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Doing stuff with Roll20

  • Gah, where's the documentation? - I'm not technical slouch and an experienced table-top game player, but Roll 20 is a tough nut to crack. Since the VTT is a tool expect that we will all approach it with a slightly different creative perspective. Challenge I'm having to date are:
  1. How to build GM character sheet for monsters, want a 3x5 index card format, guess I'll have to build that myself . . .
  2. How does the API work, do I have to be pro subscriber to get access to some features
  3. Need better docuemantion on the available macro functions, see below for example of undocumented features
  • 'We're playing DCC with this' - yes with all those funky dice. Here are some ways I've approached DCC on Roll20:
  1. Here's a macro that can be used to throw a clickable form to the chat dialouge with all your funky dice needs. This can then be shared from the DM with the players. Note, that shared macros must also be created for all the non-standard dice.
  1. You can also throw 3D dice to the virtual table by including the following sample code to your non-standard dice marcros:
Indented line :Indented line This is a test . . .
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