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//Hero Quest Dice Mechanics // // copyright pug games 2014 // please feel free to use this script, change it, add to it in any way you feel // Script created by Roll20 user Konrad J. // // !hq log on|multi|single|off // default:on and multi // outputs dice rolled to the chat window if "on", only the result if "off" // dice rolled will be on single line if "single" and on multiple lines if "multi" // !hq graphics on|off|s|m|l //default:on and m // shows dice rolled as graphic, small, medium, or large if "on" or as text if "off" // !hq #h #m // if h is first then the hero is attacking, if the m is first then the monster is attacking // // !hq w #h #m // whisper not really working very well right now, please ignore this option for now // will roll the dice and whisper them only to the GM, gm can't whisper dice rolls to other players // due to the way the API currently works we can only send a whisper dice roll via text output, even if you have graphics rolling turned on // // !hq test // this will output every side of every die to the chat window //


   	SMALL : 20,

MEDIUM : 30, LARGE : 40 }, HQDICESYMBOL : { SKULL : "", WSHIELD : "", BSHIELD : "" }, HQDICEWHITE : { SKULL : "", WSHIELD : "", BSHIELD : "" }, HQDICERED : { SKULL : "", WSHIELD : "", BSHIELD : "" } };

var hqGlobal = {

   diceLogChat : true,

diceLogChatWhisper : false, diceGraphicsChat : true, diceGraphicsChatSize : hqCONSTANTS.GRAPHICSIZE.MEDIUM, diceTextResult : "", diceTextResultLog : "", diceGraphicResult : "", diceGraphicResultLog : "", diceTestEnabled : false, diceLogRolledOnOneLine : false };

function rollHQDice(diceQty, type, who){ //1 Black Shield //2 White Shield //3 White Shield //4 Skull //5 Skull //6 Skull var roll = 0; var diceResult = { bShield : 0, wShield : 0, skull : 0, diceGraphicsLog : "", diceTextLog : "" }; var i = 0; var s1 = '<img src="'; var s2 = '" title="'; var s3 = '" height="'; var s4 = '" width="'; var s5 = '"/>';

if (type==="h") { diceResult.diceTextLog = "Hero: "; } else{ diceResult.diceTextLog = "Monster: "; }

if (hqGlobal.diceTestEnabled === true) { diceQty = 6; }

for (i=1;i<=diceQty;i++) {

if (hqGlobal.diceTestEnabled === true) { roll = roll + 1; } else { roll = randomInteger(6); }

if (type === "h") { switch(roll) {

       case 1:

diceResult.diceTextLog = diceResult.diceTextLog + "(BShield)"; diceResult.diceGraphicsLog = diceResult.diceGraphicsLog + s1 + hqCONSTANTS.HQDICEWHITE.BSHIELD + s2 + "Black Shield" + s3 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s4 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s5; diceResult.bShield = diceResult.bShield + 1; break; case 2: diceResult.diceTextLog = diceResult.diceTextLog + "(WShield)"; diceResult.diceGraphicsLog = diceResult.diceGraphicsLog + s1 + hqCONSTANTS.HQDICEWHITE.WSHIELD + s2 + "White Shield" + s3 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s4 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s5; diceResult.wShield = diceResult.wShield + 1; break; case 3: diceResult.diceTextLog = diceResult.diceTextLog + "(WShield)"; diceResult.diceGraphicsLog = diceResult.diceGraphicsLog + s1 + hqCONSTANTS.HQDICEWHITE.WSHIELD + s2 + "White Shield" + s3 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s4 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s5; diceResult.wShield = diceResult.wShield + 1; break; case 4: diceResult.diceTextLog = diceResult.diceTextLog + "(Skull)"; diceResult.diceGraphicsLog = diceResult.diceGraphicsLog + s1 + hqCONSTANTS.HQDICEWHITE.SKULL + s2 + "Skull" + s3 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s4 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s5; diceResult.skull = diceResult.skull + 1; break; case 5: diceResult.diceTextLog = diceResult.diceTextLog + "(Skull)"; diceResult.diceGraphicsLog = diceResult.diceGraphicsLog + s1 + hqCONSTANTS.HQDICEWHITE.SKULL + s2 + "Skull" + s3 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s4 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s5; diceResult.skull = diceResult.skull + 1; break; case 6: diceResult.diceTextLog = diceResult.diceTextLog + "(Skull)"; diceResult.diceGraphicsLog = diceResult.diceGraphicsLog + s1 + hqCONSTANTS.HQDICEWHITE.SKULL + s2 + "Skull" + s3 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s4 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s5; diceResult.skull = diceResult.skull + 1; break;


} else { switch(roll) {

       case 1:

diceResult.diceTextLog = diceResult.diceTextLog + "(BShield)"; diceResult.diceGraphicsLog = diceResult.diceGraphicsLog + s1 + hqCONSTANTS.HQDICERED.BSHIELD + s2 + "Black Shield" + s3 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s4 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s5; diceResult.bShield = diceResult.bShield + 1; break; case 2: diceResult.diceTextLog = diceResult.diceTextLog + "(WShield)"; diceResult.diceGraphicsLog = diceResult.diceGraphicsLog + s1 + hqCONSTANTS.HQDICERED.WSHIELD + s2 + "White Shield" + s3 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s4 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s5; diceResult.wShield = diceResult.wShield + 1; break; case 3: diceResult.diceTextLog = diceResult.diceTextLog + "(WShield)"; diceResult.diceGraphicsLog = diceResult.diceGraphicsLog + s1 + hqCONSTANTS.HQDICERED.WSHIELD + s2 + "White Shield" + s3 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s4 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s5; diceResult.wShield = diceResult.wShield + 1; break; case 4: diceResult.diceTextLog = diceResult.diceTextLog + "(Skull)"; diceResult.diceGraphicsLog = diceResult.diceGraphicsLog + s1 + hqCONSTANTS.HQDICERED.SKULL + s2 + "Skull" + s3 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s4 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s5; diceResult.skull = diceResult.skull + 1; break; case 5: diceResult.diceTextLog = diceResult.diceTextLog + "(Skull)"; diceResult.diceGraphicsLog = diceResult.diceGraphicsLog + s1 + hqCONSTANTS.HQDICERED.SKULL + s2 + "Skull" + s3 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s4 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s5; diceResult.skull = diceResult.skull + 1; break; case 6: diceResult.diceTextLog = diceResult.diceTextLog + "(Skull)"; diceResult.diceGraphicsLog = diceResult.diceGraphicsLog + s1 + hqCONSTANTS.HQDICERED.SKULL + s2 + "Skull" + s3 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s4 + hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize + s5; diceResult.skull = diceResult.skull + 1; break;


} } return diceResult; }

function processHeroQuestDiceScript(diceToRoll, who){

var diceTotals = { bShield : 0, wShield : 0, skull : 0 }; var attackDiceResults = { bShield : 0, wShield : 0, skull : 0, diceGraphicsLog : "", diceTextLog : "" }; var defendDiceResults = { bShield : 0, wShield : 0, skull : 0, diceGraphicsLog : "", diceTextLog : "" }; var i = 0; var j = diceToRoll.length; var diceTextResults = ""; var diceGraphicsResults = ""; var diceTextRolled = ""; var diceGraphicsRolled = ""; var s1 = '<img src="'; var s2 = '" title="'; var s3 = '" height="'; var s4 = '" width="'; var s5 = '"/>'; var attack = ""; var defend = ""; var diceQty = ""; var damage = 0;

attack = diceToRoll[0].substring(0,1); diceQty = diceToRoll[0].substring(1); attackDiceResults = rollHQDice(diceQty, attack, who);

defend = diceToRoll[1].substring(0,1); diceQty = diceToRoll[1].substring(1); defendDiceResults = rollHQDice(diceQty, defend, who);

if (hqGlobal.diceTestEnabled === true) { sendChat("", "/desc " + who + ": h1 m1"); } else { if (hqGlobal.diceLogChatWhisper === true) { //sendChat(who, "/w gm " + diceToRoll); //sendChat(who, "/w " + who + " " + diceToRoll); } else { sendChat(who, "/em " + diceToRoll); } }

if (hqGlobal.diceLogChat === true) { if (hqGlobal.diceLogRolledOnOneLine === true) { diceGraphicsRolled = attackDiceResults.diceGraphicsLog + defendDiceResults.diceGraphicsLog; diceTextRolled = attackDiceResults.diceTextLog + defendDiceResults.diceTextLog; if (hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChat === true && hqGlobal.diceLogChatWhisper === false) { sendChat("", "/direct " + diceGraphicsRolled); } else { if (hqGlobal.diceLogChatWhisper === true) { //sendChat("", "/w gm " + diceTextRolled); //sendChat("", "/w " + who + " " + diceTextRolled); } else { sendChat("", diceTextRolled); } } } else { if (hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChat === true && hqGlobal.diceLogChatWhisper === false) { sendChat("", "/direct " + attackDiceResults.diceGraphicsLog); sendChat("", "/direct " + defendDiceResults.diceGraphicsLog); } else { if (hqGlobal.diceLogChatWhisper === true) { //sendChat("", "/w gm " + attackDiceResults.diceTextLog); //sendChat("", "/w " + who + " " + defendDiceResults.diceTextLog); } else { sendChat("", "Atacker "+attackDiceResults.diceTextLog); sendChat("", "Defender "+defendDiceResults.diceTextLog); } } } }

switch(attack) {

       case "h":

damage = attackDiceResults.skull - defendDiceResults.bShield; if (damage < 0) damage = 0; sendChat("", "Hero does " + damage + " damage"); break; case "m": damage = attackDiceResults.skull - defendDiceResults.wShield; if (damage < 0) damage = 0; sendChat("", "Monster does " + damage + " damage"); break;



var processScriptTabs = function(argv, who) {

   // this will run the various other scripts depending upon the chat
   // window command.  Just add another Case statement to add a new command.

var tmpLogChat = false; var tmpGraphicsChat = false;

   var script = argv.shift();
   switch(script) {

switch(argv[0]) { case "log": switch(argv[1]) { case "on": hqGlobal.diceLogChat = true; break; case "off": hqGlobal.diceLogChat = false; break; case "multi": hqGlobal.diceLogRolledOnOneLine = false; break; case "single": hqGlobal.diceLogRolledOnOneLine = true; break;

} break; case "w": hqGlobal.diceLogChatWhisper = true; argv.shift(); processHeroQuestDiceScript(argv, who); hqGlobal.diceLogChatWhisper = false; break; case "graphics": switch(argv[1]) { case "on": hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChat = true; break; case "off": hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChat = false; break; case "s": hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize = hqCONSTANTS.GRAPHICSIZE.SMALL; break; case "m": hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize = hqCONSTANTS.GRAPHICSIZE.MEDIUM; break; case "l": hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChatSize = hqCONSTANTS.GRAPHICSIZE.LARGE; break; } break; case "test": hqGlobal.diceTestEnabled = true; tmpLogChat = hqGlobal.diceLogChat; tmpGraphicsChat = hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChat; hqGlobal.diceLogChat = true; hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChat = true; processHeroQuestDiceScript(["h1", "m1"], who); hqGlobal.diceTestEnabled = false; hqGlobal.diceLogChat = tmpLogChat; hqGlobal.diceGraphicsChat = tmpGraphicsChat; break; default: processHeroQuestDiceScript(argv, who); hqGlobal.diceLogChatWhisper = false; } break;



on("chat:message", function(msg) {

   // returns the chat window command entered, all in lowercase.
   var chatCommand = msg.content;
   chatCommand = chatCommand.toLowerCase(); //make all characters lowercase
   var argv = chatCommand.split(' ');
   if (msg.type != 'api') {
   return processScriptTabs(argv, msg.who);
