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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
18:14, 28 January 2020Zoomsettings.jpg (file)136 KBStephanie B. (Updated for zoom tool re-release)2
18:42, 7 January 2020UploadBox.png (file)31 KBStephanie B. (Token marker library upload window)1
18:41, 7 January 2020TokenSets.png (file)32 KBStephanie B. (Token marker library)1
18:41, 7 January 2020TokenLibraryMenu.png (file)77 KBStephanie B. (Token marker library tool)1
18:41, 7 January 2020Strahdcustoms.jpg (file)26 KBStephanie B. (Example of custom token markers)1
18:40, 7 January 2020Strahddefaulticon.jpg (file)26 KBStephanie B. (Example of token markers)1
18:40, 7 January 2020SelectMarkers.png (file)148 KBStephanie B. (Select token markers)1
18:40, 7 January 2020ReorderSet.png (file)13 KBStephanie B. (Reorder token marker sets on a campaign)1
18:39, 7 January 2020RenameMarkers.png (file)18 KBStephanie B. (Rename token markers)1
18:39, 7 January 2020RemoveSetFromGame.png (file)19 KBStephanie B. (Remove token marker set from a game)1
18:38, 7 January 2020NewSet.png (file)21 KBStephanie B. (New token marker set)1
18:38, 7 January 2020EmptyTokenSet.png (file)41 KBStephanie B. (An empty token marker sets)1
18:38, 7 January 2020EditSet.png (file)56 KBStephanie B. (Editing token marker sets)1
18:37, 7 January 2020CampaignDetails.png (file)1.01 MBStephanie B. (Campaign details highlighting token marker sets)1
18:37, 7 January 2020AddSetToGame.png (file)22 KBStephanie B. (Adding a token marker set to a game)1
18:47, 23 August 2019ChatArchiveMenu.png (file)10 KBStephanie B. 1
23:24, 18 June 2019JukeboxTab.png (file)74 KBStephanie B. (Updated for new UI)2
23:17, 18 June 2019JukeboxNowPlaying.png (file)59 KBStephanie B. (Updated for Bring Your Own Beat)2
23:17, 18 June 2019Simulplay.png (file)680 BStephanie B. (Simulplay)1
23:16, 18 June 2019Shuffle.png (file)743 BStephanie B. (Shuffle)1
23:16, 18 June 2019PlayOneIcon.png (file)313 BStephanie B. (Play Once)1
23:16, 18 June 2019Loop.png (file)707 BStephanie B. (Loop icon)1
22:55, 18 June 2019Jukebox Track Playback Options.png (file)97 KBStephanie B. (Updated for new UI)2
22:46, 18 June 2019JukeboxAddPlaylist.png (file)63 KBStephanie B. (Updated for new UI)2
22:34, 18 June 2019ManageTracks.jpg (file)35 KBStephanie B. (Updated)3
22:31, 18 June 2019Audio Right Click.png (file)22 KBStephanie B. (Image Resolution)2
22:29, 18 June 2019ExportPlaylist.png (file)53 KBStephanie B. (Image Resolution)2
22:29, 18 June 2019AddPlaylistToGame.jpg (file)36 KBStephanie B. (Image Resolution)2
22:28, 18 June 2019AddToPlaylist.png (file)30 KBStephanie B. (Image Resolution)2
22:25, 18 June 2019Track Select Window.png (file)33 KBStephanie B. (Image Resolution)2
22:24, 18 June 2019JukeboxManageAudio.jpg (file)20 KBStephanie B. (Image Resolution)2
22:24, 18 June 2019ManageAudio.png (file)10 KBStephanie B. (Image Resolution)2
22:11, 18 June 2019TokenBarsCompact.png (file)16 KBStephanie B. (Example of compact token bars.)1
22:10, 18 June 2019TextOverlays.png (file)14 KBStephanie B. (Resolution fix)2
22:08, 18 June 2019TokenBarLocation.png (file)25 KBStephanie B. ((Fixed resolution))2
21:58, 18 June 2019AFoW Page Settings.png (file)21 KBStephanie B. (Updated with GM option for unowned tokens to reveal AFOW)2
18:10, 18 June 2019Advanced Token Setting Dialog.png (file)55 KBStephanie B. (Updated with new token bar and visibility settings.)3
18:08, 18 June 2019Token Settings Dialog.png (file)77 KBStephanie B. (Updated for new text editor UI.)2
18:04, 18 June 2019Token Interface.jpg (file)28 KBStephanie B. (Updated for animation UI)3
19:35, 16 May 2019JukeboxPlaylistRightClick.png (file)58 KBStephanie B. 1
22:14, 20 March 2019PageSettings-2019.png (file)60 KBStephanie B. (2019 Page Settings Dialog Box)1
22:13, 20 March 2019Page Settings Dialog 2018.png (file)60 KBStephanie B. (Reverted to version as of 22:10, 20 March 2019)6