carried checkbox will fade the collapsed bar.

Movement, Healing, Carrying, Throwing and Miscellaneous

  • As noted in the quick start guide, most of this is calculated from ability scores. Its worth noting the sheet will always calculate using changed score if they’re present, even if the characters abilities are shapeshifted or otherwise enhanced by items. Removing values from the “changed” fields will return the movement fields etc to using the shapeshifted/item enhanced or permanent ability scores.
  • A brief note on the movement notation: 21ft/BT (2mph) < 60 min means a character could move either 21 feet or 2 miles in a single battle turn and continue at this pace for up to 60mins.

Settings (Cog) Button

  • Checking “use street velocity initiative rules” will make the existing initiative buttons use that ruleset instead of the core rules.
  • Checking “temporary changes to FIT/Luck impact Survival Points” will make ability damage, items and shapeshifting impact the character’s current and maximum survival points.
  • Checking “Initiative = Dexterity + Perception +1d100 + Speed Edge” will make initiative buttons calculate according to that sum. This means all initiative buttons throughout the sheet will do the exact same thing and it really won’t matter which one you click anymore. This removes the need to preemptively declare character actions for a BT.
  • If you’re interested in more Nightlife house rules I (Foemass) have uploaded some here. These are house rules I came up with for my group which either weren’t appropriate for inclusion in the sheet or have yet to be implemented there.

Known Issues

  • The sheet currently has little to no support for macros.
  • The sheet currently has no translation support.
  • The sheet doesn’t’ provide configurable default settings. (They’d be really useful for everything under the settings button.)
  • The sheet spams invalid form control error messages into the console while being edited.
  • The sheet could potentially be using spans instead of disabled inputs for optimization. (Though I’m uncertain if this still helps when the sheet is entirely sheet-worker based.)
  • Edge keywords can be used in skills and vice versa.
  • Activating shapeshift or ability adding items has no impact on changed ability scores, forcing the user to increase them manually if they’re not currently set to ~.
  • Speed edge always effects initiative, regardless of whether its active or not. (Honestly, this might be how it’s meant to work, I have no idea. It may be best to put an option under the settings button for this.)
  • There are no initiative buttons for weapon (attacks), so there’s no button to set initiative if a character’s action is an obscure special attack with its own CSR. (I’m looking at you, sludge.)
  • There is no intuitive way for Job Income to be tweaked to account for the gamemaster deciding it should be reduced.
  • Updating a permanent ability score whilst shapeshifted will not impact the total shapeshifted score until shapeshift is deactivated then reactivated.
  • Enchanted weapons used to have an option to subtract WILL from their modifier, but this feature was broken during a major rework (whilst the sheet was still in closed use) and has been disabled.
  • The alignment of adjacent horizontal fields is slightly off.
  • The alignment of icons within buttons is inconsistent between browsers.
  • Notes can’t be included in rolls.

See Also