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Script:Savage Worlds - Raise Count

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API ScriptAuthor: Brian
Version: 2.6
Last Modified: 2016-08-01
Code: Raise Count
Dependencies: Interpreted sendChat, splitArgs
Conflicts: None

Raise Count creates the API command !rc, which rolls dice and counts the number of raises for the Savage Worlds game system.


 [Expand !rc <roll> <target>
Parameter Values
roll A dice roll, using Roll20's normal syntax. Do not include the /r command or inline brackets ([[ and ]]).
target The target number for the roll. The number of raises will be calculated against this target.


The format of the output can be customized by altering Output Format. You may use the placeholders {0}, {1}, and {2} in the Output Format string, which will become an inline roll, the value of target, and the number of raises, respectively.

You can change the size of a raise use to calculate the number of raises by altering the value of Raise Size.


v2.6 (2016-08-01)

  • Corrected reported ReferenceError
  • Corrected output styling

v2.5 (2016-04-12)

  • Update globalconfig support

v2.4 (2016-03-09)

  • Update for one-click install

v2.3 (2015-05-20)

  • Handle changes to inlinerolls handling on dev server

v2.2 (2015-01-24)

  • [bugfix] no-arg crash

v2.1 (2015-01-22)

  • Fixed transcription error

v2.0 (2015-01-08)

  • Release