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Pathfinder Community Sheet

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Pathfinder Community Sheet

Known issues

1. /em or /fx may not work in a macro. Workaround: move them to the end of macro, and place return character before the slash.

2. The "All Saves" buff type does not adhere to stacking rules at this time. Workaround: make separate buffs for each Save (fort,ref,will).


The Pathfinder's Community Sheet Guide was created for the Pathfinder Community sheet.

The Pathfinder character sheet tries to best accommodate the Pathfinder rules as written(RAW) while macro fields to allow for house rule customization have been provided. The sheet auto-calculates many attributes utilizing sheet worker javascript for, Ability scores, Buffs, Conditions, Skills, HP max, Saves, Attack/Damage modifiers, etc., and is actively supported by Roll20 volunteers. Please feel free to lend your support through, feedback, testing, suggestions, coding, and keeping this guide updated and helpful.

Please post questions, comments, suggestions, etc. on the most current Pathfinder Character Sheet forum;
The sourcecode for the sheet can be found on GitHubLogo.png. If you are using the community Pathfinder sheet, any updates to the sheet will be pushed automatically.



Sheet Information

The Pathfinder character sheet meets all requirements of the standard character sheet while adding features unique to Roll20. Much of the sheet is auto-calculated utilizing sheet workers, saving player's and GM's valuable time when creating, leveling, or modifying a character or NPC. A tabbed interface combined with optional "show/hide" sub-sections allow for a more manageable sheet. Sheet rolls ("built-in" macros) can be rolled directly from the sheet, activated by the roll's name using a macro, or dragging a button to the macro quick bar. See animated demo.

All attributes and sheet rolls are easily determined with a quick mouse-over. Chat menu-buttons are included to handle all the most import rolls needed from chat, without having to scour the sheet to locate a roll.

  • Many areas of the sheet use repeatable sections for maximum flexibility. - ie Attacks, Abilities, Equipment, Spells, etc.
  • Most sections of the sheet make allowances for the multitude of rules options available for Pathfinder. Additional features and sheet customization's can be enabled using the Settings page.
  • Pathfinder Unchained, Mythic Adventures, and Ultimate Psionics, while limited in scope, are optionally supported.
  • NPC & PC stat overlap - while the sheet has a page specifically for NPC's (to enable; check "Is NPC or Monster" from the Settings page), there are many overlapping attributes and sections that co-exist with the PC section of the sheet. You may enter data in either section.
  • There is a Pathfinder Companion API for the sheet(Found in the API menu] - Companion API Guide
Detailed explanation and instructions can be found using the guide below.


The sheet was originally created by Sam M. in 2014. Thank you Sam for all your time and effort spent on creating this sheet.

Since 2015, it have primarily been updated by Vince, and the Roll20-Pathfinder-Character-Sheet Team have been created to organize and develop the sheet..

See Releases for previous releases of the sheet.



Q: Why don't I see the latest sheet changes/updates or features in my macros?

A: The particular macro may have been customized. First try hitting the Recalc 1 button to see if that fixes the macro. If not,
  1. check ⛭ Settings(Sheet configuration)|Advanced|Display roll templates for customization,
  2. then go back to the row and click on the "macro-text" arrow. This exposes the macro for this attack/spell/whatever row.
  3. Copy the macro to a text editor to save your customizations.
  4. Delete the macro on the sheet and tab/click on another field. After a few seconds the macro will be replaced with the latest default version.
  5. Finally, add your changes back to the macro. For attacks you may need to repeat this for the iterative macros.

Q: Why does the token ability I created linked to a menu not work?

A: To create token abilities: you must use a different name for the token ability than the button name the ability calls. Such as add an underscore before the name. If you use the same name, then technically there will be two abilities with the same name and it will not work correctly half the time. The Pathfinder API Companion will create token abilities for you to avoid this issue.

Q: Where is the rest of the sheet? All I see is the sheet configuration page...
Pathfinder: Important Buttons
A: New sheets open to the settings/configuration page by default to encourage users to look over the options that are available. Use the
PF settings.png
Settings button(located at the top of the sheet, between the logo and character name) to toggle between the sheet and settings.

Q: Where did the macro-text, user-defined, extra damage, etc. fields go?
More to consider...
A: More advanced areas of the sheet are hidden by default.
  • Make sure you are in
    PF mode.png
    "Expanded/edit Mode".
  • Ensure full macro-text(editable roll template fields for button rolls) are seen by checking ⛭ Settings(Sheet configuration)|Advanced|Display roll templates for customization. You can also show other advanced fields such as "real-time" macro-text and user-defined fields from this area.
  • Some sections also include a Show more fields option that can toggle the advanced fields locally.

Q: I still can't see certain fields or sections...

A:You may be in
PF mode.png
Compact Mode. There are two modes now: Compact and Expanded. In Compact mode many fields are hidden to offer a simplified view. Switch to Expanded mode to expose all editable fields as per the sheet's Settings.

Q: My hit points are too high, where are the extra hit points coming from?

A: Go to the Core Page, Class, Race, and Experience section, check Add Race/Monster HD, you may see monster hit points filled in. Delete them, then uncheck Add Race/Monster HD (Note: any values found in the Race/Monster HD section will affect HP calculations even if the section is unchecked(hidden).) This should be fixed in version 1.18 and later. If there are still mystery hit points, switch to Expanded mode, expand all rows on the class grid, check your 'Drain' setting, and (if mythic is enabled) check mythic hit points.

Q: How do I use the compendium to drag and drop monster/npc's?

Pathfinder: Monster statblock import
A: Drag and drop will not work if you are using Popped out character sheets. Check your games settings from the sidebar. You can access the "Monster statblock input section" by checking ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Pages|Is NPC or monster. This will make the NPC page/tab view-able. Close Settings and go to the NPC tab/page. The parse feature is near the top of the NPC page. Expand/Open the "Monster statblock input section". Drag and drop a monster's name from the compendium bestiary from the sidebar. After the statblock has been input, you can review values and make adjustments if needed(normally only necessary if you experience any issues after attempting an import). See animated demo. Once you are satisfied with the values, use the "Parse" button to migrate the statblock to the Pathfinder sheet. (note: the parsing process can take some time depending on the complexity of the statblock. If you attempt to drag/drop from the compendium over the top of a previous import, duplication of values will result and cause issues. ONLY PARSE ONCE.)

Q: I'm having difficulty manually entering stat-block values into the NPC page. Fields are either read-only or are completely missing.

A: There are many fields/attributes shared across the PC and NPC sections of the sheet. If you cannot find or edit an attribute on the NPC page, try looking in the relevant PC section.

Q: Why does it say my Dexterity is penalized?

A: Check other conditions, some penalize or limit dexterity to AC. Next check the max dex of armor worn. Finally check the encumbrance on the Equip tab. Medium or heavier armor carries penalties besides Max Dex. Another place to check is carried currency, this adds to weight carried. If currency should not contribute to weight enter it in the Other/Non carried Currency fields. To ignore encumbrance use the Encumbrance dropdown on the Settings page.

Q: Can I set sheet values from a macro?

A: No, you must be a Pro member and use the API to set sheet or token values from macros. If a token bar is mapped to an attribute, setting the token will update the sheet, but it will not call any custom sheet code and update secondary fields.
Here's an example of using the chatSetAttr script to toggle a Buff.
This would toggle the buff found on the first row
!setattr --sel --repeating_buff2_$0_enable_toggle|[[1-@{selected|repeating_buff2_$0_enable_toggle}]]
even better is to use the rowID from the actual repeating buff
!setattr --sel --repeating_buff2_ka2abgz9u85y56brghu_enable_toggle|[[1-@{selected|repeating_buff2_ka2abgz9u85y56brghu_enable_toggle}]]
(Make sure to use the rowID for your buff)

Q: I think I found something wrong with the sheet, but how can I check if it's a known problem?

A: Go to the Pathfinder Page Status and Known Issue post first to see if your issue is already being worked on. If you don't see it, follow the instructions in the next question:

Q: I found a bug, have a question, suggestion, need help, etc. regarding the Pathfinder Character Sheet. What should I do?

A: The best resource regarding the sheet is to post to the [PF] Pathfinder Sheet Thread 6 within Roll20's Character Sheets forum. Please include as much detail as possible to help isolate the bug to expedite a fix.

Q: Why can't I adjust some of the fields on the sheet?

A: There are many auto-calculated attributes found on the sheet and are depicted as number fields with a gray background. In these cases you can only adjust the fields that are used to calculate the gray background value. For instance, you can edit base strength, and any enhancement to it. The final strength score (after enhancements and negative conditions) and strength modifier are calculated for you.

Q: How will users of the Pathfinder sheet know when the sheet is updated?

A: You can always check the bottom of the character sheet to see the latest build date and to check for announcements of upcoming changes. Updates to the sheet will be pushed automatically.

Q: When I roll initiative, I'm getting this weird result with decimals. What's that about?

A: The decimal portion of the result is just the initiative modifier included as a tiebreaker.

Q: How do I make a (class ability, attack, feat, spell, inventory item, racial trait, trait) macro using a sheet roll?

A: Create a Macro/Ability that includes a button's name ie %{selected|button_name}. If you mouse-over the buttons it shows you what the button's name is. e.g.(To create a macro for weapon attack 0, include %{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_Attack} within your macro.) You can also drag and drop any repeating section/row button to the macro quick bar.

Q: I edited a macro with [[1d6]] and it doesn't work, why?

A: Macro fields with an (a) superscript on the title that evaluate to numbers, such as for buffs, weapon damage bonus are almost like macros but not quite. Rolls are not allowed.

Q: A macro field has a red dashed outline, why?

A: If a macro fields with an (a) superscript has a red dashed outline, that means the text entered cannot be parsed into a number, usually due to a syntax error. When the problem is corrected the red outline will disappear, and the grey background number next to it will populate with the correct value.

Q: My feat/weapon/spell is outlined with a message to delete it, why?

A: This means the row has a bug internal to Roll20 and must be deleted. You must delete all rows with this outline before adding new rows back or you may experience indeterminate results.

Q: How do I setup an animal companion or cohort or regularly summoned creature?

A: Create a new character in the campaign, and use a new sheet to record stats for your animal companion. You may find it easier to use the "NPC" tab which has a a small subset of all fields.

Q: What can I do if my sheet isn't updating some or all of the attributes?

A: Make sure you have entered the appropriate data. While the sheet does it's best to parse each field to allow only field appropriate data, illegal characters, malformed formula, etc. can cause the sheet to stop functioning. Try clearing the problematic field(s) or using "0" to see if that fixes the issue. Toggling selectors, entering a new/different value in a field, etc. can also help trigger auto-calculation. Finally, try using the Recalc Bold text 1 button at the top of the sheet to force a sheet-wide re-calculation. Please report any persistent issues to the Pathfinder thread.

Q: What would keep my spell buttons from showing up in chat when I hit the sheet button SPELLBOOK?

A: 1. On top, make sure you have caster level filled in (the editable field has to be > 0) 2. Make sure you have an ability selected in the dropdown for caster ability (WIS) 3. Make sure the spells have spell level filled in for each one. 4. Keep "show only prepared" unchecked for now. (limits it to only rows where you have the "uses" > 0 on the left ) If the above are true: then hit the Recalc 1 button at the upper right. (looks like circular arrow)

Q: How do I setup a Kineticist?

  1. Check Settings | Rule Options | Use Kineticist Burn to display Kineticist section of Abilities page.
  2. On the Abilities page in the Kineticist section, choose the appropriate class from the dropdown.
  3. Choose the appropriate ability score for kinetic powers.
  4. Check Use Buff bonus types and stacking on Settings
  5. ChooseElemental Overload as a buff from the Common Buffs dropdown and add it to buffs, then check it to enable it. It will automatically add bonuses as your burn score increases.

Q: How do I setup a Kinetic Blast?

  1. Pick the type of attack (ranged for normal blast, or melee for Kinetic Blade or Whip)
  2. Pick 'Kinetic' for base blast, or Composite.
  3. Pick Energy or Physical damage type
  4. Check Devastating Infusion if applicable (only valid for Melee and Physical)
  5. Click on Create Macros
  6. Verify macros are correct for your character. Elemental Overload buff will apply to all attacks, and to ranged damage. Make any adjustments necessary.
  7. Click on Create Attack a row in the Attacks page will be entered. The macros are copied to the 'extra damage' and 'attack' bonus fields of the attack.
  8. You can now change dropdowns or macros to create another attack.
  9. If you want to use Alt Melee and Alt Ranged, then you can instead add the macros to a new buff row that adds to Alt Melee attack and Alt Ranged attack. You will need to delete the macro from the 'Attack' field on the attack row generated (so it is not duplicated) and change the dropdown to the 'Alt' version. Damage bonuses would still need to be kept per attack row, because they will change depending on type of damage.

Q: Is there a way to add chat menu buttons within notes/descriptions that link to other sheet rolls and/or menus?

A: Here's an example that was posted in the [PF] Pathfinder Sheet Thread 6 thread:
To add a link to a class ability of feat in the notes of a roll, either to be able to have a quick look-up of the description or to trigger a extra roll, the command would be:
And if it is a link to a Custom Roll in the Custom tab of the sheet, the command would be:
Be sure to substitute the rowID of the repeating row for "$X" in the examples above.

Q: Is there a way to only roll the primary attack when iterative attacks are toggled on?

A: Not directly, but you can modify your iterative macro-text to use a query. Replace all the left curly braces in the iterative attack's macro-text, ie "{{" with "?{Include Iterative Attack?|No,|Yes,{{}" .The query controls whether or not the iterative attacks are shown.

example; ?{Include Iterative Attack?|No,|Yes,{{}attack2=[[ 1d20cs>[[ @{crit-target} ]] + [[ @{attack_macro} + @{iterative_attack2_value} ]] [iterative] ]]}} ?{Include Iterative Attack?|No,|Yes,{{}damage2=[[ @{damage-dice-num}d@{damage-die} + @{damage_macro} ]]}} ?{Include Iterative Attack?|No,|Yes,{{}crit_confirm2=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{attack_macro} + @{iterative_attack2_value} + [[ ?{2nd Destined Strike?|No,0|Yes,1}*( ({floor(@{class-0-level}/2),1)}kh1 ) ]] ]] [iterative] + [[ @{crit_conf_mod} ]] ]]}} ?{Include Iterative Attack?|No,|Yes,{{}crit_damage2=[[ [[ @{damage-dice-num} * [[ @{crit-multiplier} - 1 ]] ]]d@{damage-die} + ((@{damage_macro}) * [[ @{crit-multiplier} - 1 ]]) ]]}} ?{Include Iterative Attack?|No,|Yes,{{}precision_dmg21=@{precision_dmg_macro}}} ?{Include Iterative Attack?|No,|Yes,{{}precision_dmg22=@{global_precision_dmg_macro}}} ?{Include Iterative Attack?|No,|Yes,{{}critical_dmg21=@{critical_dmg_macro}}} ?{Include Iterative Attack?|No,|Yes,{{}critical_dmg22=@{global_critical_dmg_macro}}} ?{Include Iterative Attack?|No,|Yes,{{}attack2name=@{iterative_attack2_name}}}




At-A-Glance Information

Pathfinder Header
  • PC sheet: Character Name, Player Name, Class(class 0), Level(total of all classes)
  • NPC sheet: Character Name(monster or NPC name), Type(sub-type), CR, and #HD

Sheet Announcements

The Pathfinder sheet includes an Announcements section at the top of the sheet. Read about upcoming changes and important information about the sheet.

Important Edit Mode and Settings Buttons


PF mode.png Mode: toggle the sheet between Expanded mode(full editing) or Compact mode(important fields only).

  • Expanded Mode: expanded shows all editable fields based on the sheet's Settings/Configuration options.
  • Compact Mode: compact mode is a simplified version of the sheet that tried to show only the most important fields. This may be a better option when you do not need to edit your sheet.


PF recalc.png Recalc: used to force all fields handled by sheetworkers(javascript) to perform a "refresh" of calculations. If you find that the sheet does not seem to be functioning properly (not calculating fields), try using the Recalc button to solve the problem.


PF settings.png Settings: toggle the sheet between the Settings/Configuration page(which is the default when opening a new sheet) and the fully editable character sheet.


New Buffs are enabled on the Settings page at (⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Buffs|Use buff bonus types and stacking). These new buffs implement the Pathfinder stacking rules, and also take into account existing fields on the sheet. Any "misc" fields on the sheet are considered Untyped.
You can also use the "Add Common Buff" selector to quickly add a "pre-configured" buff.
New Buffs
Roll with Buff Note
The possible values are:
  • Enabled: to turn the buff on or off
  • Name: the name you wish to give this
  • Type: Dropdown determines which tab to place the buff under. This has no consequence to the sheet, it is for your organization purposes.
  • Add note to roll: Select a roll type to add a conditional note (the note at the bottom of this buff row) to the roll when the buff is enabled. This allows you to note additions for certain circumstances, such as a morale buff to saves vs fear, instead of adding the bonus to all saves.
  • Buff 1, Buff 2... Buff 6: Enable up to 6 buffs for this row.
  • Bonus: the attribute that is affected by the buff.
  • Bonus type: the bonus type (Morale, Insight, Competence, etc)
  • Buff calc: the 'evaluate at edit-time' bonus calculation.
  • Buff (readonly): the value of the buff.

Copy / merge old buffs

To copy old buffs:
copy old buffs
to the new buff list.
  1. Enable Buff Types And Stacking on the Settings page.
  2. Click the Merge button to copy old buffs to new buffs.
  3. Verify the buff totals and rows are correct.
  4. Click the trashcan next to the Merge button to delete old buffs. Press confirm to delete.

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DELETE OLD BUFFS RIGHT AWAY you can take time verifying the new buffs work. As long as Use Buff types and stacking is checked the old buffs will not affect calculations.

Stacking and Buffs

When using the new Buff system, the following rules will apply.

  • Always Stack: Dodge bonus to AC, Circumstance bonus to any, temporary hit points (no bonus type), Untyped to any
  • Never Stack: Size bonus (no bonus type), non-Enhancement bonus to Armor/Shield/Natural Armor
  • Stacking with sheet fields: Some bonus types are already on the sheet. The Buffs will take the max value of these, and only the remainder will be printed at the top. e.g. if you have a 2 in STR-enh, and you apply a 4 Enhancement bonus to Strength in the buffs, the buff_STR-total field will only show a 2. This is so the sheet can add the 2 fields together to get 4, which is the max of the 2 on the sheet and the 4 in the buff rows.
  • Misc fields on sheet: always treated as untyped, so will always stack.
  • Custom: apply to custom fields on the Custom tab

Armor, Shield, Natural Armor rules

Armor Shield, Natural Armor are available as types of buffs, not bonus types. So instead of "Armor to AC", you will enter "Untyped to Armor" to add an Armor bonus to AC, or "Enhancement to Armor". (Anything bonus type that is not Enhancement will be treated as "Armor to AC" and the type ignored.)

The same rules apply to Shield and Natural Armor. this was done to avoid having "Armor", "Shield", and "Natural Armor" appear in both dropdowns

Parent bonuses

The bonuses on the left below are 'parent' bonuses. A bonus to one is applied to all the bonuses on the right. If you have an additional bonus that is from the right, it will not stack, but instead the highest of the parent and child bonuses will be used. (For instance, a bonus to AC will be added to CMD. If you have an additional bonus to CMD only the highest will be applied).

  • AC: (Touch,Flat-Footed,CMD)
  • Attack: (Melee Attack,Ranged Attack,CMB)
  • Saves: (Fort,Reflex,Will)
  • Skill & Ability Checks: (Skill Checks,'Ability Checks)
  • Skill Checks: (<any ability>-based Skills)
  • Melee Attack: (Alt Melee Attack) 'Melee attack' applies to both the main and Alt Melee attacks
  • Ranged Attack: (Alt Ranged Attack) 'Ranged attack' applies to both the main and Alt Ranged attacks
  • CMB: (Alt CMB Attack) 'CMB' applies to both the main and Alt CMB attacks

Attack and damage bonuses

Attack bonus and Damage bonus apply to ALL attacks. Melee attack bonus only applies to melee attacks, this is IN ADDITION to the Attack bonus above. Ranged attack bonus is similar, both Ranged bonus and base Attack bonus are added.

Damage bonuses are the same: damage bonus applies to all attacks. Melee damage bonus applies only to melee damage, and is ADDED to the base damage bonus buff (so melee attack damage adds both buffs to the damage roll)

Melee applies to both the main Melee and "Alternate Melee" attacks. So Melee is a parent of Alt Melee. Similarly, Ranged applies to both Ranged and Alt Ranged, and CMB applies to CMB and Alt CMB.

Set Buffs via API

NOTE: The new buffs have a different naming convention than the old buffs. To convert macros:
  1. Change repeating_buff to repeating_buff2 and
  2. remove the buff- after the row id.
For example using the ChatSetAttr script you can enter:
!setattr --sel --repeating_buff2_$0_enable_toggle|[[1-@{selected|repeating_buff2_$0_enable_toggle}]]
While you can use the row number ($0), it's best to substitute the rowID instead.


!setattr --sel --repeating_buff2_-mfyn0yxatk2wbh0km4d_enable_toggle|[[1-@{selected|repeating_buff2_-mfyn0yxatk2wbh0km4d_enable_toggle}]]

Old Buffs

Pathfinder: Buffs Array
The Buffs section allows users to add modifiers that can be easily toggled on/off for use during play. The total buff for any given attribute is applied sheet-wide where applicable and will be seen as "Buffs" when active. Stacking rules will apply if enabled; go to (⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Buffs|Use buff bonus types and stacking) Currently only a BETA option.
To add a new buff, click the Add button. You can give it a memorable name (such as Bull's Strength, Rage, Bard's Song, etc). From the the Select Buffs sub-section, click the checkbox next to each attribute affected by the buff. Enter the bonuses in the input fields included above. These fields can include macro-text so that you can use other attributes and calculations in determining the value. (⒜ Evaluated at edit time, must evaluate to number No queries Extended Expressions allowed) Bonuses will be added to the attribute selected when the buff is enabled.
Buffs(conditions) that negatively affect abilities will be reflected on the "Debuff" column of the Abilities section.
Buffs that are enabled will be added to the Buffs status panel to quickly identify which buffs are in effect. Do not forget to disable buffs once they no longer apply.

Buffs Available

  • Abilities: ( Ability Checks STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA )
  • Skills: ( Skill Checks STR skills, DEX skills, CON skills, INT skills, WIS skills, CHA skills )
  • Attacks: ( Melee, Ranged, CMB only, Melee dmg, Ranged dmg )
  • Defenses: ( AC, Touch, FF AC, CMD, Armor, Shield, Nat AC, Deflection, Dodge )
  • Other: ( Temp HP, Fort, Ref, Will, Init, Size, Speed, Caster Level, )

Set Buffs via API

NOTE: Buffs can only be enabled directly from the sheet or through an API script.
For example using the ChatSetAttr script you can enter:
!setattr --sel --repeating_buff_$0_buff-enable_toggle|[[1-@{selected|repeating_buff_$0_buff-enable_toggle}]]


Pathfinder: Conditions
You can toggle some of the most common Conditions found in Pathfinder from within this area. (note: not all Conditions used in Pathfinder are found here. Some conditions have no effect on the character sheet, but are included to indicate a condition exists.)
There are 17 available Conditions utilized on the sheet that will make the appropriate changes to attributes sheet-wide.
As conditions are applied, their name will be added to the Conditions field to quickly identify which conditions are in effect. Do not forget to disable the conditions once they no longer apply.

Base Conditions Available

These conditions affect sheet calculations (or were present before version 1.6)
Blinded, Cowering, Dazed*, Dazzled, Deafened, Energy Drain, Entangled, Exhausted, Fascinated, Fatigued, Fear (use for Shaken, Frightened, or Panicked), Flat-footed, Grappled, Helpless, Invisible, Nauseated*, Pinned, Prone, Sickened, Stunned, Unconscious*
* These also have no numeric effects, but are considered base because they contain text that is added to some rolls (such as attacks or saves).

Extra Conditions Available

Press SHOW ALL CONDITIONS to display all conditions available. The below extra conditions can be used to track character state, but do not have effects on the character sheet stats.
Bleed, Dead, Disabled, Drowning, Dying, Incorporeal, Paralyzed, Petrified, Stable, Suffocating

Menu Buttons

Attacks Menu
Pathfinder: Menu Buttons
Clicking on an appropriate button will send a "menu" of choices to chat. Make sheet-based rolls by clicking on a menu item from chat. Drag and drop menu buttons to the quickbar or use the button's name from within another macro.
Included menu buttons: Ability Checks, INIT, Defenses, Attacks, Abilities, Combat Skills, All Skills(if Unchained skills are enabled, you will also see Adventures, Background, or Consolidated), Spellbooks for each spell casting class, and Items
Sheet rolls for menu buttons: %{selected|allmenus}, %{selected|ability_checks}, %{selected|Roll-for-initiative}, %{selected|defenses}, %{selected|attacks}, %{selected|abilities}, %{selected|combat_skills}, %{selected|skills}, %{selected|adventures_skills}, %{selected|background_skills}, %{selected|consolidated_skills}, %{selected|spellbook-0}, %{selected|spellbook-1}, %{selected|spellbook-2}
NPC rolls for NPC whisper: the same as above, but add "NPC-" after "selected|"
To create token abilities: you must use a different name for the token ability than the button name above. Such as add an underscore before the name. Otherwise pressing the token will only work half the time. The Pathfinder API Companion will create them for you.


Pathfinder Core

Character Details

Use this section to give the details and description of your character. Title/Nickname, Race, Type(sub-type), Alignment, Gender, Default Size, Size (this will determine modifiers/penalties for other attributes), Mod (attack and AC modifier due to size), Skill (skill modifier due to size), Quad (non-bipedal. Used to determine encumbrance), Age,Height, Weight, Eyes, Hair, Skin, Deity, Homeland, Occupation, Vision/Senses, Languages, Description. You can also use the Bio & Info tab of the character journal to elaborate on your character further.
(Note: Many of these fields will "stretch" to fit their content.)

Ability Scores

These are your character's basic Ability Scores (STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA) and are integral to nearly all calculations used in the Pathfinder character sheet. The Base column is used for your ability score, while the additional columns are used as situational modifiers that will effect your Total Ability score. Buffs/Debuffs and Conditions are applied automatically when enabled from the Conditions and/or Buffs sections from the top of the sheet. If "Display roll templates for customization" is enabled from ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Advanced section, the final column of the ability grid exposes each ability roll's macro-text for customization.
Modifiers: ( Inherent, Enhancement, Miscellaneous, Buffs )
Penalties: ( Damage, Penalty, Drain, Debuff, Condition )
Sheet rolls for the Ability Scores: %{selection|STR-Check}, %{selection|DEX-Check}, %{selection|CON-Check}, %{selection|INT-Check}, %{selection|WIS-Check}, %{selection|CHA-Check}

Class Information

Here you can enter character class information. The Pathfinder sheet provides for up to six (0-5) separate classes. Click the navigational arrow along the left margin to expand additional rows for multi-class characters.

Like the Character Ability Scores section above, it is important that you fill-in the class information correctly since it will be used to auto-calculate other areas of the character sheet.

FC is Favored Class and it is used for either FC HP or FC Skill. While Skills/lvl, Racial Modifiers e.g.(Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.) can be added on the Skills tab of the sheet using the "Racial" column, alternately you could include it as part of the Skill Pts/Lvl.

Add Race/Monster HD

Include additional HP-related racial adjustments. These values will be added to the regular class HP calculations and are included even if the section is not toggled/seen.

Class(es) and Levels

  • Class # - Lists all classes (0-5). If you add a spellcasting class be sure to enable the Spells tab/page (Settings|Sheet Configuration|Uses Spells)
  • Class Name - Name of the class.
  • Level - Current class level.
  • d(hitdie) - hit dice(number of sides) used.
  • Class hp - total Hit Points rolled for each class. (Note: Total HP is calculated from ALL classes listed)
  • FC hp - Favored Class bonus hit point instead of an FC Skill rank. (Note: this will be added to Total HP)
  • BAB - Base Attack Bonus (from class table).
  • Skill Pts/Lvl - Skill points per level as given in the class description. Additional modifier for INT SHOULD NOT be included here since it is added into the max skills formula automatically. While there is a per/skill racial modifier option on the skills grid, you might include any additional skills/lvl. ( ie +1/lvl Human racial bonus) from here instead.
  • FC Skill - Favored Class skill point instead of FC hp.
  • FC Alt - Alternate Favored Class. This can be used to indicate any other non hp or skill point favored class bonuses. These will not be automatically added to any other fields.
  • Fort - Fortitude Save (from class table)
  • Ref - Reflex Save (from class table)
  • Will - Willpower Save (from class table)
Fractional Advancement and Multi-classing You can enter decimals in the fields for BAB, Fort, Ref, etc, to support fractional advancement as per the Pathfinder Unchained rules. Use .25, .3334,.5, .6667 for 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, and 2/3, respectively, etc. The sums will be rounded down in the total row.

Experience and Hero Points

Enter current experience points(XP) and the XP needed to reach the next level. These fields are not auto-calculated.
Enable Prestige, Fame, and Hero Points from the Settings page. Prestige and Fame are used with the optional Reputation rules. Hero Points are also optional.

Health and Wounds

Pathfinder: Health and Wounds

Hit Points

  • Current HP: Current HP must be manually adjusted.
  • Max HP: Auto-calculated

The default formula for Max HP; (@{CON-mod} * @{level}) + @{total-hp} + (5 * @{condition-Drained})

Temp HP must be manually adjusted. Max Temp HP can be set using Misc (@{HP-temp-misc}) as needed.
  • Reset: recalculate HP and Temp HP and set their values to Max.
  • Non-lethal Damage: track non-lethal damage
  • Heal conditions:

Hit Point Calculations

This section shows how Max HP is calculated. Includes a macro-text field (Evaluated at edit time, must evaluate to number. No queries. Extended Expressions allowed.)
  • Ability: Choose the which ability bonus will apply. Default is CON.
  • Mod: auto-calculated from ability
  • Level/HD: auto-calc based on total class level, and/or hit dice for NPC's.
  • Ability Bonus: auto-calc based on total ability bonus
  • Class HD/hp: auto-calc based on total class hp and/or hit dice.
  • Miscellaneous Bonus: macro-text field (Evaluated at edit time, must evaluate to number. No queries. Extended Expressions allowed.)
  • Mod: auto-calculated from miscellaneous

Wound Threshold

Wound Threshold: this section is provided as an alternate ruleset found in Pathfinder Unchained. Display the Wound Threshold section from the [Configuration Tab].

Initiative and Speeds

Pathfinder: Initiative and Speed


Use the sheet roll button to roll for Initiative. In order to have your token added to the Turn Tracker you must have your token selected before using the sheet roll. Results will be sent to chat. Although DEX-mod is the default modifier for initiative, you may select any ability modifier using the drop-down selector. (note: the @{init} total is added to the result after the decimal and can be used as a "tiebreaker".)
You may add initiative notes and as an option include them when making a sheet roll.
Sheet roll for Initiative: %{selected|Roll-for-initiative}
Initiative Macro:[[ (1d20 + [[ @{init} ]][init] + [[ {(0.01 * @{init}),0}kh1 ]][tie-breaker]) &{tracker} ]]
  • Total: shows total initiative
  • Ability: choose the ability initiative is based on. Default is DEX.
  • Mod: modifier as determined by Ability chosen.
  • Trait: trait that may effect initiative
  • Misc: macro-text field. (Evaluated at edit time, must evaluate to number. No queries. Extended Expressions allowed.)
  • Mod: modifier as determined by Misc macro-text.
  • Cond: Condition Deafened.
  • Cond: Condition based on ability check.
  • Buff: Buffs that may apply.
(Note 1:@{init} can now be passed to the Group-Initiative API script (in 2015 it could not be used) ).
(Note 2: If you create a global macro, ensure that you update @{init} (see example macro above) to either "@{selected|init}" or "@{target|init}" in your macro, otherwise there is no way to specify which character's init attribute to use.


  • Base: enter speed in feet. This should be auto-adjusted for armor/encumbrance as per the rules. Manually adjust other forms of movement as necessary e.g.(1/4 speed for Climb, 1/2 for Swim), etc.
  • Speed is now affected by encumbrance. Enter your speed in @{speed-base} and the encumbrance-modified speed is in @{speed-modified} You can adjust how encumbrance is handled using Settings|Sheet Configuration|Encumbrance.
  • Fly
  • Swim ie 1/4 speed for move action
  • Climb ie 1/4 speed for move action
  • Burrow
  • User Defined fields to enter custom movements.
  • User Defined fields to enter custom movements.
  • Run Mult: multiplier used to determine the run speed (ie x3 heavy armor, x4 light armor)
  • Run: auto-calculated
Adjusting Encumbrance will affect speed.

(Note: If use Dwarf encumbrance rules is checked on the Settings page, speed will ignore encumbrance from armor and weight (up to max) as per the Pathfinder rules))


Pathfinder Defenses

Saving Throws

  • Show more fields - check to show advanced fields and a misc entry for adjusting saves.
Fort(fortitude), Ref(reflex), Will(willpower) Each Save has an included sheet roll button.

Sheet Rolls for Saving Throws: %{selected|Fort-Save}, %{selected|Ref-Save}, %{selected|Will-Save}

  • Save - type of Saving Throw.
  • Total - auto-calculated row totals.
  • Base - auto-calculated from Class Information.
  • Ability - select a primary ability modifier.
  • Mod - auto-calculated by the primary ability selected.
  • Trait - enter modifiers/penalty
  • Enh - enter modifiers/penalty
  • Resistances - enter modifiers/penalty
  • Misc - enter modifiers/penalty
  • Cond - auto-calculated for Conditions that are enabled.
  • Buff - auto-calculated for Buffs that are enabled.
  • Save Notes - add notes with an option to include them with Saving Throw rolls.

Defense Values

This section of the sheet consists mainly of auto-calculated attributes; Armor Class values. AC, Touch, Flat-Footed, CMD, and FF CMD(flat-footed).
  • Armor Class - type of Armor Class
  • Total - auto-calculated row totals
  • Armor - auto-calculated adjustment for worn armor
  • Shield - auto-calculated adjustment for an equipped shield
  • Ability - select a primary ability modifier (DEX by default)
  • Mod - auto-calculated by the primary ability selected. (NOTE: a yellow dashed border indicates a Max DEX restriction is in effect due to Armor, Shield, and Load.
  • Size - auto-calculated as determined by the size attribute (Character Details)
  • Dodge - enter modifiers/penalty
  • Natural - enter modifiers/penalty
  • Deflect - enter modifiers/penalty
  • Misc - enter modifiers/penalty
  • Buff - auto-calculated for Buffs that are enabled
  • Cond - auto-calculated for Conditions that are enabled

Armor and Shield

(Note: Add armor and shield from the Inventory page's, Equipment List section. Enter details using the "Armor Attributes" subsection of any equipment item and finally, use "Set Armor" or "Set Shield" as appropriate to sync with Defenses)

This lists the type of armor and/or shield. Use the "Equip" toggle to indicate if the armor or shield is being worn.
These are read-only fields. Make changes using the equipment list, armor attributes subsection.
  • Equip - toggle if worn/equipped.
  • Armor or Shield Name - type of armor/shield
  • AC - Armor Class bonus
  • Enh - Enhancement bonus
  • Max DEX - maximum DEX modifier allowed due to armor/load
  • ACP - Armor Check Penalty
  • Spell Fail - chance of Spell Failure.
  • Type - select type of armor/shield
  • Prof - armor proficiency

Armor Penalties

Displays the total penalties for ACP, Attack Penalty(for non-proficiency), Max Dex, and Spell Failure.

(Note: Encumbrance is set to "Ignore" from Settings|Sheet Configuration|Encumbrance, ACP will be set to "0" and Max Dex will be set to "99").

  • ACP - total Armor Check Penalty for armor, shield, and encumbrance.
  • Attack Penalty - auto-calculated penalty for armor non-proficiency
  • Max DEX - maximum DEX modifier allowed due to armor/load(encumbrance)
  • Spell Failure Sheet roll shows chance of Spell Failure: %{selected|Spell-Fail-Check} and rolls a check.


optional feature (⛭ Settings|Rule Options|Horror Adventures|)

Defense Notes

Armor Notes, CMD Notes, and Defense Notes. These notes will be included when making a Defenses menu sheet roll for Defensive Stats.

Special Defenses

You can enter descriptive text as well as inline rolls for
  • DR: Damage reduction
  • SR: Spell Resistance macro-text field (evaluated at edit time, must evaluate to number. No queries. Extended Expressions allowed.)
  • SR Bonus: Spell resistance modifier derived from SR macro-text
  • Resistances
  • Immunities
  • Weaknesses


Pathfinder Attacks

Attack and Combat Maneuver Bonuses

  • Attack Types
    • Melee and Alt-Melee (good for Weapon Finesse)
    • Ranged and Alt-Ranged (Settings>Attacks>"Display Alt-Ranged Type")
    • CMB and Alt-CMB (Settings>Attacks>"Display Alt-CMB Type")
Sheet roll buttons: %{selected|Melee-Attack-Roll}, %{selected|Melee2-Attack-Roll}, %{selected|Ranged-Attack-Roll}, %{selected|Ranged2-Attack-Roll}, %{selected|CMB-Check}, and %{selected|CMB2-Check}
  • Ability Type: choose the ability used to modify attack
  • Mod: ability mod applied
  • Size: size adjustment modifier(Core>Character Details section)
  • BAB: Dropdown to pick Base Attack Bonus or total level/hd. Total @{BAB} derived from the Class(es) and Levels section on the Core page, or @{level} , or any of the class levels, (like class 1, 2, etc) for classes with abilities that allow them to substitute level for bab for certain attacks.
  • Misc: miscellaneous modifier, treated as untyped.
  • Buff: Buffs that may be in effect
  • Cond: Conditions the may be in effect
  • +Crit: crit confirmation roll modifier
  • Description: included with sheet rolls, best used to signify difference between attack and "alt" version of attack

Attack Notes

These settings are global and will apply to ALL attack rolls.
  • Melee Attack Notes, Ranged Attack Notes, CMB Notes, and Attack Notes
  • Header Images: Show small, icon-sized images with attack rolls. Images will be set according to Settings>Header Image.
  • Use Simple Template: default template formatting will not be used. This option may be better for text-readers.

Extra Damage or Attack Modifiers

These settings are global and will applied to ALL attack's full macro text and added to the normal attack and damage rolls.
Extra Damage fields are ⒝ Evaluated at roll time in chat. Queries allowed. MUST put [[brackets]] around rolls.
To show the Attack 'Add-to-roll' Macros section; goto ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Advanced|Display 'add-to-roll' rolltime fields.
Attack and Damage type fields are ⒞ Evaluated at roll time in chat. Queries allowed must evaluate to number. No [[brackets]] needed.

Dual Wield

Dual Wield
To show the Dual Wield section, go to ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Attacks|Use Dual Wield.

To setup a dual wield attack

  1. copy and paste the exact Name of the attack, or the Row ID(found in IDs sub-section of each attack's row) for the the mainhand and offhand weapons into their appropriate fields as shown in the image.
  2. Enter the mainhand and off hand penalties,
  3. Enter number of attacks with the offhand
  4. Enter the off hand damage multiplier (1/2 damage mod by default) This means it will subtract .5 of your STR mod for the offhand.
  5. Press the Create button to generate a new "Dual Wield" attack.
If successful this new attack row appears at the end/bottom of attacks and the two Name/ID fields below will clear.

When changes occur

If penalties, number of attacks, or offhand damage multiplier change,

  1. enter the new penalties, number of attacks, and damage modifier, and
  2. press Update. This will update all existing dual wield attacks.

Macro Options

Extra Damage
include additional damage modifiers to ALL attacks.
  • Extra Non-Crit and Crit Dmg: macro-text (Evaluated at roll time in chat. Queries allowed. Must put [[brackets]] around rolls.)
  • Type of Non-Crit and Crit Dmg: text entry
Attack 'Add-to-Roll' Macros
To show/hide, go to ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Advanced|Display 'add-to-roll' rolltime fields
include additional attack/damage modifiers to ALL attacks.
  • Add to Melee, Ranged, and CMB Attack Roll: macro-text (Evaluated at roll time in chat. Queries allowed. Must evaluate to number. No [[brackets]] needed.)
  • Add to Melee, Ranged, and CMB Dmg Roll: macro-text (Evaluated at roll time in chat. Queries allowed. Must evaluate to number. No [[brackets]] needed.)


Weapon/Attack Example
Use the & button to create a new repeating attack or the W button to modify(rearrange or delete)an existing attack.
You can also create attacks directly from other sections of the sheet; Abilities(repeating entry>Attack and Damage>Create Atk), Spells(repeating entry>Attack and Damage>Create Atk), and Inventory(repeating entry>Weapon Attributes>Create Atk).
You can roll an Attack by using an attack's sheet roll button, drag/drop the attack's button to the macro quick bar, or using the sheet roll button's name from within a macro.
  • Enh - Enhancement: used to show a weapon's enhancement bonus(magical modifiers) e.g.(+2 Long Sword; you would enter "2" in the Enhance field) This bonus modifier is applied to both ATK and DMG.
  • Mwk - is the weapon Masterwork? (note: all "enhanced" weapons are masterwork so use check MWK. The sheet's math will keep from stacking bonuses.)
  • Name - enter the type of weapon here.
  • Attack Mods - Macro-text field for Attack modifiers added in addition to Enh. (Evaluated at edit time, must evaluate to number. No queries. Extended Expressions allowed.)
  • Val - auto-calculated value from Attack Mod
  • ATK Type - Attack Type: Melee, Alt Melee, Ranged, Alt Ranged, CMB, or Alt CMB. (note: although not seen, buffs may be in effect in regards to the attack type.)
  • Attack(Total-ATTACK): auto-calculated from all modifiers that apply. total-attack will change as adjustments are made to Enhance, MWK, Attack Mods, as well as changes to either Melee, Ranged, or CMB as they apply.
Formula; @{total-attack} ( [[ @{selected|proficiency} + (((@{selected|enhance} + [[ @{selected|masterwork} ]]) + abs(@{selected|enhance} - [[ @{selected|masterwork} ]])) / 2) + [[ @{selected|attack} ]] + [[ @{selected|attk-effect-total-other} ]] + [[ @{selected|attack-type} ]] + [[ @{selected|armor-proficiency} ]] )
  • Vs. - select a specific type of defense.
  • Crit - the lowest number necessary to make a critical hit as determined by the weapons tables.
  • Mult - Multiplier: the number of times damage with usual modifiers are rolled if a crit is confirmed.
  • +Crit - add a bonus to Crit Confirm rolls for this attack
  • +Crit - shows additional bonus being applied
  • Dice - how many? e.g.(1)
  • Die - what type of die? e.g.(d8)
  • DMG Mods - Macro-text for damage bonuses in addition to Enh. (Evaluated at edit time, must evaluate to number. No queries. Extended Expressions allowed.)
  • Val - auto-calculated value from Damage Mod
  • Mult - Damage ability modifier: .5, 1.5, 2, etc, can leave blank to represent 1. e.g. Two-handed attack of 1.5
  • DMG Ability - normally this is STR for melee attacks, however there may be Feats\Traits\other that may substitute another ability modifier.
  • Max - maximum STR mod allowed. Use for strength-based ranged weapons such as a composite bow.
  • Dmg(Total-DAMAGE): auto-calculated. You can see this number change as adjustments are made to Enhance, Damage Mods, Damage Ability(including adjustment to that ability).
Formula; @{total-damage} (@{selected|enhance} + [[ @{selected|damage} ]] + [[ @{selected|dmg-effect-total-other} ]] + [[ @{selected|buff_DMG-total} ]] + [[ @{selected|damage-ability} ]])
  • Type - B for bludgeoning, P for piercing, or S for slashing
  • Reach - shown for non-ranged weapons.
  • Range - normal range(no penalty) in feet, used for ranged weapons.
  • Ammo - enter number of items. e.g.(arrows, bolts, sling bullets, etc.)
  • Group - name used to to group/organize Attacks menu button. You can use this if you do not want to categorize an attack under the default Melee/Ranged/CMB groups. Monsters that are automatically parsed have groups such as "Full Attack 1, Full Attack 2" etc.
  • Proficiency - are you proficient with this weapon?
  • Uses Size - use weapon size adjustment ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Attacks|Adjust damage based on size
  • Default Size - weapon size used to automatically adjust attack/damage. ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Attacks|Adjust damage based on size
  • Notes - enter additional notes including inline rolls for additional effects.

Additional Attack Options

  • Extra Damage
To show/hide the Extra Damage sub-section, go to ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Advanced|Display 'add-to-roll' rolltime fields
    • Extra non-Crit Dmg: Apply Extra non-crit and/or crit damage as an inline roll e.g. [[ 1d6 ]], a macro, a straight mod or even a query. Give the Type/Description of the extra damage. (Evaluated at roll time in chat. Queries allowed. Must put [[brackets]] around rolls.)
    • Extra Crit Dmg: Apply Extra crit damage as an inline roll e.g. [[ 1d6 ]], a macro, a straight mod or even a query. Give the Type/Description of the extra damage. (Evaluated at roll time in chat. Queries allowed. Must put [[brackets]] around rolls.)
  • Iterative Attacks: Include up to 8 additional iterative attacks. These attacks will be included in @{iterative_attacks} You can give each additional attack a custom name. The default Attack Mod values account for the normal cumulative penalty of (-5) per additional attack. Macro-text can be edited for each iterative attack.
  • Add-to-Roll Macros
To show/hide, go to ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Advanced|Display 'add-to-roll' rolltime fields
    • Add-to-Attack macro: Evaluated at roll time in chat. Queries allowed. Must evaluate to number. No [[brackets]] needed.
    • Add-to-Damage macro: Evaluated at roll time in chat. Queries allowed. Must evaluate to number. No [[brackets]] needed.
  • Macro Text
To show/hide, go to ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Advanced|Display Roll templates for customization
Add additional Attack and/or Damage. Use an inline roll e.g. [[ 1d6 ]] (note: double brackets are not required), macro, a straight modifier or even a query. You can also modify the Full Macro text here to customize the attack's button roll. (Evaluated at roll time in chat. Queries allowed. Must evaluate to number. No [[brackets]] needed.)
  • ID - A Unique Identification number associated with this item and it's attributes. Highlight, copy/paste into macros that include repeating attribute. e.g.(@{selected|repeating_weapon_-ka2abgz9u85y56brghu_name}) Using id's within your repeating attributes will target the appropriate attribute regardless of rearranging the repeating rows.


Pathfinder Abilities

Feat Calculations

Feats by Level, Racial, Class Bonus, Misc Bonus, Total Feats

Psionic Information

Psionic Information
optional feature (⛭ Settings|Rule Options|Pathfinder Psionics|)

Kineticist Burn

Kineticist Burn
optional feature (⛭ Settings|Rule Options|Occult Adventures|Use Kineticist Burn)

Abilities List

Abilities now use a single repeating section consisting of subcategories; Class Features, Feats, Traits, Special Attacks, Special Abilities, Spell-like Abilities, SQ(Special Qualities), Misc., as well as subtypes; Ex(Extraordinary), Sp(Spell-like ability), and Su(Supernatural).

If you have enabled Mythic Adventures (⛭ Settings|Rule Options|Display/Enable Mythic Adventures Character Sheet Items), you will also see the Mythic Abilities tab as well. New abilities will be assigned a subcategory based on the Rule selected.

NOTE: Older sheets that had the original lists(Class Features, Feats, Racial Traits, Traits) can now be "Merged" into the new abilities using ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Lists. After verifying that all abilities have been added to the new abilities section use the "Delete All"(trashcan icon) found at the top of each repeating section to delete the old lists.

NOTE: The fields detailed under Class Features below are common to all Ability subcategories but some will only be shown depending on other field selections.

Class Features

special abilities that are specific to a given class.
  • Show - determines whether the ability will be included with the "Abilities" menu button.
  • Rule - select the subcategory the best describes the ability. Used to filter/sort abilities by the appropriate tab.
  • Source - Race/class basis. Defaults to the Total Character level.
  • Name - Name of the class feature\ability
  • Type - Select the type of ability if applicable Ex(Extraordinary), Sp(Spell-like ability), or Su(Supernatural)
  • Short Description - This text will be sent to chat. (NOTE: it is useful to include inline rolls within the Short Description field. You can also insert url's)
  • Freq - Select how often this ability is available.
  • Max - auto-calculated abilities that can only be used a limited number of times per day.
  • Max Calculation - Enter macro text. Used for determining the "Max" attribute. e.g. (@{class-0-level}+1)
  • Description - output to chat when using the sheet roll.
  • Level Basis - subsection used to determine DC
  • Custom - Display extra fields for advanced customization, such as columns marked 'user defined'.
  • CL - Effective Caster/character Level: use for effects, if Sp then for caster level checks and concentration.
  • Ability - DC Ability basis: usually CHA for spellcasting ability, CON for poison, breathweapon, or other damage abilities.
  • DC Basis - Base for calculation of DC and effects, defaults to one half level / hit dice
  • Save - save type
  • DC - 10 + Ability score modifier + DC basis level
  • Range - subsection used to determine Range and/or Duration if applicable.
  • CL - Level/HD
  • Range - type of range if applicable
  • Custom # - Number ( for 'Per Level' or 'Number'), or special range desc ('line' or 'cone')
  • Range - based off of range type and custom # macro
  • Duration - amount of time if applicable
  • Category - Custom category such as spell school or other user defined.
  • Attack and Damage - subsection used to create an attack from an ability. Fill in the appropriate attack/damage info and use the "Create Attack" button to create a new attack.
  • Create Attack - Create a new attack based on this weapon.
  • Attack Type - Touch, Ranged Touch/Ray, CMB, Alt-Touch, Alt-Ranged/Ray, Alt-CMB
  • Targets/Area/Effect - Target, Area, or Effect
  • Damage - macro (⒝ Evaluated at roll time in chat Queries allowed Must put [[brackets]] around rolls)
  • Damage Type - ie fire, cold, energy, etc.
  • Macro Text - You can modify the macro text here to customize the sheet roll.
  • ID - A Unique Identification number associated with this item and it's attributes. Can be used within a macro to target a specific repeating attribute. e.g.(@{selected|repeating_class-ability_-ka2abgz9u85y56brghu_name})


Feats are abilities not necessarily tied to your race, class, or skill.
Feats by Level(auto-calculated from Class Section), Racial Bonus(racial trait), Class Bonus(class feature/ability), Misc Bonus, and Total Feats


Racial: special abilities due to a character's race.
Character: special abilities not tied to race or class. Introduced in the Advanced Player's Guide.

Special Attacks

most often used by monsters

Special Abilities

most often used by monsters

Spell-like Abilities

most often used by monsters


Special Qualities most often used by monsters


Monster Rule and any abilities that do not fit any other subcategory.


Extraordinary Abilities.
Spell-Like Abilities
Supernatural Abilities


Pathfinder Skills

Skill Rank Totals

Standard Skill System
Skills ranks are determined by the information provided on the Class Information. It is important to verify the Class Information is correct to ensure Max Skill Ranks are accurate.
Extra Ranks - Allows for the customization of additional skill ranks.
  • Skill Misc - enter modifiers/penalty to be added to Max Skill Ranks. Macro-text field.(⒜ Evaluated at edit time, must evaluate to number No queries Extended Expressions allowed)
  • Mod - auto-calculated from Skill Misc.
  • Misc - enter modifiers/penalty to be added to Max Skill Ranks.
  • Max Skill Ranks - auto-calculated from Max Ranks (determined by Class Information) and any Extra Ranks added.
  • Total Skill Ranks - auto-calculated of current Ranks used.
  • Ranks Remaining - auto-calculated
Unchained Skill System
The Unchained Skill systems for Background/Adventure and Consolidated Skills can be enabled from the Configuration page. Additional Skill tabs will be displayed.
Pathfinder Unchained Skills
  • Max Adventure Skill Ranks - auto-calculated from Max Ranks as determined by Class Information and any Extra Ranks added.
  • Total Adventure Skill Ranks - auto-calculated of current Adventure Ranks used.
  • Adventure Ranks Remaining - auto-calculated
  • Move Adventure to Background - auto-calculated. Any number of Adventure Ranks can be traded for an equal number of Background Ranks, but not vice versa.
  • Background Ranks Remaining - auto-calculated
  • Total Background Skill Ranks - auto-calculated of current Background Ranks used.

Skill Options

Skill Options
  • Show more fields - must be checked to show advanced fields.
  • Enforce Requires Training?: Skills that are marked RT(requires training) that DO NOT include ranks will not be shown by the Skillbook button. Rolls made from the sheet without ranks that are marked RT will also include a "Skill is untrained" message with the roll.
  • Skill Notes: include Skill notes with rolls.
  • Include Skill Totals?: Include each Skill's total with the Skillbook menu.
  • Number of craft, perform, profession skills to show:
  • Number of Misc skills to show:
  • Enable take 10 or 20 Options?: This will add a query asking for a normal 1d20 roll, take 10, take 20, or a Custom roll.
  • Custom Roll: macro-text (⒞ Evaluated at roll time in chat Queries allowed Must evaluate to number No [[brackets]] needed)
To add a query for all Skill rolls;
  • Add Skill Bonus Macro?: Include macro with skill checks (Yes or Custom)
  • Skill Bonus Macro: (⒞ Evaluated at roll time in chat Queries allowed Must evaluate to number No [[brackets]] needed)

Skill Notes

Use the text field in this section to make notes concerning skills. e.g.(the Rangers class ability Track: adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks. ) To make the note appear when you roll a skill check, use the @{Skill-notes} attribute in the macro text, e.g. {{Notes=@{Skill-notes} }}.


  • Show more fields - check to show advanced fields
Use the All Skills tab for the standard skill system. Toggle the optional Unchained Skills from the [Configuration Tab]. Additional Skill tabs will be shown if using the Unchained Skills system. Adventure/Background and Consolidated.
You can use the Skills sheet roll buttons in your ability macros. e.g.(to activate the Acrobatics skill check, you would include %{selected|Acrobatics-Check} in your macro. You may drag and drop these buttons to the macro quick bar as well.
Sheet rolls for Skill checks:%{selected|Acrobatics-Check}, %{selected|Appraise-Check}, %{selected|Bluff-Check}, etc.
  • Skill - name of the skill.
  • Total - auto-calculated row total.
  • asterisk after skill - denotes this skill modified by size (Stealth and Fly)
  • CS - Class skill? If checked, an additional +3 is added when skill has at least 1 rank.
  • Ranks - the number of ranks set
  • Ability - select a primary ability modifier.
  • Race - enter modifiers/penalty for Race.
  • Trait - enter modifiers/penalty for Trait.
  • Feat - enter modifiers/penalty for Feat.
  • Item - enter modifiers/penalty for Item.
  • Misc Macro - enter modifiers/penalty for miscellaneous. Macro-text field. (⒜ Evaluated at edit time, must evaluate to number No queries Extended Expressions allowed)
  • Mod - auto-calculated from Misc Macro.
  • 'Buff - auto-calculated modifiers/penalty for Ability-based skill buff (other buffs and conditions not shown).
  • RT - requires training if checked.
  • Note - note to display when skill rolled
  • Macro - macro-text to enable per-skill macro customization. (sent to roll template)


Pathfinder Spells

To show the Spells tab, enable from ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Spells|Uses Spells

Spellcasting Classes

  • Has multiple spellcasting classes - check to show all three spell caster class tabs
Enter up to 3 Caster classes(spell class 0, 1, and 2). Each tab represents a different caster class. Note: Although there are three separate tabs for different caster classes, all spells are entered as a single list, separated by their levels 0-9. Spell classes are not tied to the order classes are listed on the Classes Information section. Use the Class, Name, and CL fields to establish an appropriate class.
  • Show more fields - check to show advanced fields

Level and Caster Ability

Spell Casting Class and Level

  • Caster level Check - Sheet roll used for Caster Level Checks. To activate from within a macro, use %{selected|Spell-Class-0-CL-Check} or you drag and drop to the macro quick bar.
  • Caster level - effective caster level based off of Sync Class field.
  • Sync Class - Use the dropdown to pick a class from the class grid on the Classes page, if you do so it will keep the class name and level in sync with the Classes page.
  • Class Name - Enter the "spell-casting" class's name if you did not use the dropdown to the left. (Class name and level is still user editable for backward compatibility purposes).
  • Base Level - Enter CL(caster level) of the spell-casting class. If the level here is not greater than 1, then no automated calculation will occur on the Spells page, as the sheet will assume the character does not have spellcasting ability.
  • Misc - Miscellaneous modifiers to caster level.
  • Buffs and Condition - Buff and conditional modifiers to caster level. Note these will be applied to all spellcasting classes if you have more than one.

Spell Ranges

auto-calculated ranges; Close(25 + 5/2 levels), Med(100 + 10/level), Long(400 + 40/level)

Roll Adjustments

  • Spell Penetration Bonus - modifier to apply to spell penetration rolls (caster level rolls to overcome spell resistance). This will be printed in the Caster level check sheet roll. (⒜ Evaluated at edit time, must evaluate to number No queries Extended Expressions allowed)
  • Cast Defensively Bonus - concentration bonus when casting defensively

Spell Casting Ability

  • Concentration Check - Sheet roll
  • Total - total CC bonus
  • Ability - primary ability
  • Mod - modifiers to caster level.
  • Caster level - effective caster level based off of Sync Class field.
  • Misc - Miscellaneous modifiers to caster level.

Spell Points

enabled from ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Spells|Uses Spell points

Spells Notes

  • Spells Notes
  • Caster Level Notes
  • Concentration Notes

Spells Per Day

  • Casting Type
Spontaneous: indicates a spontaneous caster. Click this to display spells known column.
Prepared: indicates a prepared caster
Show only prepared spells in the spellbook menu: this will hide all un-prepared spells in the Spellbook command output. On prepared casters, spells with a positive number in uses are considered 'prepared', uses represents the number of times memorized and usable that are left
Always show spells marked 'domain' in spellbook menu: On hybrid that use a mix of prepared and spontaneous spells, this allows the domain checkbox to be used to indicate spontaneous spells that are always available Domain can be used for Mysteries, Spirit Magic, etc
Total spells manually: # left is no longer auto-calculated

Note: Fields shown depend on Casting Type.Spontaneous/Prepared

  • Save DC - auto-calculated based off of your primary stat.
  • Level - spell levels 0-9 as well as the alternate SP(spell points)
  • # Used - use this column to manually keep track of spells cast.
  • Spells/Day - spells from class description table.
  • Base Spells/Day - spells from class description table.
  • Bonus Spells - primary ability bonus
  • User Defined - used in Spells/Day total
  • Spells Known - class dependent, use Spells known table from class description.
  • Total Spells -
  • User Defined - miscellaneous

Domains / SubDomains / Bloodlines / Patrons / Schools

Enter additional Spell Class information related to your Class
Name, Type, Bonus, Opposition, Effect

Spell Roll Options

Toggle which spell attributes are included when a spell is rolled.
Spell Roll Options.

Spell options will not be shown with the roll template if their attributes do not include values.

A Casting Time of "1 standard action" will not be shown since this is the default value for most spells.

Spells Lists

  • Show more fields - check to show advanced fields
Spells can be added and entered manually, or you can use the Pathfinder Compendium to drag/drop spells and have them auto-populate attribute values. Spells will be automatically sorted by their level. Sort spells by their level by using an appropriate tab. Repeating rows can be rearranged and/or deleted using the "Modify" button.
  • Prepped - Indicates the number of prepared spells remaining
  • Name - Name that your spell is commonly known by.
  • Class - List the caster class the spell is derived from. Class 0, Class 1, Class 2.(input caster class in the top portion of the spell tab)
  • Level - enter the spells level
  • DC - Difficulty Class. This can be adjusted per/spell using the Misc sub-section.
  • School - School(Subschool) of magic if any.
  • SR - Is this spell affected by Spell Resistance(special defensive ability)
  • Save Effect - Usually a harmful spell allows a target to make a saving throw to avoid some or all of the effect. List the Saving Throw required and list the effect of a successful save. Such as Negates, Partial, Half, None, Disbelief.
  • Range - Select a Range. Blank(range not applicable), Close, Medium, Long, Touch, Personal, See Text(custom range), Number(flat number), Per Level(level based) and Cannot Parse(it's complicated).
  • Custom Range - flat number or macro-text
  • Range - actual range in feet
  • Targets/Area/Effect - Aiming at a Target to indicate Target(s), an Effect, or an Area of Effect. AoE could consist of cone, radius, or line and the total distance of the effect in feet. e.g.(30' Cone)
  • Duration - A spell's duration entry tells you how long the magical energy of the spell lasts. Timed Duration, Instantaneous, Permanent, and Concentration are common.
  • Casting Time - Most spells have a casting time of 1 standard action. Others take 1 round or more, while a few require only a swift action.
  • Components - A spell's components explain what you must do or possess to cast the spell. Verbal(V), Somatic(S), Material(M), Focus(F), Divine Focus(DF)


  • Meta Magic - checkbox to show spell slot field to differentiate slot from spell level.
  • Domain - reference-only checkbox to indicate if a domain spell
  • Mythic - reference-only checkbox to indicate spell is mythic. You will only see this checkbox if Mythic options are enabled on the Config page.
  • CL Mod - Caster Level modifier
  • CL - Caster Level
  • DC Mod - Difficulty Class modifier
  • Spell Pen Mod - Spell Penetration modifier
  • SP - total Spell Penetration
  • Conc Misc - Concentration modifier
  • Conc - total Concentration


This is the spells descriptor. It will be seen in chat when using the sheet rolls. Use inline rolls for variable effects. You can even add url's. e.g.(Wail of the Banshee - Please be considerate of other players and don't include the entire PFSRD in the description.

Macro Text

You can modify the macro text here to customize the output from the repeating section button.

Attack and Damage

subsection used to create an attack from an ability. Fill in the appropriate attack/damage info and use the "Create Attack" button to create a new attack.
  • Create Attack - Creates a new attack based on this spell.
  • Attack Type -
  • Targets/Area/Effect -
  • Damage - macro (⒝ Evaluated at roll time in chat Queries allowed Must put [[brackets]] around rolls)
  • Damage Type - ie fire, cold, energy, etc.


A Unique Identification number associated with this item and it's attributes. Can be used within a macro to target a specific repeating attribute. e.g.(@{selected|repeating_spells_-ka2abgz9u85y56brghu_name})


Pathfinder Items


"Show me the colour of your money." Character wealth/currency. CP(copper), SP(silver), GP(gold), and PP(platinum)
Currency is split into Carried Currency (included in encumbrance) and Other Currency (wealth in a bag of holding, in a bank, at home, etc.).

Carried Weight

Encumbrance is auto-calculated from carried currency, worn equipment, and carried equipment. An item must have at least a quantity/charge of "1" before it will be accounted for it's weight. Encumbrance can be changed in ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Encumbrance
  • Currency - auto-calculated from Carried Currency section.
  • Carried Equipment - total of carried equipment.
  • Misc - enter weight for other items of encumbrance.
  • Total - auto-calculated total weight carried.

Current Load

The current load (Light, Medium, or Heavy) is auto-calculated based off of total carried weight and STR and will affect other areas of the sheet.

Loads and Lift

Use this section for Carrying Capacity rules.
  • STR Bonus - Additional bonus to Strength score for carrying capacity only.
  • Misc - Miscellaneous bonus added to load values.
  • Multiplier - The amount that load values will be multiplied. e.g. Ant Haul
  • Size - Modifier based on Size(includes Legs) as set within Characters Details.
  • Total - Total load multiplier.
  • Light - At this weight of carried equipment or less, the character is unencumbered.
  • Medium - Over the light load and up to this weight, the character is moderately encumbered.
  • Heavy - Over the medium load and up to this weight, the character is heavily encumbered.
  • Above Head - A character can lift as much as his maximum load over his head.
  • Off-Ground - A character can lift as much as double his maximum load off the ground, but he or she can only stagger around with it.
  • Drag & Push - A character can generally push or drag along the ground as much as five times his maximum load.

Worn Equipment

This section is used for worn(slotted) items. Sheet rolls will show the item name and any description given from inventory. e.g.(Name:@{worn-Belt} Description:@{worn-Belt-description})

Add items to a slot using the "Location" selector from any given equipment item.

  • Slot - location
  • Name - name of item.


Add all your character's possessions from here.
  • Show more fields - check to show advanced fields
  • Weapon, Armor/Shield, Ammo, Consumable, Charged, Magic, Gear, Other 1, Other 2, All, Carried, Not Carried
Equipment will be sub-categorized by according to the Equipment Type.
  • Name - Name of the item.
  • Short Description - This is a text entry that will show in chat. (note: it is useful to include inline rolls within the Short Description field. You can also insert url's)
  • Equipment Type - sub-category that best describes the item. Used to sort equipment into the various sub-categories.
  • Location - selector for carried or not carried. Carried items will be used for encumbrance.
  • Qty - You must have a quantity of at least 1 for an item to have weight and value. If the item is a "container" ie quiver, you can use the Max field to track the contents.

The Show more fields checkbox at the top of the section must be checked to reveal Max, Wt, Hard, HP, Max, and Value.

  • Max - current number of similar items held within the item. ie a quiver of arrows/bolts. If Max > 1, the item is considered to be a "container" at which point weight and value will only be based off of Qty="1" regardless if Qty > 1. If you have multiple "containers" of the same type, add them as additional items.
  • Wt - item weight. Used with quantity to determine encumbrance
  • Hard - item hardness
  • HP - item Hit Points
  • Max - item Max Hit Points
  • Value - item monetary value
  • Armor Attributes
  • Set Armor - use to create/update Armor on defenses page
  • Set Shield - use to create/update Shield on defenses page
  • AC Bonus - from armor/shield table
  • Enh - enhancement bonus
  • Max Dex - from armor/shiled table
  • ACP - from armor/shield table
  • Spell Fail - from armor/shield table
  • Armor or Shield Type - from armor/shield table
  • Proficiency - are you proficient with this armor/shield
  • Weapon Attributes
  • Create Attack - use to create an attack on Attacks page
  • Attack Type - Attack Type: Melee, Alt Melee, Ranged, Alt Ranged, CMB, or Alt CMB. (note: although not seen, buffs may be in effect in regards to the attack type.)
  • Enh - Enhancement: used to show a weapon's enhancement bonus(magical modifiers) e.g.(+2 Long Sword; you would enter "2" in the Enhance field) This bonus modifier is applied to both ATK and DMG.
  • Mwk - is the weapon Masterwork? (note: all "enhanced" weapons are masterwork so use check MWK. The sheet's math will keep from stacking bonuses.)
  • Dice - how many? e.g.(1)
  • Die - what type of die? e.g.(d8)
  • Dmg Mods - Macro-text for damage bonuses in addition to Enh. (Evaluated at edit time, must evaluate to number. No queries. Extended Expressions allowed.)
  • Crit - the lowest number necessary to make a critical hit as determined by the weapons tables.
  • Mult - Multiplier: the number of times damage with usual modifiers are rolled if a crit is confirmed.
  • Range(') - normal range(no penalty) in feet, used for ranged weapons.
  • Type - B for bludgeoning, P for piercing, or S for slashing
  • Default size - weapon size used to automatically adjust attack/damage. ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Attacks|Adjust damage based on size
  • Extra non-crit Dmg - Apply Extra non-crit and/or crit damage as an inline roll e.g. [[ 1d6 ]], a macro, a straight mod or even a query. Give the Type/Description of the extra damage. (Evaluated at roll time in chat. Queries allowed. Must put [[bracets]] around rolls.)
  • Type - description of extra damage
  • Extra crit Dmg - Apply Extra crit damage as an inline roll e.g. [[1d6]], a macro, a straight mod or even a query. Give the Type/Description of the extra damage. (Evaluated at roll time in chat. Queries allowed. Must put [[bracets]] around rolls.)
  • Type - description of extra damage
  • Prof - are you proficient with this weapon?
  • Description - use this field for longer text.
  • Macro Text - You can modify the macro text here to customize the output from the repeating section button.
  • ID - A Unique Identification number associated with this item and it's attributes. Can be used within a macro to target a specific repeating attribute. e.g.(@{selected|repeating_item_-ka2abgz9u85y56brghu_name})
Totals for Weight, HP, HP Max, and Value is shown at the bottom of the Inventory section.


Create custom macrotext-based attributes. Hovering over each field will reveal the attribute's name. User defined fields allow you to "name" the section.
ie @{customa1-name} and @{customa1}
Each sub-section covers the different types of macro-text needed.

Evaluate at edit time custom number attributes

⒜ Evaluated at edit time, must evaluate to number, No queries, Extended Expressions allowed

Evaluate at roll time custom number attributes

⒞ Evaluated at roll time in chat Queries allowed, Must evaluate to number,[[brackets]] not needed
These can be used to create numbers that can be added to other queries. There is little difference between these and section (a), except
  1. You cannot use max and min.
  2. You can use Queries such as ?{Yes or no|Y,1|N,0}

Evaluate at roll time custom attributes

⒝ Evaluated at roll time in chat Queries allowed Must put [[brackets]] around rolls

Custom Rolls

⒟ Sent to chat. Use these to create rolls that you can call from macros. You can use roll templates by following the guidelines below, or by copying one of the rolls on the sheet and editing it.


Create notes. Hovering over each field will reveal the attribute's name. User defined fields allow you to "name" the section.
e.g. @{customn1-name} and @{customn1}


Pathfinder NPC

You can use the NPC page to quickly add statblock information. Details, Defense, Offense, Tactics, Statistics, and Special Abilities.

The NPC section should look similar to the rest of the character sheet, but there are some key differences that need to be acknowledged.

  • Other than NPC-specific sheet rolls, most of the Attributes are shared with the rest of the sheet. Mouse-over sheet rolls and data fields, attributes with "NPC" in their name are only used within the NPC page. You may need to adjust ability/token macros to access any "NPC-only" attributes.
  • By default, all sheet rolls from the NPC page are whispered to the GM only. To change whisper settings go to (⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Roll Configuration)
  • NPC repeatable attacks use the same attributes as PC attacks, except the macro-text is NPC-specific.

Monster statblock input section

Pathfinder: Monster statblock import
You can drag and drop monsters directly from the Pathfinder Compendium and have the appropriate attribute fields automatically populated. Open the "Monster statblock input section" and drag and drop a monster's name from the compendium bestiary from the sidebar. After the statblock has been input, you can review values and make adjustments if needed(normally only necessary if you experience any issues after attempting an import). See animated demo. Once you are satisfied with the values, use the "Parse" button to migrate the statblock to the Pathfinder sheet.

(NOTE: the parsing process can take some time depending on the complexity of the statblock. If you attempt to drag/drop from the compendium over the top of a previous import, duplication of values will result and cause issues. Only parse once.)

Cut and Paste from other resource statblock parsing

To parse a statblock as a Plus user without the API Companion, paste each line into the fields in the Monster statblock input section. Each field is roughly in the same order as lines in a PRD or SRD statblock. Do not paste the line label at beginning (hp, vision, Init, etc)
Paste the entire Spells Known or Spell-like-Abilities into the appropriate textbox, do not remove line breaks.
Note if Spells Prepared is filled in, that will be used. Otherwise Spells Known will be used. The sheet will not use both if both are filled in.
Pro accounts can use the API PFCompanion as well to paste monsters directly into chat and parse them into a sheet.


Name, CR(Challenge Rating), XP, Alignment, Size, Default Size, Type(sub-type), Undead, Gender, Class(es), Level, Initiative Roll, Vision/Senses, Perception Roll, Aura
Sheet Roll for NPC Initiative:%{selected|NPC-Initiative-Roll}
Sheet Roll for NPC Perception:%{selected|NPC-Perception-Check}


AC: (Touch, Flat-Footed, Armor, Shield, Deflect, DEX, Dodge, Natural, Size, Misc, Temp, Penalty)
HP: (Max, HD-Num, HD, HD-Misc, HD-Temp, NL(non-lethal), NPC HP Formula, Heal Conditions)
Saves: (Fort, Fort-misc, Ref, Ref-misc, Will, Will-misc, Save Notes)
Defensive Abilities: Weaknesses, Damage Resistances, Resistances, Immunities, SR
Special Qualities: are included with Abilities
Sheet Rolls for NPC Saving Throws: %{selected|NPC-Fort-Save}, <code>%{selected|NPC-Ref-Save}, %{selected|NPC-Will-Save}


Speed, Space and Reach: (Base, Encumbered, Mult, Run, Burrow, Climb, Fly, Maneuverability, Swim, Misc, Speed Notes, Space, Reach, Reach Notes)
Attacks: (see Attacks)
Spell-Like Abilities: are included with Abilities
Spells: (see Spells)


Before Combat, During Combat, Morale, Base Statistics, Combat Gear, Other Gear


(STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA) sheet rolls, BAB, CMB sheet roll, CMB-misc, CMD, CMD-Misc, CMD-notes, Languages
Feats: are included with Abilities
Skills: Very basic grid for rolls or to quickly add a misc modifier. For more control; (see Skills) Skill Options, Skill Notes
Sheet Rolls for NPC Skills: %{selected|NPC-Acrobatics-Check}, %{selected|NPC-Appraise-Check}, %{selected|NPC-Bluff-Check}, etc.


Environment, Organization, Treasure

Special Abilities

(see Abilities)
Description: use for general monster description. This field is used for text that is found in a statblock before the monster's name.


Pathfinder Footer

Macro-text Field Key

There are numerous macro-text enabled fields on the sheet. Depending on how the field's value will be processed, it is important to use the proper format to prevent errors. Each of these fields will include a superscript letter denoting the format required. Use this key as a guide when entering data.
⒜ Evaluated at edit time. Must evaluate to number. No queries or rolls. Extended Expressions allowed. Must use ID number to refer to row value. Can refer to ⒜ expressions or number attributes only.
⒝ Evaluated at roll time. May output string or number. Queries and rolls allowed. Must put [[brackets]] around rolls. Can refer to ⒜,⒝,⒞ expressions.
⒞ Evaluated at roll time. Must evaluate to number. Queries and rolls allowed. [[brackets]] automatically placed around expression. Can refer to ⒜ or ⒞ expressions or number attributes only (or ⒝ if it evaluates to a number).
⒟ The actual roll. Sent to chat. Evaluated at roll time. Can refer to any of the above expressions ⒜,⒝,⒞.

Sheet Credits

Typically, other than Sam M.(the original PF sheet author), the names of the most recent and/or currently active sheet authors are noted here. Thanks to all the volunteers along the way.


Date and version number can be found here.


Questions, feedback, looking for help, want to help?, etc.


Pathfinder Settings:Sheet Configuration

The ⛭ Settings page allows you to customize various features found on the Pathfinder sheet. New characters start with the Settings page open. Many sections and features can only be enabled from the Settings page. For example, the Spells tab/page will remain hidden unless ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Spells|Uses Spells is enabled.

Sheet Configuration


Sheet rolls will use a simplified roll template. Header images will not be used and formatting will be simplified. Better option for text-based reading apps.
  • Use Attack Simple Template: attack-based rolls (pf_attack)
  • Use Spell Simple Template: spell-based rolls (pf_spell)
  • Use Other Simple Templates: all other sheet rolls


Choose a font and background image used for this character. These options do not affect roll templates.


  • Is NPC or Monster: this setting is used to determine NPC/Monster specific rules and will show/hide various sections of the sheet, such as the NPC page. You will see a large Monster/NPC banner across the top of the sheet if this option is enabled. (note: there are numerous attributes shared between the PC and NPC section of the sheet. You may need to use the PC section of the sheet although you are editing an NPC/monster.)


  • Use buff bonus types and stacking: if enabled, buffs will automatically apply stacking rules.


  • Uses Spells: this option will show the Spells tab/page.
  • Use Spell Points: shows additional sub-section on the Spells page for "Spell Points".


If you are using a newer version of the Pathfinder sheet v1.x+ and creating a new character, it's recommended that you leave these unchecked. This section determines which Original Ability lists are shown. The "original" lists are those Ability lists that existed with older versions of the sheet. If checked, you will also see the option to "Merge" old lists to the newer Abilities list. Once an older list has been merged, you can use the Trashcan (Delete Abilities) option at the top of each repeating list to delete all of the older abilities. You should verify that your old abilities have been properly migrated before using the delete abilities option.

  • 'Use Separate Traits List
  • 'Use Separate Racial Traits List
  • 'Use Separate Feats List
  • 'Use Separate Class Features List
  • 'Use Separate Spell-like Abilities List


  • Display Alt Ranged attack type: shows an alternate Ranged modifier
  • Display Alt CMB attack type: shows an alternate CMB modifier
  • Adjust damage based on size: additional fields, Use Size and Default Size(weapon's size as compared to Size from the Core character details section) will be displayed on each attack. Damage dice will be adjusted automatically.
  • Use Dual Wield (BETA): shows a Dual Wield section on the Attacks page.
  • Include Link to Ability Attacks and Include Link to Spell Attacks: Creating a spell attack or ability attack now includes a link in the "Weapon Notes" to execute the associated spell or ability from the attack's chat output.


  • Encumbrance based on: selects how encumbrance will be handled, including Armor Check Penalty and Max Dex. Defaults to "Armor, Shield & Load". Selecting "Load only" or "Ignore Encumbrance" will force ACP="0" and Max Dex="99" on the Defenses|Armor Penalties.
  • Uses Dwarf Encumbrance Rules: this option is automatically enabled if you enter "Dwarf" for Race. Speed will not be modified based on armor or encumbrance.

Hit Points

  • Auto-calc hp: automatically calculate hp. Based off of total Level and HD
  • Use max hp for first level/HD: Use max hit points for first level. Racial hit dice are considered 'first' if character has both racial and class hit dice.
  • Update curr HP when max HP changes: When Max hp changes, updates current hit points by same amount.


  • Do not lose DEX when Flat-Footed': If checked, AC will not auto adjust when a condition is checked that causes loss of DEX to AC, except for immobilizing conditions.
  • Use Level/HD for CMD instead of BAB': ie Combat Feats; Improved Armor Focus, Improved Shield Focus
  • Allow AC and CMD to use different ability scores': If checked, CMD could use different ability in 2nd dropdown than AC uses. For instance, DEX for AC and INT for CMD, instead of DEX or WIS for both.


Use these options to show/hide more advanced features. ie Full Macro-text, attack/damage macros, custom columns on Spells/Day, etc.
  • Display user defined and misc fields: Display extra fields for advanced customization, such as columns marked 'user defined'.
  • Display roll templates for customization: Display macro fields for customizing roll template rolls.
  • Display 'add-to-roll' rolltime fields: Display Advanced fields to add to rolls. These will add to any 1d20 roll. Evaluated at roll-time, so queries may be used. Each requires '0' as default, and [[]] around rolls.

Roll Configuration

Set whisper options for PC and NPC sheet rolls. "Public rolls" will not be whispered while "Whisper GM" will only be seen by the player and the GM.
  • NPC: sheet rolls made from the NPC page.
  • PC: sheet rolls made from the PC pages.
  • Show both roll menu buttons for Monsters/NPCs: Display both sets of menu buttons at top of page: for PC-Whisper and NPC-Whisper. Allows more flexibility in making a roll public or not.
  • Stat Rolls: Defense stats and future stat-based menu button rolls.
  • Round Corners on non-simple template: use rounded corners on regular roll templates
  • Heading background and outlines: apply a color to roll templates

Rule Options

Pathfinder Settings:Rules Options

Core Rule Options

  • Set to PFS config settings: Pathfinder Society option that enables auto-calc hp and Prestige and Fame points(displays a sub-section on the Core page as well).
  • Use Prestige and Fame Points: displays a sub-section on the Core page.
  • Use Hero Points: displays a sub-section on the Core page.

Pathfinder Unchained

enable alternative Pathfinder Unchained options.
  • Display/Enable Unchained Skills: displays only Background/Adventure or Consolidated skills on the Skills page and automatically adjusts total skill rank calculations as needed.
  • Background Skills: splits skills into Adventure, Background and All.
  • Consolidated Skills: shows only a Consolidated skills list
  • Display Wound Thresholds: In the wound thresholds variant, a character divides her hit point total into four quarters, and takes penalties whenever she's not in her top quarter.
  • Has Endurance Feat: Endurance affects wounds by changing the penalty.
  • Gritty Mode: Gritty mode doubles penalties.

Pathfinder Mythic Adventures

  • Display/Enable Mythic Adventures Character Sheet Items: Toggle alternative ruleset items found for Pathfinder Mythic Adventures. This will reveal a sub-section on the Abilities page (Mythic Information and Mythic Power) as well as reveal additional sub-tabs under Abilities(Mythic Abilities).

Pathfinder Psionics

  • Display/Enable Psionics Character Sheet Items: displays a Psionics sub-section on the Abilities page.

Occult Adventures

  • Use Kineticist Burn: displays a Kineticist sub-section on the Abilities page. This allows you to set up Burn value plus a series of dropdowns to create kinetic blast attack entries.
  • Show Spell Points for Phrenic Pool or Mesmerist Tricks Option for showing Spell Points on the Spells page for Phrenic Pool or Mesmerist Tricks

Horror Adventures

  • Enable Horror Adventures: displays a Sanity sub-section on the Defenses page.

Header Images

Pathfinder Settings:Header Images
Add small iconic images to each roll template. Images are optional and are disabled by default. All macros on the sheet now include a defined key for {{header_image=@{header_image-X}} Where X is the name of the appropriate roll template. You may also substitute an image directly into the header as well for a custom macro. ie {{header_image=[name](}}
  • None - images will not be used for the roll template. This is the default setting.
  • Default - roll templates will use images that have been included in the sheet.
  • Custom - roll templates will use the image as provided by the URL field. Since these images are added to the header of your roll templates, it is best to keep them iconic in size. Smaller than 50px is recommended.
  • URL - insert a link for the image used by the Custom option.

HeroLab Character import

Allows you to import character data from a Hero Lab character into the character sheet.


  1. Export JSON data from Hero Lab.
    There are a few options available, but you only need to do one of these methods:
    1. Plug-in Method - Save the character as a JSON file.
      Roll20 Pathfinder HL plug-in
      1. Download and install Leigh M.'s Hero Lab Pathfinder Exporter plug-in for Hero Lab (to install you must double-click the .hl file while Hero Lab is not running). There have been reports of this plug-in causing the Mac OS X version of Hero Lab to crash when attempting to save using it; if you experience this, you will have to use the second method.
      2. From Hero Lab, open the File menu and choose "Save Custom Output".
      3. Select "Roll20 Pathfinder" and "Current Hero Only", then click Output.
      4. Open the HTM file in a plain-text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++ and copy the entire contents.

    2. Conversion Method - Save the character as an XML file, and convert to JSON.
      1. From Hero Lab, open the File menu and choose "Save Custom Output".
      2. Select "Generate XML File" and "Current Hero Only", then click Output.
      3. Open the XML file in a text editor and copy the entire contents. Do not copy the XML from Internet Explorer; doing so will also copy the '+' and '-' buttons next to the XML nodes, which will cause errors in the process. You must use a plain-text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++.
      4. Open in your browser.
      5. Paste the XML data into the left hand field labeled "Xml Data".
      6. Click the "Convert XML to JSON" button above the right window.
      7. Copy all of the converted JSON data from the right window.

    3. Optional Conversion Method
      1. Instead of saving a character as an XML file from Hero Lab, you can also get access to the XML by extracting the portfolio file as if it were a ZIP file. Simply rename the file extension from .por to .zip, and extract it as any other ZIP file. The XML files will be located under the "statblock_xml" folder. This will allow you to import characters and creatures from portfolio files even if you don't own all the data packages that were used to create it, or without owning Hero Lab at all.

  2. Paste the JSON data into the character sheet.
    1. Open the Settings page on the character sheet.
    2. Expand the section titled "HeroLab Character Import"
    3. Paste the JSON into the text field
    4. Click anywhere outside of the text field (so that the web browser knows you're done editing it)

  3. Import is Complete - If the process worked correctly, after a few moments the character sheet will clear the HL Import text field; at this point, the sheet may still be unresponsive for a few minutes as it updates the data that was imported. The more data that is imported, the longer the sheet may be unresponsive; this is especially true for characters with a large number of imported spells.

Known Issues

  • The sheet may not be able to properly identify whether something is a racial trait, a class feature, or other. You can reassign the category after importing, and future imports will not change a manual assignment.
  • The sheet currently does not import attacks. Weapons should be imported into your inventory with the appropriate weapon attributes (except for attack type, i.e. melee, ranged, etc). You can quickly create an attack for a weapon by finding it in your inventory, setting the "Attack Type" under "Weapon Attributes", then clicking the "Create Atk" button. You may need to adjust the resulting Attack on the Attacks page to add modifiers such as Weapon Focus or Weapon Training (in "Attack mods" and/or "Dmg mods"), as well as setting which ability modifier to use for damage.

Roll Template Info

  • Roll Template Info: This section can be used to examine each roll template's functionality used on the Pathfinder sheet. Examples of defined properties/keys are given for each roll template. Use the macro text field to modify the macro and see the results by making a sheet roll. You can always reset macro-text fields by deleting all text and closing/re-opening the sheet.


It IS NOT recommended to use this section unless instructed to by sheet developers.
This section shows migrations(conversions of old attributes/features to newer ones) that have been successfully completed or that character creation was done after a given feature set(no migration necessary).
Macros - If you are having problems with one particular macro, make the macro text fields visible from ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Display roll templates for customization. Then click in the particular attack or skill, select all, and delete the macro. Click out of the field somewhere else, and the field will fill in with the default macro.
If you are having problems with many macros, uncheck the appropriate box below and hit the recalc button. This will reset all macros of the particular type. Note: You may lose customization's
Damage and check buffs, Ability and Attack Type dropdowns, Skill calc speed, Fatigued Conditions, Attack bonus dropdowns, Profession Skills
v1.01 - 1.58
Linked attacks, Skill take 10 dropdown,
prior to v1.0
Class skill checkboxes, Dmg Multiplier, Spell Ranges, NPC Settings, Copy duplicate fields, Worn Equipment, Misc hp field, Misc skill point field, Ability list flags, Items Default Values, Features default values, Attacks default values

Spell Migrations

Shows spell migration handling of older/deprecated attributes and macros.
If spell migrations have been completed, verify by checking the spells listed on the Spells page, you may safely delete older spells listed under Spells Migration.
Old and New Spell id's are listed if you need update older ability macros.

Roll Templates


Roll templates use a combination of html, css, and macro commands to format output to chat. While the HTML, CSS and sheet-roll button macros are written into the sheet, GM's and player's can utilize custom macros either within the macro-text of found within the sheet or from ability macros used outside of the sheet. There are currently 6 different templates written into the Pathfinder sheet: pf_ability, pf_attack, pf_block, pf_defense, pf_generic, and pf_spell.

Roll templates must declare the roll template used ie &{template:<template name>} and follow the syntax {{<propertyname>= <value>}} Property names that are defined within the roll template will follow the formatting and logic as given in the template. Regardless if a property has been defined, all roll templates on the sheet include the allProps() helper function which allows any {{<key>=<value>}} entry to be included in the macro's output. Undefined keys are usually given a new row with formatting determined by the exact template used. Use the Roll Template Info section located on the [Configuration Tab] of the sheet to explore the various roll template functionality.

Common Properties

The properties listed below are common to all roll templates used on the sheet.

Property/Key Description/Examples
@{toggle_accessible_flag} Used to toggle "simplified/regular" roll template.
@{toggle_rounded_flag} Used to toggle "rounded corners/square corners" on the roll template. Enabling rounded corners adds changes {{rounded=}} to

{{rounded=rounded}} in the macro which applies the rounded border style to the roll template's output.

{{font}} Used to apply font preferences to the sheet and roll templates. Color options can be changed from

⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Roll Configuration|Font/Background


Font value names recognized(case sensitive) are: Lucida Grande/Arial, Verdana, Comic Sans, Segoe UI, Lucida Sans Unicode, Fantasy, Copperplate, Script

{{scroll_desc}} Used to toggle scrolling long descriptions based on

⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Roll Configuration|Scroll long Descriptions


{{color}} The color property sets the background color of the header and border.

Color options can be changed from

⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Roll Configuration|Heading background and outlines.


Color value names recognized(case sensitive) are:"white, grey, darkgrey, pink, darkpink, red, darkred, orange, darkorange, yellow, darkyellow, green, darkgreen, teal, darkteal, cyan, darkcyan, azure, darkazure, blue, darkblue, purple, darkpurple, violet, darkviolet". An empty value(no color specified) will default to "black".

{{character_name}} The Character's name.


{{character_id}} Character's sheet. Hyperlinks the character_name property to open the character's sheet directly from chat.


{{name}} Name of the roll being made.

{{name=Acrobatics}} or {{name=@{repeating_feat_X_name}}}

{{name_link}} URL hypertext used with the name property.


{{header_image}} Used to insert small iconic image into the header. See(Header Images)


{{subtitle}} The subtitle property adds a row below the header.

{{subtitle=~ Melee Attack ~}}

pf_ability Properties

The properties below are specific to abilities.

Property/Key Description/Examples
{{rule_category}} Shows the Ability subcategory. ie {{rule_category=@{rule_category}}}
{{source}} Shows source of the Ability. ie {{source=@{class-name}}}
{{is_sp}} Flag for spell-like ability. Shows additional spell-related rows. ie {{is_sp=@{is_sp}}}
{{hasspellrange}} Shows additional range-related rows. ie {{hasspellrange=@{range_pick}}}
{{spell_range}} Shows range info. ie {{spell_range=^{@{range_pick}}}}
{{casterlevel}} Shows CL. ie {{casterlevel=[[@{casterlevel}]]}}
{{spell_level}} Shows Spell level. ie {{spell_level=[[@{spell_level}]]}}
{{hasposrange}} Range. ie {{hasposrange=@{hasposrange}}}
{{custrange}} Shows Custom Range info. ie {{custrange=@{range}}}
{{range}} Shows numeric Range. ie {{range=[[@{range_numeric}]]}}
{{save}} Shows Save description. ie {{save=@{save}}}
{{savedc}} Shows Save DC. ie {{save=@{savedc}}}
{{hassr}} Flag for SR. ie {{hassr=@{abil-sr}}}
{{sr}} Shows SR info. ie {{sr=^{@{abil-sr}}}}
{{hasfrequency}} Flag for frequency. ie {{hasfrequency=@{hasfrequency}}}
{{frequency}} Shows Frequency info. ie {{frequency=^{@{frequency}}}}
{{next_cast=}} Shows more Frequency info. ie {{next_cast=@{rounds_between}}}
{{hasuses}} Flag for uses info. ie {{hasuses=@{hasuses}}}
{{uses}} Current uses. ie {{uses=@{used}}}
{{uses_max}} Shows Max info. ie {{uses_max=@{used|max}}}
{{cust_category}} ie {{cust_category=@{cust-category}}}
{{concentration}} ie {{concentration=[[@{Concentration-mod}]]}}
{{damage}} Shows damage(inline roll) ie {{damage=@{damage-macro-text}}}
{{damagetype}} Shows damage type. ie {{damagetype=@{damage-type}}}
{{hasattack}} Flag for Attack info. ie {{hasattack=@{hasattack}}}
{{attacktype}} Shows Attack type. ie {{attacktype=^{@{abil-attacktypestr}}}}
{{targetarea}} Shows targeted area info. ie {{targetarea=@{targets}}}
{{duration}} Shows Duration info. ie {{duration=@{duration}}}
{{shortdesc}} Shows Short Description text. ie {{shortdesc=@{short-description}}}
{{description}} Shows Description text. ie {{description=@{description}}}
{{deafened_note}} Shows Defeaned condition note. ie {{deafened_note=@{SpellFailureNote}}}

pf_ability default macro-text:
&{template:pf_ability} @{toggle_accessible_flag} @{toggle_rounded_flag} {{color=@{rolltemplate_color}}} {{header_image=@{header_image-pf_ability}}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{subtitle=^{@{rule_category}}}} {{name=@{name}}} {{rule_category=@{rule_category}}} {{source=@{class-name}}} {{is_sp=@{is_sp}}} {{hasspellrange=@{range_pick}}} {{spell_range=^{@{range_pick}}}} {{casterlevel=[[@{casterlevel}]]}} {{spell_level=[[@{spell_level}]]}} {{hasposrange=@{hasposrange}}} {{custrange=@{range}}} {{range=[[@{range_numeric}]]}} {{save=@{save}}} {{savedc=[[@{savedc}]]}} {{hassr=@{abil-sr}}} {{sr=^{@{abil-sr}}}} {{hasfrequency=@{hasfrequency}}} {{frequency=^{@{frequency}}}} {{next_cast=@{rounds_between}}} {{hasuses=@{hasuses}}} {{uses=@{used}}} {{uses_max=@{used|max}}} {{cust_category=@{cust-category}}} {{concentration=[[@{Concentration-mod}]]}} {{damage=@{damage-macro-text}}} {{damagetype=@{damage-type}}} {{hasattack=@{hasattack}}} {{attacktype=^{@{abil-attacktypestr}}}} {{targetarea=@{targets}}} {{duration=@{duration}}} {{shortdesc=@{short-description}}} {{description=@{description}}} {{deafened_note=@{SpellFailureNote}}}

pf_attack Properties

The properties defined in the pf_attack roll template make use of logic(roll helpers) to determine which rolls should be displayed. For example, crit_confirm and crit_damage will only be shown if an attack is a threat. @{macro_options} is used by the sheet to enable the toggling of notes related to attacks and contains the properties for @{melee_notes}, @{ranged_notes}, @{cmb_notes}, and @{attack_notes}.

Property/Key Description/Examples
{{attack}} Attack roll {{attack=[[ 1d20cs>[[ @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_crit-target} ]] + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_attack_macro} ]]}}
{{damage}} Damage {{damage=[[@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-dice-num}d@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-die} + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_damage_macro}]]}}
{{crit_confirm}} Crit confirmation if attack was a threat {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_attack_macro} + [[ @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_crit_conf_mod} ]] ]]}}
{{crit_damage}} Crit damage if Crit was confirmed {{crit_damage=[[ [[ @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-dice-num} * (@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_crit-multiplier} - 1) ]]d@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-die} + ((@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_damage_macro}) * [[ @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_crit-multiplier} - 1 ]]) ]]}}
{{attack2}},{{attack3}},{{attack3}},{{attack4}},{{attack5}},{{attack6}},{{attack7}},{{attack8}} Additional **iterative attacks**. Note: iterative attacks are toggled from within the repeating weapon/attack {{attack2=[[ 1d20cs>[[ @{crit-target} ]] + [[ @{attack_macro} + @{iterative_attack2_value} ]] [iterative] ]]}}
{{damage1}},{{damage2}},{{damage3}},{{damage4}},{{damage5}},{{damage6}},{{damage7}},{{damage8}} Damage for **iterative attacks**. {{damage2=[[ @{damage-dice-num}d@{damage-die} + @{damage_macro} ]]}}
{{crit_confirm2}},{{crit_confirm3}},{{crit_confirm4}},{{crit_confirm5}},{{crit_confirm6}},{{crit_confirm7}},{{crit_confirm8}} Crit confirmation for **iterative attacks**. {{crit_confirm2=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{attack_macro} + @{iterative_attack2_value} ]] [iterative] + [[ @{crit_conf_mod} ]] ]]}}
{{crit_damage2}},{{crit_damage3}},{{crit_damage4}},{{crit_damage5}},{{crit_damage6}},{{crit_damage7}},{{crit_damage8}} Crit damage for **iterative attacks**. {{crit_damage2=[[ [[ @{damage-dice-num} * [[ @{crit-multiplier} - 1 ]] ]]d@{damage-die} + ((@{damage_macro}) * [[ @{crit-multiplier} - 1 ]]) ]]}}
{{precision_dmg21}},{{precision_dmg31}},{{precision_dmg41}},{{precision_dmg51}},{{precision_dmg61}},{{precision_dmg71}},{{precision_dmg81}} Precision damage for **iterative attacks**. {{precision_dmg21=@{precision_dmg_macro}}}
{{precision_dmg22}},{{precision_dmg32}},{{precision_dmg42}},{{precision_dmg52}},{{precision_dmg62}},{{precision_dmg72}},{{precision_dmg82}} Precision damage 2 for **iterative attacks**. {{precision_dmg22=@{global_precision_dmg_macro}}}
{{critical_dmg21}},{{critical_dmg31}},{{critical_dmg41}},{{critical_dmg51}},{{critical_dmg61}},{{critical_dmg71}},{{critical_dmg81}} Critical damage 1 for **iterative attacks**. {{critical_dmg21=@{critical_dmg_macro}}}
{{critical_dmg22}},{{critical_dmg32}},{{critical_dmg42}},{{critical_dmg52}},{{critical_dmg62}},{{critical_dmg72}},{{critical_dmg82}} Critical damage 2 for **iterative attacks**. {{critical_dmg22=@{global_critical_dmg_macro}}}
{{attack2name}},{{attack3name}},{{attack4name}},{{attack5name}},{{attack6name}},{{attack7name}},{{attack8name}} Attack Name for **iterative attacks**. {{attack2name=@{iterative_attack2_name}}}
{{type}} Weapon damage type {{type=@{type}}}
{{weapon_notes}} Weapon Notes Note: toggled from within the repeating weapon/attack.</nowiki>
{{melee_notes}} Melee Notes Note: toggled from within the repeating weapon/attack. Toggled from within the Macro Options.</nowiki>
{{ranged_notes}} Ranged Notes Note: toggled from within the repeating weapon/attack. Toggled from within the Macro Options.</nowiki>
{{cmb_notes}} CMB Notes Note: toggled from within the repeating weapon/attack. Toggled from within the Macro Options.</nowiki>
{{attack_notes}} Attack Notes Note: Toggled from within the Macro Options.</nowiki>
{{vs}} Versus: toggled from within the repeating weapon/attack. {{vs=@{vs}}}
{{vs@{vs}}} Versus defensive option: toggled from within the repeating weapon/attack. {{vs@{vs}=@{vs}}}
{{precision_dmg1}} Precision damage 1: toggled from within the Macro Options. {{precision_dmg1=@{global_precision_dmg_macro}}}
{{precision_dmg1_type}} Precision damage 1 type: toggled from within the repeating weapon/attack. {{precision_dmg1_type=@{precision_dmg_type}}}
{{precision_dmg2}} Precision damage 2: toggled from within the Macro Options. {{precision_dmg2=@{global_precision_dmg_macro}}}
{{precision_dmg2_type}} Precision damage 2 type: toggled from within the Macro Options. {{precision_dmg2_type=@{global_precision_dmg_type}}}
{{critical_dmg1}} Critical damage 1: toggled from within the repeating weapon/attack. {{critical_dmg1=@{critical_dmg_macro}}}
{{critical_dmg1_type}} Critical damage 1 type: toggled from within the repeating weapon/attack. {{critical_dmg1_type=@{critical_dmg_type}}}
{{critical_dmg2}} Critical damage 2: toggled from within the Macro Options. {{critical_dmg2=@{global_critical_dmg_macro}}}
{{critical_dmg2_type}} Critical damage 2 type: toggled from within the Macro Options. {{critical_dmg2_type=@{global_critical_dmg_type}}}
{{description}} Weapon Description will be the last item shown on the template. {{description=@{repeating_weapon_$0_description}}}

pf_attack example:
@{selected|PC-whisper} &{template:pf_attack} @{selected|toggle_attack_accessible} @{selected|toggle_rounded_flag}{{color=@{selected|rolltemplate_color}}} {{character_name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{character_id=@{selected|character_id}}} {{subtitle}} {{name=@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_name}}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs>[[ @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_crit-target} ]] + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_attack_macro} ]]}} {{damage=[[@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-dice-num}d@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-die} + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_damage_macro}]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_attack_macro} + [[ @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_crit_conf_mod} ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[ @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-dice-num} * (@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_crit-multiplier} - 1) ]]d@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-die} + ((@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_damage_macro}) * [[ @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_crit-multiplier} - 1 ]]) ]]}} {{type=@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_type}}} {{weapon_notes=@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_notes}}} @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_iterative_attacks} @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_macro_options} {{vs=@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_vs}}} {{vs@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_vs}=@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_vs}}} {{precision_dmg1=@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_precision_dmg_macro}}} {{precision_dmg1_type=@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_precision_dmg_type}}} {{precision_dmg2=@{selected|global_precision_dmg_macro}}} {{precision_dmg2_type=@{selected|global_precision_dmg_type}}} {{critical_dmg1=@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_critical_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg1_type=@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_critical_dmg_type}}} {{critical_dmg2=@{selected|global_critical_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg2_type=@{selected|global_critical_dmg_type}}}

pf_block Properties

Used for Class Abilities, Feats, Inventory, Racial Traits, Traits

Property/Key Description/Examples
{{=}} All text entered after the "=" will be included in the output. {{=Best used for blocks of text.}}
{{description}} Description will be the last item shown on the template. {{description = @{repeating_class-ability_0_short-description}}}

pf_block example:
&{template:pf_block} {{header_image=header_image-pf_block}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=@{repeating_feat_0_name}}} {{description = @{repeating_feat_0_short-description}}}

pf_defense Properties

Properties defined in the pf_defense roll template are used primarily to toggle the notes shown when a Saving Throw is made. @{save_options} is used by the sheet to enable the toggling of notes related to defense and contains the attributes for @{dr_notes}, @{resistances_notes}, @{immunities_notes}, @{weaknesses_notes}, @{sr_notes}, @{armor_notes}, @{save_notes}, @{cmd_notes}, and @{defense-notes}.

Property/Key Description/Examples
{{dr_notes}} Damage Resistance notes. {{dr_notes=@{DR}}}
{{resistances_notes}} Resistance notes. {{resistances_notes=@{resistances}}}
{{immunities_notes}} Immunities notes. {{immunities_notes=@{immunities}}}
{{weaknesses_notes}} Weaknesses notes. {{weaknesses_notes=@{weaknesses}}}
{{sr_notes}} Spell Resistance notes. {{sr_notes=@{SR}}}
{{armor_notes}} Armor notes. {{armor_notes=@{Armor-notes}}}
{{save_notes}} Save notes. {{save_notes=@{Save-notes}}}
{{cmd_notes}} CMD notes. {{cmd_notes=@{cmd-notes}}}
{{defense_notes}} Defense notes. {{defense_notes=@{defense-notes}}}

pf_defenses example:
&{template:pf_defense} {{header_image=header_image-pf_defense}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=Fortitude}} {{Save=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{Fort} ]] ]]}} @{save_options}

pf_generic Properties

Used for Ability checks, Initiative, Spell Failure Check, Skills, Concentration Check, Caster Level Check.

Property/Key Description/Examples
{{lefttext_X}} Adds a row of left aligned text. Where X is a row number 1thru10.{{lefttext_1=Some left aligned text}}}
{{righttext_X}} Adds a row of right aligned text. Where X is a row number 1thru10.{{righttext=Some right aligned text}}
{{description}} Description will be the last item shown on the template. {{description=@{description}}}

pf_generic example:
&{template:pf_generic} {{header_image=header_image-pf_generic}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=Acrobatics}} {{Check=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{Acrobatics} ]] ]]}}

pf_spell Properties

The properties below are used for spell macros. If a value is not given for a property, nothing will be displayed. @{spell_options} is used to toggle spell attributes on the sheet and includes all pf_spell specific properties. Note: The examples given below are for a repeating spell, level 0, row 0. These values will change based on the spell level and row of the repeating item.

Property/Key Description/Examples
{{school}} School of magic. {{school=@{repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_school}}}
{{level}} Casting Class and spell level {{@{repeating_lvl-0-spells_X_spellclass} [[ @{repeating_lvl-0-spells_X_spell_level} ]]}}
{{casting_time}} Casting Time {{casting_time=@{repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_cast-time}}}
{{components}} Components Used {{components=@{repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_components}}}
{{range}} Range {{range=@{repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_range}}}
{{targets}} Targets {{targets=@{repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_targets}}}
{{duration}} Duration of spell {{duration}=@{repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_duration}}}
{{saving_throw}} Save info {{saving_throw=@{repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_save}}}
{{dc}} Difficulty Check for spell class 0 (can be toggled within the repeating spell) {{dc=[[ @{spellclass-0-level-0-savedc} + [[ @{repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_DC-mod} ]] ]]}}
{{dc1}} Difficulty Check for spell class 1 (can be toggled within the repeating spell) {{dc1=[[ @{spellclass-1-level-0-savedc} + [[ @{repeating_lvl-1-spells_0_DC-mod} ]] ]]}}
{{dc2}} Difficulty Check for spell class 2 (can be toggled within the repeating spell) {{dc2=[[ @{spellclass-2-level-0-savedc} + [[ @{repeating_lvl-2-spells_0_DC-mod} ]] ]]}}
{{sr}} Spell Resistance {{sr=@{repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_sr} }}
{{attack}},{{attack2}} Used for spell-based attacks. Note: Attacks must be added to your spell macro to be used. Spell-based attacks will utilize the pf_attack roll template. ie {{attack=[[1d20cs>20]]}}
{{crit_confirm}},{{crit_confirm2}} Use with the attack property. ie {{crit_confirm=[[1d20]]}}
{{damage}}, {{damage2}} Use with the attack property. ie {{damage=[[ 1d6+[[ {5,@{selected|spellclass-0-level-total}}kl1]] ]]}}
{{crit_damage}},{{crit_damage2}} Use with the attack property. ie {{crit_damage=+[[1d6]]}}
{{description}} Spell description will be the last item shown on the template. "Description:" will be included with the output. {{description=@{repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_description}}}

pf_spell example:
@{selected|PC-whisper} &{template:pf_spell} @{selected|toggle_spell_accessible} @{selected|toggle_rounded_flag} {{color=@{selected|rolltemplate_color}}} {{header_image=@{selected|header_image-pf_spell}}} {{character_name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{character_id=@{selected|character_id}}} {{subtitle}} {{deafened_note=@{selected|SpellFailureNote}}} {{name=@{selected|repeating_lvl-0-spells_$0_name}}} {{school=@{selected|repeating_lvl-0-spells_$0_school}}} {{level=@{selected|spellclass-0-name} [[ @{selected|spellclass-0-level-total} ]]}} {{casting_time=@{selected|repeating_lvl-0-spells_$0_cast-time}}} {{components=@{selected|repeating_lvl-0-spells_$0_components}}} {{range=@{selected|repeating_lvl-0-spells_$0_range}}} {{target=@{selected|repeating_lvl-0-spells_$0_targets}}} {{duration=@{selected|repeating_lvl-0-spells_$0_duration}}} {{saving_throw=@{selected|repeating_lvl-0-spells_$0_save}}} {{dc=[[ @{selected|spellclass-0-level-0-savedc} + [[ @{selected|repeating_lvl-0-spells_$0_DC-mod} ]] ]]}} {{sr=@{selected|repeating_lvl-0-spells_$0_sr}}} {{casterlevel=}}{{casterlevel_chk=[[ 1d20 + 3 ]]}}{{spellPen=}}{{Concentration=}}{{Concentration_chk=[[ 1d20 + 6 ]]}}{{cast_def=}}{{cast_defDC=[[ 15 ]]}} {{spell_description=@{selected|repeating_lvl-0-spells_$0_description}}} {{spells_notes=@{selected|spell-class-0-spells-notes}}}{{spelldamage=}}{{spelldamagetype=}}



Macros can be used to greatly enhance the usability and customization of this already powerful character sheet. Please add any Pathfinder Character Sheet specific macros or other macros that might be beneficial to Pathfinder players to this section of the guide.

General Use Macros

These macros while geared toward Pathfinder, may work in other rpg's as well.

  • An excellent guide for Pathfinder macros: Macros - Pathfinder Examples
  • General Roll - @{selected|character_name} rolls a [[1d20+?{modifier?|0}]] for ?{reason?|none}.

Fallthrough Condition Macros

These macros use conditional modifiers that fall through from one macro to the next.

  • An attack action using a flank and a sneak attack:
?{Flank?|1} ?{Sneak Attack?|1}
  • The #attack macro (assume 3 SA dice):
[[1d20 + (?{Flank?|1} * 2)]] to hit for [[1d6 + @{selected|STR-mod}]] damage and [[(?{Sneak Attack?|1} * 3)d6]] Sneak Attack damage.

Macros to call sheet functions

Here are examples of using the Pathfinder sheet buttons or fields in your macros. These can also be placed in the Custom Rolls (d) section of the Custom page.

Saving Throws
Fort: [[1d20+@{selected|fort}]] Reflex: [[1d20+@{selected|ref}]] Will: [[1d20+@{selected|will}]]
Skill Check
Perception: [[1d20+@{selected|Perception}]]

@{selected|character_name}'s Initiative is [[((1d20 + @{selected|init}) + (0.01 * @{selected|init})) &{tracker}]]

Channel Positive Energy Query

// Channel energy v undead, level calculated for damage dice, DC calculated = 10 + 1/2 the cleric's level + the cleric's Charisma mod // Heal Living, level calculated for heal

&{template:pf_spell}{{header_image=@{header_image-pf_spell}}} {{character_name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{character_id=@{selected|character_id}}} {{subtitle=?{channels positive energy|Undead, Screams "I CAST THEE BACK TO THE VOID" and thrust forward his holy symbol &#125;&#125;&#123;&#123channels positive energy &#125;&#125;&#123;&#123Area:30ft radius:centered on the cleric&#125&#125;&#123;&#123Damage to undead: [[ ((.5* @{selected|spellclass-0-level-total}-1)d6 + 1d6)  ]]&#125&#125;&#123;&#123DC [[floor(@{selected|spellclass-0-level-total}/2) + 10 + [[ @{selected|CHA-mod} ]]]] - Vs Will Save - 1/2 damage &#125&#125;| Living,"Pharasma heals thee" and thrust forward his holy symbol &#125;&#125;&#123;&#123channels positive energy &#125;&#125;&#123;&#123Area:30ft radius:centered on the cleric&#125&#125;&#123;&#123 Heals the living: [[ ((.5*@{selected|spellclass-0-level-total}-1)d6 + 1d6) ]]&#125&#125;| } }}
Cure Spells Query

// Cure spell Macro - DC will save v undead // Cure Light wounds - 1d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +5) and DC calculated // Cure Moderate wounds - 2d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +10) and DC calculated // Cure Serious wounds - 3d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +15) and DC calculated // Cure Critical wounds - 4d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +20) and DC calculated // Cure Light Mass - 1d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +5), DC, range per level, number of targets calculated // Wand of Cure Light


{{character_id=@{selected|character_id}}}{{name=?{Cure Spell|Cure Light,Cure Light Wounds &#125;&#125; &#123;&#123;@{target|character_name} Heals =[[ floor(1.5*(1d8+{5&#44; @{selected|spellclass-0-level-total}&#125;kl1)) ]] HP &#125;&#125; {{Undead: Will Save DC [[ 10 + 1 + [[ @{selected|WIS-mod} ]]]]- Half Damage&#125;&#125;|Cure Moderate, Cure Moderate Wounds&#125;&#125; &#123;&#123;@{target|character_name} Heals =[[ floor(1.5*(2d8+{5&#44; @{selected|spellclass-0-level-total}&#125;kl1)) ]] HP &#125;&#125; {{Undead: Will Save DC [[10 + 2 + [[ @{selected|WIS-mod} ]]]]- Half Damage&#125;&#125;|Cure Serious, Cure Serious Wounds&#125;&#125; &#123;&#123;@{target|character_name} Heals =[[ floor(1.5*(3d8+{5&#44; @{selected|spellclass-0-level-total}&#125;kl1)) ]] HP &#125;&#125; {{Undead: Will Save DC [[10 + 3 + [[ @{selected|WIS-mod} ]]]]- Half Damage&#125;&#125;|Cure Critical, Cure Critical Wounds&#125;&#125; &#123;&#123;@{target|character_name} Heals =[[ floor(1.5*(4d8+{5&#44; @{selected|spellclass-0-level-total}&#125;kl1)) ]] HP &#125;&#125; {{Undead: Will Save DC [[10 + 4 + [[ @{selected|WIS-mod} ]]]]- Half Damage&#125;&#125;|Cure Light Mass,Cure Light Wounds Mass &#125;&#125;{{Range: [[25 + (5*floor(0.5*@{selected|spellclass-0-level-total})) ]]ft&#125;&#125; {{Target[[@{selected|spellclass-0-level-total}]]: no two of which can be 30ft apart &#125;&#125;&#123;&#123; Heals =[[ floor(1.5*(2d8+{25&#44; @{selected|spellclass-0-level-total}&#125;kl1)) ]] HP &#125;&#125; {{Undead: Will Save DC [[10 + 5 + [[ @{selected|WIS-mod} ]]]]- Half Damage&#125;&#125; |Wand of Cure Light,Use his Wand of Cure Light Wounds&#125;&#125; &#123;&#123; @{target|character_name} Heals =[[1d8+5]] HP  } }}
All Skills Query
&{template:pf_generic} {{character_name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{name=Skill Check}} {{?{Choose a Skill(* training not required)| 
*Acrobatics (+@{selected|Acrobatics}), [Acrobatics]( =[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Acrobatics} ]] ]] | 
*Appraise (+@{selected|Appraise}),[Appraise]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Appraise} ]] ]] | 
*Artistry (+@{selected|Artistry}), [Artistry]( @{selected|Artistry-name}=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Artistry} ]] ]] | 
*Bluff (+@{selected|Bluff}), [Bluff]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Bluff} ]] ]] | 
*Climb (+@{selected|Climb}), [Climb]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Climb} ]] ]] | 
*Craft  @{selected|Craft-name} (+@{selected|Craft}), [Craft]( @{selected|Craft-name}=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Craft} ]] ]] | 
*Diplomacy (+@{selected|Diplomacy}), [Diplomacy]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Diplomacy} ]] ]] | 
Disable Device (+@{selected|Disable-Device}), [Disable Device]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Disable-Device} ]] ]] | 
*Disguise (+@{selected|Disguise}), [Disguise]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Disguise} ]] ]] | 
*Escape Artist (+@{selected|Escape-Artist}), [Escape Artist]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Escape-Artist} ]] ]] | 
*Fly (+@{selected|Fly}), [Fly]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Fly} ]] ]] |  
Handle Animal (+@{selected|Handle-Animal}), [Handle Animal]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Handle-Animal} ]] ]] | 
*Heal (+@{selected|Heal}), [Heal]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Heal} ]] ]] | 
*Intimidate (+@{selected|Intimidate}), [Intimidate]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Intimidate} ]] ]] |  
Knowledge Arcana (+@{selected|Knowledge-Arcana}), [Knowledge Arcana]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Arcana} ]] ]] |  
Knowledge Dungeoneering (+@{selected|Knowledge-Dungeoneering}), [Knowledge Dungeoneering]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Dungeoneering} ]] ]] |  
Knowledge Engineering (+@{selected|Knowledge-Engineering}), [Knowledge Engineering]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Engineering} ]] ]] |  
Knowledge Geography (+@{selected|Knowledge-Geography}), [Knowledge Geography]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Geography} ]] ]] |  
Knowledge History (+@{selected|Knowledge-History}), [Knowledge History]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-History} ]] ]] | 
Knowledge Local (+@{selected|Knowledge-Local}), [Knowledge Local]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Local} ]] ]] |  
Knowledge Nature (+@{selected|Knowledge-Nature}), [Knowledge Nature]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Nature} ]] ]] |  
Knowledge Nobility (+@{selected|Knowledge-Nobility}), [Knowledge Nobility]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Nobility} ]] ]] |  
Knowledge Planes (+@{selected|Knowledge-Planes}), [Knowledge Planes]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Planes} ]] ]] |  
Knowledge Religion (+@{selected|Knowledge-Religion}), [Knowledge Religion]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Religion} ]] ]] |  
Linguistics (+@{selected|Linguistics}),[Linguistics]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Linguistics} ]] ]] |  
Lore @{selected|Lore-name} (+@{selected|Lore}), [Lore]({selected|Lore-name})=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Lore} ]] ]] | 
*Perception (+@{selected|Perception}),[Perception]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Perception} ]] ]] | 
*Perform @{selected|Perform-name} (+@{selected|Perform}), [Perform]( (@{selected|Perform-name})=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Perform} ]] ]] |  
Profession @{selected|Profession-name} (+@{selected|Profession}), [Profession]( (@{selected|Profession-name})=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Profession} ]] ]] | 
*Ride (+@{selected|Ride}),[Ride]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Ride} ]] ]] | 
*Sense Motive (+@{selected|Sense-Motive}),[Sense Motive]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Sense-Motive} ]] ]] |  
Sleight of Hand (+@{selected|Sleight-of-Hand}), [Sleight of Hand]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Sleight-of-Hand} ]] ]] |  
Spellcraft (+@{selected|Spellcraft}), [Spellcraft]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Spellcraft} ]] ]] | 
*Stealth (+@{selected|Stealth}),[Stealth]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Stealth} ]] ]] | 
*Survival (+@{selected|Survival}), [Survival]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Survival} ]] ]] | 
*Swim (+@{selected|Swim}),[Swim]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Swim} ]] ]] |  
Use Magic Device (+@{selected|Use-Magic-Device}), [Use Magic Device]([[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Use-Magic-Device} ]] ]]

Equation Field Macros

Here are examples of equations to implement some common Pathfinder feats and class abilities. These use equation fields on the sheet, which have labels with superscripts of ⒜, ⒝, ⒞, or ⒟. Look at the sheet's footer for an explanation of what each type of field accepts as input.

For some sections of the sheet you'll need to make these fields visible by clicking Show More Fields (usually found near the top of each repeating section)

For "Add to Roll" fields, enable from settings using ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Advanced|Display 'add-to-roll' rolltime fields.

To modify the actual Macro Text of an attack, enable from settings using ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Advanced|Display roll templates for customization.

Extra Non-Crit Damage:
'Add to Attack' Roll
'Add to Damage' Roll
Damage insert Macro:
[[ ?{Bleed?|No,0|yes,1}*[[ @{class-0-level} ]] ]]
Favored Enemy

Use the "Add to Roll" fields on your attack.

Attack insert Macro:
[[ ?{Favored Enemy?|No, 0|Yes, 2} ]]
Damage insert Macro:
[[ ?{Favored Enemy?|No, 0|Yes, 2} ]]

Adjust bonus upward by +2 if choosing the same favored enemy at higher levels (10th, 15th, and 20th) This macro could also be added to any appropriate Skill checks macrotext as well.


I'd recommend making a buff for the AC, Attack, and Ref save bonuses from haste. You can do this manually or use the "Common Buff" selector to automatically create the necessary adjustments for Haste. Haste also gives you " extra attack with one natural or manufactured weapon.". This can be accomplished by replacing all the left curly braces, " {{ " in the iterative attack with " ?{Haste|No,|Yes,{{} " The query only controls whether or not the haste attack is shown.

PF haste query.png
Holy Strike
Extra Non-Crit Damage:
[[?{Holy Strike?|no,0|yes,1}d6]]
'Add to Damage' Roll
[[?{Holy Strike?|no,0|yes,1}]]

Use the Macro-text section of the attack. Change it from this:

@{PC-whisper} &{template:pf_attack} @{toggle_attack_accessible} @{toggle_rounded_flag} {{color=@{rolltemplate_color}}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{subtitle}} {{name=@{name}}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs>[[ @{crit-target} ]] + @{attack_macro} ]]}} {{damage=[[@{damage-dice-num}d@{damage-die} + @{damage_macro}]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + @{attack_macro} + [[ @{crit_conf_mod} ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[ @{damage-dice-num} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1) ]]d@{damage-die} + ((@{damage_macro}) * [[ @{crit-multiplier} - 1 ]]) ]]}} {{type=@{type}}} {{weapon_notes=@{notes}}} @{iterative_attacks} @{macro_options} {{vs=@{vs}}} {{vs@{vs}=@{vs}}} {{precision_dmg1=@{precision_dmg_macro}}} {{precision_dmg1_type=@{precision_dmg_type}}} {{precision_dmg2=@{global_precision_dmg_macro}}} {{precision_dmg2_type=@{global_precision_dmg_type}}} {{critical_dmg1=@{critical_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg1_type=@{critical_dmg_type}}} {{critical_dmg2=@{global_critical_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg2_type=@{global_critical_dmg_type}}} {{attack1name=@{iterative_attack1_name}}}

to this:

@{PC-whisper} &{template:pf_attack} @{toggle_attack_accessible} @{toggle_rounded_flag} {{color=@{rolltemplate_color}}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{subtitle}} {{name=@{name}}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs>[[ @{crit-target} ]] + @{attack_macro} ]]}} {{damage=[[ [[@{damage-dice-num}*2]]d@{damage-die} + (@{damage_macro})*2]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + @{attack_macro} + [[ @{crit_conf_mod} ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[ @{damage-dice-num} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1) ]]d@{damage-die} + ((@{damage_macro}) * [[ @{crit-multiplier} - 1 ]]) ]]}} {{type=@{type}}} {{weapon_notes=@{notes}}} @{iterative_attacks} @{macro_options} {{vs=@{vs}}} {{vs@{vs}=@{vs}}} {{precision_dmg1=@{precision_dmg_macro}}} {{precision_dmg1_type=@{precision_dmg_type}}} {{precision_dmg2=@{global_precision_dmg_macro}}} {{precision_dmg2_type=@{global_precision_dmg_type}}} {{critical_dmg1=@{critical_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg1_type=@{critical_dmg_type}}} {{critical_dmg2=@{global_critical_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg2_type=@{global_critical_dmg_type}}} {{attack1name=@{iterative_attack1_name}}}

Make sure you have the "display roll templates for customization" ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Advanced|Display roll templates for customization enabled and that you don't have the sheet in compact view Mode (the left hand button at the very top of the sheet next to the pathfinder logo).

NOTE the changes within macro above: {{damage=[[ [[@{damage-dice-num}*2]]d@{damage-die} + (@{damage_macro})*2]]}}

If you want to do Manyshot as a query, simply replace that "*2" above with "*?{Manyshot|No,1|Yes,2}".


To set misfire for guns, if it is greater than 1, you can set it up as a "critical fail" on rolls of 2 or less, or 3 or less, etc. To do this we have to use the Macro-text section of the attack. Search for the 1d20 attack roll there (and also in every iterative attack used):

{{attack=[[ 1d20cs>[[ @{crit-target} ]] + @{attack_macro} ]]}}

If your misfire is at 2, change it to this:

{{attack=[[ 1d20cf<2cs>[[ @{crit-target} ]] + @{attack_macro} ]]}}
If at 3 then use
, etc

If you keep firing before clearing, you can add a query like this to add extra damage if your gun misfired (note this is not tested):

{{attack=[[ 1d20cf<[[ ?{Jammed?|Y,2|N,0} + 2 ]]cs>[[ @{crit-target} ]] + @{attack_macro} ]]}}

You can also put [[ ?{Jammed?|Y,2|N,0} + 2 ]] that query in the 2nd ("b" macros) or 3rd ("c" macros) section on the Custom page, and reference it in the roll, so if it changes you only have to change it in one place:

{{attack=[[ 1d20cf<[[ @{customb1} ]]cs>[[ @{crit-target} ]] + @{attack_macro} ]]}}

Make sure you have "Display roll templates" enabled from ⛭ Settings|Sheet Configuration|Advanced|Display roll templates for customization and that you don't have the sheet in compact view Mode (the left hand button at the very top of the sheet next to the pathfinder logo). That will allow you to view the macro text for the attack.

Point Blank Shot

Use the "Add to Roll" fields on your attack.

Attack insert Macro:
[[ ?{Target within 30 ft?|No, 0|Yes, 1} ]]
Power Attack, Deadly Aim

A new option has been added to the "Add Common Buff" selector that includes Power Attack/Deadly Aim as a buff option. This may be a preferred option over using a per-attack query as demonstrated here.

These two are the same, Deadly Aim is the Power Attack of ranged attacks. Use the "Add to Roll" fields on your attack. It will then ask you if you are power attacking when you attack, and will apply the penalties/bonuses based on your response. Animated demo

Attack insert Macro:
-[[ ?{Power Attack or Deadly Aim?|Yes,1|No,0}*(1+floor(@{bab}/4)) ]]
Damage insert Macro:
[[ ?{Power Attack or Deadly Aim?|Yes,1|No,0}*(1+floor(@{bab}/4))*2 ]]

or two-handed(not applicable for Deadly Aim):

[[ ?{Power Attack or Deadly Aim?|Yes,1|No,0}*(1+floor(@{bab}/4))*3 ]]

Power Attack Add-to-Roll Damage Macro:

[[?{Power Attack|Yes,1|No,0}*(2*({1.5,@{damage_ability_mult}}kl1))]]

Power Attack Add-to-Roll Damage Macro for Two-Handed-Fighter(change class number as needed):

[[?{Power Attack|Yes,1|No,0}*(1+floor(@{bab}/4))*(2*((.5(floor(@{class-0-level}/15)))+{1.5,@{damage_ability_mult}}kl1))]]
Power Attack, Deadly Aim and Furious Focus

A new option has been added to the "Add Common Buff" selector that includes Power Attack/Deadly Aim as a buff option. This may be a preferred option over using a per-attack query as demonstrated here.

There isn't a method to change each iterative attack other than editing their individual attack penalty and/or modifying an iterative's macro-text directly.

You can modify the primary attack's macro-text by editing the {{attack}} and {{crit_confirm}} keys of the roll. To see the macro-text fields you may need to check (settings>sheet configuration>advanced>Display roll templates for customization). I normally enable all the advanced options...

Include the Power Attack/Deadly Aim macro as per the examples above.

On the primary attack, expand the macro-text field and edit. It might be easier to copy out the macro to a basic text editor, update and paste back to the field.

Basically you want to update the {{attack}} and {{crit_confirm}} portion of the roll to look like;

{{attack=[[ 1d20cs>[[ @{crit-target} ]] + @{attack_macro} + [[ ?{Furious Focus Power Attack: First attack?|yes,1|no,0}*(1+floor(@{bab}/4)) ]] [Focus] ]]}} {{damage=[[@{damage-dice-num}d@{damage-die} + @{damage_macro}]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + @{attack_macro} + [[ ?{Furious Focus Power Attack: First attack?|yes,1|no,0}*(1+floor(@{bab}/4)) ]] [Focus] + [[ @{crit_conf_mod} ]] ]]}}

The new macro-text should like something like;

&{template:pf_attack} @{toggle_attack_accessible} @{toggle_rounded_flag} {{font=@{apply_specfont_chat}@{use_specfont}}} {{scroll_desc=@{scroll-desc}}} {{color=@{rolltemplate_color}}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{subtitle}} {{name=@{name}}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs>[[ @{crit-target} ]] + @{attack_macro} + [[ ?{Furious Focus Power Attack: First attack?|yes,1|no,0}*(1+floor(@{bab}/4)) ]] [Focus] ]]}} {{damage=[[@{damage-dice-num}d@{damage-die} + @{damage_macro}]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + @{attack_macro} + [[ ?{Furious Focus Power Attack: First attack?|yes,1|no,0}*(1+floor(@{bab}/4)) ]] [Focus] + [[ @{crit_conf_mod} ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[ @{damage-dice-num} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1) ]]d@{damage-die} + ((@{damage_macro}) * [[ @{crit-multiplier} - 1 ]]) ]]}} {{type=@{type}}} {{weapon_notes=@{notes}}} @{iterative_attacks} @{macro_options} {{vs=@{vs}}} {{vs@{vs}=@{vs}}} {{precision_dmg1=@{precision_dmg_macro}}} {{precision_dmg1_type=@{precision_dmg_type}}} {{precision_dmg2=@{global_precision_dmg_macro}}} {{precision_dmg2_type=@{global_precision_dmg_type}}} {{critical_dmg1=@{critical_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg1_type=@{critical_dmg_type}}} {{critical_dmg2=@{global_critical_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg2_type=@{global_critical_dmg_type}}} {{attack1name=@{iterative_attack1_name}}}

The macro may look different if you have made similar edits and/or are using the PFC companion script(pro perk). Hope this helps.

Rapid Shot

Use the "Add to Roll" fields on your attack.

Attack insert Macro:
?{Rapid Shot?|No,0|Yes,-2}

Iterative section You can use the same as the haste technique, but it would require a second dropdown

?{Rapid Shot add attack?|No,|Yes,{{}
Sneak Attack
Damage insert Macro:
[[ ?{Sneak?|No,0|yes,1}*[[ [[ ceil((@{class-0-level}) / 2) ]]d6 ]] ]]
Attack insert Macro:
[[ ?{Bane?|No,0|yes,2} ]]
Damage insert Macro:
[[ ?{Bane?} + ?{Bane?}d6 ]]
Vital Strike

"Extra Damage" on each attack row that applies:

[[(?{Vital Strike?|Y,1|N,0}*@{damage-dice-num})d@{damage-die}]]
Range Increment

"Attack modifier is decremented based on weapon range" added as a Add-To-Roll - Attack insert Macro:

-[[floor(?{distance to target|0}/(@{range}+1))*2]]

Please add more macros.

Old Announcements

These announcements may be beneficial for anyone migrating from a very old sheet.


  • Fixed a bug with Temp hp that erroneously reset to max on triggered events.
  • Added a 'blocked' image indicator over ACP and Max-Dex on the Defenses page to help show they are not applicable when encumbrance has been disabled from the settings page.
  • Added a 'Death Threshold' macro-calculated field to the Hit Point calculations sub-section.
  • Some misc adjustments to layout, including metric/empirical postscript and ACP tag on Skills.
  • Fixed local casting type. Spell Class, 'Casting Type' now displays the #Prep, #Used, and #Cast fields per spell based on the Caster class selected. One-time sheet version check included to update existing spells.
  • Added popup text-input windows to many of the macro-text fields.
  • Fixed Ability Notes alignment issue when the sheet is in Compact mode.
  • Added 'Type' field for Feats and Traits.
  • Added an encumbrance option for Carried Currency. This can be toggled via Sheet Settings>Sheet Configuration>Encumbrance and/or using a checkbox on the Equipment tab>Carried Weight sub-section.
  • Added a Critical Confirm bonus to the Buffs Bonus selector/dropdown. This is a global modifier that is applied to all attacks.
  • The Critical Confirm bonus field (+Conf) on attacks has been changed into a macro field. The 'Val' field now shows the Total crit confirm bonus ie local bonus + attack-grid bonus and/or any buffs.
  • Added Mythic Abilities and Mythic Feats to the Rule dropdown selector to help with sorting abilities. Note: this does not convert non-mythic abilities or feats into a mythic version. It simply moves the ability or feat to the appropriate tab.
  • Added Spell DC Misc. field to Spells>Level and Caster Ability>Roll Adjustments. Any 'DC Misc.' modifier and/or 'DC Buff' will be included on the 'Save DC' column under Spells/Day as well as each spells' computed DC.
  • Added Spell DC Classes 0, 1, and 2 to the Buffs Bonus selector/dropdown. This is a global modifier that is applied to all spells under a given spell class.
  • Added HL Import attacks. Consider this beta... You may need to make adjustments to natural and weapon attacks after import, but this should be faster than creating the attacks from scratch.
  • Darkmode adjustments for roll templates.
  • Fixed PC Initiative whisper option.
  • Added an Ability Notes option. Found below the Ability Scores. Toggle including Ability Notes for Ability checks. Existing sheets must clear/reset the ability macro-text field manually (caution:this wipes the existing macro-text which will remove any macro customization) or simply add "@{ability_notes_toggle}" to the end of the macro-text to enable this option. New sheets will include the option automatically. No action required.
  • Changed the Global Damage Type fields to textarea so that multi-line descriptions are possible.
  • Small fix for HL import of npc's w/class levels failing to parse.
  • Adjustments added for roll20's dark mode option. Dark mode works with the sheet's default or 'graph-paper' background option. The 'parchment' backgrounds may get adjusted for dark mode in a future update.
  • Fixed mythic button clickable area.(Thanks Steve)
  • Fixed the Spell SaveDC column not calculating correctly.(Thanks Roseilla V.)


  • Fixed a bug where Buff's toggled using an API might not trigger all the appropriately related attributes as expected. ie toggling a STR buff via API was only triggering attack bonus and not the damage bonus.
  • Fixed chat menus. The nested quote workaround required for CSE sheets broke the sheet's chat menu buttons after an update to roll20's code base fixed the original issue.
  • Fixed a bug that displayed the NPC tab regardless of the sheet setting for PC or NPC.
  • Fixed an attribute naming conflict with Roll20 that prevented the "Delete All" option found in repeating rows from functioning.
  • Updated the NPC/Monster statblock to make it a little easier to use.
  • Fixed the Abilities sub-tab header so that it matches the currently selected tab.
  • Added ft/m (displays based on the metric setting) to NPC/Monster speed.
  • Added error highlighting on macro field validation in the NPC/Monster tab.
  • Numerous small fixes for typos/mistakes submitted Tranquwil(thank you)
  • Misc. small adjustments; repeating row number alignment, updated translation text, moved NPC/Monster Ecology sub-section to the end of the page, converted macro text footer info into a detail/summary collapsible section, fixed the rounded corners option from settings for simple templates.
  • Fixed; ability damage set to 0 (due to NaN error) and power attack damage bonus erroneously applied to ranged attacks.
  • Added common buff options for Power Attack, Deadly Aim, and Combat Expertise. Power Attack includes a new buff to handle the power attack damage. 'Power Attack Dmg' This was done so that the buff's bonus can be passed to each attack where the damage multiplier can be applied per attack to handle two-handed, off-hand, etc. (thank you player-03 for your help)
  • Fixed; Tokenbar changes to HP should now trigger sheet events as expected.
  • Added more emphasis to most of the "total" read-only fields
  • Small adjustments to the rowID fields to make them easier to select and copy.
  • Known Issue: linked attacks that have been generated from an Ability or Spell will have their 'Weapon Notes' reset to their 'sheet generated notes' if the "Include link..." sheet setting is toggled or the linked Ability or Spell is edited.
  • Fixed; custom attributes changes(customa4-9 -mod) and HP from a tokenbar were not triggering buff recalcs consistently.
  • Small adjustment to help select and copy the rowID text.
  • Fixed; kineticistburn linked to a tokenbar was not triggering buffs recalculations.
  • Small adjustments to the regular roll template.
  • Fixed; the 'Show' in chat menu column option, was not toggling Mythic Abilities and Feats.
  • Inverted the order of fields for extra damage to match roll template output. Type then macro.
  • Fixed; 3-column layout of NPC skills list.
  • Fixed; fractional item weight was being rounded down.
  • Fixed; changing current size was not updating the attack grid totals.
  • Updated the sheet to work within Roll20's CSE update.
  • Fixed; Spell Options show 'DC' toggle.
  • Added a metric option to sheet settings>sheet configuration>accessibility. This option will show auto-calculated totals for weight and distance as metric(kilograms and meters). This option DOES NOT convert user input for weight and distance. Ensure you have entered metric-based values.
  • Updated common buff macros for Divine Favor and Magic Vestment.(thank you EtienneLamoureux)
  • Fixed; enabling the Energy Drain condition by applying negative levels also changes the appearance of "Energy Drain" label.
  • Fixed; Skill "-misc" and "-misc-mod" columns were not being flagged with a red dashed border used to indicate a parsing error.
  • Abilities; added "Other" as a Source basis option. "Other" includes full Level Basis options.
  • Fixed; using ChatSetAttr or similar API script to toggle buffs that indirectly affected attack damage failed to trigger the damage recalculation.
  • Fixed; damage multiplier will no longer be applied to ability penalties.
  • Creating a spell attack or ability attack now includes a link in the "Weapon Notes" to execute the associated spell or ability from the attack's chat output. Including ability/spell links in attacks are optional; Settings>Sheet Configuration>Attacks>Include link...
  • Fixed; hyperlinks used in the Attack>Extra Damage, "Type" field, were not clickable.
  • Adjusted roll template header font-size and line-height.
  • Fixed inline rolls within spell descriptions and weapon notes to appear as rolls and not plain text.
  • Small layout adjustments to the spell class and weapon sections.(thanks Tranquwil)
  • Slightly reduced header and field label font-size.
  • In compact/readonly mode the header and field label font-size have been reduced to help with the layout.
  • Fixed no hover text on attack rolls.
  • Fixed macro names for 10th craft and 1st lore skills.(thanks Tranquwil)
  • Further adjustments needed for Damage Type and Extra Damage displayed in the roll template.
  • Updated the Hero Lab instructions. For some reason the converted JSON using was causing errors. HL plug-in is the preferred method.
  • Attack damage type, Spell attack damage type, and Ability attack damage type is now displayed on the same row as the damage rolled.
  • Fix for open Descriptions fields from being displayed if the sheet was set to compact mode.
  • Fix for NPC Concentration checks rolling 1d00 instead of 1d20.
  • Fix for the Basic attacks condition column not showing an attk-penalty for applicable conditions.
  • Fix for Spell Damage type not displaying when show Spell Damage was enabled from the Spell Options.
  • Updated to google fonts; "Noto Sans" for general text and "Roboto Mono" for macro-text.
  • Added FF CMD to the Defense Stats chat menu output.
  • Removed Enhancement column from Saves grid.
  • Adjusted damage dice vertical text alignment on attack rows.
  • Removed the Max column from Encumbrance|Loads. Max is already considered for the "Lift Off the Ground" calculation.
  • Fixed NPC attack roll. The editable macro-text that was displayed was not the macro-text actually used for the roll.
  • Removed @{npc-whisper} and @{pc-whisper} from attack macro-text. Whisper attributes are included in the sheet roll and are not needed within the macro-text.
  • Updated sheet image URL's to link to images on github.
  • HeroLab importer update. Fixed bug that prevented item import when encountering unexpected damage entry.(James W.)
  • Fixed title text for customd1 and customd2 button rolls.
  • fix for AC buff not being applied to Touch AC.
  • known issue: buff for cmd(type:dodge) is erroneously applied to FF CMD
  • fix for AC-misc not being applied to Touch AC.
  • fix for Extra Crit Damage does not display line breaks like Extra Damage. Extra Crit Damage type field does not accept line breaks.
  • fix for Spell Points; @{spellclass-1-spell-points-per-day|max} value had a typo preventing a proper calculation.
  • change for NPC/Monster compendium/hl import; pc rolls were set to private/whispered regardless of sheet.json settings when parsing from compendium. Now honors sheet settings
  • updated translation list sorting for conditions and skills (removed erroneous spaces used in translation.json)
  • fix for maxDex being applied to CMD
  • fix for AC buff's not being applied to FF AC and FF CMD
  • Added "#Cast" to repeating spells.
  • Added a "Show" column toggle for Abilities and Equipment that affects the Show option of all repeating rows that follow.
  • Added a header image column toggle that affects all header images on/off (will not change header images that are already set to a custom URL). Option also added to the game's sheet setting to use header images for roll templates as the default. Reminder: simple roll templates will override this and thus will not display header images.
  • Fix for maxDex not being applied to AC for any ability other than DEX. (AC-ability drop-down selector).
  • Fix for damage_macro resetting to default value with a sheet close/re-open.
  • Added localization list sorting for Skills and Conditions.
  • HeroLab import; fixed rule/category assignment of imported abilities(James W.)
  • Fix for Add-to-Roll macro attack modifiers not toggling properly for Base Attack rolls (Melee, Melee2, Ranged, Ranged2, CMB, CMB2). Default macro-text updated and version check added to update existing macro-text.
  • Version check to add "{{scroll_desc=@{scroll-desc}}}" if missing from older repeating macro-text for spells, abilities and attacks.
  • Fix: 2nd and 3rd spellclass names were being reset to null on spell section recalc events
  • Fix for spell option: Spell Failure Check not toggling.
  • Fix for the simple pf_attack roll template; 9th attack was not aligned with the other attacks.
  • HL-Import: Defensive abilities(Uncanny Dodge, Evasion, etc).
  • Roll template adjustments for {{description}} to better handle the display of ability command buttons, hyperlinks, and images.
  • Updated sheet links to wiki. Sheet guide and Old announcements.
  • Updated HL-import feature; regex expressions that required content inside of parenthesis, causing exceptions on strings like "Knowledge ()".
  • Updated macro(a) fields to handle the inclusion of multiple grouping roll macros. ie '{x,y}kl1 + {x,y}kl1'
  • Fixed condition modifiers from being applied twice on skill checks.
  • Fixed font-size issues related to latest roll20 changes.
  • Fixed issues with some spell options not toggling their view as expected.
  • Fixed Survival not showing in the All Skills chat menu by default.
  • Added an option to the settings page to scroll long descriptions. New key added for all roll templates to flag the scrolling option; '{{scroll_desc=@{scroll-desc}}}' This will automatically be included in all new macros created however you will need to manually add '{{scroll_desc=@{scroll-desc}}}' to any existing macros if you would like this feature.
  • Updated HL-import feature; regex expressions that required content inside of parenthesis, causing exceptions on strings like "Knowledge ()".
  • Updated macro(a) fields to handle the inclusion of multiple grouping roll macros. ie '{x,y}kl1 + {x,y}kl1'
  • Fixed condition modiers from being applied twice on skill checks.
  • Fixed font-size issues related to latest roll20 changes.
  • Fixed issues with some spell options not toggling their view as expected.
  • Fixed Survival not showing in the All Skills chat menu by default.
  • Added an option to the settings page to scroll long descriptions. New key added for all roll templates to flag the scrolling option; '{{scroll_desc=@{scroll-desc}}}' This will automatically be included in all new macros created however you will need to manually add '{{scroll_desc=@{scroll-desc}}}' to any existing macros if you would like this feature.
  • Attacks; The Extra Damage 'Type' field now accepts line breaks to match the Extra Damage field.
  • Roll Templates; Long descriptions will now be vertically scrollable.
  • Sheet Mode; Added a text label in top-right corner of sheet to help indicate the sheet's current 'Mode' (Expanded/full edit or Compact)
  • Abilities; Fixed Ability chat menu showing '0/0' regardless if frequency was 'N/A'.
  • Updated formulas for some of the common buffs
  • Fixed damage dice incorrect on resize!
  • Added Misc skills to Consolidated skillset
  • Ability and Skill Check buff now applies to Initiative
  • Fixed item parsing on drag compendium item to sheet
  • Fixed currency weight not applying correctly to encumbrance
  • Fixed spell used totals
  • Fixed Spell Penetration roll when clicking spell button
  • Item name change of slotted item now changes worn item grid

v1.6X (beta)

  • BONUS TYPES and stacking! in new buffs list. Turn on in settings.
  • All 'misc' number entries converted to macro fields.
  • Kineticist Support! Spell and pool point support. More colors
  • Notes added to rolls based on current conditions or buffs
  • Dual wield: now use attack name instead of ID to generate
  • Globally hide this announcement using Apply Default Settings at bottom of Roll 20's ⛭My Settings page (chat area at right).


  • Fix damage dice when moving between small and medium.
  • Fixed bug causing max dex to be flagged even when not applied (if not using dex to AC)
  • Fixed ranged dmg appearance, Forum thread link, size label in attack list
  • Stacking bonus types and API companion coming check out Beta campaign (link in footer) to test


  • Add Encumbered as condition status
  • Fixed bug causing max dex to be flagged even when not applied (if not using dex to AC)
  • Fixed ranged dmg appearance, Forum thread link, size label in attack list
  • Stacking bonus types and API companion coming check out Beta campaign (link in footer) to test


  • Fix sickened damage adjustment
  • Buff bonus types and API companion coming check out Beta campaign (link in footer) to test


  • FIX SKILLS (again)
  • Fix ability damage multiplier on attack rows
  • Fix spells linked to attacks
  • Fix monster "plus x" damage parsing
  • Update NPC page ability list
  • Announcements hidden by default on new sheets
  • UPCOMING CHANGE: remove @{ and } from dropdown values, so they will only be strings, EXCEPT for the repeating_ability. This was necessary to:
    • Stop looping behavior when using API to set values
    • Improve ability of macros to determine if an attack is melee, ranged, etc
    • This may impact your macros or may not. Please test your macros against the beta site.


  • Fix to melee damage buff not applying without hitting recalc
  • Fix to nonlethal hp resetting on level drain
  • Fix to @{size_display} stuck on medium
  • Fix to spell class calculations when spell class not set
  • Fix to spell-attack-type reference in spells
  • Fix to buffs writing NaN and undefined


  • Fix to skills not rolling.
  • Fix to initiative and size buffs
  • Fix to skill size adjustment not resetting when set to default. Added @{size_display} back and translated
  • Fix to default encumbrance and font (in default campaign settings)
  • Fix Melee attack and damage properly. +melee copied to +cmb, +dmg copied to +ranged_dmg for existing buffs between 1.2 and 1.3
  • Armor, Shield, Natural Armor buffs hidden due to continued development in beta changing how they work.
  • Attack row size dropdown corrected: now can implement Strong Jaw or Improved Natural Attack or change the size of any attack without changing the size of the character.


  • API Companion beta available! Try beta version:
  • NEW BUFFS: Speed, Initiative, Size, CMB, Ranged Damage, Armor, Shield, Natural Armor, Flat Footed AC. (bonus *types* and stacking coming soon)
  • TWO WEAPON FIGHTING dual wield on ⛭ (Settings) page to display new fields just above Attacks list.
  • Offhand damage multiplier and number of attacks fixed
  • Create attack from equipment fixed - does not create empty attack
  • Drag and drop equipment fixed
  • More macro fields exposed for customization
  • Dual wield attacks improved: hide invalid fields, add extra damage field for rake/rend,etc
  • Fix when 'all buff rows' deleted then buff totals deleted too
  • Show more fields checkboxes added locally not only one global field
  • MERGE buttons on ⛭ (Settings) page to eliminate old lists of class abilites, feats, traits, etc.
  • Horror Adventures on ⛭ (Settings) page to display Sanity on Defenses page below saves.
  • If you experience locking please report your computer, operating system, and browser and version to


  • Merge 5 old lists into new Ability list, to do click Merge buttons in ⛭ (Settings)
  • Delete buttons (#) added to every list to mass delete all items in list.
  • Note for tabbed list (equipment, abilities, spells) this deletes all items no matter what tab you are on
  • GMs can now Update all sheets from 'Experimental' section of Settings in game. Note it's experimental so do so on a copy of your campaign first.
  • Attack damage dice adjust based on size! Check Adjust damage based on size in Settings to try it out!
  • Fix to auto-calculated hit points, Pin AC penalty, Equation macros allow "|max"
  • Defense stats have custom whisper


  • Settings page: added setting to turn update curr hp when max hp changes on or off
  • Fix to "critical" wounds turning on
  • Fix to spell totals for spontaneous casters
  • Fix to monster parsing: engulf, swallow whole, constrict, and hitpoints


  • Now hp updates when updating max hp again
  • Fix to attacks menus
  • Fix skill stealth-trait field
  • Fix to spell-notes
  • Fixes to NPC parsing:
  • CMD and CMB npc parsing
  • Fix fly and stealth npc import take size into account
  • Additional default settings
  • To re-upgrade from a backup of v.74:
  • Attack and skill macros will not reset if you re-upgrade backup of v.74
  • Fix to npc upgrade from v.74 will not overwrite any class hp or levels


  • Click ⛭ Settings button next to Pathfinder logo to toggle Settings page.
  • Check Display roll templates for customization on Settings page to customize rolls.
  • Check Use Spell Points on Settings page if you use spell points.
  • Monster hp and hit dice found in Class and Race grid. Monsters now use PC fields.
  • Check Show both roll menu buttons for Monsters/NPCs to display NPC buttons on top even when on PC pages
  • Click the mode button to enter expanded mode if fields are not found
  • Extra calculated numbers available on Notes page for point pools, or for use in tokens bars, etc
  • Attack and skill macros will not reset if you re-upgrade backup of v.74
  • Extra hit points in PC racial hp fixed.
  • Hard reset @{init} to try to fix GroupInit bug.
  • Hover text over top menu buttons fixed
  • Spell menu now keeps custom list order
  • Fixes to spell menu ignoring options
  • Spell per day section easier to use. Added 'manually track totals' checkbox
  • Slight of Hand no longer appears twice. Text under checkboxes in line. 'vs other' fixed in rolls.


  • New Abilities section on it's own tab - special abilities tabs, linked attacks, pf_ability roll template.
  • New Hero Lab character importer - import Hero Lab characters using an XML to json file.
  • New Inventory section- sub-type tabs, link armor/shield to defense, link weapons to attacks, slot placement for worn items.
  • New NPC/Monster parser - drag/drop from the compendium's bestiary to the NPC page "Monster Statblock Import Section" and hit the parse button... be patient, some of the more complex stat-blocks will require more time.
  • New Settings/Configuration features added;
    • Uses Spells - shows spell-related sections
    • Lists - shows original ability lists for Traits, Racial Traits, Feats, Class Features, and SLA's. Included to help transition into the updated Abilities list.
    • Attacks - Display Alternate Attack types(Alt Ranged and ALT CMB)
    • Encumbrance - encumbrance-based-on and dwarf-specific rules
    • Hit Points - auto HP and max at 1st lvl/HD
    • Defenses - keep DEX when flat-footed, vary ability type for AC and CMB, use HD for CMB
    • Advanced - display user-defined fields, roll template macro-text, add to 1d20 rolls(resolved at 'roll-time')
    • Roll Configurations - show both PC and NPC menu buttons (choose whether to make a whispered roll or not)
    • Rule Options - show additional features including PFS, Unchained, Mythic, and Psionics.
    • Header images - additional header images added
    • Hero Lab Character Import
  • New Sheet Mode button. - Expanded mode(full editing) or Compact mode(important fields only)
  • Added Sheet default settings options - "Is NPC" is currently the only option, more to come.
  • Added Skill option to use custom rolls.
  • Added Spells linked to an attack.
  • Additional Menu Buttons for all important rolls with separate macros for PC and NPC with a configuration option to show both sets.
  • New Notes page - create custom macros, rolls or add notes.

v 0.74

  • Favored class hit points now add correctly.
  • INVENTORY PAGE CHANGING: see Beta link in footer. Armor set on inventory page. One list for equipment instead of 2.
  • CREATURE PARSING in v1.00 see beta link in footer
  • Fixes for 0.71: Craft and other fill-in-the-name skills now update totals properly.
  • LASTPASS USERS NOTE: LastPass is still interfering with some Roll20 sheets. If you are experiencing degraded performance try disabling LastPass.
  • Fixes for 0.72: Buff check updates skills without hitting refresh. Damage mod applies correctly. Fixes to attack and damage not appearing in rolls. Recalc will finish. Requires Training no longer removes skill submenus from skill menu.
  • Thank you for your survey feedback. New changes are coming to simply the sheet making it much easier to use.
  • v 0.73 updates; total skill points now correct when multiclassed and Intelligence < 10
  • More expand and collapsible areas added to Attack Grid, Class Grid, Spellcaster class fields to hide complexity not needed by simpler characters.
  • Attack macrobook has base Melee, Ranged, and CMB buttons at top. Spellbook has Concentration and Casterlevel check buttons at top.
  • Spellbook, Skill'book', attacks, ability checks added above top menu. All can be dragged to macro bar.
  • Non-English speakers, please assist with translating this sheet. Details at the 'help translate' link in the footer.
  • Skillbook button available on the skills page. Displays skill choices in chat area. Drag it to macro bar like other buttons.
  • GMs NOTE: NPC CHANGES COMING in v.70 of this sheet. Please do the following: Preview changes at the beta site (link in post at 'feedback' link in footer at bottom of this sheet). View the changes and give us feedback
  • IMPORT A MONSTER FROM YOUR CAMPAIGN to observe changes. Make sure your macros still work.
  • Drag a monster from the compendium and report any bugs at the feedback link below.
  • GMs, ensure IS NPC is checked on all monster sheets. See beta link in footer.
  • IF YOU USED SKILL TAKE 10 or TAKE 20 or INVESTIGATOR DICE DROP-DOWN You must reset it by changing the dropdown values and changing them back.
  • Attacks now have 'insert' macros that allow you to add a macro to the attack roll and damage roll. Each attack has 3 insert macros: one per attack, one per attack type (melee/ ranged / CMB) and one global.
  • Also are new macros for extra damage. One per attack and one global each of: non critical (sneak attack, flame weapon, etc), and critical only (flaming burst weapon, bleeding critical, etc)
  • Sheet has attempted to update your attack macros. If one does not work, and you have not customized it, simply delete the macro for that row and click in another field. This will reset the macro. Repeat for iterative attacks if necessary.
  • Spells now have a spontaneous / prepared switch in the 'Spells Per Day' section per class.
  • Skill options added to Take 10 or Take 20 to skill rolls, and to add Investigator dice to rolls.
  • Spell book and attack macros now available. Above the list of attacks and list of spells are buttons. Click these and the list of available spells or attacks shows up in the chat area. Click the spell or attack and it will perform the roll you chose. You can also drag these buttons to your macro bar or call them from macros.
  • Many bug fixes.
  • New screen-reader friendly roll templates have been added. Check the Use Simple Templates checkbox on the Config tab, Roll Template section, or add an attribute called toggle_accessible_flag and set it to {{accessible=true}}.
  • All spell IDs have changed. You must update your macros. After updating macros you must go to the config tab and delete spells with old IDs.
  • Attack and damage effects on the Attacks tab have been migrated to the Buffs section.
  • Buffs have been changed to repeating sections. Names of buff totals have not changed.
  • New Psionic ability sections have been added based on Psionics Unlimited
  • The ☷ button will split a repeating section into two columns. The ☰ will change it back to one column.
  • Rolltemplate backgrounds can be assigned colors. Choose a color on the config tab in the RollTemplate section.
  • Buttons within repeating sections can now be dragged to the macro quick bar. To learn the id/name of a button, drag/drop it to the macro quick bar, use the button, click in chat and hit the UP arrow. Each repeating row now includes the row ID.
  • All ability macros that utilize repeating attributes must be edited to include "$". e.g. @{repeating_foo_X_...} should be renamed @{repeating_foo_$X_...} where "X" is the row of the repeating section.
  • For macro calls to button rolls in repeating rows, you must do the above ($) and you must add "_roll" to the end. For attacks, add "-roll".
  • For existing characters/NPC's, if you do not see Version > 0 listed (top-right corner of sheet), use the Refresh Button to force a refresh of all auto-calculated attributes. This should only need to be done once and could take up to 10s.
  • If the sheet has been recalculated and you still have empty auto-calculated fields, you may have to toggle (change attribute value(s)) of sub-component attributes to help generate a value for the empty fields.
  • Weapon notes and header images can now be set independently from within the attack Options. You may have to clear @{macro_options} (located within Options) if you receive a missing attribute error.
  • Weapon notes and header images can now be set independently from within the attack Options. You may have to clear @{macro_options} (located within Options) if you receive a missing attribute error.

Procedures and How-Tos


This section details common step by step procedures.

Character Creation Walk-thru

Simple guide for creating a character using the Pathfinder Sheet.

Add a custom icon to rolls

Let's assume you have the icon you want to use (you have to make it small and preferably transparent, say a 35X35 transparent png. Our roll template in this example is black so our icon is white.). You can tweak your icon, resize, change color etc. using GIMP, or any other image editing software (avoid MSPaint!). Upload your icon to an imgur account or any image hosting site at your disposition.

In this case, the icon has been uploaded to imgur. We'll use a character named Remi who has a Bite attack for this example.

Now for some step by step stuff:

1. Make sure header images are ticked on in your macro options:

Pf icon tut 01.jpeg

2. Alright, let's take Remi's bite attack:

We have our image, located at (Don't forget that '.png' at the end of the url! If the file extension isn't present, a link to the image with what you set your icon name to will appear instead of the icon.).

Now to change your attack icon you will use this macro string:


The name part can be anything, let's make it 'Bite', and in place of url, let's paste our image location so our macro string becomes:


3. Now to place this string! We go to the attacks tab of the character sheet and locate Remi's Bite, expand it, than expand the 'Macro Text' link:

Pf icon tut 02.jpeg

Scroll to the end of the text, then paste the macro string with the image url at the end, like so, making sure there is a space between the string you pasted and the previous string:

Pf icon tut 03.jpeg

4. Test your attack!

Pf icon tut 04.jpeg

If you want to do it on skills, it's the exact same thing, simply find the macro text box for the skill, prepare your header image string like you did for the bite attack and paste it at the end of the box like so:

Pf icon tut 05.jpeg

And since you put the request for the new image in the macro field linked to the roll button of the sheet, the macros you make using the attacks will still pull that request for the header image and you should still get the image if you use a macro button.

Taken from original Community forum post: