From Roll20 Wiki
Page Updated: 2021-09-25 |
Hero Roller (or, heroll, for short), is an API to be used for

It takes a command line of arguments to describe the Hero power you want to use, then spits out all of the parameters that the roll would produce in game... hopefully in a visually appealing package.
Version: 1.2
Last Modified: 2020-06-21
Code: HeroRoller
Dependencies: None
Conflicts: None
See the Readme page for the most up-to-date instructions.
Contents[hide] |
Installation and Configuration
Install from drop-down menu, or Copy the script's code from
The HERO ROLLER engine (a.k.a., HeRoll, HeRoller) is triggered by the api call to "heroll", and accepts a number of optional arguments after:
!heroll [--{argAlias | argAlias:val}...]
The available arguments can be referenced by aliases, and they accept a given range of possible inputs. This information is contained in the HEROLL ARGUMENTS table.
Aliases | Valid Options | Default | Flag Value | [Collapse] Notes | |
act | [Expand] |
[number] |
(none) |
-- |
dice | [Expand] |
[Expand] |
1d6 |
-- |
dbody | [Expand] |
[Expand] |
[template] |
true |
whether an attack should report BODY damage; also whether a Points-output should derive points from BODY |
dkb | [Expand] |
[Expand] |
[template] |
true |
dstun | [Expand] |
[Expand] |
[template] |
true |
whether an attack should report STUN damage; also whether a Points-output should derive points from STUN (default) |
extradice | [Expand] |
[number] |
0 |
-- |
kbdicemod | [Expand] |
[number] |
0 |
-- |
loc | [Expand] |
[Expand] |
none |
-- |
mechanic | [Expand] |
[Expand] |
[template] |
-- |
This can be set in any of three places; see the Mechanic section in the Readme. |
outputformat | [Expand] |
[Expand] |
tall |
sc |
pointslabel | [Expand] |
[string] |
[template] |
-- |
powername | [Expand] |
[string] |
[template] |
-- |
primarycolor | [Expand] |
[3- or 6-digit hex, with or without #] |
[template] |
-- |
stunmod | [Expand] |
[number] |
0 |
-- |
template | [Expand] |
[see table below] |
c |
-- |
useomcv | [Expand] |
[Expand] |
false |
true |
ocv | [Expand] |
[number] |
(none) |
-- |
supply an OCV to override any checking of a character sheet (including when you don't have a character sheet). This flattens all OCV mods to 0 including any originating from a called-shot. Including the location argument will still invoke BODY and STUN multipliers. |
verbose | [Expand] |
[Expand] |
false |
true |
recall | [Expand] |
[Expand] |
[current] |
[current] |
Understanding the Table
Use the following guidelines for interpreting the table, above.
[bracketed text]
presents a set of options you can choose from. For example,[number]
requires you to enter a valid number.
plain text
represents a static option that could be invoked typing it exactly as it appears. For instance,tall
could be used exactly as the value portion of the argument pair--of:tall
(parenthetical text)
represents information for you, but which you cannot change. For instance,(none)
could inform you that there is no default for a given argument.
represents the value invoked if an alias of that argument is used as a flag, i.e., without the:
or a value portion. For instance,--of:sc
is functionally the same as--sc
, producing a sidecar-formatted output. (Note: sc is not only an alias of the outputformat argument, it is also a valid value for the argument (sc). We are NOT using the value in place of the argument to invoke the flag; we are instead using another alias of the argument, in this case one that reads perhaps more intuitively ("sidecar"). Consider the full equality:--of:sc
is the same as--sc:sc
is the same as--sc
Script Use
For a more thorough discussion of the ways to use the HeRoll engine, see the README file (you will need markdown reader; there are extensions that will let you open these in Chrome, for instance). Here are some example implementations from the Readme:
The following implements a 4d6 flash named Cosmic Flare, with notes describing mechanics, and designates a blue color:
!heroll --d:4d6 --t:f --a:14 --pn:Cosmic Flare --n:flash to common sight, AoE (16m) Non-Selective --c:4b688b
Here is a similar implementation except using the *check* value to not output the results bar. This one also references an attribute called "color1" where the color for the panel is stored (for easy color coding or changing at a later date):
!heroll --d:check --pn:Way of the Mountain --n:does 9m of shove --t:ha --col:@{Heretic|Color1}
The next utilizes the xd (extradice) argument to read the velocity from the character's sheet and feed that as a modifier to a martial throw. It sends the output as the sidecar format:
!heroll --d:6.5d6 --t:ha --pn:Way of the Wind --n:throw, target falls --sc --xd:[[@{Heretic|velocity}/10]] --col:@{Heretic|color1} Another example using the ''check'' value to validate that the character created a wall of given size: <pre style="overflow:auto;"> !heroll --p:pts --pn:Wall of Light --d:check --of:tall --pl:Wall of Light --n:8 PD, 8 ED, 6m long, 4m tall, .5m thick, dismiss, choose either not anchored or mobile --c:@{Prism|pwrcol}
The next example demonstrates a power the player can choose to "push" by a given amount. The player is asked for input, and the result is fed into the xd argument:
!heroll --p:b --pn:Light Stix --d:10d6 --of:TALL --c:@{Duo|pwrcol} --xd:[[?{Supercharge Points|30}/10]] --n:4m radius select attack, no range, IIF vs PD
v1.2 (2020-06-21)
- Implemented
arguments. PR
v1.0 (2020-06-12)
- Release