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API ScriptAuthor: Seth W.
Version: 0.01
Last Modified: 2019-02-14
Code: WFRP4e
Dependencies: None
Conflicts: None

The WFRP4e API is made to speed up combat by allowing for quick computation and referencing results from "Oops!" events, as well as Critical Location and Result events.

Made for the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition system.




!oops x
!critloc x
!crithead x
!critbody x
!critarm x
!critleg x

Installation and Configuration

Copy the script's code, available from the menu on the right and stored at Roll20's API GitHub Repository. Paste the code into a new script in your campaign's API Script Editor. Save the new script and it will be available inside your campaign.

Script Use

Type the !oops command into the chat to roll a result from the Oops! table, or the !oops 73 command to look up the result of a 73 on the Oops! table.  !critloc provides similar results for Critical Location, as do !crithead, !critbody, !critarm, and !critleg.

You may use the !help command is available in-game to provide this information to players to speed their use.


v1.0 (2019-02-19)

  • Release