Official Savage Worlds
From Roll20 Wiki
Page Updated: 2022-03-31 |
This is a page for how to use the Official Savage Worlds sheet.
If there's something you want added, or you'd like to report a bug for the sheet, feel free to join the Official Savage Worlds Character Sheet Game. That game has forums for Bug Reports and Enhancement Requests.
See also the Savage Worlds page for general info on playing the system.
This contains the buttons that allow you to navigate to different aspects/views of the character sheet. The buttons are (from left to right):
- Edit Mode of Character Profile (not always visible)
- Character profile
- Vehicle page (not always visible)
- Character Journal/Notes
- Configuration page
- Stat Block output to Chat
- Combat Options & Situational Rules
- Release Notes
- Documentation (this page)
This page has four different sections
- Setting Rules
- Other Sheet Tweaks
- Change/Modify Skill Names
- JSON Importer
Setting Rules
This section has options for various setting rules (such as Gritty Damage, No Power Points, etc)
Gritty Damage
If Gritty Damage is turned on, the GM must create a Rollable table for the Injury rolls. If this rollable table is not created and the exact name of the table entered in the Gritting Damage field for the table name, this functionality will not work.
Variable Bonus Damage
If a character has an Edge that alters the bonus damage die when a Raise is scored, you’ll want to select one of the Variable Bonus Damage check boxes. The Raise Based check box will have a pop-up appear asking what Bonus Die Type to use.
If you select the Edge based one, the weapon will have a drop down for you to select the appropriate die type for that given weapon.
Other Sheet Tweaks
This section has options for changing how the sheet works and some of its capabilities.
Atk^ roll query
Under weapons, if the Rate of Fire is greater than 1, you have the option of setting the weapon roll button to do auto-fire (roll multiple skill dice). This drop down menu configures the roll query to make it easier for you to do your auto-rolls.
If you have it sorted High to Low, the number of shots prompted for in the query will start at the maximum rate of fire.
If you have it sorted Low to High, the number of shots prompted for in the query will start at 1.
Attributes start at d6
This will default all Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, and Vigor to d6 rather than the standard d4. This is a way to save clicks. This is configurable from the Games Setting page, too, so all characters would start that way, rather than having click this option on every character sheet.
Prompt for Misc. Modifier
This will pop-up a roll query, each time you roll dice, asking you for the modifier. This pop-up window defaults to 0, so if there are no modifiers to the roll, hitting enter will move forward with the roll.
Show Load and Encumbrance
This will turn on encumbrance tracking and automatically calculate the weight vs. the Load Limit for the character’s configuration.
Show Modifiers
This will show any modifiers entered that impacted the roll. This will show in the roll output.
Show Soak and Show Unshake Buttons
Checking these options will have a place a roll button under the Wounds and Fatigue section of the character profile page. These buttons can be used to become unshaken or soak damage. These buttons may be more beneficial than using the Spirit or Vigor buttons, because they can be configured with modifiers from Edges (such as Combat Reflexes), making it so you don’t need to remember to include those when rolling.
Wild Card Icon
This field can take Unicode characters and make them the Wild Card icon that appears next to the character’s name and the Stat Block Output button. The default icon is: ✪
API Initiative Edges
For Pro subscribers, the sheet supports the Deal-Init API script. If the Script is installed, clicking the (i) icon will output the help file to chat for that script and what to use for the Edge codes.
Change/Modify Skill Names
This section allows you to customize your game by changing how different skills appear. For example, if you wanted to capture the flavor of Deadlands, you could change Fighting to Fightin’.
JSON Importer
The sheet supports importing of JSON data to pre-fill a character sheet. Currently, the sheet supports the generic VTT JSON as exported from To import your character: copy the JSON text and paste it in the JSON Importer field. Once you click out of the field, the importer will begin working. When the text disappears from the input box, the import is complete.
NOTE: Currently, the sheet only supports an initial import. If you import a second JSON (even for the same character) you will get duplication of any data in repeating sections (e.g. Hindrances, Edges, Weapons, etc).
![]() | The technical spec of the JSON can be found here |
This page contains all the core stats for your character, including your character’s health. The main sections for this sheet are:
- Edit/Stat Block Mode
- Attributes & Skills (Left-hand column)
- Demographic, Derived Stats, and Gear (Center column)
- Health, Hindrances, and Edges/Advances (Right-hand column)
- Weapons
- Powers
- Armor
![]() | A Note on AUTOCALC The sheet is equipped to auto-calculate various fields for you. For example: Toughness, Parry, Advances, Rank, Weight carried, Encumbrance penalty, etc. Most of these auto calculations can be configured (look for the cog/gear icon when hovering over that particular stat) and/or turned off under the respective areas. |
“Edit” Mode vs. “Stat Block” Mode
Edit Mode
While in “Edit” mode (paper + pencil icon) all character sections are displayed so Ranks can be set, weapons and Spells configured, etc. While in this mode, each item can be expanded for customization and configuration (more on this below).
Stat Block Mode
Conversely, while in “Stat Block” mode, Attributes, Skills, Weapons, and Powers/Spells are collapsed and visible in the Left-hand column of the sheet. Each of these sections becomes a series of buttons that can be pressed to make the various rolls without all the extra space required if these sections were show in their full, editable state. The “Edit/Stat Block” button is only visible while the Character Profile tab is active.
Important Note: The Stat Block mode is only useful when Skill Specialization is not being used. If you are using Skill Specialization, the layout may be funky and show inconsistently. You can still use it, just know the display might not be ideal.
Attributes and Skills
All traits have a few things in common. Each trait has two fields for applying modifiers to a roll. The one that is always visible (while in Edit Mode) is associated with the Rank of the Trait. This means things like Parry and Toughness will be impacted if you use this field for one-off rolls.
Clicking the cog/gear that shows up when hovering over a trait will reveal a secondary window. This trait-configuration pane contains: the second modifier field (along with a text field to explain the modifier), a way to temporarily boost or lower a trait, change the Wild Die when rolling that trait and a checkbox to whisper the roll to the GM.
Traits have been setup so a single click will set the die-type associated with that Trait. For Skills, hovering over the die-type rank will pop-up a menu to select a different die-type.
Skills Configuration Pane
The crossed Hammer + Wrench icon allows you to configure which skills are visible on the character profile tab. This is also where you enable Skill Specialization. Skills with a red x are not visible, while skills with a green check are visible. You can quickly show or hide all skills by selecting the All option, or quickly show/hide all the Core Skills by selecting Core Skills. Showing the Core Skills is also a setting option from the Games Settings page so you don’t have to do this for every character individually.
Selecting the Knowledge/Other option from this configuration pane will enable you to create custom skills.
To hide this configuration pane, click the checkmark in the green circle that replaced the crossed hammer + wrench icon.
Unskilled Rolls
The Unskilled button has an icon of a briefcase, selecting this will apply an Encumbrance penalties (should any exist).
All Skills are automatically configured to start at d4; this was done to save the GM time. If you want to use a skill that your character is unskilled in, you have two options: 1) use the Unskilled Button, or 2) show the Skill and put a -2 in the Rank Modifier Field (next to the rank die type). This is true for the Fighting skill, too, which is always shown.
Demographic, Derived Stats, and Gear
This is section is pretty self-explanatory. A few things to note… Wild Card Icon: The Wild Card Icon next to the name will be grayed-out for Extras. Clicking this icon will toggle the character between being a Wild Card and an Extra.
Size Entering a number other than 0 in this field will adjust Toughness accordingly, and the size description will be noted under the field.
Advances This field will automatically calculate the number of Advances the character has received. This is based off the Acquired From field associated with each entry under Edges & Advances (see that section for more details). In the Configuration page, you can set this to be manually updated rather than automatically calculated.
Rank This is auto-calculated based on the number of Advances. This auto-calculation can be turned off in the Character Sheet Configuration Tab.
Conviction This is merely a toggle to indicate whether the character has a conviction point s/he can spend. In the near future, this will be updated to roll the additional d6.
Derived Stats
The three core Derived stats (Pace, Parry, and Toughness) are all accounted for, and each one can be configured to account for Edges or Hindrances that make impact them.
Pace Clicking the Pace number will open the configuration pane for Pace. The base will default to 6, but can be changed. This configuration pane is also where you configure your running die-type.
Clicking the button under pace will make a Running roll. This running roll includes Pace + 1d6.
Parry and Toughness These two are functionally identical, in that if you click the number OR the button under the derived stat the configuration pane will open.
Additional Derived Stats Selecting to show additional derived stats from the Configuration page (under Setting Rules) will show an additional section for derived stats. This is a repeating section so you can add as many additional derived stats as you like.
These stats have no automation, but do provide fields for Stat Name, Base, Mod, Current, and Max.
Encumbrance If enabled (via the Configuration Page, under Other Sheet Tweaks), Load will show up under this section, too.
This stat has a configuration cog, too, which allows you to adjust whether encumbrance applies penalties or not. It also allows you to apply a Die Type Delta to increase or decrease the Load allowed before penalties kick in. If you have Brawny, for example, putting a 1 in that field will increase the effective Strength Die type by 1, without actually increasing your Strength die type.
This section will also show how much weight is being carried and the associated penalty, if any.
Money This shows above the list of Gear and can be changed from a numerical value to the more abstract Wealth system.
Gear List The gear list is a repeating section, allowing you to add as many pieces of gear as you like. Each line item has 4 fields: Item (the name/description of the piece of gear), Quantity (Qty), Weight (Wt), and Carried.
The total weight of an item is the Quantity * the Weight. If you want the total weight carried to calculate properly, enter the total number of that item carried and the weight of a single item. The weight will not sum, unless the item is carried. You can tell if an item is carried by looking at the Carried column as seeing a checkmark instead of an x.
Health, Hindrances, and Edges/Advances
This section contains the Health/Condition of your character as well as any Hindrances/Edges s/he may have.
Health and Condition
This is located directly under the Savage Worlds logo.
Distracted, Vulnerable, and Stunned These fields are “empty” when the character is not a victim to that condition. Selecting one of those conditions will fill the icon in as a solid color. Selecting Distracted will automatically apply the -2 to your Trait rolls. A helpful Mnemonic: If you want to remember what each icon represents: You’re Distracted by shiny objects (like diamonds); if you’re vulnerable it’s easier to poke you with a pointy object (like a Spade); if someone hits you over the head with a Club, you’re likely to be stunned.
Shaken and Inc These fields will change color when selected so you know if the character is Shaken or Incapacitated. If Shaken is selected and you make a Trait roll, the roll template will provide a button you can click to unshake, if necessary (realizing that you may need to make opposed rolls while your character is Shaken, etc., the sheet makes no assumptions about whether you should roll to become unshaken or not—it merely provides the button in case you forgot.)
Wounds and Fatigue Each of these is functionally the same. Adding a Wound or level of Fatigue will apply the appropriate penalty to Trait rolls. In case it isn’t clear, the left-hand field (defaults to 0) of each is the current number of Wounds or levels of Fatigue the character has.
The right-hand field allows you to configure how many Wounds or levels of Fatigue the character can take before becoming Incapacitated. These default to 3 and 2 respectively.
Clicking the cog will allow you to configure how Wounds and Fatigue are dealt with, meaning you can: 1) apply Edges/Hindrances that Reduce the penalty for having Wounds or Fatigue, Increase the Penalty, and the maximum penalty that should be applied.
This is where you can document the Hindrances your character has. This is a repeating section, so you can add as many Hindrances as you like. There are five fields you should be aware of…
- Send to Chat - This button will send the information about the hindrance to the chat log.
- Hindrance - the name of the hindrance
- Type - a place to document the type of hindrance, Major, Minor, Racial, etc. This is free-text so you can type whatever makes sense to you.
- Whisper Hindrance - checking this box will whisper the hindrance when using the Send to Chat button.
- Hindrance Description - this is where you can document the details of the hindrance.
Edges & Advances
This is where you can document the Edges and/or Advances your character has taken. This is a repeating section, so you can add as many as you like.
- Send to Chat - This button will send the information about the Edge/advance to the chat log.
- Edge/Advance - the name or description of the Edge or advance
- Whisper Edge - checking this box will whisper the edge description when using the Send to Chat button.
- Edge Acquired From - This is a drop down list to help keep track of how an edge was obtained. It also helps with auto-calculating the Rank of the character. The options in this drop down are:
- Racial (for Edges obtained as part of a racial package)
- Creation (Edges obtained at Character Creation, typically as a result of taking Hindrances)
- Advance (defaults to Advance, since this will, in theory be used the most)
- GM Fiat/Other (for those times the GM hands out Edges/boons/whatever for any reason).
- Edge Description - this is where you can document the details of the Edge or advance.
This section handles both Melee and Ranged weapons and the damage fields are flexible to be able to handle almost any format. When adding a new weapon, the configuration pane is displayed by default, so the various aspects of the weapon can be set up, including damage.
Main Weapon Section Roll Button: The roll button can be configured to roll Damage Only, or Attack and Damage; if the Rate of Fire (RoF) is greater than one (1), an additional option can be configured for this button, denoted by Atkx + Dmg—this option will roll more than one skill die and a single Wild Die (for Wild Cards).
![]() | Pro Tip for using RoF' While RoF is generally only used for automatic weapons, it can be used for melee weapons as well. This can be useful for characters how have Frenzy, or if you have a group of Extras all making the same attack roll. |
Weapon: The name/type of weapon
Range: The range the weapon is effective at.
Damage: The damage the weapon does. This is display only and clicking this field will open the configuration pane; the configuration pane is where the damage is set up for each weapon.
AP: The Armor Piercing value of the weapon, if any.
RoF: The rate of fire of the weapon (see the Pro Tip above).
Shots: Two fields to track the current number of shots of the maximum number of shots.
Wt: The weight of the weapon
Carried: A check box to indicate if the item is carried. If it is carried, the weight will calculate and add to Load if Encumbrance is being used.
Notes: A place document any notes or special abilities of the weapon, such as Reach, etc.
Configuration Pane This section for each weapon allows you to set up the weapon’s roll button and damage and is displayed by default when a new weapon is added (you can hide this pane by clicking the cog/gear icon). The items located under here are:
- Whisper roll to GM: Checking this will whisper all rolls associated with the weapon to the GM.
- Minimum Strength: The minimum Strength required to use the weapon without penalty. Currently, this does not apply the penalty to any rolls if the minimum strength is not met, but this is planned future functionality.
- Button Behavior: This allows you to set up the button to roll Damage only, Attack + Damage (Atk + Dmg), and if the ROF is greater than 1 Multi-Attack + Damage (Atkx + Dmg). If Atkx + Dmg is selected, another field will appear to select the Skill to use when attacking with the weapon.
- Skill (if using Atk + Dmg or Atkx + Dmg): This will display the skills that can be used to wield that weapon. This list contains Athletics, Fighting, Shooting, Unskilled, and Weird Science. Only the skills the character sheet currently shows will be selectable.
![]() | Pro Tip for using Weird Science If a Weird Scientist gives you a device that would require you to use Weird Science instead of Fighting or Shooting, you can show Weird Science via the Skills drop down menu, and then using the Steps boosted/lowered from Base you can set it up to match the appropriate skill level. |
- Damage: This consists of 4 fields. The first can be used to configure an Attribute (generally Strength); if the weapon doesn’t use any Attributes as part of the damage formula, select N/A. The second field allows you to configure the number of dice to be rolled; if a weapon does 2d6 damage, you’d enter a 2 in this field. The third field is where you configure the die type associated with the damage. The fourth field is a “wild card” field of sorts, you can enter any valid Roll20 entry here—not just numbers.
![]() | Pro Tip for setting up Punches Since punches only do Strength damage and do not get the Wild Die, you can set up a Fist as a weapon and configure the damage to do Strength + 0 d6 + 0. This will roll a Strength die only. |
![]() | Pro Tip for setting up Complex Damage Some settings like Rifts do odd types of damage like 2d6 + d8. To accomplish this you would have N/A + 2d6 + 1d8! The exclamation mark tells the Roll20 dice engine to explode the die roll if the maximum number is rolled on the die. |
- Bonus Die Type: This is the type of die to roll for bonus damage. This one is used for Edge Based variable bonus damage.
This is the section to document the powers/spells/mystical abilities a character may have. This is also where you can keep track of how many power points your character has of how many maximum power points. Because this sheet allows more than Arcane Background to be configured (see below), you may have more than one set of Power Points displayed. If you are using the No Power Points setting rule (and that option is checked on the Configuration Page), these power point fields will be hidden.
Of the entire sheet, this is probably the most complex and has two different types of configuration panes. The first configuration pane is for the section overall; the second is the one associated with each power.
Powers Section Configuration Pane
The section configuration pane is accessed by clicking the crossed hammer + wrench icon (which will turn into a checkmark, and clicking the checkmark will close the configuration pane).
This pane has two types of sections; the first configures the section headers and labels, and the second configures arcane background labels (and distinguishing colors if your character has more than one AB).
Section Headers This portion of the configuration pane allows you to change how the powers are referenced. For example if they are spells, you can change the header from Powers to Spells. The column header is used to change the header for the column where the spells are actually entered, and the Power Points Abbreviation is used to change the abbreviated label of Power Points.
Arcane Background Configuration This section allows you to give the Arcane Background a name and the type of power points a different label. For example, perhaps you have a Wizard who uses Mana, you could would enter Wizard in the Arcane Background and Mana in the Power Points Label.
This section allows for more than one Arcane Background. Clicking the + symbol will reveal another Arcane Background Configuration section where you can name your second AB and the associated Power Points label. Clicking this will also reveal another field for all displayed Arcane Backgrounds—called the Arcane Background Indicator. This is a drop down of five (5) different colors. These colors can be used help you distinguish which powers go with which Arcane Background.
If you have more than one arcane background and need to delete one, click the red trashcan icon under the list of ABs. The bottom most AB will be hidden. The sheet only allows a maximum of five (5) different Arcane Backgrounds.
Main Powers Section Send to chat Button: The speech button will send the trappings and power description to the chat log.
Roll Button: The roll button can be configured to roll Skill Only, Attack and Damage (Atk + Dmg), or Damage Only.
Power: The power name/type.
PP: The number of power points needed for the power.
Range: The effective range the power.
Damage: The damage the power does. This is display only and clicking this field will open the configuration pane; the configuration pane is where the damage is set up for each power.
Duration: A place to document how long each power lasts.
PP Invested: Certain Arcane Backgrounds need to invest power points (which are not accessible so long as those power points are invested), this field helps keep track of that.
Trapping: A place to describe the trappings for the power.
Details: A place to note any of the details of the power you need to keep track of or want readily available.
Power Configuration Pane
This section allows you configure each spell to function in specific ways and is displayed by default when a new power is added (you can hide this pane by clicking the cog/gear icon). Here you can denote…
- Arcane Background Indicator: Which Arcane Background this particular power is associated with. This is only an option if more than one Arcane Background is configured. Selecting the associated AB will color the background of the image so there’s a visual queue for which powers belong with which AB.
- Whisper roll to GM: As always, whispers the roll from the roll button to the GM.
- Show notes with roll: This will display the details of the power in the roll template when the power is rolled. These notes display with the Skill roll if rolling Skill Only or Atk + Dmg, but if rolling Damage only, then notes will display with the damage roll.
- Button Behavior: You can configure the roll button to roll Skill Only, Attack and Damage (Atk + Dmg), or Damage Only. If you select Skill only or Atk + Dmg then the Skill field will become visible.
- Skill: This will display the skills that can be used to cast the power/spell. This list contains Athletics, Faith, Focus, Performance, Psionics, Spellcasting, Weird Science, and Unskilled. Only the skills the character sheet currently shows will be selectable
- Damage: This consists of 4 fields. The first can be used to configure an Attribute, if the power doesn’t use any Attributes as part of the damage formula, select N/A (the default). The second field allows you to configure the number of dice to be rolled; if a power does 2d6 damage, you’d enter a 2 (the default) in this field. The third field is where you configure the die type associated with the damage. The fourth field is a “wild card” field of sorts, you can enter any valid Roll20 entry here—not just numbers.
- Bonus Damage Die Type: This is the type of die to roll for bonus damage. This one is used for Edge Based variable bonus damage.
This section is for keeping track of your Armor and contributes directly to the calculation of Toughness. The fields for this section are:
Worn: This is a check mark to denote whether the armor is worn or not. If it is worn the check box for Carried (see below) should also be checked.
Armor Type: The type of armor
Min. Str.: The minimum strength required to wear the armor without penalty. Currently this information only, but this will be incorporated to auto calculate penalties in a future release.
Area Protected: A drop down to indicate which portion of the body is protected by the armor. Only those that include torso (or full body) are used to calculate the bonus to Toughness.
Protection: The amount of protection afforded by the armor.
Stacks: A drop down to indicate whether the armor stacks with other armor or not. The options are: No (will be used as the base armor), 50% (SWADE core rules), 100% (for things like natural armor, or magic).
Weight: How heavy the armor is. Used to calculate Load if the armor is carried (see below).
Carried: A checkbox to indicate whether the armor is carried. If the armor is worn, it should also be carried, however, armor can be carried when it’s not worn. The carried checkmark will include the armor’s weight in the total weight carried calculation, thus impacting Load and encumbrance penalties.
Description/Notes: Any special notes or details about the armor can be captured here.
This page is for documenting details about a vehicle the character may have. This is intentionally generic so as to accommodate as many different types of vehicles as possible.
Main Vehicle Section
Vehicle Type: This input field also functions as the header for the section. Enter the type of vehicle here.
Wounds: There are only two fields for wounds: Current (the left-most field) of Max (the right-most field, defaults to 3). To the right of the max wounds field is a checkbox you can use to indicate the vehicle is wrecked or incapacitated.
Size: A field to indicate the size of the vehicle.
Handling: A field to document the Handling value of the vehicle.
Top Speed (MPH): A place to capture the top speed of the vehicle.
Toughness: The Toughness of the vehicle.
Crew: Capture how many crew are required to operate the vehicle.
Cargo: A place to capture notes around any cargo that may be on board the vehicle. This is completely free-form.
Notes and Upgrades: A place for any notes about the vehicle, especially as it pertains to upgrades and the such. This is completely free-form.
A vehicle can have more than one weapon. This section is a repeating section so you can add as many weapons as necessary. Compared to other sections of the character sheet this one is pretty basic. Here you have…
Damage Roll Button: The button only rolls damage. The damage is configured in the Damage fields (see below).
Weapon: The type of weapon this ship has.
Range: The effective range of the weapon.
ROF: The rate of fire of the weapon
Damage: There are three fields to configure the damage: the number of dice to roll, the die type to roll and any additional damage modifiers/add-ons. Like character weapons and powers, the third field is a free form text that allows you to enter any dice formula Roll20 allows. This allows for just about any type of vehicle weapon.
![]() | Pro Tip for using Voltron’s Sword (Volron’s sword does Str ,the Mech Strength is d12+10, + 2d10 + 2d8): the damage fields would look like this: 2 d10 + 1d12!+10+2d8! Note: the 1d12!+10+2d8! would all be contained in the third damage field. |
Placement: If placement is important to know (e.g. on a Pirate ship, you may need to know the cannon is on the port side), this field allows you to document that.
Notes: Any special notes you may want to capture about the weapon.
This page allows you to capture to various private details about your character. This page does not draw from, nor write to the Bio & Info tab on the Roll20 Character Sheet Journal. That means if you want other players to see this information the GM will either need to give everyone access to the character sheet OR you will want to write the publicly known information on the Bio & Info tab and use this character sheet page to capture secret info that only the player and GM should know.
This page has…
Physical Appearance + Personal History
You can capture details about the characters background, pre-adventuring life, appearance, etc. in this field. This is a free-form text area so you can feel free to add as much or as little as you desire.
Quest Log: For people who like to keep track of individual questions/missions this section (if shown) provides fields where you can capture:
- Quest Title: To help keep your questions/missions straight, you can give each one a unique name; you can be as creative or uninspiring as you desire.
- Quest Boss: A place to document who “hired” the character to perform a task
- Quest Goal: The goal/object of the quest or mission.
- If the quest is Done: A checkbox to indicate whether the mission was completed.
- Quest Notes: A place capture any notes related to the mission. This is a great place to keep clues associated with a particular mission/objective.
Notes: This is a place to keep notes about any number of things you don’t want to forget. This is, again, a free-form text area so you can be as verbose as you would like.
This page contains a cheat sheet of things to try in combat to mix things up. It explains any bonuses or negative modifiers associated with the option.
It also contains information on situational rules (such as Unstable platform). It’s a handy place to look if you want quick access to rules without having to jump to the rule book.
This page contains information related to the latest sheet release. It will document what was changed, if any bug fixes were resolved, etc.